波動率。 視頻







結果: MiniEx入路允許使用無鑽技術進行硬膜外前斜位切除術和近270°視神經減壓。在MiniEx入路中,皮膚切口、顳肌剝離和開顱術更小,視神經、前臥突和上眶裂的暴露程度與標準技術相同。所有接受該技術手術的患者視力均有改善。









一些涉及視神經管或視神經管內容物的疾病可引起眼窩病,從而導致視力損害。1、2額眶創傷(由視神經管骨折或神經內挫傷、血管痙攣、壞死或水腫引起)、顱內腫瘤(鞍結節腦膜瘤或蝶骨腦膜瘤和視神經膠質瘤)、繼發病變(粘液囊腫、鼻旁眶竇腫瘤)、纖維或骨發育不良、炎症性假瘤、Graves眼眶病或血管病變(頸動脈眼動脈瘤)是可能壓迫視神經的最常見疾病。3 - 5許多報告顯示,早期視神經管段減壓可改善視力。5-13




采用微創硬膜外前斜位切除術(MiniEx)和翼側小開顱入路視神經減壓,在顯微鏡下(×4 - ×25)對4例福爾馬林固定屍體頭部進行手術。動脈灌注紅色矽膠靜脈灌注藍色矽膠。另取2例標本和2個幹顱骨,分析視神經與視神經管、前臥突、海綿竇、眶上裂的解剖關係。為避免測量誤差,用卡尺測量骨瓣的大小和麵積。





圖1。前床突、眶上裂和視神經管的骨關係。(一)高級視圖。前突從蝶骨小翼的內側端向後突出。前凸突的前附著從凸突基部向內側延伸至平麵,形成視神經管的頂部。前突的後附著物,視神經支柱,從前突的下內側延伸到蝶骨體,形成視神經管的下壁。另一個小突起,中床突,位於頸動脈溝的內側,位於前床突尖端的水平,向上和側向突出。(B)左側頸動脈斜突孔的上位視圖。一個骨橋從前突尖延伸到中突尖,在動脈周圍形成一個幾乎完整的骨環,稱為頸動脈斜突孔。(C)左側視神經管、視神經支柱和右側眶上裂斜後視圖。 The optic canal has an oval shape and is formed superiorly by the anterior attachment of the anterior clinoid, inferiorly by the optic strut, laterally by the medial side of the anterior clinoid process and the optic strut, and medially by the sphenoid body. The superior orbital fissure has a triangular shape and is formed superiorly by the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone, medially by the optic strut and the sphenoid body, and inferiorly and laterally by the greater sphenoid wing. The maxillary strut is the bridge of bone separating the superior orbital fissure from the foramen rotundum. (D) Intraorbital view of the optic canal and superior orbital fissure. The optic strut separates the optic canal and superior orbital fissure and forms the floor of the optic canal and the superomedial part of the roof of the superior orbital fissure. Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Caroticoclin., caroticoclinoid; Clin., clinoid; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gr., greater; Inf., inferior; Less., lesser; Max., maxillary; Mid., middle; Orb., orbital; Post., posterior; Proc., process; Rotund., rotundum; Sphen., sphenoid; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖1。前床突、眶上裂和視神經管的骨關係。(一)高級視圖。前突從蝶骨小翼的內側端向後突出。前凸突的前附著從凸突基部向內側延伸至平麵,形成視神經管的頂部。前突的後附著物,視神經支柱,從前突的下內側延伸到蝶骨體,形成視神經管的下壁。另一個小突起,中床突,位於頸動脈溝的內側,位於前床突尖端的水平,向上和側向突出。(B)左側頸動脈斜突孔的上位視圖。一個骨橋從前突尖延伸到中突尖,在動脈周圍形成一個幾乎完整的骨環,稱為頸動脈斜突孔。(C)左側視神經管、視神經支柱和右側眶上裂斜後視圖。 The optic canal has an oval shape and is formed superiorly by the anterior attachment of the anterior clinoid, inferiorly by the optic strut, laterally by the medial side of the anterior clinoid process and the optic strut, and medially by the sphenoid body. The superior orbital fissure has a triangular shape and is formed superiorly by the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone, medially by the optic strut and the sphenoid body, and inferiorly and laterally by the greater sphenoid wing. The maxillary strut is the bridge of bone separating the superior orbital fissure from the foramen rotundum. (D) Intraorbital view of the optic canal and superior orbital fissure. The optic strut separates the optic canal and superior orbital fissure and forms the floor of the optic canal and the superomedial part of the roof of the superior orbital fissure. Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Caroticoclin., caroticoclinoid; Clin., clinoid; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gr., greater; Inf., inferior; Less., lesser; Max., maxillary; Mid., middle; Orb., orbital; Post., posterior; Proc., process; Rotund., rotundum; Sphen., sphenoid; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)



