波動率。 視頻





在開發透明的x線型知識的概念的幕上區域,所選的深層結構的位置描述與顱和淺表腦標誌。在大量的逐步解剖中,作者不僅試圖剝離和描述每一層,而且還試圖闡明不同層結構之間的關係(圖1.2)。一個例子是腦室與腦凸的關係。額角位於額下回的深處,心房位於緣上回的深處,顳角位於內側顳回的深處。另一個例子是門羅孔與更表麵結構的關係。在顱麵,Monro孔位於翼點上方約2cm處,位於冠狀縫線下三分之一後方;在大腦表麵,它位於額下回蓋部的中央深處;在島狀水平,它位於第二短島回中央部分的深處(圖1.2)。研究了表層結構和深層結構之間的許多其他關係。在描述這些關係時,術語上、下、前和後的使用與腦回和腦溝的命名相同。 The directional terms used are as follows: superior or above, situated toward the cranial vertex; inferior or below, situated toward the cranial base; anterior to or in front of, situated toward the frontal pole; and posterior or behind, situated toward the occipital pole.








成對的大腦半球構成了大腦最大的部分。它們由縱裂分開,由胼胝體相連,並與間腦合並,以建立與腦幹和脊髓的連續性。它們包裹著側腦室和第三腦室。大腦半球有三個表麵:外側、內側和基底;三個邊緣:上邊緣、下邊緣和內側邊緣;三個極點:額部、顳部和枕部;三種類型的白質纖維:投射型、交合型和聯合型;還有五個腦葉:額葉,頂葉,顳葉,枕葉和隱島葉。定向手術最重要的標誌是三緣、三極、sylvian和半球間裂,以及中央溝。大腦半球在頂葉上有最大的橫徑。 The longitudinal fissure, the deep cleft separating the upper part of the paired hemispheres, contains a sickle-shaped process of dura called the falx cerebri that separates the anterior and posterior parts of the hemispheres (Fig. 1.2). The anterior portion of the falx cerebri is not as wide as its posterior part, leaving a wide space anteriorly between the free falx margin and the corpus callosum, where the medial surface of the hemispheres face each other and not the falx. Further posteriorly, the free margin slopes toward and becomes closely applied to the corpus callosum. The anterior part of the cingulate gyrus is below the free margin of the falx cerebri and is free to shift across the midline, whereas the middle and posterior parts have progressively less of the gyrus below and more above the free margin, where its displacement across the midline is limited by the rigidity of the falx (4). The shifts related to the tentorial incisura were reviewed in the Millennium issue of Neurosurgery (6).

圖1.1。右腦半球側麵圖。首先,大腦,當仔細而準確地暴露出來時,是一個非常美麗的結構。動脈、靜脈、腦回和腦溝組成了一個複雜的陣列。額葉凸起由額葉上回、中回、下回和中央前回組成。頂凸由中央後回、頂上小葉和頂下小葉組成。頂葉下小葉由緣上回和角回組成。顳凸由上顳回、中顳回和下顳回組成。枕凸由枕上回和枕下回組成。B,前視圖。 The superior and middle frontal gyri are separated by the superior frontal sulcus. The inferior frontal sulcus courses between the middle and inferior frontal gyri. The veins from the anterior part of the hemisphere are directed backward to reach the superior sagittal sinus. A large venous lacunae extends over the superior margin of the frontal lobe adjacent to the superior sagittal sinus. C, posterior view of the hemisphere. The lateral occipital sulcus divides the lateral aspect of the occipital lobe into the superior and inferior occipital gyri. The veins from the occipital convexity are directed forward to enter the superiorsagittal sinus. The posterior part of the parietal lobe is divided by the intraparietal sulcus into the superior and inferior parietal lobules. Ang., angular; Cent., central; Front., frontal; Inf., inferior; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lat., lateral; Mid., middle; Occip., occipital; Par., parietal; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sag., sagittal; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal.

圖1.1。右腦半球側麵圖。首先,大腦,當仔細而準確地暴露出來時,是一個非常美麗的結構。動脈、靜脈、腦回和腦溝組成了一個複雜的陣列。額葉凸起由額葉上回、中回、下回和中央前回組成。頂凸由中央後回、頂上小葉和頂下小葉組成。頂葉下小葉由緣上回和角回組成。顳凸由上顳回、中顳回和下顳回組成。枕凸由枕上回和枕下回組成。B,前視圖。 The superior and middle frontal gyri are separated by the superior frontal sulcus. The inferior frontal sulcus courses between the middle and inferior frontal gyri. The veins from the anterior part of the hemisphere are directed backward to reach the superior sagittal sinus. A large venous lacunae extends over the superior margin of the frontal lobe adjacent to the superior sagittal sinus. C, posterior view of the hemisphere. The lateral occipital sulcus divides the lateral aspect of the occipital lobe into the superior and inferior occipital gyri. The veins from the occipital convexity are directed forward to enter the superiorsagittal sinus. The posterior part of the parietal lobe is divided by the intraparietal sulcus into the superior and inferior parietal lobules. Ang., angular; Cent., central; Front., frontal; Inf., inferior; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lat., lateral; Mid., middle; Occip., occipital; Par., parietal; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sag., sagittal; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal.

圖1.2 A-F。左腦半球的逐步解剖。A,額下回由眶部,被蓋部,和紋旁肌組成。中央前回與被蓋部後麵的sylvian裂隙相鄰。sylvian裂向後延伸,在它的後端變成了邊緣上回。中央後回的下部位於邊緣上回的前岸前麵。邊際上回的後岸與顳上回是連續的。中央溝在中央前回和中央後回之間上升。在中央溝下端下方,通常有一個腦回橋(紅色箭頭)連接中央前回和後回,這樣中央溝就不會直接進入sylvian裂。通常情況下,由於開顱切口有限,整個sylvian裂不會暴露出來,以幫助識別中央前回和中央後回和中央溝。 The position of the lower end of the pre- and postcentral gyri can be approximated by identifying the pars opercularis just in front of the precentral gyrus and the anterior bank of the supramarginal gyrus just in back of the postcentral sulcus. The angular gyrus wraps around the upturned posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus. B, the part of the frontal lobe above the inferior frontal gyrus and in front of the precentral sulcus has been removed while preserving a thin layer of the medial part of the hemisphere. The inferior frontal sulcus is located on the convexity at the deep level of the lower margin of the corpus callosum and roof of the frontal horn. The gray matter of the cingulate sulcus is exposed above the corpus callosum. C, the opercular lips have been retracted to expose the insula, which is defined at its outer margin by the circular or limiting sulcus. The short gyri are located anteriorly and the long gyri posteriorly. D, enlarged view with the brain in front of the precentral gyrus removed. The insular gyri radiate upward and backward from the anteroinferior angle situated just lateral to the limen insulae. The short gyri are located deep to the pars triangularis and opercularis. Heschl’s gyrus, the most anterior of the transverse temporal gyri, faces the lower end of the postcentral gyrus across the sylvian fissure. E, anterosuperior view of the central core of the hemisphere located deep to the insulae. The lentiform nucleus is exposed deep to the insula and is separated from the caudate nucleus by the anterior limb of the internal capsule. The circular sulcus surrounds the insula. F, the supramarginal gyrus has been removed to show its location superficial to the atrium. The posterior margins of the insula and circular sulcus are positioned superficial to the anterior edge of the atrium. The pre- and postcentral gyri are located lateral to the body of the ventricle and the splenium of the corpus callosum. The foramen of Monro is located deep to a point on the pars opercularis approximately 1 cm above the sylvian fissure and deep to the midlevel of the short gyri of the insula.

圖1.2 A-F。左腦半球的逐步解剖。A,額下回由眶部,被蓋部,和紋旁肌組成。中央前回與被蓋部後麵的sylvian裂隙相鄰。sylvian裂向後延伸,在它的後端變成了邊緣上回。中央後回的下部位於邊緣上回的前岸前麵。邊際上回的後岸與顳上回是連續的。中央溝在中央前回和中央後回之間上升。在中央溝下端下方,通常有一個腦回橋(紅色箭頭)連接中央前回和後回,這樣中央溝就不會直接進入sylvian裂。通常情況下,由於開顱切口有限,整個sylvian裂不會暴露出來,以幫助識別中央前回和中央後回和中央溝。 The position of the lower end of the pre- and postcentral gyri can be approximated by identifying the pars opercularis just in front of the precentral gyrus and the anterior bank of the supramarginal gyrus just in back of the postcentral sulcus. The angular gyrus wraps around the upturned posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus. B, the part of the frontal lobe above the inferior frontal gyrus and in front of the precentral sulcus has been removed while preserving a thin layer of the medial part of the hemisphere. The inferior frontal sulcus is located on the convexity at the deep level of the lower margin of the corpus callosum and roof of the frontal horn. The gray matter of the cingulate sulcus is exposed above the corpus callosum. C, the opercular lips have been retracted to expose the insula, which is defined at its outer margin by the circular or limiting sulcus. The short gyri are located anteriorly and the long gyri posteriorly. D, enlarged view with the brain in front of the precentral gyrus removed. The insular gyri radiate upward and backward from the anteroinferior angle situated just lateral to the limen insulae. The short gyri are located deep to the pars triangularis and opercularis. Heschl’s gyrus, the most anterior of the transverse temporal gyri, faces the lower end of the postcentral gyrus across the sylvian fissure. E, anterosuperior view of the central core of the hemisphere located deep to the insulae. The lentiform nucleus is exposed deep to the insula and is separated from the caudate nucleus by the anterior limb of the internal capsule. The circular sulcus surrounds the insula. F, the supramarginal gyrus has been removed to show its location superficial to the atrium. The posterior margins of the insula and circular sulcus are positioned superficial to the anterior edge of the atrium. The pre- and postcentral gyri are located lateral to the body of the ventricle and the splenium of the corpus callosum. The foramen of Monro is located deep to a point on the pars opercularis approximately 1 cm above the sylvian fissure and deep to the midlevel of the short gyri of the insula.

圖1.2 G-L。G,彩色針沿著對應於島葉下緣的一條線放置,位於顳上溝深處。一個藍色的箭頭被放置在位於腦島中央深處的Monro孔上。白色箭頭位於扣帶溝上升支的上端到達上半球邊界的位置。上升支沿旁中心小葉的後緣向內側表麵延伸。H,內囊的前肢位於殼核和蒼白球形成的扁豆狀核和尾狀核之間。後肢位於丘腦和慢狀核之間。內囊膝位於門羅孔外側。脈絡膜裂位於穹窿和丘腦之間,脈絡膜叢沿其附著。I,顳角和海馬體位於顳中回的內側,其中一段已經被切除。 The hippocampus sits in the floor of the temporal horn. The atrium is deep to the supramarginal gyrus. The black arrow is on the foramen of Monro. The white arrow is located where the upper end of the ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus reaches the superior hemispheric border. The yellow arrow is where the upper end of the parieto-occipital sulcus reaches the superior border. J, the remaining bridge of the superior temporal gyrus located superficial to the junction of the atrium and temporal horn has been removed. K, posterior view of the left hemisphere. The splenium is located deep in the interhemispheric fissure. The parieto-occipital and calcarine sulcus converge behind the splenium to give the medial surface a Y shaped configuration. The parieto-occipital sulcus separates the precuneus and cuneus, and the calcarine sulcus separates the cuneus and lingula. L, the parietal lobe, above the level of the calcarine sulcus, has been removed. The upper lip of the calcarine sulcus, formed by the cuneus, has been removed to expose the lingula that forms the lower bank of the calcarine sulcus. The calcar avis is a prominence in the lower part of the medial atrial wall overlying the calcarine sulcus.

圖1.2 G-L。G,彩色針沿著對應於島葉下緣的一條線放置,位於顳上溝深處。一個藍色的箭頭被放置在位於腦島中央深處的Monro孔上。白色箭頭位於扣帶溝上升支的上端到達上半球邊界的位置。上升支沿旁中心小葉的後緣向內側表麵延伸。H,內囊的前肢位於殼核和蒼白球形成的扁豆狀核和尾狀核之間。後肢位於丘腦和慢狀核之間。內囊膝位於門羅孔外側。脈絡膜裂位於穹窿和丘腦之間,脈絡膜叢沿其附著。I,顳角和海馬體位於顳中回的內側,其中一段已經被切除。 The hippocampus sits in the floor of the temporal horn. The atrium is deep to the supramarginal gyrus. The black arrow is on the foramen of Monro. The white arrow is located where the upper end of the ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus reaches the superior hemispheric border. The yellow arrow is where the upper end of the parieto-occipital sulcus reaches the superior border. J, the remaining bridge of the superior temporal gyrus located superficial to the junction of the atrium and temporal horn has been removed. K, posterior view of the left hemisphere. The splenium is located deep in the interhemispheric fissure. The parieto-occipital and calcarine sulcus converge behind the splenium to give the medial surface a Y shaped configuration. The parieto-occipital sulcus separates the precuneus and cuneus, and the calcarine sulcus separates the cuneus and lingula. L, the parietal lobe, above the level of the calcarine sulcus, has been removed. The upper lip of the calcarine sulcus, formed by the cuneus, has been removed to expose the lingula that forms the lower bank of the calcarine sulcus. The calcar avis is a prominence in the lower part of the medial atrial wall overlying the calcarine sulcus.

圖1.2 M-R。M,脈絡膜叢血管球向前反射,暴露心房內側壁。形成鈣質溝下岸的舌部被保存了下來。鈣質角覆蓋鈣質溝的深端。N,鐮被切除以暴露右半球的內側部分。扣帶溝的上升支到達近中央小葉後的半球上緣。在保留顳上回的同時,切除了前中央回和後中央回。脈絡膜裂隙,即丘腦和穹窿之間的裂縫,從門羅孔經身體、心房和顳角延伸到位於海馬體頭部後方的脈絡膜下點。P,腦半球中心區域橫切麵的上外側視圖,位於腦島外側和腦室內側之間。腦半球的中央核心,即腦島外側和腦室中線之間的區域,包括尾狀核和慢狀核、丘腦、前肢和後肢以及內囊的膝。 The claustrum is positioned between the insular cortex and the lentiform nucleus. Q, the superior temporal gyrus has been removed while preserving the long gyri of the insula. The ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus marks the posterior edge of the paracentral lobule, the extension of the pre- and postcentral gyri onto the medial surface of the hemisphere. R, enlarged view of the choroidal fissure. The choroidal fissure extends from the foramen of Monro to the inferior choroidal point located behind the head of the hippocampus. The choroid plexus, which attaches along the choroidal fissure, has been removed. The outer edge of the choroidal fissure is formed by the body of the fornix in the body of the ventricle, the crus of the fornix in the atrium, and the fimbria of the fornix in the temporal horn.

圖1.2 M-R。M,脈絡膜叢血管球向前反射,暴露心房內側壁。形成鈣質溝下岸的舌部被保存了下來。鈣質角覆蓋鈣質溝的深端。N,鐮被切除以暴露右半球的內側部分。扣帶溝的上升支到達近中央小葉後的半球上緣。在保留顳上回的同時,切除了前中央回和後中央回。脈絡膜裂隙,即丘腦和穹窿之間的裂縫,從門羅孔經身體、心房和顳角延伸到位於海馬體頭部後方的脈絡膜下點。P,腦半球中心區域橫切麵的上外側視圖,位於腦島外側和腦室內側之間。腦半球的中央核心,即腦島外側和腦室中線之間的區域,包括尾狀核和慢狀核、丘腦、前肢和後肢以及內囊的膝。 The claustrum is positioned between the insular cortex and the lentiform nucleus. Q, the superior temporal gyrus has been removed while preserving the long gyri of the insula. The ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus marks the posterior edge of the paracentral lobule, the extension of the pre- and postcentral gyri onto the medial surface of the hemisphere. R, enlarged view of the choroidal fissure. The choroidal fissure extends from the foramen of Monro to the inferior choroidal point located behind the head of the hippocampus. The choroid plexus, which attaches along the choroidal fissure, has been removed. The outer edge of the choroidal fissure is formed by the body of the fornix in the body of the ventricle, the crus of the fornix in the atrium, and the fimbria of the fornix in the temporal horn.

