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Preoperative Evaluation

Last Updated: September 27, 2018

圖1:Harvey Cushing對垂體障礙具有特別興趣。在左側圖像中,他在術前評估期間站在診斷患有棘手症的患者旁邊。正確的圖像圖片圖片另一個患有顱骨的患者(由耶魯大學的緩衝腦腫瘤登記處提供)。

圖1:Harvey Cushing對垂體障礙具有特別興趣。在左側圖像中,他在術前評估期間站在診斷患有棘手症的患者旁邊。正確的圖像圖片圖片另一個患有顱骨的患者(由耶魯大學的緩衝腦腫瘤登記處提供)。



  1. 與患者和家庭建立融洽關係,描述手術和恢複過程,
  2. a review of past medical, surgical, personal, family, and social history and listing current medications and allergies,
  3. 一般體檢和審查相關實驗室數據,以安排任何需要的進一步調查或磋商,
  4. 組織上述數據,因此患者可以根據其術前條件和基於其術前條件進行適當的危險性危害外科醫生發病率
  5. appropriate resources and plans are recruited to maximize operative safety and an expeditious recovery.

At the end of the evaluation, the patient’s informed consent is documented. The neurosurgeon should also consider the anesthetic concerns and prepare for good communication between the anesthesia and operative teams.


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General Evaluation

A patient’s preoperative health status can have a important impact on the effects of anesthesia, positioning during surgery, intraoperative events, postoperative pain, and recovery. Pre-existing medical conditions can be a cause of concern and require special attention throughout the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods.

All patients are given an ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) classification of physical status to stratify their pre-existing health status. Ranging from 1 (a normal healthy patient) to 6 (a patient declared brain-dead), the ASA physical status is an important predictor of postoperative outcome.

Medical History



Personal history such as smoking and alcohol and drug use may affect anesthesia and postoperative management including recovery. Relevant family history (anesthesia complications, coagulopathy) and social/religious beliefs (such as Jehovah’s Witness beliefs) should always be noted as well.


Of utmost importance is the general physical state of the patient. The assessment of the patient’s airway by an anesthesiologist is an important component of the preoperative evaluation.




System-Based Evaluations

Neurological System


Moreover, a depressed level of consciousness exacerbates pre-existing atelectasis, requiring assisted mechanical ventilation postoperatively. Such preparations should be made in advance for transportation and with the intensive care unit team.







類似於肺病,在進行任何神經外科手術之前,應優化預先存在的心血管疾病。具體地,在已知心血管疾病的患者中(即缺血性心髒病,心力衰竭,糖尿病,腎功能不全或腦血管疾病),perioperative heart-rate control with beta blockade is appropriate。以前沒有關於β-嵌體治療的患者可能增加了卒中和死亡率的速度。

In an acute surgical emergency, evaluation should be limited to hematocrit, electrolytes, renal function, and electrocardiography. For planned elective surgery, a thorough cardiac history should be taken, including details of previous cardiac surgery, ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, and cerebrovascular disease.It is recommended to wait at least 4 to 6 weeks after an acute myocardial infarction (MI) (<7 days of examination) or recent MI (from 7 days to 1 month of the examination) to perform elective surgery.

In patients with congestive heart failure, cardiac output is greatly reduced. Mannitol should be used sparingly in this patient population as the resultant increase in intravascular volume can exacerbate cardiac and renal failure.


Certain neurosurgical conditions are associated with cardiovascular abnormalities, including association of aneurysms with coarctation of the aorta and hypertension.

Renal System

A thorough review of the patient’s medication list is indicated, as some medications may need to be adjusted, particularly those requiring renal elimination. It may be necessary to monitor the blood levels of certain medications or adjust dosage based on the patient’s pre- and postoperative renal status.

To prevent renal failure, volume status may need to be carefully monitored by intra-arterial or central venous pressure catheters. Intravascular volume depletion, contrast dye, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and aminoglycoside antibiotics all place patients at risk for acute renal failure and should be minimized. Mannitol is avoided in anuric patients.