視神經支柱的上表麵形成視神經管的底部,下表麵形成眶上裂頂的內側部分和海綿竇頂的前部(圖1D)。前凸突的外層由密集的皮質骨和內部的鬆質骨組成。它可能包含靜脈通道,也可能是充氣的,包括通過視神經支柱與蝶竇相通的空氣細胞。如果術後蝶竇被打開,特別是硬膜內前臥位切除術或硬膜外前臥位切除術後硬腦膜被打開,術後可能發生腦脊液泄漏。5、10 - 13



圖2。視神經管、眶上裂和海綿竇的硬腦膜、動脈和神經關係。(A)海綿竇上外側視圖。海綿竇從眶上裂延伸到岩尖。岩上竇穿過梅克爾洞口上方,與海綿竇的後部相連。覆蓋外側壁的硬腦膜已被移除,三叉神經節暴露在外。動眼神經、滑車神經和眼神經向前延伸,彙合於眶上裂。眼神經向下收縮露出外展神經。(B)海綿竇和鞍區頂部的上方視圖。前突被硬腦膜覆蓋,硬腦膜向外側延伸包括蝶骨小翼的上側麵。 The falciform ligament, the dural fold extending above the optic nerve proximal to the entrance of the nerve into the bony optic canal, extends from the base of the anterior clinoid to the tuberculum. The carotid artery exits the cavernous sinus on the medial side of the anterior clinoid process. The oculomotor nerve enters the narrow oculomotor cistern in the posterior part of the roof of the cavernous sinus referred as the oculomotor triangle. (C) Lateral view of the cavernous sinus. The anterior clinoid process has been removed, and the dural roof of the oculomotor triangle has been removed to expose the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery in the clinoidal triangle and the posterior bend of the intracavernous carotid below the oculomotor triangle. The dura that covers the superior aspect of the clinoid continues medially around the carotid artery and forms the distal ring. The trigeminal nerve and the petrolingual ligament, extending from the petrous apex to the lingual process of the sphenoid bone, have been partially removed to expose the entrance of the petrous carotid into the cavernous sinus. The cavernous segment of the artery turns abruptly forward to course along the carotid sulcus and lateral part of the body of the sphenoid. It passes forward in a horizontal direction and terminates by moving upward along the medial side to the distal ring. The abducens nerve passes lateral to the internal carotid artery and medial to the ophthalmic nerve in the lower part of the cavernous sinus. (D–F) The relationship of the meningoperiorbital band and anterior clinoid process. (D) A right pterional craniotomy. The junction of the dura and periorbital forms the meningoperiorbital band at the lateral margin of the superior orbital fissure. (E) The anterior clinoid process has been exposed. After dividing the meningoperiorbital band, the dura of the middle fossa has to be peeled away from the anterior part of the cavernous sinus to show the anterior clinoid process. (F) Lateral exposure of the superior orbital fissure, anterior clinoid process, and cavernous sinus. The lateral edge of the superior orbital fissure (red arrow) is located anterolateral to the anterior clinoid process. After the meningoperiorbital band is divided, the dura has to be peeled posterior to the level of the interrupted vertical line to expose the anterior clinoid process for clinoidectomy. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Dist., distal; Falc., falciform; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Gang., ganglion; Interclin., interclinoidal; Lig., ligament; Men., meningo; Mid., middle; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Petroclin., petroclinoidal; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoidal; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Triang., triangle. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖2。視神經管、眶上裂和海綿竇的硬腦膜、動脈和神經關係。(A)海綿竇上外側視圖。海綿竇從眶上裂延伸到岩尖。岩上竇穿過梅克爾洞口上方,與海綿竇的後部相連。覆蓋外側壁的硬腦膜已被移除,三叉神經節暴露在外。動眼神經、滑車神經和眼神經向前延伸,彙合於眶上裂。眼神經向下收縮露出外展神經。(B)海綿竇和鞍區頂部的上方視圖。前突被硬腦膜覆蓋,硬腦膜向外側延伸包括蝶骨小翼的上側麵。 The falciform ligament, the dural fold extending above the optic nerve proximal to the entrance of the nerve into the bony optic canal, extends from the base of the anterior clinoid to the tuberculum. The carotid artery exits the cavernous sinus on the medial side of the anterior clinoid process. The oculomotor nerve enters the narrow oculomotor cistern in the posterior part of the roof of the cavernous sinus referred as the oculomotor triangle. (C) Lateral view of the cavernous sinus. The anterior clinoid process has been removed, and the dural roof of the oculomotor triangle has been removed to expose the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery in the clinoidal triangle and the posterior bend of the intracavernous carotid below the oculomotor triangle. The dura that covers the superior aspect of the clinoid continues medially around the carotid artery and forms the distal ring. The trigeminal nerve and the petrolingual ligament, extending from the petrous apex to the lingual process of the sphenoid bone, have been partially removed to expose the entrance of the petrous carotid into the cavernous sinus. The cavernous segment of the artery turns abruptly forward to course along the carotid sulcus and lateral part of the body of the sphenoid. It passes