圖1.2 S-V。S,在丘腦和穹窿小腿之間放置了一個牽開器,以打開脈絡膜裂縫。打開腦室體的脈絡膜裂隙,可見第三腦室。打開穹窿枕部和小腿之間的脈管炎裂隙,可以看到四叉神經池,打開丘腦下表麵和穹窿傘部之間的裂隙,可以看到周圍神經池。T,剩下的島葉已經被切除以暴露丘腦形成脈絡膜裂隙的內緣。外側膝狀體暴露於丘腦下緣。視輻射在顳角頂部的海馬體上方橫向通過,並在心房的側緣後方繞過,到達鈣質溝。顳角的前壁由杏仁核形成,杏仁核向後傾斜,但由顳角與海馬頭分開。U,切除丘腦,露出第三腦室。形成脈絡膜裂外緣的穹窿體、小腿和穹窿毛被保存下來。 Opening the choroidal fissure in front of the crus of the fornix exposes the pineal region and quadrigeminal cistern. Opening the choroidal fissure adjacent to the body of the fornix exposes the third ventricle. Opening the choroidal fissure in the temporal horn exposes the ambient cistern and posterior cerebral arteries. The medial posterior choroidal arteries are exposed in the quadrigeminal cistern. The striae medullaris thalami marks the lower edge of the velum interpositum, in which the internal cerebral veins course. V, the left half of the body of the fornix has been folded downward to expose the right half of the body and medial aspect of the contralateral choroidal fissure located between the body of the fornix and the upper surface of the thalamus. The pineal gland and posterior commissure are exposed at the posterior margin and the anterior commissure and columns of the fornix are exposed at the anterior margin of the third ventricle. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ang., angular; Ant., anterior; Asc., ascending; Calc., calcar, calcarine; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cing., cingulate; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Lent., lenticular, lentiform; Lob., lobule; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Mam., mamillary; Med., medullaris; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; Occip., occipital; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pall., pallidus; Par., parietal; Paracent., paracentral; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sept., septum; Str., striae; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Term., terminalis; Thal., thalamic, thalamus; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.2 S-V。S,在丘腦和穹窿小腿之間放置了一個牽開器,以打開脈絡膜裂縫。打開腦室體的脈絡膜裂隙,可見第三腦室。打開穹窿枕部和小腿之間的脈管炎裂隙,可以看到四叉神經池,打開丘腦下表麵和穹窿傘部之間的裂隙,可以看到周圍神經池。T,剩下的島葉已經被切除以暴露丘腦形成脈絡膜裂隙的內緣。外側膝狀體暴露於丘腦下緣。視輻射在顳角頂部的海馬體上方橫向通過,並在心房的側緣後方繞過,到達鈣質溝。顳角的前壁由杏仁核形成,杏仁核向後傾斜,但由顳角與海馬頭分開。U,切除丘腦,露出第三腦室。形成脈絡膜裂外緣的穹窿體、小腿和穹窿毛被保存下來。 Opening the choroidal fissure in front of the crus of the fornix exposes the pineal region and quadrigeminal cistern. Opening the choroidal fissure adjacent to the body of the fornix exposes the third ventricle. Opening the choroidal fissure in the temporal horn exposes the ambient cistern and posterior cerebral arteries. The medial posterior choroidal arteries are exposed in the quadrigeminal cistern. The striae medullaris thalami marks the lower edge of the velum interpositum, in which the internal cerebral veins course. V, the left half of the body of the fornix has been folded downward to expose the right half of the body and medial aspect of the contralateral choroidal fissure located between the body of the fornix and the upper surface of the thalamus. The pineal gland and posterior commissure are exposed at the posterior margin and the anterior commissure and columns of the fornix are exposed at the anterior margin of the third ventricle. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ang., angular; Ant., anterior; Asc., ascending; Calc., calcar, calcarine; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cing., cingulate; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Lent., lenticular, lentiform; Lob., lobule; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Mam., mamillary; Med., medullaris; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; Occip., occipital; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pall., pallidus; Par., parietal; Paracent., paracentral; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sept., septum; Str., striae; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Term., terminalis; Thal., thalamic, thalamus; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.


大腦半球有三個表麵:外側、內側和基底(圖1.3)。側麵,稱為凸麵,在側麵麵對顱蓋。額葉、頂葉和枕葉的內側麵朝大腦鐮的內側,顳葉的內側麵朝中腦的外側。基麵麵向前、中顱窩和顱幕的底部。這三個邊界分隔了大腦的三個表麵。上緣沿著上矢狀竇和半球間裂上緣的方向從額部到枕部,並將外側凸麵與內側表麵分開。側邊有前後兩部分。前部從額葉極沿額葉基麵外側邊界延伸至sylvian裂,並將額葉外側麵和眶麵分開。外側邊界的後部有一個平緩的向上凸起,沿著中窩底和幕的外側邊緣延伸並與之一致,並在前部繞顳極向上拐,到達sylvian裂。它將顳葉和枕葉的外側表麵與位於顱底和幕上的基麵分開。 The medial border extends from the frontal to the occipital pole and has frontal and occipital parts. The frontal part extends in a straight line from the frontal pole to the lamina terminalis and separates the medial from the orbital surface of the frontal lobe. The occipital part of the medial border lies in the angle between the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli and extends parallel to the straight sinus from the occipital pole to just below the splenium of the corpus callosum, separating the medial and basal surfaces of the occipital lobe.

額葉、枕葉和顳葉擴展到所有三個大腦表麵(圖1.3)。頂葉隻有兩個表麵,外側和內側。額葉包括大約三分之一的半球表麵。它從額極延伸到中央溝,由sylvian裂與顳葉分開。在內側表麵,額葉與胼胝體由胼胝體溝分隔,額葉與頂葉由中央溝上端向下延伸至胼胝體的一條線分隔。麵對眶頂的整個表麵,稱為眶麵,屬於額葉。頂葉的側麵是有界在以前由中央溝,後方的上半部分parietotemporal線的印象的上端parieto-occipital溝外側表麵preoccipital等級,和下級年底後的大腦側裂和擴展大腦側行向後延伸沿長軸側的大腦側裂parietotemporal線。在內側表麵,額葉和頂葉之間的邊界是一條從中央溝上端向下延伸到胼胝體的線。在頂葉和枕葉之間是頂枕溝。枕葉位於側麵頂顳線後,內側位於頂枕溝後。 On the basal surface, the occipital lobe is situated behind the lines extending from the junction of the calcarine and parieto-occipital sulci medially to the preoccipital notch laterally.





圖1.3。大腦半球的外側、內側和下表麵A - d,側麵(A,側麵視圖;B,前視圖;C、優越視野;D,後視圖)。E,下曲麵。F,內側表麵。A-F,縱裂將大腦半球分開。額葉的外側表麵從額極延伸到中央溝,下部以sylvian裂為界。 The precentral gyrus is situated between the central and precentral sulcus. The superior and inferior frontal sulci divide the part of the lateral surface in front of the precentral gyrus into the superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri. The inferior frontal gyrus is divided by the anterior horizontal and the anterior ascending rami of the sylvian fissure into the pars orbitalis, pars triangularis, and pars opercularis. The parietal lobe is demarcated anteriorly by the central sulcus and posteriorly by a line extending from the superior limit of the parieto-occipital sulcus to the preoccipital notch. The anterior part of the parietal lobe is formed by the postcentral gyrus, which is situated between the central and postcentral sulci. The area behind the postcentral sulcus is divided by the intraparietal sulcus into the superior and inferior parietal lobules. The inferior parietal lobule includes the supramarginal gyrus, which surrounds the upturned end of the posterior ramus of the sylvian fissure, and the angular gyrus, which surrounds the upturned posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus. The lateral occipital sulcus divides the lateral aspect of the occipital lobe into the superior and inferior occipital gyri. The lateral surface of the temporal lobe behind the temporal pole is divided into the superior, middle, and inferior temporal gyri by the superior and inferior temporal sulci. The inferior surface of the frontal lobe is formed by the gyrus rectus and the orbital gyri. The olfactory tract courses in the olfactory sulcus, which separates the gyrus rectus from the orbital gyri. The orbital sulci divide the orbital surface of the frontal lobe into the anterior, medial, lateral, and posterior orbital gyri. The inferior surface of the temporal lobe, proceeding from medial to lateral, is formed by the parahippocampal, occipitotemporal, and inferior temporal gyri. The occipitotemporal sulcus separates the occipitotemporal and inferior temporal gyri. The collateral and rhinal sulci separate the parahippocampal and occipitotemporal gyri. A narrow strip of cortex at the posterior end of the parahippocampal gyrus, called the isthmus of the cingulate gyrus, wraps around the splenium of the corpus callosum and connects the posterior ends of the parahippocampal and cingulate gyri. On the medial surface of the hemisphere, the callosal sulcus separates the corpus callosum from the cingulate gyrus. The cingulate sulcus separates the cingulate gyrus from the superior frontal gyrus. The ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus ascends along the posterior margin of the paracentral lobule. The subparietal sulcus separates the precuneus and the cingulate gyrus. The parieto-occipital sulcus separates the precuneus and the cuneus. The calcarine sulcus extends forward from the occipital pole and divides the medial surface of the occipital lobe between the cuneus and lingula. The paraterminal and paraolfactory gyri are situated below the corpus callosum in front of the lamina terminalis and anterior commissure. The inferior surface of the occipital lobe is formed by the lower part of the lingula and inferior occipital gyrus and the posterior part of the occipitotemporal gyrus. The mamillary bodies and infundibulum are in the floor of the third ventricle below the foramen of Monro. The oculomotor nerves arise on the medial surface of the cerebral peduncles. The optic nerves are situated at the medial ends of the sylvian fissures. Ang., angular; Ant., anterior; Ascend., ascending; Calc., calcarine; Cent., central; Cer., cerebral; Cing., cingulate; Coll., collateral; Comm., commissure; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gyr., Gyrus; Horiz., horizontal; Inf., inferior; Infund., infundibulum; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Lob., lobule; Long., longitudinal; Mam., mamillary; Marg., marginal; Med., medial; Mid., middle; N., nerve; Occip., occipital; Olf., olfactory; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbital, orbitalis; Par., parietal; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Paracent., paracentral; Parahipp., parahippocampal; Paraolf., paraolfactory; Paraterm., paraterminal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Preoccip., preoccipital; Sub. Par., subparietal; Subst., substance; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Supra. Marg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Temporo-occip., temporo-occipital; Term., terminalis; Tr., tract; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.3。大腦半球的外側、內側和下表麵A - d,側麵(A,側麵視圖;B,前視圖;C、優越視野;D,後視圖)。E,下曲麵。F,內側表麵。A-F,縱裂將大腦半球分開。額葉的外側表麵從額極延伸到中央溝,下部以sylvian裂為界。 The precentral gyrus is situated between the central and precentral sulcus. The superior and inferior frontal sulci divide the part of the lateral surface in front of the precentral gyrus into the superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri. The inferior frontal gyrus is divided by the anterior horizontal and the anterior ascending rami of the sylvian fissure into the pars orbitalis, pars triangularis, and pars opercularis. The parietal lobe is demarcated anteriorly by the central sulcus and posteriorly by a line extending from the superior limit of the parieto-occipital sulcus to the preoccipital notch. The anterior part of the parietal lobe is formed by the postcentral gyrus, which is situated between the central and postcentral sulci. The area behind the postcentral sulcus is divided by the intraparietal sulcus into the superior and inferior parietal lobules. The inferior parietal lobule includes the supramarginal gyrus, which surrounds the upturned end of the posterior ramus of the sylvian fissure, and the angular gyrus, which surrounds the upturned posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus. The lateral occipital sulcus divides the lateral aspect of the occipital lobe into the superior and inferior occipital gyri. The lateral surface of the temporal lobe behind the temporal pole is divided into the superior, middle, and inferior temporal gyri by the superior and inferior temporal sulci. The inferior surface of the frontal lobe is formed by the gyrus rectus and the orbital gyri. The olfactory tract courses in the olfactory sulcus, which separates the gyrus rectus from the orbital gyri. The orbital sulci divide the orbital surface of the frontal lobe into the anterior, medial, lateral, and posterior orbital gyri. The inferior surface of the temporal lobe, proceeding from medial to lateral, is formed by the parahippocampal, occipitotemporal, and inferior temporal gyri. The occipitotemporal sulcus separates the occipitotemporal and inferior temporal gyri. The collateral and rhinal sulci separate the parahippocampal and occipitotemporal gyri. A narrow strip of cortex at the posterior end of the parahippocampal gyrus, called the isthmus of the cingulate gyrus, wraps around the splenium of the corpus callosum and connects the posterior ends of the parahippocampal and cingulate gyri. On the medial surface of the hemisphere, the callosal sulcus separates the corpus callosum from the cingulate gyrus. The cingulate sulcus separates the cingulate gyrus from the superior frontal gyrus. The ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus ascends along the posterior margin of the paracentral lobule. The subparietal sulcus separates the precuneus and the cingulate gyrus. The parieto-occipital sulcus separates the precuneus and the cuneus. The calcarine sulcus extends forward from the occipital pole and divides the medial surface of the occipital lobe between the cuneus and lingula. The paraterminal and paraolfactory gyri are situated below the corpus callosum in front of the lamina terminalis and anterior commissure. The inferior surface of the occipital lobe is formed by the lower part of the lingula and inferior occipital gyrus and the posterior part of the occipitotemporal gyrus. The mamillary bodies and infundibulum are in the floor of the third ventricle below the foramen of Monro. The oculomotor nerves arise on the medial surface of the cerebral peduncles. The optic nerves are situated at the medial ends of the sylvian fissures. Ang., angular; Ant., anterior; Ascend., ascending; Calc., calcarine; Cent., central; Cer., cerebral; Cing., cingulate; Coll., collateral; Comm., commissure; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gyr., Gyrus; Horiz., horizontal; Inf., inferior; Infund., infundibulum; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Lob., lobule; Long., longitudinal; Mam., mamillary; Marg., marginal; Med., medial; Mid., middle; N., nerve; Occip., occipital; Olf., olfactory; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbital, orbitalis; Par., parietal; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Paracent., paracentral; Parahipp., parahippocampal; Paraolf., paraolfactory; Paraterm., paraterminal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Preoccip., preoccipital; Sub. Par., subparietal; Subst., substance; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Supra. Marg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Temporo-occip., temporo-occipital; Term., terminalis; Tr., tract; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.




sylvian裂縫的深層部分,隱藏在表麵之下,被稱為sylvian池。它比淺部複雜,分為蝶竇區室和隔島區室。蝶腔室從頸動脈池向外側延伸,在額葉和顳葉之間。蝶室的頂部是由額葉眶麵後部和前部穿孔物質組成的。尾狀核和慢狀核以及內囊的前肢位於頂部之上。底部由極平麵的前部形成,這是顳極上部沒有腦回的區域,在那裏有一個淺的杯狀溝槽容納大腦中動脈的路徑。鉤扣肌前段,也就是杏仁核的位置,位於腳底內側。邊緣島膜位於蝶竇腔室的側邊,是覆蓋在扣帶上的突出部分,是連接額葉和顳葉的突出纖維束。這個腔室通過sylvian vallecula與內側相連,sylvian vallecula是大腦中動脈通過的一個管狀開口,位於對側顳部和裂前唇的內側端,並提供了sylvian裂與視神經和頸動脈周圍的池之間的聯係。








島島呈三角形,其頂端朝向外膜島島的前方和下方,是位於鉤狀束上方的一個略微隆起的區域,在前孔物質的外側邊緣被一層薄薄的灰質覆蓋(圖1.2和1.4)。外膜位於蝶骨裂蝶骨和島骨隔室的交界處。島葉被一個中空的局限溝包圍並與額葉、頂葉和顳葉被蓋分開。極限溝雖然大致呈三角形,以符合腦島的形狀,但通常被稱為圓形溝,因為它圍繞著腦島。溝有三個邊界:上、下、前;還有三個角度,前下,前上,和後,也就是邊界的連接處。前邊界位於額下回三角部深處;上緣或上緣幾乎是水平的,並將腦島的上緣和額葉和頂葉的sylvian表麵分開;下緣位於後尖的前下方將腦島和顳葉的側麵分開。前下角,稱為島尖,位於三角部尖以下; the anterosuperior angle is located deep to the upper anterior edge of the pars triangularis; and the posterior angle is located deep to where the supramarginal gyrus wraps around the posterior end of the sylvian fissure. The anterosuperior angle is located directly lateral to the frontal horn and the posterior angle is located lateral to the atrium and corresponds to the sylvian point, the site at which the most posterior branch of the insular segment of the middle cerebral artery turns laterally between the opercular lips to reach the cortical surface, and the anteroinferior angle points to the lateral edge of the anterior perforated substance.



圖1.4 A-F。前穿孔物質和側裂。A,劣勢視角。前麵的穿孔物質形成了sylvian裂的蝶腔的頂部。它從前麵的嗅覺紋延伸到後麵的視神經束和顳葉莖。在內側,它延伸到半球間裂和外側到腦島邊緣。前不網膜段麵對前穿孔物。後段麵向腦梗。B,右顳極已經被切除到了顳葉莖的水平這形成了前穿孔物質的後外側邊緣。腦島邊緣位於顳葉莖部前麵的前穿孔物質的外側邊緣。 On the left side, the lower part of the posterior uncal segment has been removed to expose the upper part formed largely by the hippocampal head. The anterior perforated substance has a salt-and-pepper appearance, created by small openings through which the perforating arteries and veins penetrate the hemisphere. The area where a third ventriculostomy is performed is located in front of the mamillary bodies. C, the view has been directed lateral to the limen to the insula and frontal operculum. The lower ends of the short and long gyri of the insula are exposed lateral to the stem of the temporal lobe and medial to the gyri on the frontal operculum. D, anterior view with the lips of the opening into the operculoinsular component of the sylvian fissure retracted. The sylvian fissure, lateral to the limen, extends backward and upward, and between the insula medially and the frontal and temporal opercula laterally. The posterior perforated substance is located between the cerebral peduncles. E, lateral view of the right hemisphere. In this hemisphere, the frontal and parietal opercula do not meet the temporal operculum, thus exposing the inferior part of the long and short gyri of the insula. F, the opercular lips have been retracted to expose the long and short gyri of the insula and the circular sulcus at the outer insular border.

圖1.4 A-F。前穿孔物質和側裂。A,劣勢視角。前麵的穿孔物質形成了sylvian裂的蝶腔的頂部。它從前麵的嗅覺紋延伸到後麵的視神經束和顳葉莖。在內側,它延伸到半球間裂和外側到腦島邊緣。前不網膜段麵對前穿孔物。後段麵向腦梗。B,右顳極已經被切除到了顳葉莖的水平這形成了前穿孔物質的後外側邊緣。腦島邊緣位於顳葉莖部前麵的前穿孔物質的外側邊緣。 On the left side, the lower part of the posterior uncal segment has been removed to expose the upper part formed largely by the hippocampal head. The anterior perforated substance has a salt-and-pepper appearance, created by small openings through which the perforating arteries and veins penetrate the hemisphere. The area where a third ventriculostomy is performed is located in front of the mamillary bodies. C, the view has been directed lateral to the limen to the insula and frontal operculum. The lower ends of the short and long gyri of the insula are exposed lateral to the stem of the temporal lobe and medial to the gyri on the frontal operculum. D, anterior view with the lips of the opening into the operculoinsular component of the sylvian fissure retracted. The sylvian fissure, lateral to the limen, extends backward and upward, and between the insula medially and the frontal and temporal opercula laterally. The posterior perforated substance is located between the cerebral peduncles. E, lateral view of the right hemisphere. In this hemisphere, the frontal and parietal opercula do not meet the temporal operculum, thus exposing the inferior part of the long and short gyri of the insula. F, the opercular lips have been retracted to expose the long and short gyri of the insula and the circular sulcus at the outer insular border.