Hematologic System

The patient’s bleeding tendency and clotting status should be known before surgery. Abnormalities should be corrected, and blood products, clotting factors, and/or platelets be readily available intraoperatively.

General recommendations for discontinuing antithrombolytics before surgery include Coumadin (warfarin) >7-10 days prior to surgery, Plavix (clopidogrel) 5-7 days before surgery, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) 7-10 days before surgery, and NSAIDs 5 days before surgery. The risks and benefits of any decision to discontinue anticoagulation for transient ischemic attacks, recent stent placements, or atrial fibrillation should be carefully discussed with the patient’s cardiologist. The considerations for resuming these medications after surgery should also be reviewed with the relevant physicians.

Endocrine System



Patients with Cushing’s disease typically have hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis as a result of the excess glucocorticoids. Their volume status and electrolytes should be corrected before a transsphenoidal adenomectomy.

Patients who are steroid-dependent due to adrenal insufficiency require supplemental doses perioperatively. Similarly, patients with hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism should be made euthyroid before any elective procedures, although mild to moderate abnormalities are not an absolute contraindication.

Preoperative Laboratory Assessments

The ASA Task Force on preanesthesia evaluation recommends selective performance of preoperative tests on the basis of patients’ clinical characteristics for the purpose of guiding or optimizing perioperative management.

Most neurosurgical patients should have hemoglobin or hematocrit, serum glucose and electrolytes, and coagulation studies. If major blood loss is expected, their blood should be typed and cross-matched, whereas for minor procedures, the blood may be only typed and screened. To minimize the risk of postoperative seizures, anticonvulsant medications should reach the higher end of their therapeutic levels because perioperative events lead to an increase in their metabolism.





瘤旁水腫與preope應該控製rative steroid administration. Long-term (weeks) steroids for management of edema or increased intracranial pressure (ICP) may lead to suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, requiring supplemental steroids.

Intraoperatively, intracranial pressure may be reduced with the use of diuretics, most commonly mannitol. Volume status must be monitored closely to prevent hypotension and maintain adequate cerebral blood flow. Judicious early cerebrospinal fluid drainage through a lumbar drain, especially in the case of a large posterior fossa mass, can prevent dramatic cerebellar herniation and symptomatic acute brainstem dislocation upon dural opening.

異丙酚(Diprivan)已被證明降低ICP,並提供比異氟烷和Sevolphuran更好的腦鬆弛。因此,接受顱內手術的神經外科患者可能受益於使用異丙酚對吸入麻醉劑的。I do ask our anesthesiologists to use propofol if the patient’s brain is tense during surgery, and have had a good experience with this practice. This tactic has especially worked for posterior fossa operations.



在標題的專用章節中審查了喚醒Craniotomy和皮質映射的術前評估和麻醉細節Language Mappingor膠質瘤的傳感器映射


Patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy typically have other comorbidities, including coronary artery disease, arterial hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, COPD, diabetes, or renal insufficiency. These other comorbidities should be carefully evaluated before surgery.

The North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) indicated that a history of MI or unstable angina and hypertension are independent risk factors for complications. The NASCET results also demonstrated that aggressive preoperative blood pressure control is associated with improved outcome, thus advocating for treatment of hypertension prior to the procedure.

一個eurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage


當患者用蛛網膜下腔出血(SAH)呈現時,應評估所有這些風險。還有許多替代等級等級,包括世界神經外科醫生成績和費舍規模的聯合會。有關這些分級係統的詳細信息,請參閱本章Reference Tablesand itsVascular部分。

一個y patient presenting with SAH should also be evaluated for associated medical conditions, including hypertension and smoking history, coarctation of the aorta, polycystic kidney disease, and fibromuscular dysplasia. Patients should also be monitored for hyponatremia due to cerebral salt wasting from increased release of atrial natriuretic peptide. Hypertonic or isotonic saline should be used to correct hyponatremia.