forward in a horizontal direction and terminates by moving upward along the medial side to the distal ring. The abducens nerve passes lateral to the internal carotid artery and medial to the ophthalmic nerve in the lower part of the cavernous sinus. (D–F) The relationship of the meningoperiorbital band and anterior clinoid process. (D) A right pterional craniotomy. The junction of the dura and periorbital forms the meningoperiorbital band at the lateral margin of the superior orbital fissure. (E) The anterior clinoid process has been exposed. After dividing the meningoperiorbital band, the dura of the middle fossa has to be peeled away from the anterior part of the cavernous sinus to show the anterior clinoid process. (F) Lateral exposure of the superior orbital fissure, anterior clinoid process, and cavernous sinus. The lateral edge of the superior orbital fissure (red arrow) is located anterolateral to the anterior clinoid process. After the meningoperiorbital band is divided, the dura has to be peeled posterior to the level of the interrupted vertical line to expose the anterior clinoid process for clinoidectomy. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Dist., distal; Falc., falciform; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Gang., ganglion; Interclin., interclinoidal; Lig., ligament; Men., meningo; Mid., middle; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Petroclin., petroclinoidal; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoidal; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Triang., triangle. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖3。經翼點入路逐步左前臥位移除和視神經減壓術的手術視圖。(A)插圖(左上)顯示頭部的位置和頭皮切口的位置。用盔下剝離術反映頭皮,暴露額骨和顳肌上部和筋膜。麵神經在顴弓上方的顳淺筋膜外表麵。顳肌筋膜淺層在筋膜間脂肪墊上方被分割,使顳肌筋膜淺層和脂肪墊能夠與額周膜連續向下折疊,以保護麵神經的分支(B)插圖(左上)顯示了骨瓣的鑽孔和開顱切口。沿著顳上線上保留一個顳肌筋膜袖套,以幫助在閉合時將顳肌錨定在這條線上。鎖骨孔位於額顴縫合線的上方和後方。骨瓣被抬高露出顳骨和額側硬腦膜。 (C) The sphenoid ridge has been flattened, and a thin shell of bone has been left along the roof and lateral wall of the orbit. The frontal and temporal dura has been retracted to expose the meningoperiorbital band at the lateral edge of the superior orbital fissure. (D) The meningo-orbital band is cut using curved microscissors. (E) The dura has been elevated from the anterior clinoid process and along the anterior wall of the cavernous sinus to expose the entrance of the oculomotor, trochlear, and ophthalmic nerves in the superior orbital fissure, and V2 in the foramen rotundum. (F) The anterior clinoid process has been removed using no-drill technique (insert) to expose the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery between the proximal and distal dural rings. The deeper part of the optic strut has also been removed using the no-drill technique. 270° of the intercanalicular segment of the optic nerve has been decompressed. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve., Dist., distal; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Frontozyg., frontozygomatic; Lat., lateral; M., muscle; Men., meningeal, meningo; Mid., middle; Orb., Orbital; Prox., proximal; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporalis. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖3。經翼點入路逐步左前臥位移除和視神經減壓術的手術視圖。(A)插圖(左上)顯示頭部的位置和頭皮切口的位置。用盔下剝離術反映頭皮,暴露額骨和顳肌上部和筋膜。麵神經在顴弓上方的顳淺筋膜外表麵。顳肌筋膜淺層在筋膜間脂肪墊上方被分割,使顳肌筋膜淺層和脂肪墊能夠與額周膜連續向下折疊,以保護麵神經的分支(B)插圖(左上)顯示了骨瓣的鑽孔和開顱切口。沿著顳上線上保留一個顳肌筋膜袖套,以幫助在閉合時將顳肌錨定在這條線上。鎖骨孔位於額顴縫合線的上方和後方。骨瓣被抬高露出顳骨和額側硬腦膜。 (C) The sphenoid ridge has been flattened, and a thin shell of bone has been left along the roof and lateral wall of the orbit. The frontal and temporal dura has been retracted to expose the meningoperiorbital band at the lateral edge of the superior orbital fissure. (D) The meningo-orbital band is cut using curved microscissors. (E) The dura has been elevated from the anterior clinoid process and along the anterior wall of the cavernous sinus to expose the entrance of the oculomotor, trochlear, and ophthalmic nerves in the superior orbital fissure, and V2 in the foramen rotundum. (F) The anterior clinoid process has been removed using no-drill technique (insert) to expose the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery between the proximal and distal dural rings. The deeper part of the optic strut has also been removed using the no-drill technique. 270° of the intercanalicular segment of the optic nerve has been decompressed. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve., Dist., distal; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Frontozyg., frontozygomatic; Lat., lateral; M., muscle; Men., meningeal, meningo; Mid., middle; Orb., Orbital; Prox., proximal; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporalis. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)