圖1.4 G-J。G,切除了顳葉保留了視覺輻射。島島的下緣表麵上位於外側膝狀體的深部。光輻射的纖維穿過顳葉的莖部回到鈣質溝。H,額葉基底和內側顳葉的內側下視圖。白點勾勒出纖維下降形成腦梗。黑色針勾勒出尾狀核和慢狀核的深部位置,位於額葉前部穿孔物質和基底表麵之上。黃色的針勾勒出海馬體頭部的前邊緣。通過切除海馬旁回的內側部分,海馬體頭部的後部暴露出來。第一,顳葉上表麵的上側視圖形成了sylvian裂的底部。 The transverse temporal gyri, the most anterior of which is Heschl’s auditory projection area, form the posterior part of the upper surface of the temporal lobe, called the planum temporale. The anterior part of the upper surface, called the planum polare, is free of gyri and has a shallow trough to accommodate the course of the middle cerebral artery. The lateral edge of the planum polare is formed by the superior temporal gyrus. The stem of the temporal lobe, the relatively thin layer of white and gray matter that connects the temporal lobe to the lower insula, is positioned above the lateral and anterior edge of the temporal horn. J, inferior view of the frontoparietal operculum. The gyri on the lateral surface extend around the lower border of the frontal and parietal lobes to form the upper lip of the sylvian fissure. The optic radiations pass laterally from the lateral geniculate body and course in the roof of the temporal horn along the temporal stem and lateral to the atrium to reach the calcarine sulcus on the medial aspect of the occipital lobe. Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Hippo., hippocampus; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform, lenticular; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Operc., operculum, opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Precent., precentral; Rad., radiations; Seg., segment; Subst., substance; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporale; Tr., tract; Trans., transverse; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.4 G-J。G,切除了顳葉保留了視覺輻射。島島的下緣表麵上位於外側膝狀體的深部。光輻射的纖維穿過顳葉的莖部回到鈣質溝。H,額葉基底和內側顳葉的內側下視圖。白點勾勒出纖維下降形成腦梗。黑色針勾勒出尾狀核和慢狀核的深部位置,位於額葉前部穿孔物質和基底表麵之上。黃色的針勾勒出海馬體頭部的前邊緣。通過切除海馬旁回的內側部分,海馬體頭部的後部暴露出來。第一,顳葉上表麵的上側視圖形成了sylvian裂的底部。 The transverse temporal gyri, the most anterior of which is Heschl’s auditory projection area, form the posterior part of the upper surface of the temporal lobe, called the planum temporale. The anterior part of the upper surface, called the planum polare, is free of gyri and has a shallow trough to accommodate the course of the middle cerebral artery. The lateral edge of the planum polare is formed by the superior temporal gyrus. The stem of the temporal lobe, the relatively thin layer of white and gray matter that connects the temporal lobe to the lower insula, is positioned above the lateral and anterior edge of the temporal horn. J, inferior view of the frontoparietal operculum. The gyri on the lateral surface extend around the lower border of the frontal and parietal lobes to form the upper lip of the sylvian fissure. The optic radiations pass laterally from the lateral geniculate body and course in the roof of the temporal horn along the temporal stem and lateral to the atrium to reach the calcarine sulcus on the medial aspect of the occipital lobe. Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Hippo., hippocampus; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform, lenticular; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Operc., operculum, opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Precent., precentral; Rad., radiations; Seg., segment; Subst., substance; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporale; Tr., tract; Trans., transverse; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.



中央溝將運動區和感覺區以及額葉和頂葉分開,在sylvian裂之後恒定地跟隨(圖1.1-1.3和1.5)。在近90%的病例中,它開始於外側表麵的上邊界延伸到半球的內側表麵。它在額枕兩極中點後約2厘米處與上半球邊界相交。在以下,它通常結束於sylvian裂前上升支後約2.0 - 2.5 cm,不與sylvian裂相交。從它的上端開始,它向外側、下方和前方延伸,與半球上邊界的前部形成大約70度的角。它有兩條有點正弦的曲線,上曲線,或膝,它的凸度是向後的,下曲線,或膝,它的凸度是向前的,它們一起像一個倒字母S(8)的形狀。上膝比下膝更清晰。中央溝的下端通常達不到sylvian裂,因為一個小的腦回橋經常連接中央前回和中央後回的下端。中央前、後溝的不規則肢體可向中央溝開放,此時中央前、後回分為上下或多個節段。








頂葉的外表麵前麵受中央溝的限製,上麵受半球間裂的限製,下麵受sylvian裂和一條線的限製,稱為sylvian延伸線,沿著sylvian裂的長軸向後延伸,後麵受從頂枕裂的上端延伸到枕前切跡的線的限製。它的兩個主要溝,中央後溝和頂骨內溝,將外側表麵分為三個部分(圖1.1、1.3和1.5)。中央後溝將頂葉劃分為位於中央溝後麵並與中央溝平行的中央後回,以及被水平溝細分為頂葉上小葉和頂葉下小葉的後部大部分。中央後溝在形狀上與中央溝相似,但常被腦回橋分割成幾個不連續的部分。頂骨內溝位於腦半球上緣的前後、平行和外側2 - 3cm處。頂骨內溝的深度指向心房頂部和枕角。頂上小葉由頂內溝延伸至半球上緣。






圖1.5。內側麵的關係。A,側麵圖,右側大腦。額下回由眶部、三角肌和被蓋肌組成。中央前回和後回位於前蓋部和後緣上回之間。中央前回被分成兩條回帶。B,被蓋部,三角肌,眶肌,顳上回和部分邊際上回被切除以暴露腦島。在皮質表麵放置了許多針,以識別各種結構的深部位置:綠色針表示Monro孔;紅針,中間塊;黃針,鬆果體; white pin, the lamina terminalis. The ovoid group of dark pins identifies the outer margin of the corpus callosum. The arrows along the posterior half of the superior margin identify the site at which sulci on the medial surface intersect the superior margin as follows: white arrow, the ascending (marginal) ramus of cingulate sulcus that marks the posterior edge of the paracentral lobule; red arrow, the parieto-occipital sulcus; and yellow arrow, the calcarine sulcus. C, red pins have been placed on the convexity directly lateral to the course of the calcarine and parieto occipital sulci and the cingulate sulcus and its ascending ramus on the medial surface. The ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus extends along the posterior edge of the paracentral lobule formed by the upper end of the pre- and postcentral gyrus overlapping onto the medial surface of the hemisphere. The parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci on the medial surface converge and join in a Y-shaped configuration. Small black pins outline the thalamus. The yellow pins outline the outer margin of the caudate nucleus. The large blue pinhead is located at the level of the pineal, and the green pin is located directly lateral to the foramen of Monro. D, medial surface of the same hemisphere. The yellow pins mark the location of the central sulcus. The lower end of the central sulcus is located just behind the foramen of Monro as is also shown in B and C. The dark pins outline the circular sulcus of the insula. The green pin is positioned at the sylvian point where the last branch of the middle cerebral artery turns laterally from the surface of the insula to reach the cortical surface. Ang., angular; Asc., ascending; Calc., calcarine; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Cing., cingulate; Circ., circular; Corp., corpus; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Inf., inferior; Int., intermedia; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lam., lamina; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; Par. Occip., parieto- occipital; Paracent., paracentral; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Term., terminalis; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.5。內側麵的關係。A,側麵圖,右側大腦。額下回由眶部、三角肌和被蓋肌組成。中央前回和後回位於前蓋部和後緣上回之間。中央前回被分成兩條回帶。B,被蓋部,三角肌,眶肌,顳上回和部分邊際上回被切除以暴露腦島。在皮質表麵放置了許多針,以識別各種結構的深部位置:綠色針表示Monro孔;紅針,中間塊;黃針,鬆果體; white pin, the lamina terminalis. The ovoid group of dark pins identifies the outer margin of the corpus callosum. The arrows along the posterior half of the superior margin identify the site at which sulci on the medial surface intersect the superior margin as follows: white arrow, the ascending (marginal) ramus of cingulate sulcus that marks the posterior edge of the paracentral lobule; red arrow, the parieto-occipital sulcus; and yellow arrow, the calcarine sulcus. C, red pins have been placed on the convexity directly lateral to the course of the calcarine and parieto occipital sulci and the cingulate sulcus and its ascending ramus on the medial surface. The ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus extends along the posterior edge of the paracentral lobule formed by the upper end of the pre- and postcentral gyrus overlapping onto the medial surface of the hemisphere. The parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci on the medial surface converge and join in a Y-shaped configuration. Small black pins outline the thalamus. The yellow pins outline the outer margin of the caudate nucleus. The large blue pinhead is located at the level of the pineal, and the green pin is located directly lateral to the foramen of Monro. D, medial surface of the same hemisphere. The yellow pins mark the location of the central sulcus. The lower end of the central sulcus is located just behind the foramen of Monro as is also shown in B and C. The dark pins outline the circular sulcus of the insula. The green pin is positioned at the sylvian point where the last branch of the middle cerebral artery turns laterally from the surface of the insula to reach the cortical surface. Ang., angular; Asc., ascending; Calc., calcarine; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Cing., cingulate; Circ., circular; Corp., corpus; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Inf., inferior; Int., intermedia; Intrapar., intraparietal; Lam., lamina; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; Par. Occip., parieto- occipital; Paracent., paracentral; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Term., terminalis; Triang., triangularis; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.6 A-F。中央前回和後回的識別以及額葉和顳葉的變化。A,右側額顳區毗鄰sylvian裂。這是在額顳葉開顱手術中暴露的區域。由於暴露有限,很難確定中央溝、中央前回和中央後回的位置。通常,可以通過檢查沿sylvian裂上唇的腦回模式來定位中央前和中央後腦回。從前麵可以辨認出眶部、三角肌和被蓋肌。中央前回通常位於被蓋部的後緣。sylvian裂也可以向後延伸到其上翻的後端,被邊緣上回所覆蓋。通常,中央後回是沿緣上回前的sylvian裂的下一個回。 B, overview of the right hemisphere shown in A. The central sulcus can be followed to the superior margin of the hemisphere. The precentral gyrus is broken up into several segments by crossing sulci. The relationships of the pars opercularis to the precentral gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus to the postcentral gyrus are quite consistent and are helpful in identifying the central sulcus and the pre- and postcentral gyri during the limited operative exposures along the sylvian fissure. The anterior horizontal ramus of the sylvian fissure separates the pars orbitalis and triangularis and the anterior ascending ramus separates the pars triangularis and opercularis. C, another right hemisphere. The lower end of the precentral gyrus is located behind a somewhat lobulated pars opercularis. The postcentral gyrus is located at the anterior edge of the supramar ginal gyrus, which wraps around the upturned posterior end of the sylvian fissure. D, the part of the right frontal and parietal lobes in front of and behind the pre- and postcentral gyri and central sulcus has been removed. The precentral gyrus is located lateral to the posterior part of the body of the ventricle. The postcentral gyrus is located lateral to the anterior part of the atrium. Both gyri adjoining the sylvian fissure are positioned lateral to the splenium of the corpus callosum. E–G, sulci and gyri of the frontal lobe. E, superolateral view of the left frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is often depicted as being split into three gyri, superior, middle, and inferior, by two sulci, superior and inferior. Often, as shown, the superior frontal gyrus is split into medial and lateral segments by irregular sulci and gyri. The middle frontal gyrus does not have a smooth, unbroken surface, but is broken up into multiple, tortuous segments. On the inferior frontal gyrus, formed by the pars orbitalis, triangularis, and opercularis, there can be multiple variations in the size and shape of the contributions from each part. The precentral gyrus, in this case, is broken up into several segments by limbs of the precentral sulcus. F, anterior view. A portion of the right superior frontal gyrus is broken into two longitudinal gyral strips. The left superior frontal gyrus is composed of multiple gyri that extend medially and laterally across the superior frontal area. The superior frontal sulci are continuous along both frontal lobes. The middle frontal gyri on both hemispheres are made up of numerous worm-like gyral segments.

圖1.6 A-F。中央前回和後回的識別以及額葉和顳葉的變化。A,右側額顳區毗鄰sylvian裂。這是在額顳葉開顱手術中暴露的區域。由於暴露有限,很難確定中央溝、中央前回和中央後回的位置。通常,可以通過檢查沿sylvian裂上唇的腦回模式來定位中央前和中央後腦回。從前麵可以辨認出眶部、三角肌和被蓋肌。中央前回通常位於被蓋部的後緣。sylvian裂也可以向後延伸到其上翻的後端,被邊緣上回所覆蓋。通常,中央後回是沿緣上回前的sylvian裂的下一個回。 B, overview of the right hemisphere shown in A. The central sulcus can be followed to the superior margin of the hemisphere. The precentral gyrus is broken up into several segments by crossing sulci. The relationships of the pars opercularis to the precentral gyrus and the supramarginal gyrus to the postcentral gyrus are quite consistent and are helpful in identifying the central sulcus and the pre- and postcentral gyri during the limited operative exposures along the sylvian fissure. The anterior horizontal ramus of the sylvian fissure separates the pars orbitalis and triangularis and the anterior ascending ramus separates the pars triangularis and opercularis. C, another right hemisphere. The lower end of the precentral gyrus is located behind a somewhat lobulated pars opercularis. The postcentral gyrus is located at the anterior edge of the supramar ginal gyrus, which wraps around the upturned posterior end of the sylvian fissure. D, the part of the right frontal and parietal lobes in front of and behind the pre- and postcentral gyri and central sulcus has been removed. The precentral gyrus is located lateral to the posterior part of the body of the ventricle. The postcentral gyrus is located lateral to the anterior part of the atrium. Both gyri adjoining the sylvian fissure are positioned lateral to the splenium of the corpus callosum. E–G, sulci and gyri of the frontal lobe. E, superolateral view of the left frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is often depicted as being split into three gyri, superior, middle, and inferior, by two sulci, superior and inferior. Often, as shown, the superior frontal gyrus is split into medial and lateral segments by irregular sulci and gyri. The middle frontal gyrus does not have a smooth, unbroken surface, but is broken up into multiple, tortuous segments. On the inferior frontal gyrus, formed by the pars orbitalis, triangularis, and opercularis, there can be multiple variations in the size and shape of the contributions from each part. The precentral gyrus, in this case, is broken up into several segments by limbs of the precentral sulcus. F, anterior view. A portion of the right superior frontal gyrus is broken into two longitudinal gyral strips. The left superior frontal gyrus is composed of multiple gyri that extend medially and laterally across the superior frontal area. The superior frontal sulci are continuous along both frontal lobes. The middle frontal gyri on both hemispheres are made up of numerous worm-like gyral segments.

圖1.6 G-J。G,另一個右額葉側麵圖。額下回的三角部和被蓋部有類似的三角形外觀。通常在中央溝的下緣有一個腦回橋,但在這種情況下,中央溝通向sylvian裂。中央前回從下緣到上緣是連續的,並沒有像B和e所示的那樣被分割成多個片段。額中回由多個不規則的回旋組成。H-J,顳葉腦溝和腦回的變化。H,右側顳葉有一個更典型的模式,其中三個顳回,上,中,下,被兩個上,下溝分開。溝的走向不規則、曲折,但大部分沿顳外側葉由前至後連續。第一,顳上回位於顳上溝上方很容易辨認。顳上溝下方的顳葉部分被分成多個斜向腦回,不容易與預期的中回和下回的模式相吻合。 J, the superior temporal gyrus is broken up into several segments but is fairly continuous. The middle and inferior temporal regions are formed by multiple obliquely oriented gyri and there is no clear inferior temporal sulcus. Ant., anterior; Asc., ascending; Call., callosum; Cent., central; Cing., cingulate; Corp., corpus; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Horiz., horizontal; Inf., inferior; Interhem., interhemispheric; Mid., middle; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Triang., triangularis.

圖1.6 G-J。G,另一個右額葉側麵圖。額下回的三角部和被蓋部有類似的三角形外觀。通常在中央溝的下緣有一個腦回橋,但在這種情況下,中央溝通向sylvian裂。中央前回從下緣到上緣是連續的,並沒有像B和e所示的那樣被分割成多個片段。額中回由多個不規則的回旋組成。H-J,顳葉腦溝和腦回的變化。H,右側顳葉有一個更典型的模式,其中三個顳回,上,中,下,被兩個上,下溝分開。溝的走向不規則、曲折,但大部分沿顳外側葉由前至後連續。第一,顳上回位於顳上溝上方很容易辨認。顳上溝下方的顳葉部分被分成多個斜向腦回,不容易與預期的中回和下回的模式相吻合。 J, the superior temporal gyrus is broken up into several segments but is fairly continuous. The middle and inferior temporal regions are formed by multiple obliquely oriented gyri and there is no clear inferior temporal sulcus. Ant., anterior; Asc., ascending; Call., callosum; Cent., central; Cing., cingulate; Corp., corpus; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Horiz., horizontal; Inf., inferior; Interhem., interhemispheric; Mid., middle; Operc., opercularis; Orb., orbitalis; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Triang., triangularis.