Microsurgery or endovascular intervention for ruptured aneurysms should be postponed only if the patient is hemodynamically unstable, has a ventricular ejection fraction below 30%, or is clinically in heart failure.

One final concern for patients presenting with SAH is pulmonary aspiration. Because loss of consciousness is often associated with the ictus of hemorrhage, the risk of aspiration increases the risk for impaired gas exchange. Neurogenic pulmonary edema due to SAH compounds this problem.

Benign Changes 牆體異常 心肌傷害
竇性計準備 Symmetrical T-wave inversion Q波
Sinus tachycardia Prolonged QT interval ST段高度
心房性心室解離 ST段高度 Elevated CK
Premature ventricular contractions Elevated troponin
Nonspecific ST depression
T-wave inversion

Arteriovenous Malformations

As AVMs are highly vascular, intraoperative massive blood loss is a significant risk during microsurgery, so patients should be typed and cross-matched and generous vascular access should be available. The patient’s Spetzler-Martin grade can predict the surgical risk associated with AVM resection.


Posterior Fossa Procedures

Procedures in the posterior fossa typically require that the patient be placed in a lateral position to allow access to the cerebellopontine angle, clivus, petrous ridge, and foramen magnum. Positioning for these procedures can exert excess demand on the cardiopulmonary systems that should be examined preoperatively. Preoperative evaluation should also consider the symptoms and signs of brainstem compression.

Manipulation of cranial nerves (CNs), especially CNs V, IX, and X, as well as tentorium and petrous dura, may lead to temporary asystole or cardiac arrhythmias. Appropriate precautions for treatment of these cardiac irregularities are warranted.

Electrophysiologic monitoring may be used in any neurosurgical procedure, but most often during posterior fossa and brainstem surgery around the cranial nerves. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs), motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and electromyography (EMG) may be used for monitoring and mapping cranial nerves and spinal cord function. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAERs) monitor the function of the brainstem and CN VIII. Anesthetic adjustments, including avoidance of paralytic medications during monitoring motor function, are required.



目標是避免任何可能是由低氧血症,高曲線,枯草/高血壓,高血糖,ICP,癲癇發作和血管痙攣引起的任何進一步的神經損傷。頸椎損傷使氣管插管複雜化。一旦建立了氣道,應最小化HEAC / HYPOCAPNIA,應優化腦灌注壓力並保持在60 mmHg以上。血液產品應盡快打字和交叉匹配。




Other Considerations

If a patient has previously undergone an operation by another surgeon, a phone conversation with the primary surgeon is important to elucidate the difficulties encountered during the initial operation. Review of the operative notes can be nonrevealing and at times confusing. Similarly, if a patient has undergone an operation by the same surgeon, all operative notes should be reviewed in detail.

Most patients are referred after their MR imaging or CT scan. Imaging studies older than 3 months should be repeated because lesional progression during this time period may affect operative planning.

我檢查手術計劃和所需的理療logic parameters (blood pressure and volume parameters) immediately before surgery with the anesthesia team. I also describe the risk of blood loss or necessity for electroencephalographic burst suppression. Neurophysiologic monitoring needs are also discussed because these needs will affect the mode of anesthesia.


In select patients who are suspected to have poor nutritional status, a serum prealbumin level test can assess their nutritional status. Importantly, a consultation with a nutritionist is essential to optimize the patient's status before surgery.

Pearls and Pitfalls

  • Although many general principles for preoperative evaluation apply to neurosurgical patients, these patients suffer from different pathologic conditions and are undergoing procedures that require tailored evaluation and monitoring in the perioperative period.
  • Successful intraoperative management relies on a thorough preoperative evaluation and an understanding of the patient’s physiology, the lesion’s pathophysiology, and the demands on the patient during the procedure.

Contributor: Jonathan M. Parish, MD



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