圖4 (a e)。經鎖眼入路逐步右視神經減壓術的外科圖像。(A)頭部位置和頭皮切口位置。插圖(右上)顯示皮膚切口。皮膚切口應避免從外側眥向後延伸40mm,以防止神經到達額肌它在眶外側緣上方約5毫米處彎曲到外側眼角的後方,在外側眼角下方的一條水平皮膚線上向後彎曲。(B)用皮下剝離反射頭皮,暴露額肌、輪匝肌和顳淺筋膜。(C)插頁(左上);額肌在上麵,眶肌在前麵。眶外側邊緣已經暴露。 (D) The temporal muscle has been elevated, preserving the deep fascia, to expose the pterion and superior temporal line. (E) Bone flap or craniectomy centered at the keyhole was performed behind the frontozygomatic suture. The keyhole craniotomy exposed the frontal and temporal dura and the periorbital at a Y-shaped bone crossroad formed anteriorly and superiorly by the orbital roof, anteriorly and inferiorly by the edge of the higher wing of the sphenoid bone, and posteriorly by the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖4 (a e)。經鎖眼入路逐步右視神經減壓術的外科圖像。(A)頭部位置和頭皮切口位置。插圖(右上)顯示皮膚切口。皮膚切口應避免從外側眥向後延伸40mm,以防止神經到達額肌它在眶外側緣上方約5毫米處彎曲到外側眼角的後方,在外側眼角下方的一條水平皮膚線上向後彎曲。(B)用皮下剝離反射頭皮,暴露額肌、輪匝肌和顳淺筋膜。(C)插頁(左上);額肌在上麵,眶肌在前麵。眶外側邊緣已經暴露。 (D) The temporal muscle has been elevated, preserving the deep fascia, to expose the pterion and superior temporal line. (E) Bone flap or craniectomy centered at the keyhole was performed behind the frontozygomatic suture. The keyhole craniotomy exposed the frontal and temporal dura and the periorbital at a Y-shaped bone crossroad formed anteriorly and superiorly by the orbital roof, anteriorly and inferiorly by the edge of the higher wing of the sphenoid bone, and posteriorly by the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖4 (f j)。經鎖眼入路逐步硬膜外前臥位切除術和視神經管去頂術的手術視圖。(F)切除蝶骨小翼外側部分。(G)額側和顳側硬腦膜收縮,露出腦膜-眶帶。抬高顳硬腦膜,露出眶上裂。腦膜-眶帶將額顳基底硬腦膜與眶周連接在眶上裂的外側。(H)腦膜-軌道帶被切斷。(I)硬腦膜從前床突向上抬起,沿海綿竇壁向後,暴露動眼神經、滑車神經和眼神經進入眶上裂的入口。使用無鑽技術去除前臥突的外側附著。(J) 1片切除前臥突,270°視神經囊內部分減壓。 The clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery has been exposed. Inset (lower right) shows that the size of the keyhole craniotomy was 3.5 cm. Ant., anterior; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve, Front., frontal, frontalis; Frontozyg., frontozygomatic; Gr., greater; Lat., lateral; Less., lesser; Men., meningo; M., muscle; Orb., orbital, orbitalis; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporalis. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖4 (f j)。經鎖眼入路逐步硬膜外前臥位切除術和視神經管去頂術的手術視圖。(F)切除蝶骨小翼外側部分。(G)額側和顳側硬腦膜收縮,露出腦膜-眶帶。抬高顳硬腦膜,露出眶上裂。腦膜-眶帶將額顳基底硬腦膜與眶周連接在眶上裂的外側。(H)腦膜-軌道帶被切斷。(I)硬腦膜從前床突向上抬起,沿海綿竇壁向後,暴露動眼神經、滑車神經和眼神經進入眶上裂的入口。使用無鑽技術去除前臥突的外側附著。(J) 1片切除前臥突,270°視神經囊內部分減壓。 The clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery has been exposed. Inset (lower right) shows that the size of the keyhole craniotomy was 3.5 cm. Ant., anterior; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve, Front., frontal, frontalis; Frontozyg., frontozygomatic; Gr., greater; Lat., lateral; Less., lesser; Men., meningo; M., muscle; Orb., orbital, orbitalis; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporalis. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