內側額葉、頂葉和枕葉腦回的一般組織可以與三層翻滾的腦回進行比較:內層為胼胝體,中間層為扣帶回,外層由前至後依次為額上回、旁中心小葉、楔前葉、楔前葉和舌的內側表麵(8)。扣帶回包裹在胼胝體周圍,並由胼胝體溝向下與胼胝體分開。扣帶回的外緣通過扣帶溝與額上回內側表麵的剩餘部分和旁中心小葉分離,通過頂下溝與楔前葉和頂葉的剩餘部分分離,這是扣帶溝在邊緣支後麵的一個不明顯的後延。扣帶回開始於胼胝體的主席台下方,彎曲於胼胝體的膝和體周圍,並在脾後向下轉彎,在那裏它由一個狹窄的回橋,扣帶回的峽部,連接到海馬旁回。若幹次支從扣帶溝上升,將外層分成若幹段,其中最重要的是近中心支和上升支。旁中心支從胼胝體中部的扣帶溝向上延伸,將額上回前部與腦旁小葉後部分開。邊緣支或上升支從胼胝體後三分之一水平的扣帶溝上升,並在前麵將旁中央小葉與後麵的楔前葉分開。旁中心小葉是中央前回和後回的延伸,環繞著中央溝延伸到內側表麵,是對側下肢和會陰區域的運動和感覺區以及排便和排尿的自主控製區。中央溝後麵的旁中央小葉是頂葉的一部分。旁中央小葉位於胼胝體後半部分上方。 The marginal ramus, present in almost all hemispheres, is an important aid in magnetic resonance imaging in locating the sensory or motor areas on the medial surface.












從上方或下方觀察,鉤突是海馬旁回的前凸出部分,呈角狀,前段和後段在中間指向的頂點相遇(圖1.8和1.9)。鉤骨前段麵向前內側後段麵向後內側。前段有一個不可分割的內側表麵,但後段被下切口分為上下兩個部分,下切口是一個從後段後部延伸到後段內側的短溝。前段的內側麵麵對頸動脈的近端,頸動脈池,頸內動脈和大腦中動脈的近端。後段麵向腦梗,並與腦梗一起形成腳池的外側和內側壁,腦後動脈、脈絡膜前動脈和脈絡膜後內側動脈通過腳池。視神經束在腳池頂部的後段內側邊緣上方。杏仁核幾乎占據了整個內部,並延伸到前段上部的內側表麵。後段的上部主要是由海馬體頭部的內側形成的。前段和後段交會處的頂點,向內側指向動眼神經和後交通動脈。海馬體的頭部在齒狀回的前端到達後段上部的內側表麵。 Within the ventricle, a small medially projecting space, the uncal recess, situated between the ventricular surface of the amygdala and hippocampal head, is located lateral to the uncal apex.






圖1.7 A-F.A-C,右腦半球的內側表麵。A,鐮狀骨,除了下矢狀竇,已經被切除。額葉內側表麵的大部分是由扣帶回和額上回組成的,它們被扣帶溝隔開。扣帶溝的上升支經過旁中央小葉的後麵,旁中央回的前和後中央回延伸到半球的內側表麵。近中心小葉後麵的內側表麵由楔前葉、楔前葉、舌前葉和扣帶溝的後部組成。楔前葉位於旁中央小葉和頂枕溝之間。楔形位於頂枕骨和鈣溝之間。舌回(舌回)位於鈣質溝下方。B,另一個半球的內側表麵。 The paraterminal and paraolfactory gyri are located below the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The precuneus is located between the ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus, the parieto-occipital sulcus, and the subparietal sulcus, a posterior extension of the cingulate sulcus. The cuneus is located between the parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci, and the lingula is located below the calcarine sulcus. The parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci join to create a Y-shaped configuration. The parahippocampal gyrus forms the majority of the medial surface of the temporal lobe. C, another hemisphere. The medial surface is formed by the paraterminal, paraolfactory, superior frontal, and cingulate gyri and the paracentral lobule, precuneus, cuneus, lingula, and parahippocampal gyrus. The cingulate sulcus narrows behind the splenium to form the isthmus of the cingulate sulcus that blends along the medial surface of the temporal lobe into the parahippocampal gyrus. D–K, fiber dissection of the medial surface of the hemisphere. D, the section extends through the medial part of the right hemisphere and thalamus. It crosses the medial part of the head of the caudate nucleus anteriorly and the pulvinar of the thalamus posteriorly. The genu of the corpus callosum wraps around the frontal horn. The body of the corpus callosum forms the roof of the body of the lateral ventricle and the splenium is located adjacent to the atrium. The caudate nucleus is exposed in the lateral wall of the frontal horn and the body of the ventricle. The cingulum, a bundle of association fibers, wraps around the outer border of the corpus callosum in the depths of the cingulate gyrus. E, the cingulum and gray matter of the cingulate gyrus have been removed to expose the fibers radiating laterally out of the corpus callosum. The cross section of the corpus callosum is the part nearest the reader and the fibers radiate away from the cut edge around the margins of the lateral ventricle. Fibers passing through the genu of the corpus callosum form the forceps minor and the anterior wall of the frontal horn and the large bundle passing posteriorly from the splenium forms the forceps major creating a prominence, the bulb of the corpus callosum, in the medial wall of the atrium. The crus of the fornix wraps around the pulvinar in the anterior wall of the atrium. F, the brainstem has been removed to expose the uncus, which has anterior and posterior segments. The anterior segment faces the internal carotid artery. The posterior segment, facing posteromedially, is divided into an upper and lower part by the uncal notch. Removing the brainstem also exposes the parahippocampal and dentate gyri. The crus of the fornix and splenium have been removed to expose the caudate tail extending around the pulvinar.

圖1.7 A-F.A-C,右腦半球的內側表麵。A,鐮狀骨,除了下矢狀竇,已經被切除。額葉內側表麵的大部分是由扣帶回和額上回組成的,它們被扣帶溝隔開。扣帶溝的上升支經過旁中央小葉的後麵,旁中央回的前和後中央回延伸到半球的內側表麵。近中心小葉後麵的內側表麵由楔前葉、楔前葉、舌前葉和扣帶溝的後部組成。楔前葉位於旁中央小葉和頂枕溝之間。楔形位於頂枕骨和鈣溝之間。舌回(舌回)位於鈣質溝下方。B,另一個半球的內側表麵。 The paraterminal and paraolfactory gyri are located below the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The precuneus is located between the ascending ramus of the cingulate sulcus, the parieto-occipital sulcus, and the subparietal sulcus, a posterior extension of the cingulate sulcus. The cuneus is located between the parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci, and the lingula is located below the calcarine sulcus. The parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci join to create a Y-shaped configuration. The parahippocampal gyrus forms the majority of the medial surface of the temporal lobe. C, another hemisphere. The medial surface is formed by the paraterminal, paraolfactory, superior frontal, and cingulate gyri and the paracentral lobule, precuneus, cuneus, lingula, and parahippocampal gyrus. The cingulate sulcus narrows behind the splenium to form the isthmus of the cingulate sulcus that blends along the medial surface of the temporal lobe into the parahippocampal gyrus. D–K, fiber dissection of the medial surface of the hemisphere. D, the section extends through the medial part of the right hemisphere and thalamus. It crosses the medial part of the head of the caudate nucleus anteriorly and the pulvinar of the thalamus posteriorly. The genu of the corpus callosum wraps around the frontal horn. The body of the corpus callosum forms the roof of the body of the lateral ventricle and the splenium is located adjacent to the atrium. The caudate nucleus is exposed in the lateral wall of the frontal horn and the body of the ventricle. The cingulum, a bundle of association fibers, wraps around the outer border of the corpus callosum in the depths of the cingulate gyrus. E, the cingulum and gray matter of the cingulate gyrus have been removed to expose the fibers radiating laterally out of the corpus callosum. The cross section of the corpus callosum is the part nearest the reader and the fibers radiate away from the cut edge around the margins of the lateral ventricle. Fibers passing through the genu of the corpus callosum form the forceps minor and the anterior wall of the frontal horn and the large bundle passing posteriorly from the splenium forms the forceps major creating a prominence, the bulb of the corpus callosum, in the medial wall of the atrium. The crus of the fornix wraps around the pulvinar in the anterior wall of the atrium. F, the brainstem has been removed to expose the uncus, which has anterior and posterior segments. The anterior segment faces the internal carotid artery. The posterior segment, facing posteromedially, is divided into an upper and lower part by the uncal notch. Removing the brainstem also exposes the parahippocampal and dentate gyri. The crus of the fornix and splenium have been removed to expose the caudate tail extending around the pulvinar.

圖1.7 G-K,半球內側表麵纖維解剖。G,在保留前段的同時摘除了鉤骨的後段。丘腦靜脈、前尾狀靜脈和後尾狀靜脈、側房靜脈和下室靜脈穿過腦室壁。丘腦紋靜脈位於尾狀核與丘腦之間的溝中,位於終紋外表麵。尾狀尾延伸到枕骨周圍並進入顳角的頂部。H,心室室管膜壁被切除以暴露室管膜下區域的纖維。尾狀尾暴露在枕骨下方。終紋位於尾狀核和丘腦之間。胼胝體的絨氈層形成了心房和顳角的頂部和側壁。杏仁核位於鉤尾的前部,形成顳角的前壁。 The anterior choroidal artery courses around the anterior and posterior segments of the uncus to reach the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. I, the caudate nucleus has been removed to expose the fibers constituting the internal capsule. The anterior thalamic peduncle and anterior limb of the internal capsule courses lateral to the caudate head. The anterior limb is crossed by bridges of transcapsular bridges gray matter interconnecting the caudate and lentiform nuclei that gives it a prominent striate appearance and a deeper color than the posterior part of the internal capsule. The superior thalamic peduncle and genu of the internal capsule are exposed above the thalamus. The posterior thalamic peduncle and posterior limb of the internal capsule are exposed behind the genu. The upper part of the optic radiations course behind the pulvinar in the retrolenticular part of the internal capsule. The tapetum sweeps downward to form the roof and lateral wall of the atrium and temporal horn. J, enlarged view. The stria terminalis wraps around the posterior margin of the thalamus and blends into the amygdala. The fibers forming the anterior and posterior limbs and the retro- and sublenticular parts of the internal capsule have been exposed. K, enlarged view. The sublenticular part of the optic and auditory radiations pass laterally and are separated from the temporal horn by only the tapetum. The retrolenticular part of the internal capsule contains some of the optic radiations. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Asc., ascending; Atr., atrial; Aud., auditory; Calc., calcarine; Call., callosum; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cing., cingulate; Corp., corpus; Dent., dentate; For., forceps; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Nucl., nucleus; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Paracent., paracentral; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Paraolf., paraolfactory; Paraterm., paraterminal; Post., posterior; Rad., radiations; Retrolent., retrolenticular; Sag., sagittal; Seg., segment; Str., stria; Sublent., sublenticular; Subpar., subparietal; Sup., superior; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Transcap., transcapsular; V., vein; Vent., ventricle, ventricular.

圖1.7 G-K,半球內側表麵纖維解剖。G,在保留前段的同時摘除了鉤骨的後段。丘腦靜脈、前尾狀靜脈和後尾狀靜脈、側房靜脈和下室靜脈穿過腦室壁。丘腦紋靜脈位於尾狀核與丘腦之間的溝中,位於終紋外表麵。尾狀尾延伸到枕骨周圍並進入顳角的頂部。H,心室室管膜壁被切除以暴露室管膜下區域的纖維。尾狀尾暴露在枕骨下方。終紋位於尾狀核和丘腦之間。胼胝體的絨氈層形成了心房和顳角的頂部和側壁。杏仁核位於鉤尾的前部,形成顳角的前壁。 The anterior choroidal artery courses around the anterior and posterior segments of the uncus to reach the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. I, the caudate nucleus has been removed to expose the fibers constituting the internal capsule. The anterior thalamic peduncle and anterior limb of the internal capsule courses lateral to the caudate head. The anterior limb is crossed by bridges of transcapsular bridges gray matter interconnecting the caudate and lentiform nuclei that gives it a prominent striate appearance and a deeper color than the posterior part of the internal capsule. The superior thalamic peduncle and genu of the internal capsule are exposed above the thalamus. The posterior thalamic peduncle and posterior limb of the internal capsule are exposed behind the genu. The upper part of the optic radiations course behind the pulvinar in the retrolenticular part of the internal capsule. The tapetum sweeps downward to form the roof and lateral wall of the atrium and temporal horn. J, enlarged view. The stria terminalis wraps around the posterior margin of the thalamus and blends into the amygdala. The fibers forming the anterior and posterior limbs and the retro- and sublenticular parts of the internal capsule have been exposed. K, enlarged view. The sublenticular part of the optic and auditory radiations pass laterally and are separated from the temporal horn by only the tapetum. The retrolenticular part of the internal capsule contains some of the optic radiations. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Asc., ascending; Atr., atrial; Aud., auditory; Calc., calcarine; Call., callosum; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cing., cingulate; Corp., corpus; Dent., dentate; For., forceps; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Nucl., nucleus; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Paracent., paracentral; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Paraolf., paraolfactory; Paraterm., paraterminal; Post., posterior; Rad., radiations; Retrolent., retrolenticular; Sag., sagittal; Seg., segment; Str., stria; Sublent., sublenticular; Subpar., subparietal; Sup., superior; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Transcap., transcapsular; V., vein; Vent., ventricle, ventricular.

圖1.8 A-D大腦半球的逐步解剖,從前麵開始。A,冠狀切麵在胼胝體的主席台和額角的前部。額角頂的前壁及鄰近部分由胼胝體膝形成,底由主席台形成,外壁由尾狀核形成。這一層的島表麵很小。直回位於嗅覺束的內側。B,這部分已經延伸到額角的中部。頂板由胼胝體體形成,外側壁由尾狀核形成,底部由主席台形成,內側壁由透明隔形成。內囊的前肢穿過尾狀核和慢狀核之間。尾狀核與內囊前肢下方的豆狀核混合。 The planum polare on the upper surface of the anterior part of the temporal lobe is devoid of gyri and has a shallow trough along which the middle cerebral artery courses. C, the cross section has been extended posteriorly to the level of the lamina terminalis and the anterior commissure. The columns of the fornix pass around the anterior and superior margin of the foramen of Monro and turn downward behind the lamina terminalis toward the mamillary bodies. At this level, the lentiform nucleus has taken on its characteristic triangular or lens shape in cross section. D, enlarged view. The lamina terminalis has been opened. The anterior limb of the internal capsule separates the caudate and lentiform nuclei. The lentiform nucleus is formed by the putamen and globus pallidus. The anteroinferior part of the caudate and lentiform nuclei blends without clear demarcation into the large mass of gray matter above the anterior perforated substance and adjacent part of the orbital surface of the frontal lobe that also includes the nucleus basalis and accumbens. The nucleus basalis is located below the anterior commissure and the accumbens is located anterior to the basalis without clear demarcation between these two nuclei or the adjacent part of the lentiform and caudate nuclei. The anterior segment of the uncus is exposed lateral to the carotid artery.

圖1.8 A-D大腦半球的逐步解剖,從前麵開始。A,冠狀切麵在胼胝體的主席台和額角的前部。額角頂的前壁及鄰近部分由胼胝體膝形成,底由主席台形成,外壁由尾狀核形成。這一層的島表麵很小。直回位於嗅覺束的內側。B,這部分已經延伸到額角的中部。頂板由胼胝體體形成,外側壁由尾狀核形成,底部由主席台形成,內側壁由透明隔形成。內囊的前肢穿過尾狀核和慢狀核之間。尾狀核與內囊前肢下方的豆狀核混合。 The planum polare on the upper surface of the anterior part of the temporal lobe is devoid of gyri and has a shallow trough along which the middle cerebral artery courses. C, the cross section has been extended posteriorly to the level of the lamina terminalis and the anterior commissure. The columns of the fornix pass around the anterior and superior margin of the foramen of Monro and turn downward behind the lamina terminalis toward the mamillary bodies. At this level, the lentiform nucleus has taken on its characteristic triangular or lens shape in cross section. D, enlarged view. The lamina terminalis has been opened. The anterior limb of the internal capsule separates the caudate and lentiform nuclei. The lentiform nucleus is formed by the putamen and globus pallidus. The anteroinferior part of the caudate and lentiform nuclei blends without clear demarcation into the large mass of gray matter above the anterior perforated substance and adjacent part of the orbital surface of the frontal lobe that also includes the nucleus basalis and accumbens. The nucleus basalis is located below the anterior commissure and the accumbens is located anterior to the basalis without clear demarcation between these two nuclei or the adjacent part of the lentiform and caudate nuclei. The anterior segment of the uncus is exposed lateral to the carotid artery.

圖1.8 E-F。E,放大視圖。嗅覺神經在視神經上方後方通過。脈絡膜裂隙,即丘腦和穹窿體之間的裂隙,脈絡膜叢沿著它附著,開始於門羅孔的後邊緣。丘腦紋靜脈穿過門羅孔的後緣,在丘腦和尾狀核之間。動眼神經暴露在頸動脈後麵。F,橫截麵向後延伸至Monro孔水平。在這個水平,尾狀核比前麵小得多。蒼白球有清晰的內外段。顳角頂部的前部已經被切除,露出杏仁核和海馬體前部。 The amygdala, at its upper margin, blends into the globus pallidus. The combination of the globus pallidus and amygdala seem to wrap around the lateral aspect of the optic tract. The apex of the uncus protrudes medially toward the oculomotor nerve. The anterior uncal segment is located lateral to the carotid artery. The claustrum is located between the insula and the lentiform nucleus. The amygdala fills most of the anterior segment of the uncus and forms the anterior wall of the temporal horn. The amygdala tilts backward above the anterior part of the hippocampal head and roof of the temporal horn.

