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Last Updated: January 10, 2022


腦幹海綿狀畸形(CMs) account for approximately 20% of all central nervous system CMs, with the majority occurring in the pons. These lesions are more likely to become symptomatic because of their location and proximity to the nearby eloquent structures.



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Because of the location of these CMs, 80% to 100% of patients with brainstem CMs present symptomatically, most commonly due to hemorrhage. Compared with supratentorial CMs, microhemorrhages in brainstem CMs are more likely to cause irritation of and mass effect on the brainstem neural structures.

Patients may have previously experienced temporary focal deficits related to small microhemorrhages. The largest percentage of brainstem CMs are found in the pons, followed by the mesencephalon, and then the medulla oblongata. Cranial nerve deficits are therefore the most common presenting symptoms. Other symptoms include ataxia and dysmetria, diplopia, sensory and motor deficits, dysarthria, dysphagia, and altered level of consciousness. Patients may also suffer from nonspecific symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.


這natural history of CMs unfortunately is not very clear. The literature contains equivocal data regarding the frequency of hemorrhage and the risk of future rehemorrhage. Reported hemorrhage rates vary between 1.2% to 6.5% per person/year, whereas rehemorrhage rates vary between 2.7% and 60% per person/year.

最近的一項研究表明,每位患者/年齡為4.6%之前的出血率,每位患者/年的恢複率為35%。公布率的這種廣泛方差可歸因於研究設計(前瞻性VS回顧性)的差異,出血定義的差異(臨床對射線照相),以及關於病變病因的病因(先天性與DE Novo)的不一致假設。

Although the exact rehemorrhage rate is not definitive, an increased risk of hemorrhage after an initial hemorrhage is certain. Two studies have reviewed the timing of rehemorrhage for brainstem CMs. Wang and colleagues found that 46% of patients developed rehemorrhages within 6 months. Barker and colleagues reported that the risk of rehemorrhage was 2% per month for the first 2 years after the initial hemorrhage.因此,如果CM顯微鏡可接近,應考慮患有症狀腦幹CMS的患者,以降低恢複風險。對於相對無法進入的病變,患者的赤字應該證明手術的風險。


這lesion abuts the pial or ependymal surface or is exophytic.


Acute hemorrhage extends outside the lesion capsule (overt extracapsular hemorrhage)



磁共振(MR)成像是所有CMS選擇的成像模式;討論了診斷的細微差異Evaluation of Cavernous Malformation章節。




Figure 2: For surgical planning, a T1-wighted sequence is most suitable to establish the shortest transneural operative trajectory using the “two-point” method. The first point is in the center of the lesion, and the second point is at the margin of the lesion nearest a pial or ependymal surface. The line connecting these two points directed along the long axis of the lesion is extrapolated to approximate the best intradural trajectory to approach to the lesion.

Figure 2: For surgical planning, a T1-wighted sequence is most suitable to establish the shortest transneural operative trajectory using the “two-point” method. The first point is in the center of the lesion, and the second point is at the margin of the lesion nearest a pial or ependymal surface. The line connecting these two points directed along the long axis of the lesion is extrapolated to approximate the best intradural trajectory to approach to the lesion.

使用“兩點”的方法,一個通用的指南approaching brainstem lesions is shown in Table 2. The approach should be tailored to each patient’s individual anatomy. The shortest transneural distance may not be ideal if eloquent structures are transgressed; a longer operative trajectory through less eloquent structures is warranted.

如果預期CM通過第四個心室地層可清楚地進入,而不違反任何神經組織,則互聯器方法是合理的選擇。然而,存在任何完整的神經組織,無論多麼瘦,覆蓋CM的背麵方麵都會消除電網途徑的安全性。在這些情況下,我通過逆壓曲麵術和通過顱神經v和vii / viii之間的中間小腦花序術來達到病變。中間小腦花梗的有限遷移是非常良好的耐受性。



方法 病變位置
orbitozygomatic. Ventral midbrain, high ventral pons
retrosigmoid. ventrololatallal Pons.
遠側 腹部髓質
亞古科 Dorsal pons, dorsal medulla
Supracerebellar Infratential. 背部中腦

Figure 4: The corresponding craniotomies for reaching different brainstem lesions are demonstrated. Telovelar/suboccipital, retrosigmoid, supracerebellar and orbitozygomatic approaches are favored for most lesions.

Figure 4: The corresponding craniotomies for reaching different brainstem lesions are demonstrated. Telovelar/suboccipital, retrosigmoid, supracerebellar and orbitozygomatic approaches are favored for most lesions.