在中顱窩處,硬腦膜有兩層:骨膜和腦膜。骨膜硬腦膜覆蓋著骨頭,腦膜硬腦膜麵向大腦,覆蓋著顳葉。在眶上裂處,硬膜硬膜出顱腔並與眶周相連,而腦膜層則在顱內延伸。骨膜硬腦膜在眶上裂的邊緣與眶周結合,在眶上裂的外側形成一個堅固的硬腦膜帶,在這個位置阻斷了腦膜硬腦膜的抬高。它位於眶上裂的外端,包含眶腦膜動脈和靜脈。10 - 34
















這種方法可以作為更複雜手術的一部分,也可以作為單一手術的一部分。頭部、皮膚切口和肌肉剝離的位置可能有所不同。34它從眉毛的外側延伸到眼眶邊緣,剛好在眼角的外側,然後轉向並向後延伸(圖4A)。34在眼外側眥軸位,支配輪匝肌和額肌的麵神經分支位於眼外側眥上方平均距離40.4 mm (35.2-45.6 mm)處。5因此,皮膚切口不應延伸至外側眥40mm,以避免額支損傷(圖4A)。






本研究納入6例患者,其中女性3例,平均年齡36.6歲(7-57歲)。3例鞍結節腦膜瘤,2例纖維結構不良,1例海綿竇腫瘤。6例患者的平均手術時間為5.1小時。在重症監護病房的平均住院時間為1.4天(範圍為1-3天)。3例患者行雙側手術。開顱平均直徑為26.1 mm(範圍為17.5-32.1 mm),平均麵積為496 mm2(範圍為349-645 mm2)。所有病例均采用無鑽孔技術去除前臥突。經眼科檢查,6例均保持視力。隻有1例患者在腦膜瘤切除後出現雙側偏視(表1、圖5和6)。