圖1.8 E-F。E,放大視圖。嗅覺神經在視神經上方後方通過。脈絡膜裂隙,即丘腦和穹窿體之間的裂隙,脈絡膜叢沿著它附著,開始於門羅孔的後邊緣。丘腦紋靜脈穿過門羅孔的後緣,在丘腦和尾狀核之間。動眼神經暴露在頸動脈後麵。F,橫截麵向後延伸至Monro孔水平。在這個水平,尾狀核比前麵小得多。蒼白球有清晰的內外段。顳角頂部的前部已經被切除,露出杏仁核和海馬體前部。 The amygdala, at its upper margin, blends into the globus pallidus. The combination of the globus pallidus and amygdala seem to wrap around the lateral aspect of the optic tract. The apex of the uncus protrudes medially toward the oculomotor nerve. The anterior uncal segment is located lateral to the carotid artery. The claustrum is located between the insula and the lentiform nucleus. The amygdala fills most of the anterior segment of the uncus and forms the anterior wall of the temporal horn. The amygdala tilts backward above the anterior part of the hippocampal head and roof of the temporal horn.

圖1.8 G-L。G,扁豆狀核和杏仁核的放大圖。極囊分離閉孔和腦島,外囊分離閉孔和扁豆狀核。外側髓板將殼核與蒼白球的外段分開,內側髓板將蒼白球的內、外側段分開。H,右半球橫切麵延伸至腦梗後,穿過視神經束末端及外側和內側膝狀體。中腦部分穿過腦梗和黑質。脈絡膜下點,脈絡膜裂隙的下端和脈絡膜叢在顳角的附屬點,就在海馬體的後麵。動眼神經位於腦梗的內側。第一,右邊的丘腦被切除了。脈絡膜叢沿位於穹窿和丘腦之間的脈絡膜裂隙相連。 The tail of the caudate nucleus courses in the roof of the temporal horn above the hippocampus. J, the axial section on the left side has been extended through the midportion of the cerebral peduncle and the coronal section through the thalamus. The thalamus forms the floor of the body of the ventricle. At the midthalamic level, the lentiform nucleus is reduced markedly in size as compared with the more anterior levels where it forms a prominent part of the deep gray matter. As the cross section moves posteriorly, the thalamus forms a progressively greater part of the central core of the hemisphere located between the insula and ventricular surface. The temporal horn is located below the lentiform nucleus. The posterior segment of the uncus faces the cerebral peduncle. The bulb of the corpus callosum overlying the forceps major and the calcar avis overlying the calcarine sulcus are exposed in the medial wall of the atrium. K, all of the right thalamus and the medial part of the left thalamus have been removed to expose the crural, ambient, and quadrigeminal cisterns. The midbrain forms the medial wall and the parahippocampal and dentate gyri form the lateral wall of the ambient cistern. The crural cistern is located between the posterior uncus segment and the cerebral peduncle. The left lateral geniculate body has been preserved. The optic radiations arise in the lateral geniculate body and pass laterally above the temporal horn. L, enlarged view. The body of the fornix is in the lower medial part of the wall of the body of the lateral ventricles. The crus of the fornix forms part of the anterior wall of the atrium and the fimbria sits on the upper surface of the hippocampus in the floor of the temporal horn. The amygdala fills most of the anterior segment of the uncus and the hippocampal head extends into the posterior segment. The posterior commissure, aqueduct, and mamillary bodies are exposed in the walls of the third ventricle. The anterior part of the third ventricular floor between the mamillary bodies and the infundibular recess is quite thin and is the site frequently selected for a third ventriculostomy.

圖1.8 G-L。G,扁豆狀核和杏仁核的放大圖。極囊分離閉孔和腦島,外囊分離閉孔和扁豆狀核。外側髓板將殼核與蒼白球的外段分開,內側髓板將蒼白球的內、外側段分開。H,右半球橫切麵延伸至腦梗後,穿過視神經束末端及外側和內側膝狀體。中腦部分穿過腦梗和黑質。脈絡膜下點,脈絡膜裂隙的下端和脈絡膜叢在顳角的附屬點,就在海馬體的後麵。動眼神經位於腦梗的內側。第一,右邊的丘腦被切除了。脈絡膜叢沿位於穹窿和丘腦之間的脈絡膜裂隙相連。 The tail of the caudate nucleus courses in the roof of the temporal horn above the hippocampus. J, the axial section on the left side has been extended through the midportion of the cerebral peduncle and the coronal section through the thalamus. The thalamus forms the floor of the body of the ventricle. At the midthalamic level, the lentiform nucleus is reduced markedly in size as compared with the more anterior levels where it forms a prominent part of the deep gray matter. As the cross section moves posteriorly, the thalamus forms a progressively greater part of the central core of the hemisphere located between the insula and ventricular surface. The temporal horn is located below the lentiform nucleus. The posterior segment of the uncus faces the cerebral peduncle. The bulb of the corpus callosum overlying the forceps major and the calcar avis overlying the calcarine sulcus are exposed in the medial wall of the atrium. K, all of the right thalamus and the medial part of the left thalamus have been removed to expose the crural, ambient, and quadrigeminal cisterns. The midbrain forms the medial wall and the parahippocampal and dentate gyri form the lateral wall of the ambient cistern. The crural cistern is located between the posterior uncus segment and the cerebral peduncle. The left lateral geniculate body has been preserved. The optic radiations arise in the lateral geniculate body and pass laterally above the temporal horn. L, enlarged view. The body of the fornix is in the lower medial part of the wall of the body of the lateral ventricles. The crus of the fornix forms part of the anterior wall of the atrium and the fimbria sits on the upper surface of the hippocampus in the floor of the temporal horn. The amygdala fills most of the anterior segment of the uncus and the hippocampal head extends into the posterior segment. The posterior commissure, aqueduct, and mamillary bodies are exposed in the walls of the third ventricle. The anterior part of the third ventricular floor between the mamillary bodies and the infundibular recess is quite thin and is the site frequently selected for a third ventriculostomy.

圖1.8 M-P。M,斜前視圖。右側顳葉的橫截麵穿過後網膜段。將第三腦室底移至導水管水平,露出位於腦梗與腦橋上方之間的腦梗間窩。第三腦室底部的後部由中腦組成。N, uncus後段內側放大視圖。後外陰節由外陰切口分為上下兩部分。下半部分是由海馬旁回構成的,它是亞節區的所在地,上半部分主要由海馬頭構成。脈絡膜下點,脈絡膜叢的下端和脈絡膜裂隙還有脈絡膜前動脈進入顳角的點就在海馬體的後麵。錐體和顆粒細胞層的組織使海馬形成其特有的外觀。 O, the cross section of the right temporal lobe has been extended back to the level of the midportion of the temporal horn. The ambient cistern is limited medially by the midbrain and laterally by the parahippocampal and dentate gyri. P, enlarged view. The collateral sulcus cuts deeply into the hemisphere and forms a prominence, the collateral eminence in the floor of the temporal horn on the lateral side of the hippocampus. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcar; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Coll., collateral; Comm., commissure; Dent., dentate; Emin., eminence; Ext., external; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial, medullary; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Pall., pallidus; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Pyram., pyramidal; Quad., quadrigeminal; Seg., segment; Sept., septum; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.8 M-P。M,斜前視圖。右側顳葉的橫截麵穿過後網膜段。將第三腦室底移至導水管水平,露出位於腦梗與腦橋上方之間的腦梗間窩。第三腦室底部的後部由中腦組成。N, uncus後段內側放大視圖。後外陰節由外陰切口分為上下兩部分。下半部分是由海馬旁回構成的,它是亞節區的所在地,上半部分主要由海馬頭構成。脈絡膜下點,脈絡膜叢的下端和脈絡膜裂隙還有脈絡膜前動脈進入顳角的點就在海馬體的後麵。錐體和顆粒細胞層的組織使海馬形成其特有的外觀。 O, the cross section of the right temporal lobe has been extended back to the level of the midportion of the temporal horn. The ambient cistern is limited medially by the midbrain and laterally by the parahippocampal and dentate gyri. P, enlarged view. The collateral sulcus cuts deeply into the hemisphere and forms a prominence, the collateral eminence in the floor of the temporal horn on the lateral side of the hippocampus. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcar; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Coll., collateral; Comm., commissure; Dent., dentate; Emin., eminence; Ext., external; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial, medullary; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Pall., pallidus; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Pyram., pyramidal; Quad., quadrigeminal; Seg., segment; Sept., septum; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.9 A-DA,兩個不同大腦顳葉和枕葉的基麵。側溝將海馬旁回和枕顳回分開,向後延伸至枕葉。海馬旁回被腦溝從內側到外側穿過,在兩個半球上被分割成幾段。枕顳回沿基麵長軸形成的中間條帶是不連續的,顳下回也是不連續的,它從半球下緣的凸麵處折疊。鼻溝沿鉤骨側緣延伸,與側支溝連續。B,另一個大腦。兩側鼻溝沿不網膜外側緣延伸,但不像a中那樣與側支溝連續。海馬旁、枕顳、顳下回被分割成多個節段。C,放大視圖。暗針勾勒出側腦室位於基麵上方的位置。 The frontal horn is located above the posteromedial part of the basal surface of the frontal lobe. The body of the ventricle is located above the midbrain and thalamus. The temporal horn is located above the collateral sulcus and parahippocampal gyrus. There are prominences, the collateral eminence, in the floor of the temporal horn and the collateral trigone, in the floor of the atrium, that overlie the deep end of the collateral sulcus. D, basal surface of another temporal lobe. The uncus has an anterior segment that faces forward toward the carotid cistern and entrance into the sylvian cistern and a posterior segment that faces posteriorly toward the cerebral peduncle and crural cistern. The apex between the anterior and posterior segment is located lateral to the oculomotor nerve. The medial part of the parahippocampal gyrus faces the ambient cistern located between the lateral side of the midbrain and the parahippocampal gyrus. The rhinal sulcus courses along the lateral margin of the anterior part of the uncus and is continuous with the collateral sulcus. The posterior segment of the uncus is divided into an upper and lower part by the uncal notch.

圖1.9 A-DA,兩個不同大腦顳葉和枕葉的基麵。側溝將海馬旁回和枕顳回分開,向後延伸至枕葉。海馬旁回被腦溝從內側到外側穿過,在兩個半球上被分割成幾段。枕顳回沿基麵長軸形成的中間條帶是不連續的,顳下回也是不連續的,它從半球下緣的凸麵處折疊。鼻溝沿鉤骨側緣延伸,與側支溝連續。B,另一個大腦。兩側鼻溝沿不網膜外側緣延伸,但不像a中那樣與側支溝連續。海馬旁、枕顳、顳下回被分割成多個節段。C,放大視圖。暗針勾勒出側腦室位於基麵上方的位置。 The frontal horn is located above the posteromedial part of the basal surface of the frontal lobe. The body of the ventricle is located above the midbrain and thalamus. The temporal horn is located above the collateral sulcus and parahippocampal gyrus. There are prominences, the collateral eminence, in the floor of the temporal horn and the collateral trigone, in the floor of the atrium, that overlie the deep end of the collateral sulcus. D, basal surface of another temporal lobe. The uncus has an anterior segment that faces forward toward the carotid cistern and entrance into the sylvian cistern and a posterior segment that faces posteriorly toward the cerebral peduncle and crural cistern. The apex between the anterior and posterior segment is located lateral to the oculomotor nerve. The medial part of the parahippocampal gyrus faces the ambient cistern located between the lateral side of the midbrain and the parahippocampal gyrus. The rhinal sulcus courses along the lateral margin of the anterior part of the uncus and is continuous with the collateral sulcus. The posterior segment of the uncus is divided into an upper and lower part by the uncal notch.

圖1.9 E-H。E,不網膜下切跡下方的不網膜後段部分和海馬旁回的內側部分已經被切除,以暴露後段上半部分的下表麵,它在後部與珠狀齒狀回混合。絨毛暴露在齒狀回上方。海馬體的頭部折疊成鉤尾的後段。脈絡膜裂隙位於丘腦和陰毛之間,沿外側膝狀體的外側邊緣延伸。F,海馬體和齒狀回被切除,同時保留沿脈絡膜裂隙連接的絨毛和脈絡膜叢。脈絡膜叢的一側與陰毛相連另一側與丘腦下緣相連。杏仁核形成了顳角的前壁,並占據了鉤突前段的大部分。脈絡膜下點,即脈絡膜裂隙和脈絡膜叢的下端,位於鉤突後。G,絨毛和脈絡膜叢被切除以暴露顳角頂部。 The lower part of the anterior uncal segment has been removed to expose the amygdala. A small portion of the posterior segment sitting below the optic tract has been preserved. The inferior choroidal point, the most anterior attachment of the choroid plexus in the temporal horn and the lower end of the choroidal fissure, is located behind the head of the hippocampus in front of the lateral geniculate body and at the posterior edge of the cerebral peduncle. The tapetum of the corpus callosum forms the roof and lateral wall of the atrium. H, the tapetum fibers have been removed to expose the fibers of the optic radiation arising from the lateral geniculate body and passing across the roof and around the lateral wall of the temporal horn and the lateral wall of the atrium. Only a thin layer of tapetal fibers separate the optic radiations from the temporal horn and atrium as they pass posteriorly to reach the calcarine sulcus. The cuneus forms the upper bank and the lingula forms the lower bank of the calcarine sulcus. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcarine; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid, choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Perf., perforated; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rad., radiation; Seg., segment; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.9 E-H。E,不網膜下切跡下方的不網膜後段部分和海馬旁回的內側部分已經被切除,以暴露後段上半部分的下表麵,它在後部與珠狀齒狀回混合。絨毛暴露在齒狀回上方。海馬體的頭部折疊成鉤尾的後段。脈絡膜裂隙位於丘腦和陰毛之間,沿外側膝狀體的外側邊緣延伸。F,海馬體和齒狀回被切除,同時保留沿脈絡膜裂隙連接的絨毛和脈絡膜叢。脈絡膜叢的一側與陰毛相連另一側與丘腦下緣相連。杏仁核形成了顳角的前壁,並占據了鉤突前段的大部分。脈絡膜下點,即脈絡膜裂隙和脈絡膜叢的下端,位於鉤突後。G,絨毛和脈絡膜叢被切除以暴露顳角頂部。 The lower part of the anterior uncal segment has been removed to expose the amygdala. A small portion of the posterior segment sitting below the optic tract has been preserved. The inferior choroidal point, the most anterior attachment of the choroid plexus in the temporal horn and the lower end of the choroidal fissure, is located behind the head of the hippocampus in front of the lateral geniculate body and at the posterior edge of the cerebral peduncle. The tapetum of the corpus callosum forms the roof and lateral wall of the atrium. H, the tapetum fibers have been removed to expose the fibers of the optic radiation arising from the lateral geniculate body and passing across the roof and around the lateral wall of the temporal horn and the lateral wall of the atrium. Only a thin layer of tapetal fibers separate the optic radiations from the temporal horn and atrium as they pass posteriorly to reach the calcarine sulcus. The cuneus forms the upper bank and the lingula forms the lower bank of the calcarine sulcus. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcarine; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid, choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Perf., perforated; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rad., radiation; Seg., segment; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.10。顳葉內側表麵和uncus。A,鉤突,位於海馬旁回前端的內側突起,有前段和後段。sylvian vecular是大腦中動脈離開頸動脈池進入sylvian池的位置。側支溝沿海馬旁回外側緣延伸,鼻溝沿鉤突外側緣延伸。鼻側溝和鼻側溝通常是不連續的,盡管在這個病例中是。B、放大視圖。uncus後段由uncus切口分為上下兩部分。下半部分由海馬旁回組成,上半部分主要由海馬頭組成。齒狀回,在它的前端,與後段的上部混合。 C, medial view of the uncus directed across the sella and tentorial edge. The carotid artery and middle cerebral artery face the anterior segment of the uncus. The posterior cerebral artery courses along the medial side of the posterior segment. The anterior choroidal artery ascends as it passes backward across the anterior segment to reach the upper part of the posterior segment. The anterior choroidal artery enters, and the inferior ventricular vein exits, the choroidal fissure by passing through the inferior choroidal point located just behind the head of the hippocampus and the posterior uncal segment. The inferior ventricular vein drains the roof of the temporal horn and empties in the basal vein. D, the medial part of the parahippocampal gyrus and the lower part of the posterior uncal segment have been removed to expose the dentate gyrus and the choroidal fissure. The beaded dentate gyrus blends into the posterior edge of the upper part of the posterior uncal segment and the medial side of the hippocampal head. E, additional parahippocampal gyrus has been removed while preserving the dentate gyrus to expose the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. The amygdala, partially enclosed in the anterior segment, forms the anterior wall of the temporal horn. F, inferior view of E. The part of the parahippocampal gyrus, lateral to the dentate gyrus, has been removed to expose the roof of the temporal horn, which is formed by the tapetum, the thin layer of fibers from the corpus callosum that separate the optic radiation from the wall of the temporal horn. The dentate gyrus and fimbria have been preserved. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure located between the fimbria and lower margin of the thalamus. The inferior choroidal point at the lower end of the choroidal fissure is located behind the posterior uncal segment and the hippocampal head. The dentate gyrus and fimbria extend along the lateral edge of the lateral geniculate body. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Chor., choroid, choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vent., ventricular.