圖5:已經說明了用於切除CMS的腦幹中的安全進入區域。CNS V和VII-VIII之間的橫向豬切口是有效和安全的區域,以達到不明確通過第四心室地層清楚地進入的糞便病變。

圖5:已經說明了用於切除CMS的腦幹中的安全進入區域。CNS V和VII-VIII之間的橫向豬切口是有效和安全的區域,以達到不明確通過第四心室地層清楚地進入的糞便病變。





  1. 我首先吸出相關的血腫,以提供工作空間,以通過最有限的小珠或介晶切口調動滋雞並將膠囊纏繞。
  2. 接下來,我使用雙極電陶器和顯微鏡來解剖,凝結和分開明顯導致膠囊的細飼料。
  3. 使用精細分析器的溫和鈍性解剖允許在保持膠囊的完整性的同時動員膠囊。血氨酸邊距是高度奏效的,沒有積極處理。
  4. 根據可用的曝光軌跡和病變的尺寸,可以將厘米或優選地零碎(使用垂體rongeurs)除去CM。大多數深腦幹CMS通過腦幹表麵的小切口需要零碎的去除。
  5. 完全止血可能需要牆壁的溫和凝固。使用小塊凝血酶浸濕棉的局局可以避免凝血損傷。
  6. Careful inspection of the resection cavity is mandatory. Portions of the CM may appear similar in color to that of the gliotic margins. Fine forceps may be used to draw on suspicious material.發展靜脈異常(DVAs)完好無損。
  7. Gliotic borders are left intact as much as possible to avoid neurologic consequences.


Figure 6: After exposure of the CM, the suction device or pituitary rongeurs are used to evacuate the hematoma from within and around the CM (A). Next, the small feeding vessels are isolated, coagulated, and cut (B). The capsule of the decompressed lesion is mobilized away from the gliotic margins (C). The DVA is carefully protected and mobilized away from the lesion (D).

Figure 6: After exposure of the CM, the suction device or pituitary rongeurs are used to evacuate the hematoma from within and around the CM (A). Next, the small feeding vessels are isolated, coagulated, and cut (B). The capsule of the decompressed lesion is mobilized away from the gliotic margins (C). The DVA is carefully protected and mobilized away from the lesion (D).

圖7:這個後訪問橋的CM via the telovelar approach and mapping of the facial colliculus on the floor of the ventricle (upper row of photos). Evacuation of the hematoma provided additional space; the feeding arteries were coagulated and cut (middle row). The capsule was then bluntly dissected away from the gliotic wall (yellow arrows) of the resection cavity while the DVA (blue arrow) was preserved at the end of resection (lower row).

圖7:這個後訪問橋的CM via the telovelar approach and mapping of the facial colliculus on the floor of the ventricle (upper row of photos). Evacuation of the hematoma provided additional space; the feeding arteries were coagulated and cut (middle row). The capsule was then bluntly dissected away from the gliotic wall (yellow arrows) of the resection cavity while the DVA (blue arrow) was preserved at the end of resection (lower row).


Figure 8: The trajectory of operative dissection for the telovelar approach is depicted. Note that the foramen magnum is unroofed and the tonsils, vermis, and medial aspects of the hemispheres are exposed. The location of the fourth ventricular structures in relation to the overlying cerebellum are shown in the inset sketch.

Figure 8: The trajectory of operative dissection for the telovelar approach is depicted. Note that the foramen magnum is unroofed and the tonsils, vermis, and medial aspects of the hemispheres are exposed. The location of the fourth ventricular structures in relation to the overlying cerebellum are shown in the inset sketch.





Figure 11: This posterior medullary CM was exposed by means of a suboccipital craniotomy, and the terminal feeding vessels to the CM were identified early (upper row of images). The hematoma within the CM was decompressed, exposing additional terminal feeders arising from the contralateral PICA (middle row, arrows). The CMs can be compartmentalized (left lower image), and therefore a thorough and judicial inspection of the resection cavity is essential for their gross total resection. The DVAs are evident on the walls of the cavity (right lower image).

Figure 11: This posterior medullary CM was exposed by means of a suboccipital craniotomy, and the terminal feeding vessels to the CM were identified early (upper row of images). The hematoma within the CM was decompressed, exposing additional terminal feeders arising from the contralateral PICA (middle row, arrows). The CMs can be compartmentalized (left lower image), and therefore a thorough and judicial inspection of the resection cavity is essential for their gross total resection. The DVAs are evident on the walls of the cavity (right lower image).



圖12:這種包圍的海綿狀畸形基本上位於腦幹的中心內。在病變的後邊緣有一個扁平的第四節室底的薄邊緣,這絕排不能使用後線方法(紅色箭頭)。我使用了左側返回術路線(綠色箭頭),在CN的V和VII / VIII之間創建一個小巧切口,進入病變的上部部分。另外,群眾達到了Pontomedullary結的水平,並且還進入了該第二操作走廊(藍箭頭)以除去畸形的較差極。

圖12:這種包圍的海綿狀畸形基本上位於腦幹的中心內。在病變的後邊緣有一個扁平的第四節室底的薄邊緣,這絕排不能使用後線方法(紅色箭頭)。我使用了左側返回術路線(綠色箭頭),在CN的V和VII / VIII之間創建一個小巧切口,進入病變的上部部分。另外,群眾達到了Pontomedullary結的水平,並且還進入了該第二操作走廊(藍箭頭)以除去畸形的較差極。






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