圖5。典型案例1。鞍結核腦膜瘤。55歲男性,頭痛1年,視力進行性下降。術前影像顯示鞍結節腦膜瘤。視野顯示右側雙顳側偏視,左側中央盲點。手術分2個階段進行。第一組采用雙側MiniEx入路對視神經進行減壓。第二個是額下腫瘤切除手術。患者術後過程平穩,無並發症,視力改善出院。 Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) studies of a case of bilateral optic nerve decompression through a keyhole approach in a patient with a meningioma of tuberculum sellae. A coronal view of T1-weighted contrast magnetic resonance imaging study showing a tumor located at the level of the tuberculum sellae and planum that compressed both optic nerves. (B) Computed tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction, showing the bilateral keyhole, extradural anterior clinoidectomies with 270° optic nerve decompression. After bilateral optic nerve decompression, the tumor was removed through the subfrontal approach. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖5。典型案例1。鞍結核腦膜瘤。55歲男性,頭痛1年,視力進行性下降。術前影像顯示鞍結節腦膜瘤。視野顯示右側雙顳側偏視,左側中央盲點。手術分2個階段進行。第一組采用雙側MiniEx入路對視神經進行減壓。第二個是額下腫瘤切除手術。患者術後過程平穩,無並發症,視力改善出院。 Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) studies of a case of bilateral optic nerve decompression through a keyhole approach in a patient with a meningioma of tuberculum sellae. A coronal view of T1-weighted contrast magnetic resonance imaging study showing a tumor located at the level of the tuberculum sellae and planum that compressed both optic nerves. (B) Computed tomography with three-dimensional reconstruction, showing the bilateral keyhole, extradural anterior clinoidectomies with 270° optic nerve decompression. After bilateral optic nerve decompression, the tumor was removed through the subfrontal approach. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖6。典型案例就是2。纖維發育不良。一名7歲男性患者視力進行性下降。術前影像學顯示額篩蝶顳纖維結構不良。眼科檢查顯示右視力下降(指視)。經鎖眼入路行右側硬膜外前斜位切除術。在本例中,由於纖維結構不良,無法獲得骨瓣,因此,用鈦板完成重建。患者病情發展平穩,出院後視力有所改善。(A)右側視神經鎖孔減壓術治療纖維結構不良的術前和術後CT。 An axial and coronal view of preoperative CT that showed fibrous dysplasia compressing the right optic nerve. (B) Axial and coronal postoperative CT showing the right extradural anterior clinoidectomy and optic nerve decompression through a keyhole approach. (C) Three-dimensional reconstruction of the CT showing the right keyhole approach and posterior reconstruction using a titanium plate. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖6。典型案例就是2。纖維發育不良。一名7歲男性患者視力進行性下降。術前影像學顯示額篩蝶顳纖維結構不良。眼科檢查顯示右視力下降(指視)。經鎖眼入路行右側硬膜外前斜位切除術。在本例中,由於纖維結構不良,無法獲得骨瓣,因此,用鈦板完成重建。患者病情發展平穩,出院後視力有所改善。(A)右側視神經鎖孔減壓術治療纖維結構不良的術前和術後CT。 An axial and coronal view of preoperative CT that showed fibrous dysplasia compressing the right optic nerve. (B) Axial and coronal postoperative CT showing the right extradural anterior clinoidectomy and optic nerve decompression through a keyhole approach. (C) Three-dimensional reconstruction of the CT showing the right keyhole approach and posterior reconstruction using a titanium plate. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)




1985年,Dolenc1、2、33Margalit et al .,40波夫萊特等人。38最初描述了通過硬膜外間隙的前斜位切除術,使視神經和頸內動脈得到最佳的活動。前臥位切除術有利於從鞍旁區和海綿竇切除腫瘤,以及頸內動脈瘤的適當處理。33歲,38歲,40歲因此,一些改進的方法已經被描述來完成更安全和更簡單的前臥位切除術。

Coscarella et al。30.報告了一種可選擇的前臥突硬膜外暴露,目的是避免傷害動眼神經、淚神經、額神經和三叉神經及其分支。他們沒有從內側到外側暴露前床突,也沒有沿著假定的安全路徑將腦膜-眼眶硬腦膜褶皺分開,而是將硬腦膜從小翼邊緣從外側到內側抬高,暴露眶上裂,並沿大翼內側到圓孔剝去海綿竇外層,以顯示前床突的下外側表麵。該手術允許在完全可見的情況下進行硬腦膜分離,以避免穿過眶上裂的損傷結構。



Rigante et al。5描述了一種通過眶上入路的視神經減壓技術。他們完成的最大減壓百分比是180°。小鬆等。9報道了一例經眶上鎖眼使用高速鑽技術進行內窺鏡硬膜外前臥位切除術的屍體研究。視神經管減壓和前斜位切除術後失明已有報道。這被認為是由於鑽井產生的熱量擴散造成的。4128最近報道了一種使用小咬骨鉗進行硬膜外前臥位切除術的無鑽孔技術。




貢獻者:Marcos Chiarullo, Jorge Mura, Pablo Rubino, Nícollas Nunes Rabelo, Rafael Martinez-Perez, Eberval Gadelha Figueiredo,和Albert L. Rhoton, Jr

內容來自Chiarullo M, Mura J, Rubino P, Rabelo N, Martinez-Perez R, Figueiredo EG, Rhoton AL, Jr.微創硬膜外前斜位切除術和視神經減壓術的技術描述。可行性研究和概念論證。世界Neurosurg2019; 129: e502-e513。doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2019.05.196

神經外科188bet手机app圖譜很榮幸能夠繼承Albert L. Rhoton, Jr . MD的遺產。


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