圖1.10。顳葉內側表麵和uncus。A,鉤突,位於海馬旁回前端的內側突起,有前段和後段。sylvian vecular是大腦中動脈離開頸動脈池進入sylvian池的位置。側支溝沿海馬旁回外側緣延伸,鼻溝沿鉤突外側緣延伸。鼻側溝和鼻側溝通常是不連續的,盡管在這個病例中是。B、放大視圖。uncus後段由uncus切口分為上下兩部分。下半部分由海馬旁回組成,上半部分主要由海馬頭組成。齒狀回,在它的前端,與後段的上部混合。 C, medial view of the uncus directed across the sella and tentorial edge. The carotid artery and middle cerebral artery face the anterior segment of the uncus. The posterior cerebral artery courses along the medial side of the posterior segment. The anterior choroidal artery ascends as it passes backward across the anterior segment to reach the upper part of the posterior segment. The anterior choroidal artery enters, and the inferior ventricular vein exits, the choroidal fissure by passing through the inferior choroidal point located just behind the head of the hippocampus and the posterior uncal segment. The inferior ventricular vein drains the roof of the temporal horn and empties in the basal vein. D, the medial part of the parahippocampal gyrus and the lower part of the posterior uncal segment have been removed to expose the dentate gyrus and the choroidal fissure. The beaded dentate gyrus blends into the posterior edge of the upper part of the posterior uncal segment and the medial side of the hippocampal head. E, additional parahippocampal gyrus has been removed while preserving the dentate gyrus to expose the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. The amygdala, partially enclosed in the anterior segment, forms the anterior wall of the temporal horn. F, inferior view of E. The part of the parahippocampal gyrus, lateral to the dentate gyrus, has been removed to expose the roof of the temporal horn, which is formed by the tapetum, the thin layer of fibers from the corpus callosum that separate the optic radiation from the wall of the temporal horn. The dentate gyrus and fimbria have been preserved. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure located between the fimbria and lower margin of the thalamus. The inferior choroidal point at the lower end of the choroidal fissure is located behind the posterior uncal segment and the hippocampal head. The dentate gyrus and fimbria extend along the lateral edge of the lateral geniculate body. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Chor., choroid, choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vent., ventricular.









圖1.11。額葉的眶麵。A,嗅束沿直回外側的嗅溝延伸,在前穿孔物邊緣分為內側和外側嗅紋。直回外側的眶麵被一個h型溝分為眶前回、後回、內側回和外側回。B,另一個大腦。嗅溝在內側將直回與外側的眶回分開。直回外側的眶表麵被許多溝分割,這些溝傾向於形成h型結構,並將該區域分為前眶回、後眶回、內側眶回和外側眶回。外側眶回的最外側與額下回的眶部相連。C,另一個半球的軌道表麵。大腦半球深處的額角和顳角的位置已經用彩色的黑色別針勾勒出來。 The frontal horn extends forward in the frontal lobe to approximately the level of the transverse part of the H-shaped orbital sulcus. The deep site of the foramen of Monro, shown with yellow pins, in relationship to the basal surface is anterior to the mamillary bodies. D, the lower part of the right frontal lobe has been removed to expose the frontal horn. The caudate nucleus forms the lateral wall of the frontal horn and the rostrum of the corpus callosum forms the floor. At a more superior axial level, the caudate and lentiform nuclei are separated by the anterior limb of the internal capsule, but at this level below the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the nuclei form a solid, unbroken mass of gray matter located above the anterior perforated substance and adjoining part of the orbital surface. In addition, the lentiform and caudate nuclei blend medially without a clear border into the nucleus basalis and nucleus accumbens. The nucleus basalis is located in the medial part of this gray mass below the anterior commissure, and the nucleus accumbens is situated in front of the nucleus basalis. The amygdala is located below and blends into the lentiform nucleus at its upper border. E, fiber dissection of the right hemisphere showing the relationship of the genu and rostrum of the corpus callosum to the orbital surface. The anterior margin of the genu of the corpus callosum is located above the midportion of the basal surface. The rostrum of the corpus callosum forms the floor of the frontal horn. The genu, along with its large fiber bundle, the forceps minor, forms the anterior wall of the frontal horn. The caudate nucleus forms the lateral wall of the frontal horn. The basal side of the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus, formed by the putamen and globus pallidus, blend together in the area below the anterior limb of the frontal capsule to form a globular mass of gray matter that extends almost unbroken from the lower part of the frontal horn to the insula. At a more superior level, the anterior limb of the internal capsule cuts into the interval between the caudate and lentiform nuclei dividing them into separate nuclei. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Accumb., accumbens; Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; CN, cranial nerve; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Orb., orbital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Perf., perforated; Post., posterior; Str., striae; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract.

圖1.11。額葉的眶麵。A,嗅束沿直回外側的嗅溝延伸,在前穿孔物邊緣分為內側和外側嗅紋。直回外側的眶麵被一個h型溝分為眶前回、後回、內側回和外側回。B,另一個大腦。嗅溝在內側將直回與外側的眶回分開。直回外側的眶表麵被許多溝分割,這些溝傾向於形成h型結構,並將該區域分為前眶回、後眶回、內側眶回和外側眶回。外側眶回的最外側與額下回的眶部相連。C,另一個半球的軌道表麵。大腦半球深處的額角和顳角的位置已經用彩色的黑色別針勾勒出來。 The frontal horn extends forward in the frontal lobe to approximately the level of the transverse part of the H-shaped orbital sulcus. The deep site of the foramen of Monro, shown with yellow pins, in relationship to the basal surface is anterior to the mamillary bodies. D, the lower part of the right frontal lobe has been removed to expose the frontal horn. The caudate nucleus forms the lateral wall of the frontal horn and the rostrum of the corpus callosum forms the floor. At a more superior axial level, the caudate and lentiform nuclei are separated by the anterior limb of the internal capsule, but at this level below the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the nuclei form a solid, unbroken mass of gray matter located above the anterior perforated substance and adjoining part of the orbital surface. In addition, the lentiform and caudate nuclei blend medially without a clear border into the nucleus basalis and nucleus accumbens. The nucleus basalis is located in the medial part of this gray mass below the anterior commissure, and the nucleus accumbens is situated in front of the nucleus basalis. The amygdala is located below and blends into the lentiform nucleus at its upper border. E, fiber dissection of the right hemisphere showing the relationship of the genu and rostrum of the corpus callosum to the orbital surface. The anterior margin of the genu of the corpus callosum is located above the midportion of the basal surface. The rostrum of the corpus callosum forms the floor of the frontal horn. The genu, along with its large fiber bundle, the forceps minor, forms the anterior wall of the frontal horn. The caudate nucleus forms the lateral wall of the frontal horn. The basal side of the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus, formed by the putamen and globus pallidus, blend together in the area below the anterior limb of the frontal capsule to form a globular mass of gray matter that extends almost unbroken from the lower part of the frontal horn to the insula. At a more superior level, the anterior limb of the internal capsule cuts into the interval between the caudate and lentiform nuclei dividing them into separate nuclei. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Accumb., accumbens; Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; CN, cranial nerve; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Orb., orbital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Perf., perforated; Post., posterior; Str., striae; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract.





沿著圓形溝的下緣略微向下的切口穿過峽部,將暴露顳角,但在下峽部的中部,切口將穿過光和聽覺輻射纖維,就在它們離開外側和內側膝狀體的外側。峽部上部與環狀溝上部和側腦室體分隔,較其他部位厚。上峽部也含有形成內囊的纖維。直接從峽部的上、後、下緣切開有損害重要的運動、體感、視覺和聽覺通路的風險。切開峽部前部比切開峽部中部和後部風險小。yaardgil和Wieser(11)到達杏仁核,通過圓形溝和下部峽部(位於腦島邊緣後方),使用1- 2cm的切口進行杏仁核海馬切除術。在橫切地峽的一部分之前,應考慮若幹通往中央核心不同表麵的操作路線。這些入路,沿著半球基麵和顱底之間的側側或半球間裂,或通過側腦室,提供了多條通路,可進入不同的表麵和部分中央核。通往這些深層區域的路線將在下麵的討論中以及第5章中進一步回顧。

圖1.12。半球的中心。第一,視野優越。中央核是位於島麵外側與外側腦室和第三腦室中間的部分。我們指的是深於圓形溝並連接中央核心和剩餘半球的狹窄白質帶,即腦峽。位於核心邊緣的峽部,傳遞著與所有運動和感覺通路相關的所有纖維,包括那些形成內部囊和光學輻射的纖維。圓形溝的前緣通過峽部較薄的前緣與額角分離,圓形溝的後緣通過峽部較窄的後緣與心房分離。峽部上緣將圓溝上緣與側腦室分開,較峽部前緣或後緣稍厚。顳橫回,最前麵的是Heschl回,位於顳平麵島葉後緣外側。顳葉上表麵前部顳平麵前的一個沒有腦回的區域,稱為極平麵,麵向島葉外側表麵的前部。 The transverse temporal gyri radiate forward and laterally from the posterior isthmus located lateral to the atrium. The sylvian point, the site at which the last insular branch of the middle cerebral artery turns laterally from the insula, is located lateral to the posterior isthmus and the posterior part of the circular sulcus. B, superior view of the central core and the anterior and posterior parts of the cerebral isthmus. The transverse temporal gyri seem to radiate laterally and forward from an apex situated lateral to the atrium, the posterior part of the circular sulcus, and the posterior isthmus. The section extends through the anterior and posterior limb and genu of the internal capsule, thalamus, and lentiform and caudate nuclei. The thalamus is located directly above the midbrain in the center of the tentorial incisura. C, superolateral view of the insula, circular sulcus, and the anterior and posterior isthmi. The circular sulcus extends completely around the margin of the insula and is located superficial to the white matter forming the cerebral isthmus. The isthmus is the thinnest area between the insular and ventricular surfaces. D, the upper surface of the left temporal lobe has been retracted to expose the lower part of the circular sulcus and isthmus located deep to the circular sulcus. An incision extending through the thin isthmus at the lower margin of the circular sulcus will expose the temporal horn, but will also cut across the optic and auditory radiations and the sublenticular part of the internal capsule, unless only a short segment of the anterior part of the lower isthmus is opened. E, lateral view of the central core. The cerebral hemisphere has been removed by dividing the isthmus, located deep to the circular sulcus and extending around the margin of the insula. The corpus callosum and fibers crossing the midline were also divided. Middle cerebral branches course along the insular surface. The lower margin of the circular sulcus is located deep to the superior temporal sulcus. F, all of the central core has been removed. It includes the caudate and lentiform nuclei, thalamus, and some of the corona radiata and internal capsule. The medial part of the core has been separated from the ventricular surface by opening the choroidal fissure, the natural cleft and cleavage plane between the thalamus and fornix. The body, crus, and fimbria of the fornix form the outer border of the choroidal fissure. The transverse temporal gyri, forming the planum temporale, radiate forward from the posterior edge of the circular sulcus located lateral to the atrium. The quadrigeminal cistern is located medial to the crus of the fornix. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Circ., circular; Cist., cistern; Corp., corpus; Front., frontal; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; Nucl., nucleus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Seg., segment; Str., straight; Temp., temporal, temporale; Tent., tentorial; Trans., transverse; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.12。半球的中心。第一,視野優越。中央核是位於島麵外側與外側腦室和第三腦室中間的部分。我們指的是深於圓形溝並連接中央核心和剩餘半球的狹窄白質帶,即腦峽。位於核心邊緣的峽部,傳遞著與所有運動和感覺通路相關的所有纖維,包括那些形成內部囊和光學輻射的纖維。圓形溝的前緣通過峽部較薄的前緣與額角分離,圓形溝的後緣通過峽部較窄的後緣與心房分離。峽部上緣將圓溝上緣與側腦室分開,較峽部前緣或後緣稍厚。顳橫回,最前麵的是Heschl回,位於顳平麵島葉後緣外側。顳葉上表麵前部顳平麵前的一個沒有腦回的區域,稱為極平麵,麵向島葉外側表麵的前部。 The transverse temporal gyri radiate forward and laterally from the posterior isthmus located lateral to the atrium. The sylvian point, the site at which the last insular branch of the middle cerebral artery turns laterally from the insula, is located lateral to the posterior isthmus and the posterior part of the circular sulcus. B, superior view of the central core and the anterior and posterior parts of the cerebral isthmus. The transverse temporal gyri seem to radiate laterally and forward from an apex situated lateral to the atrium, the posterior part of the circular sulcus, and the posterior isthmus. The section extends through the anterior and posterior limb and genu of the internal capsule, thalamus, and lentiform and caudate nuclei. The thalamus is located directly above the midbrain in the center of the tentorial incisura. C, superolateral view of the insula, circular sulcus, and the anterior and posterior isthmi. The circular sulcus extends completely around the margin of the insula and is located superficial to the white matter forming the cerebral isthmus. The isthmus is the thinnest area between the insular and ventricular surfaces. D, the upper surface of the left temporal lobe has been retracted to expose the lower part of the circular sulcus and isthmus located deep to the circular sulcus. An incision extending through the thin isthmus at the lower margin of the circular sulcus will expose the temporal horn, but will also cut across the optic and auditory radiations and the sublenticular part of the internal capsule, unless only a short segment of the anterior part of the lower isthmus is opened. E, lateral view of the central core. The cerebral hemisphere has been removed by dividing the isthmus, located deep to the circular sulcus and extending around the margin of the insula. The corpus callosum and fibers crossing the midline were also divided. Middle cerebral branches course along the insular surface. The lower margin of the circular sulcus is located deep to the superior temporal sulcus. F, all of the central core has been removed. It includes the caudate and lentiform nuclei, thalamus, and some of the corona radiata and internal capsule. The medial part of the core has been separated from the ventricular surface by opening the choroidal fissure, the natural cleft and cleavage plane between the thalamus and fornix. The body, crus, and fimbria of the fornix form the outer border of the choroidal fissure. The transverse temporal gyri, forming the planum temporale, radiate forward from the posterior edge of the circular sulcus located lateral to the atrium. The quadrigeminal cistern is located medial to the crus of the fornix. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Circ., circular; Cist., cistern; Corp., corpus; Front., frontal; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; Nucl., nucleus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Seg., segment; Str., straight; Temp., temporal, temporale; Tent., tentorial; Trans., transverse; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.13 A-F.半球中央核心的逐步解剖。第一,視野優越。中央核位於腦島和第三腦室和側腦室之間。左半球的上半部分,除了中央前回,已被切除,露出額角和腦室體。中央前回位於腦室體後部外側,胼胝體脾部外側。被切除的中央後回,正對著顳橫回的最前麵,叫做顳橫回。短島回暴露在中央前回的前麵,長回暴露在中央前回的後麵。B,軸向截麵穿過中央核,穿過內囊的前肢、後肢和膝,丘腦,以及門羅孔水平的慢狀核和尾狀核。通過沿腦島的圓形溝分割白質,移除了心房的側壁和顳角的頂部。 C, the posterior part of the lateral surface of the insula has been removed to expose the lateral surface of the lentiform nucleus. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure that extends from the foramen of Monro to the inferior choroidal point located just behind the head of the hippocampus. D, the anterior part of the insular cortex has been removed to expose the lentiform nucleus in the area above and behind the sylvian fissure, and above the anterior perforated substance and temporal horn. The middle cerebral artery, in the stem of the sylvian fissure, passes below the anterior part of the caudate and lentiform nuclei. The sublenticular and retrolenticular parts of the internal capsule, including the optic and auditory radiations, pass below and behind the lentiform nucleus. The anterior limb of the internal capsule is located between the caudate and lentiform nuclei, and the posterior limb is positioned between the lentiform nucleus and thalamus. E, enlarged view of the lower margin of the thalamus and upper part of the uncus. The anterior segment of the uncus contains the amygdala and faces the carotid and middle cerebral arteries. The posterior segment of the uncus contains the head of the hippocampus and is located anterior to the lower end of the choroidal fissure. The lateral geniculate body is located just above the choroidal fissure and body of the hippocampus. The choroidal fissure, along which the choroid plexus is attached, is located between the fimbria and the thalamus. The inferior choroidal point, the lower end of the choroidal fissure, is located behind the hippocampal head. F, the thalamus has been removed and the fimbria of the fornix retracted laterally to expose the parahippocampal gyrus medial to the fimbria. The posterior cerebral artery courses through the crural and ambient cisterns on the medial side of the parahippocampal gyrus. The upper lip of the calcarine sulcus, formed by the cuneus, has been removed to expose the lower lip formed by the lingula. The deep end of the calcarine sulcus forms a prominence, the calcar avis, in the medial wall of the atrium.

圖1.13 A-F.半球中央核心的逐步解剖。第一,視野優越。中央核位於腦島和第三腦室和側腦室之間。左半球的上半部分,除了中央前回,已被切除,露出額角和腦室體。中央前回位於腦室體後部外側,胼胝體脾部外側。被切除的中央後回,正對著顳橫回的最前麵,叫做顳橫回。短島回暴露在中央前回的前麵,長回暴露在中央前回的後麵。B,軸向截麵穿過中央核,穿過內囊的前肢、後肢和膝,丘腦,以及門羅孔水平的慢狀核和尾狀核。通過沿腦島的圓形溝分割白質,移除了心房的側壁和顳角的頂部。 C, the posterior part of the lateral surface of the insula has been removed to expose the lateral surface of the lentiform nucleus. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure that extends from the foramen of Monro to the inferior choroidal point located just behind the head of the hippocampus. D, the anterior part of the insular cortex has been removed to expose the lentiform nucleus in the area above and behind the sylvian fissure, and above the anterior perforated substance and temporal horn. The middle cerebral artery, in the stem of the sylvian fissure, passes below the anterior part of the caudate and lentiform nuclei. The sublenticular and retrolenticular parts of the internal capsule, including the optic and auditory radiations, pass below and behind the lentiform nucleus. The anterior limb of the internal capsule is located between the caudate and lentiform nuclei, and the posterior limb is positioned between the lentiform nucleus and thalamus. E, enlarged view of the lower margin of the thalamus and upper part of the uncus. The anterior segment of the uncus contains the amygdala and faces the carotid and middle cerebral arteries. The posterior segment of the uncus contains the head of the hippocampus and is located anterior to the lower end of the choroidal fissure. The lateral geniculate body is located just above the choroidal fissure and body of the hippocampus. The choroidal fissure, along which the choroid plexus is attached, is located between the fimbria and the thalamus. The inferior choroidal point, the lower end of the choroidal fissure, is located behind the hippocampal head. F, the thalamus has been removed and the fimbria of the fornix retracted laterally to expose the parahippocampal gyrus medial to the fimbria. The posterior cerebral artery courses through the crural and ambient cisterns on the medial side of the parahippocampal gyrus. The upper lip of the calcarine sulcus, formed by the cuneus, has been removed to expose the lower lip formed by the lingula. The deep end of the calcarine sulcus forms a prominence, the calcar avis, in the medial wall of the atrium.

圖1.13 G-M。G是另一個半球。脈絡膜叢被切除以暴露位於丘腦和穹窿之間的脈絡膜裂隙。穹窿體的外側部分已被切除以暴露第三腦室頂部的腦內靜脈。由尾狀核和慢狀核形成的核塊,延伸至大腦中動脈和sylvian裂的莖頂,由額葉的眶表麵的前部穿孔物質和後部形成。杏仁核位於大腦中動脈的後麵和下麵。H,切口從脈絡膜下點向前延伸穿過杏仁核。杏仁核位於鉤尾肌的前部,並與大腦中動脈在其前表麵交叉。海馬體的頭部與後網膜段融為一體。大腦中動脈位於前網膜段上方大腦後動脈和基底靜脈位於後網膜段內側。 I, much of the thalamus has been removed to expose the body, crus, and fimbria of the fornix forming the outer margin of the choroidal fissure. The axial section extends through the area below the anterior limb of the internal capsule and anterior commissure where the caudate and lentiform nuclei and the nucleus accumbens and basalis blend together to form a massive collection of gray matter above the posterior part of the orbital surface of the frontal lobe and anterior perforated substance. J, axial sections through the temporal lobe and the anterior and posterior segments of the uncus. The amygdala fills the anterior segment and the head of the hippocampus fills the upper part of the posterior segment. The fimbria arises on the surface of the hippocampus. The parahippocampal gyrus extends medially below the hippocampus. The collateral eminence overlies the deep end of the collateral sulcus that runs along the basal surface on the lateral side of the parahippocampal gyrus. The hippocampus meets the calcar avis in the anterior part of the atrium. K, anterosuperior view. The axial section of the left hemisphere extends through the sylvian fissure, lateral geniculate body, amygdala, and the thin layer of white matter in the temporal stem below the lower edge of the circular sulcus. L, the cross sections extend along the optic tract and through the lower margin of the thalamus. The optic tract passes lateral to the lower margin of the thalamus to reach the lateral geniculate body. M, the optic tract and the thin layer of gray and white matter at the lower margin of the insula and circular sulcus that forms the stem of the temporal lobe have been removed to expose the temporal horn and the cisterns between the midbrain and parahippocampal gyrus. The anterior segment of the uncus faces the carotid and middle cerebral arteries. The apex faces the oculomotor nerve. The posterior segment faces the cerebral peduncle, crural cistern, posterior cerebral artery, and basal vein. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Accumb., accumbens; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcar; Call., callosum; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cing., cingulate; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Precent., precentral; Retrolent., retrolenticular; Seg., segment; Sublent., sublenticular; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.13 G-M。G是另一個半球。脈絡膜叢被切除以暴露位於丘腦和穹窿之間的脈絡膜裂隙。穹窿體的外側部分已被切除以暴露第三腦室頂部的腦內靜脈。由尾狀核和慢狀核形成的核塊,延伸至大腦中動脈和sylvian裂的莖頂,由額葉的眶表麵的前部穿孔物質和後部形成。杏仁核位於大腦中動脈的後麵和下麵。H,切口從脈絡膜下點向前延伸穿過杏仁核。杏仁核位於鉤尾肌的前部,並與大腦中動脈在其前表麵交叉。海馬體的頭部與後網膜段融為一體。大腦中動脈位於前網膜段上方大腦後動脈和基底靜脈位於後網膜段內側。 I, much of the thalamus has been removed to expose the body, crus, and fimbria of the fornix forming the outer margin of the choroidal fissure. The axial section extends through the area below the anterior limb of the internal capsule and anterior commissure where the caudate and lentiform nuclei and the nucleus accumbens and basalis blend together to form a massive collection of gray matter above the posterior part of the orbital surface of the frontal lobe and anterior perforated substance. J, axial sections through the temporal lobe and the anterior and posterior segments of the uncus. The amygdala fills the anterior segment and the head of the hippocampus fills the upper part of the posterior segment. The fimbria arises on the surface of the hippocampus. The parahippocampal gyrus extends medially below the hippocampus. The collateral eminence overlies the deep end of the collateral sulcus that runs along the basal surface on the lateral side of the parahippocampal gyrus. The hippocampus meets the calcar avis in the anterior part of the atrium. K, anterosuperior view. The axial section of the left hemisphere extends through the sylvian fissure, lateral geniculate body, amygdala, and the thin layer of white matter in the temporal stem below the lower edge of the circular sulcus. L, the cross sections extend along the optic tract and through the lower margin of the thalamus. The optic tract passes lateral to the lower margin of the thalamus to reach the lateral geniculate body. M, the optic tract and the thin layer of gray and white matter at the lower margin of the insula and circular sulcus that forms the stem of the temporal lobe have been removed to expose the temporal horn and the cisterns between the midbrain and parahippocampal gyrus. The anterior segment of the uncus faces the carotid and middle cerebral arteries. The apex faces the oculomotor nerve. The posterior segment faces the cerebral peduncle, crural cistern, posterior cerebral artery, and basal vein. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Accumb., accumbens; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcar; Call., callosum; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cing., cingulate; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; M.C.A., medial cerebral artery; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Precent., precentral; Retrolent., retrolenticular; Seg., segment; Sublent., sublenticular; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.14 A-D。大腦半球和中央核的軸向橫切麵。第一,視野優越。左半球島島和圓溝上邊緣上方的部分已被切除。中央溝在右半球上升,在側腦室體後部上方與右半球上緣相交。尾狀體的上部延伸到圓溝上緣的水平已被切除。在前麵,圓形溝位於尾狀頭前緣的淺表。圓形溝的後緣位於心房前壁的外側。B,右半球的切麵已延伸至慢狀核、丘腦和尾狀頭的上部。在左側,軸向切片保持在圓形溝的上邊緣水平。 The anterior part of the cerebral isthmus is located between the frontal horn and anterior part of the circular sulcus and the posterior part is located between the posterior part of the circular sulcus and the anterior part of the atrium. C, the external and extreme capsule and the claustrum fill the interval between the insula and the lentiform nucleus. The axial section in the left hemisphere extends through the internal capsule just above and lateral to the foramen of Monro where the genu of the capsule reaches the ventricular surface. The anterior limb of the internal capsule is separated from the frontal horn by the caudate nucleus and the posterior limb is separated from the body of the ventricle by the thalamus, but the genu reaches the ventricular surface lateral to the foramen of Monro. D, the section through the left hemisphere has been extended downward below the frontal horn to the level of the anterior commissure. The anterior part of the section extends through the deep gray matter below the frontal horn anterior limb of the internal capsule. At higher levels, the lentiform and caudate nuclei are separated by the anterior limb of the internal capsule, but at this level below the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the two nuclei blend into a mass of gray matter located above the anterior perforated substance and adjacent part of the orbital surface of the frontal lobe. The caudate and lentiform nuclei blend into the nucleus basalis located below the anterior commissure and the nucleus accumbens situated anterior to the nucleus basalis to form a massive collection of gray matter in the basal part of the hemisphere.

圖1.14 A-D。大腦半球和中央核的軸向橫切麵。第一,視野優越。左半球島島和圓溝上邊緣上方的部分已被切除。中央溝在右半球上升,在側腦室體後部上方與右半球上緣相交。尾狀體的上部延伸到圓溝上緣的水平已被切除。在前麵,圓形溝位於尾狀頭前緣的淺表。圓形溝的後緣位於心房前壁的外側。B,右半球的切麵已延伸至慢狀核、丘腦和尾狀頭的上部。在左側,軸向切片保持在圓形溝的上邊緣水平。 The anterior part of the cerebral isthmus is located between the frontal horn and anterior part of the circular sulcus and the posterior part is located between the posterior part of the circular sulcus and the anterior part of the atrium. C, the external and extreme capsule and the claustrum fill the interval between the insula and the lentiform nucleus. The axial section in the left hemisphere extends through the internal capsule just above and lateral to the foramen of Monro where the genu of the capsule reaches the ventricular surface. The anterior limb of the internal capsule is separated from the frontal horn by the caudate nucleus and the posterior limb is separated from the body of the ventricle by the thalamus, but the genu reaches the ventricular surface lateral to the foramen of Monro. D, the section through the left hemisphere has been extended downward below the frontal horn to the level of the anterior commissure. The anterior part of the section extends through the deep gray matter below the frontal horn anterior limb of the internal capsule. At higher levels, the lentiform and caudate nuclei are separated by the anterior limb of the internal capsule, but at this level below the anterior limb of the internal capsule, the two nuclei blend into a mass of gray matter located above the anterior perforated substance and adjacent part of the orbital surface of the frontal lobe. The caudate and lentiform nuclei blend into the nucleus basalis located below the anterior commissure and the nucleus accumbens situated anterior to the nucleus basalis to form a massive collection of gray matter in the basal part of the hemisphere.

圖1.14 E-H.;E,門羅孔的上外側視圖,顯示囊膝到達門羅孔外側的腦室表麵。F,前連連水平的切片上外側視圖。在額角和內囊前肢下方,前穿孔物質上方,殼核、扁豆狀核、蒼白球和尾狀頭混合成一大塊灰質。內囊的後肢位於慢狀核和丘腦之間,即使前肢缺失,但仍存在於橫切麵上。在冠狀麵橫切麵上,扁豆狀核呈典型的透鏡狀,但在軸向切麵上,由殼核和蒼白球組成的扁豆狀核呈淚滴狀,前部有寬而圓的頭,後部有尖的尾。扁桃核和海馬體的頭部被不網膜隱窩分開,暴露在扁桃核下方。G,額角下方橫切麵的上外側視圖,穿過紅核和丘腦下核以及腦梗上部。在這一層,就在前穿孔物質上方,豆狀核和尾狀核與基底核和伏隔核融合,形成大量的灰質。紅色核位於中腦的中心。 The right subthalamic nucleus is a lens-shaped nucleus situated in the interval between the cerebral peduncle and the midbrain. H, the part of the basal surface of the frontal lobe above the sylvian fissure has been removed to expose the upper edge of the cerebral peduncles and the red and subthalamic nuclei located just behind the peduncle. The optic tract passes laterally around the upper margin of the cerebellar peduncle. The left half of the brainstem has been sectioned obliquely to expose the substantia nigra located just below the subthalamic nucleus. A., artery; Accumb., accumbens; Ant., anterior; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., commissure; Ext., external; For., foramen; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Nucl., nucleus; Pall., pallidus; Paracent., paracentral; Ped., peduncle; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sept., septum; Subst., substantia; Subthal., subthalamic; Temp., temporal; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.

圖1.14 E-H.;E,門羅孔的上外側視圖,顯示囊膝到達門羅孔外側的腦室表麵。F,前連連水平的切片上外側視圖。在額角和內囊前肢下方,前穿孔物質上方,殼核、扁豆狀核、蒼白球和尾狀頭混合成一大塊灰質。內囊的後肢位於慢狀核和丘腦之間,即使前肢缺失,但仍存在於橫切麵上。在冠狀麵橫切麵上,扁豆狀核呈典型的透鏡狀,但在軸向切麵上,由殼核和蒼白球組成的扁豆狀核呈淚滴狀,前部有寬而圓的頭,後部有尖的尾。扁桃核和海馬體的頭部被不網膜隱窩分開,暴露在扁桃核下方。G,額角下方橫切麵的上外側視圖,穿過紅核和丘腦下核以及腦梗上部。在這一層,就在前穿孔物質上方,豆狀核和尾狀核與基底核和伏隔核融合,形成大量的灰質。紅色核位於中腦的中心。 The right subthalamic nucleus is a lens-shaped nucleus situated in the interval between the cerebral peduncle and the midbrain. H, the part of the basal surface of the frontal lobe above the sylvian fissure has been removed to expose the upper edge of the cerebral peduncles and the red and subthalamic nuclei located just behind the peduncle. The optic tract passes laterally around the upper margin of the cerebellar peduncle. The left half of the brainstem has been sectioned obliquely to expose the substantia nigra located just below the subthalamic nucleus. A., artery; Accumb., accumbens; Ant., anterior; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Circ., circular; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., commissure; Ext., external; For., foramen; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Nucl., nucleus; Pall., pallidus; Paracent., paracentral; Ped., peduncle; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sept., septum; Subst., substantia; Subthal., subthalamic; Temp., temporal; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.












投射纖維在神經軸上下傳遞。在丘腦水平以上,這些投影纖維以一種被稱為輻射冠的輻射模式排列(圖1.15和1.16)。冠狀體尾部連續,內囊較致密,其纖維聚集形成腦梗。內囊是一層厚厚的白質,外側由慢狀核和內側由尾狀核和丘腦包圍。內囊有前肢和後肢、膝、後囊部和次囊部。內囊繞慢狀核蒼白麵內側邊緣成直角彎曲形成前肢,位於尾狀核內側與慢狀核外側之間,後肢位於丘腦內側與慢狀核外側之間。兩肢在膝處連接,纖維環繞蒼白球的內側頂端。內側指向尖位於門羅孔外側,膝內纖維在尾狀核和丘腦之間到達腦室壁。前肢主要由連接丘腦前部和內側的纖維和橋腦核到額葉組成。內囊膝除了皮質丘腦纖維和丘腦皮質纖維外,還含有連接顱神經運動核的皮質球纖維。 The posterior limb, in addition to fibers interconnecting the thalamus and cortex, contains the corticospinal fibers to the motor nuclei of the upper and lower extremity and trunk. The fibers to the arm are nearer the genu than those coursing to the leg. The precentral gyrus is positioned superficial to the posterior limb.







胼胝體位於縱裂底半球和側腦室頂半球之間(圖1.7、1.15和1.16)。胼胝體構成了腦室壁的最大部分,也構成了側腦室的五個部分。它的前半部分位於額下回上部的中線深處。它的後部,脾,位於邊緣上回的深處和前中央回和後中央回的下三分之一。胼胝體由五個部分組成:兩個前部,膝和主席台;中心部分,身體;後麵的兩個部分,脾和絨氈層。彎曲的前部,即膝,環繞並形成前壁和額角頂部的相鄰部分。膝部與下麵的骨突融合,這是一個薄的錐形部分,形成額角的底部,並在前連合前與終板連續向下延伸。膝部產生一個大的纖維束,小鉗,形成額角的前壁並連接額葉。 The forceps minor sweeps obliquely forward and laterally, as does the anterior wall of the frontal horn. The genu blends posteriorly into the midportion, the body, located above the body of the lateral ventricle. The splenium, the thick, rounded posterior end, is situated dorsal to the pineal body and the upper part of the medial wall of the atrium. The splenium gives rise to a large tract, the forceps major, which forms a prominence called the bulb in the upper part of the medial wall of the atrium and occipital horn as it sweeps posteriorly to interconnect the occipital lobes. Another fiber tract, the tapetum, which arises in the posterior part of the body and splenium, sweeps laterally and inferiorly to form the roof and lateral wall of the atrium and the temporal and occipital horns. The tapetum separates the fibers of the optic radiations from the temporal horn and the atrium. The cingulate gyrus surrounds and is separated from the corpus callosum by the callosal sulcus.




穹窿是海馬結構的主要傳出通路。它既包含合纖維,也包含投影纖維。穹窿是一個c形結構,在側腦室壁上包裹著丘腦,與皮質表麵的關係類似於丘腦外邊緣(圖1.2、1.8、1.12和1.13)。穹窿從海馬體延伸到乳頭體,有四個部分:傘毛、小腿、體和柱。它起源於海馬體腦室表麵的顳角底部,由沿著海馬體內側邊緣聚集並向後延伸的纖維組成。絨毛由毛齒溝與齒狀回分開。絨毛沿外側膝狀體的外側邊緣行進,並通過脈絡膜裂與膝狀體和視、聽覺輻射分開。在後方,傘毛與穹窿小腿彙合,穹窿足部包裹在前庭內側的枕骨後表麵,並在超內側拱向胼胝體脾下表麵。在心房和側腦室體的交界處,成對的腳相遇形成穹窿體,穹窿體在側腦室體內側壁下部經過丘腦上方和透明隔下方。在丘腦的前邊緣,穹窿體分為兩列,沿門羅孔的上、前邊緣拱起,並與第三腦室壁融合,穿過前連合的後方,向下到達乳腺體。 In the area below the splenium, a thin sheet of fiber, the hippocampal commissure, interconnects the medial edges of the crura of the fornix. The body and crus are located deep to the lower part of the pre- and postcentral gyri, and the fimbria is located deep to the lower part of the superior temporal gyrus. All of its parts are located deep to the posterior part of the insula. In the body of the lateral ventricle, the body of the fornix is in the lower part of the medial wall; in the atrium, the crus of the fornix is in the medial part of the anterior wall; and in the temporal horn, the fimbria of the fornix is in the medial part of the floor.




圖1.15 A-D纖維逐級剝離。A,左腦半球。中央前回和後回與中央溝相連。中央前回位於被蓋部後麵中央後回位於邊緣上回前麵。B,額葉,頂葉和顳葉被切除以暴露腦島。輻射冠和一些連接內囊的纖維暴露在島葉上方。島麵由長腦回和短腦回組成。上縱束圍繞島葉和慢狀核的外邊緣。視輻射的透鏡後部分暴露於腦島後方和上縱束深處。 C, the claustrum and the posterior part of the external capsule have been removed to expose the putamen. The anterior part of the external capsule has been preserved. The uncinate fasciculus interconnects the frontal and temporal lobes. The retrolenticular part of the optic radiations is exposed behind the lentiform nucleus. The superior longitudinal fasciculus courses superficial to the optic radiations and deep to the extreme and external capsules. D, the frontal horn, body, atrium, and temporal horn of the lateral ventricle have been exposed. The fibers of the external capsule superficial to the putamen have been removed. The internal capsule courses medial to the lentiform nucleus, the outer segment of which is formed by the putamen. The lower part of the uncinate fasciculus has been removed to expose amygdala and the head of the hippocampus. The amygdala forms the anterior wall of the temporal horn. The calcar avis, overlying the deep end of the calcarine sulcus, and the bulb of the corpus callosum, overlying the fibers of the forceps major, are exposed in the medial wall of the atrium.

圖1.15 A-D纖維逐級剝離。A,左腦半球。中央前回和後回與中央溝相連。中央前回位於被蓋部後麵中央後回位於邊緣上回前麵。B,額葉,頂葉和顳葉被切除以暴露腦島。輻射冠和一些連接內囊的纖維暴露在島葉上方。島麵由長腦回和短腦回組成。上縱束圍繞島葉和慢狀核的外邊緣。視輻射的透鏡後部分暴露於腦島後方和上縱束深處。 C, the claustrum and the posterior part of the external capsule have been removed to expose the putamen. The anterior part of the external capsule has been preserved. The uncinate fasciculus interconnects the frontal and temporal lobes. The retrolenticular part of the optic radiations is exposed behind the lentiform nucleus. The superior longitudinal fasciculus courses superficial to the optic radiations and deep to the extreme and external capsules. D, the frontal horn, body, atrium, and temporal horn of the lateral ventricle have been exposed. The fibers of the external capsule superficial to the putamen have been removed. The internal capsule courses medial to the lentiform nucleus, the outer segment of which is formed by the putamen. The lower part of the uncinate fasciculus has been removed to expose amygdala and the head of the hippocampus. The amygdala forms the anterior wall of the temporal horn. The calcar avis, overlying the deep end of the calcarine sulcus, and the bulb of the corpus callosum, overlying the fibers of the forceps major, are exposed in the medial wall of the atrium.

圖1.15 E-H.;E,在慢狀核後部和丘腦之間的內囊纖維被切除。內囊的前肢在尾狀頭和慢狀核之間下降,後肢在慢狀核和丘腦之間通過。尾狀核的頭、體和尾暴露在腦室壁上。尾狀核的尾部沿丘腦外側邊緣延伸。海馬體的頭部位於顳角的底部。杏仁核形成了顳角的前壁。F,放大視圖。部分管室膜已被移除。脈絡膜叢沿脈絡膜裂連接。 G, lateral view. The lentiform nucleus has been removed to expose the internal capsule. The anterior limb courses between the caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus and has a darker color than the posterior limb because of the bridges of transcapsular gray matter extending across the internal capsule between the caudate and lentiform nuclei. The posterior limb of the internal capsule is located lateral to the thalamus. The optic tract passes backward to reach the lateral geniculate body. The fibers of the internal capsula descend to form the cerebral peduncle located medial to the optic tract. The superior and inferior colliculi are exposed in the quadrigeminal cistern. H, anterior view of dissection shown in G. The putamen and globus pallidus are positional on the lateral side of the internal capsule and the caudate nucleus is on the medial side. The anterior limb of the internal capsule descends between the caudate head and the lentiform nucleus. Ant., anterior; Calc., calcar, calcarine; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Chor., choroid; Cing., cingulate; Coll., colliculi; Corp., corpus; Ext., external; Fas., fasciculus; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Long., longitudinal; Nucl., nucleus; Operc., opercularis; Pall., pallidus; Paracent., paracentral; Par. Occip., parieto occipital; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Postcent., postcentral; Post., posterior; Precent., precentral; Rad., radiata, radiations; Sub. Par., subparietal; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract; Triang., triangularis; Uncin., uncinate.

圖1.15 E-H.;E,在慢狀核後部和丘腦之間的內囊纖維被切除。內囊的前肢在尾狀頭和慢狀核之間下降,後肢在慢狀核和丘腦之間通過。尾狀核的頭、體和尾暴露在腦室壁上。尾狀核的尾部沿丘腦外側邊緣延伸。海馬體的頭部位於顳角的底部。杏仁核形成了顳角的前壁。F,放大視圖。部分管室膜已被移除。脈絡膜叢沿脈絡膜裂連接。 G, lateral view. The lentiform nucleus has been removed to expose the internal capsule. The anterior limb courses between the caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus and has a darker color than the posterior limb because of the bridges of transcapsular gray matter extending across the internal capsule between the caudate and lentiform nuclei. The posterior limb of the internal capsule is located lateral to the thalamus. The optic tract passes backward to reach the lateral geniculate body. The fibers of the internal capsula descend to form the cerebral peduncle located medial to the optic tract. The superior and inferior colliculi are exposed in the quadrigeminal cistern. H, anterior view of dissection shown in G. The putamen and globus pallidus are positional on the lateral side of the internal capsule and the caudate nucleus is on the medial side. The anterior limb of the internal capsule descends between the caudate head and the lentiform nucleus. Ant., anterior; Calc., calcar, calcarine; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Chor., choroid; Cing., cingulate; Coll., colliculi; Corp., corpus; Ext., external; Fas., fasciculus; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Long., longitudinal; Nucl., nucleus; Operc., opercularis; Pall., pallidus; Paracent., paracentral; Par. Occip., parieto occipital; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Postcent., postcentral; Post., posterior; Precent., precentral; Rad., radiata, radiations; Sub. Par., subparietal; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Tr., tract; Triang., triangularis; Uncin., uncinate.

圖1.16 A-F.左大腦半球逐步纖維剝離。A,切除了眼裂的外翻唇以暴露腦島。上縱束位於腦島和慢狀核外邊緣周圍的深層白質中。B,島葉灰質已經被移除暴露出分離島葉皮層和閉孔的極端囊。上縱束拱起於腦島和豆狀核的外緣,連接額葉、頂葉、枕葉和顳葉。C,極端囊已經被移除。閉孔下部的一小塊仍然存在。外囊,分離閉孔和扁豆狀核,暴露在閉孔深處。切除部分外囊纖維,露出硬膜外側表麵。 The superior longitudinal fasciculus has also been removed. The uncinate fasciculus is located deep to the limen insula and interconnects the frontal and temporal lobes. D, the external capsule has been removed to expose the putamen. The anterior commissure, interconnecting the temporal and septal areas, is exposed below the putamen. The corona radiatus spreads out around the putamen. E, the posterior part of the putamen has been removed to expose the lateral medullary lamina that separates the putamen and globus pallidus. The white matter prominence (red arrows) around the putamen is created by the intersection of the fibers of the corpus callosum and the corona radiata. The optic radiations pass through the retrolenticular and sublenticular parts of the internal capsule to reach the visual cortex. Fibers of the anterior commissure spread laterally into the temporal lobe. F, all of the putamen has been removed to expose the lateral surface of the globus pallidus. The anterior commissure passes below the anterior part of the globus pallidus. Transcapsular bridges of gray matter extending between the lentiform and caudate nuclei cross the anterior part of the internal capsule to give it a dark appearance.

圖1.16 A-F.左大腦半球逐步纖維剝離。A,切除了眼裂的外翻唇以暴露腦島。上縱束位於腦島和慢狀核外邊緣周圍的深層白質中。B,島葉灰質已經被移除暴露出分離島葉皮層和閉孔的極端囊。上縱束拱起於腦島和豆狀核的外緣,連接額葉、頂葉、枕葉和顳葉。C,極端囊已經被移除。閉孔下部的一小塊仍然存在。外囊,分離閉孔和扁豆狀核,暴露在閉孔深處。切除部分外囊纖維,露出硬膜外側表麵。 The superior longitudinal fasciculus has also been removed. The uncinate fasciculus is located deep to the limen insula and interconnects the frontal and temporal lobes. D, the external capsule has been removed to expose the putamen. The anterior commissure, interconnecting the temporal and septal areas, is exposed below the putamen. The corona radiatus spreads out around the putamen. E, the posterior part of the putamen has been removed to expose the lateral medullary lamina that separates the putamen and globus pallidus. The white matter prominence (red arrows) around the putamen is created by the intersection of the fibers of the corpus callosum and the corona radiata. The optic radiations pass through the retrolenticular and sublenticular parts of the internal capsule to reach the visual cortex. Fibers of the anterior commissure spread laterally into the temporal lobe. F, all of the putamen has been removed to expose the lateral surface of the globus pallidus. The anterior commissure passes below the anterior part of the globus pallidus. Transcapsular bridges of gray matter extending between the lentiform and caudate nuclei cross the anterior part of the internal capsule to give it a dark appearance.

圖1.16 G-M。G,後麵,但不是前麵,蒼白球的一部分被切除了。灰質囊外橋穿過內囊的前部。H,視神經束向後向外側膝狀體前進。可見三束視神經輻射:前束較深,在顳角上方向前繞行,然後向後轉向,中間束在顳角上方橫向穿過,第三束向後橫向穿過心房到達鈣質溝。I,視輻射的透鏡後部分被移除,以暴露絨氈層,它將視輻射與腦室壁分開。心房室管膜側壁已打開。橫斷前連合,切除外側部分。光學輻射的中間部分在夾層上被抬高。J,視神經輻射已經被移除以暴露尾狀核的尾部與杏仁核融合。 The optic tract has been exposed further posteriorly. The stria terminalis courses medial to the caudate tail and contains fibers passing from the amygdala to the septal area, thalamus, and mamillary body. K, the lateral ependymal wall of the lateral ventricle has been removed and some bundles of callosal fibers above the ventricle have been preserved. The calcar avis bulges into the medial wall of the atrium and occipital horn. The window in the white matter (yellow arrow) overlying the calcar avis exposes the cortical gray matter in the deep end of the calcarine sulcus. The red pin is positioned lateral to the deep site of the foramen of Monro. The genu of the internal capsule is located directly lateral to the foramen of Monro. The anterior limb of the capsule is located anterior to the red dot and lateral to the caudate head. The posterior limb is located posterior to the foramen of Monro. The internal capsule blends into the cerebral peduncle below the level of the optic tract. L, the head of the caudate has been folded downward to expose the foramen of Monro. The columns of the fornix pass superior and anterior to the foramen of Monro. The septum pellucidum is exposed above the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The amygdala is exposed below the optic tract. M, the tail of the caudate has been elevated to expose the stria terminalis, which arises within the amygdala. The collateral eminence overlies the deep end of the collateral sulcus. The tail of the caudate nucleus blends into the amygdala. Ant., anterior; Calc., Calcar; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cing., cingulate; Coll., collateral; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fas., fasciculus; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Glob., globus; Int., internal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Long., longitudinal; Med., medullary; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; Pall., pallidus; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rad., radiata, radiations; Retrolent., retrolenticular; Sept., septum; Str., stria; Sublent., sublenticular; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Term., terminalis; Tr., tract; Transcap., transcapsular; Uncin., uncinate.

圖1.16 G-M。G,後麵,但不是前麵,蒼白球的一部分被切除了。灰質囊外橋穿過內囊的前部。H,視神經束向後向外側膝狀體前進。可見三束視神經輻射:前束較深,在顳角上方向前繞行,然後向後轉向,中間束在顳角上方橫向穿過,第三束向後橫向穿過心房到達鈣質溝。I,視輻射的透鏡後部分被移除,以暴露絨氈層,它將視輻射與腦室壁分開。心房室管膜側壁已打開。橫斷前連合,切除外側部分。光學輻射的中間部分在夾層上被抬高。J,視神經輻射已經被移除以暴露尾狀核的尾部與杏仁核融合。 The optic tract has been exposed further posteriorly. The stria terminalis courses medial to the caudate tail and contains fibers passing from the amygdala to the septal area, thalamus, and mamillary body. K, the lateral ependymal wall of the lateral ventricle has been removed and some bundles of callosal fibers above the ventricle have been preserved. The calcar avis bulges into the medial wall of the atrium and occipital horn. The window in the white matter (yellow arrow) overlying the calcar avis exposes the cortical gray matter in the deep end of the calcarine sulcus. The red pin is positioned lateral to the deep site of the foramen of Monro. The genu of the internal capsule is located directly lateral to the foramen of Monro. The anterior limb of the capsule is located anterior to the red dot and lateral to the caudate head. The posterior limb is located posterior to the foramen of Monro. The internal capsule blends into the cerebral peduncle below the level of the optic tract. L, the head of the caudate has been folded downward to expose the foramen of Monro. The columns of the fornix pass superior and anterior to the foramen of Monro. The septum pellucidum is exposed above the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The amygdala is exposed below the optic tract. M, the tail of the caudate has been elevated to expose the stria terminalis, which arises within the amygdala. The collateral eminence overlies the deep end of the collateral sulcus. The tail of the caudate nucleus blends into the amygdala. Ant., anterior; Calc., Calcar; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cing., cingulate; Coll., collateral; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fas., fasciculus; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Glob., globus; Int., internal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Long., longitudinal; Med., medullary; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; Pall., pallidus; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rad., radiata, radiations; Retrolent., retrolenticular; Sept., septum; Str., stria; Sublent., sublenticular; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Term., terminalis; Tr., tract; Transcap., transcapsular; Uncin., uncinate.


半球的中央核心是位於半球深部的四個大灰質團的位置(圖1.8和1.12-1.16)。它們是尾狀核殼核、蒼白球和丘腦。殼核和蒼白球在冠狀截麵上呈透鏡狀,合稱為扁豆狀核。丘腦由內囊與其他核團分開。包括尾狀核、慢狀核和杏仁核在內的皮層下核團稱為基底神經節。杏仁核位於中央核外的內側顳葉。上麵討論了杏仁核,以及顳葉的內側表麵。尾狀核和慢狀核的上部和後部被內囊分開,但在前下方,內囊前肢下方和前穿孔物質上方,它們融合成一個單一的核塊。進一步向內側,在胼胝體前連合和主席台以下,它們融合在基底核和伏隔核中,沒有明確的界限。尾狀核的尾部與杏仁核相連,杏仁核上方與蒼白球的下表麵相連。 Two other nuclei that appear in axial sections of the basal gray matter, at the lower edge of the thalamus and medial to the cerebral peduncles, are the subthalamic and red nuclei (Fig. 1.14). This subthalamic nucleus is a biconvex lens-shaped structure located medial to the cerebral peduncle and above the substantia nigra. The substantia nigra is located below the subthalamic nucleus. The red nucleus is located in the center of the midbrain.




扁豆狀核在橫切麵上呈楔形或透鏡狀結構,位於腦島和內囊的前後肢之間(圖1.8和1.13-1.16)。它的外側表麵都位於島島的內側,比島島表麵積略小。它的前緣不像尾狀核頭部的前部那麼遠,它麵對著內囊的前肢。它的後緣不像丘腦後部那樣遠,它麵對著內囊的後肢。它的前邊緣由前接合處開槽。它的下前部與尾狀核頭的下部在內囊前肢下方和前穿孔物質上方的區域相融合。它被外側髓板(一層薄薄的白質)分為較大的、位於外側的殼核和較小的位於內側的蒼白球。殼核是基底神經節中最大的一個,在蒼白球上形成一層殼狀覆蓋物。蒼白球被內側髓板細分為內側和外側部分。內囊的前肢沿慢狀核的前邊緣行進,並將其與尾狀頭分開。 The posterior limb of the internal capsule courses along the posterior margin of the lentiform nucleus and separates the nucleus from the thalamus. The claustrum, a thin layer of gray matter interposed between the insular cortex and putamen, is separated from the putamen by a lamina of white matter, the external capsule, and from the outer gray cortex of the insula by another white matter layer, the extreme capsule.


丘腦位於腦幹上端側腦室的中心。它位於腦島的後半部分,中央前回和中央後回的下部和顳上回的相鄰部分(圖1.2,1.8和1.13-1.15)。前丘腦結節,即位於前丘腦核上的突出物,形成Monro孔的後緣。丘腦到達後方的後連合和下方的下丘腦溝。它的上緣形成側腦室的底部。終紋和丘腦紋靜脈位於背側丘腦和尾狀核的交界處。每個側腦室都包裹在丘腦的上、下、後表麵。突出的後部,即丘腦的枕骨或臀部,出現在三個不同的幕上隔室的壁上:枕骨的後外側部分形成了心房前壁的外側半部分;枕骨後內側部分被穹窿小腿覆蓋穹窿內側部分形成四叉神經池前壁的一部分;膝曲體區域的枕下外側部分形成了周圍池的頂部。 The medial part of the thalamus forms the upper part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle.



在敷布前勾勒出頭皮上的幾個重要標誌可能會有所幫助(圖1.18)。常見的部位包括冠狀和矢狀縫合線,中央溝和側裂,翼點,齒輪和鎖孔。在頭皮上接近側裂和中央溝的位置,首先要注意鼻、齒和額顴骨點的位置。鼻圓位於鼻骨和額骨交界處的中線,在眶上緣的水平上。小齒輪是骨突出的位置,它覆蓋在旋曲性乳頭上,並附著在頭蓋骨的內表上。額顴骨點是額顴骨縫合線位於眶外側緣的位置。它位於眶外側緣的上部,就在額骨的下方,額骨形成眶緣的上緣,與顴骨相連,顴骨形成眶緣的外側緣。額顴骨點位於顴弓上緣與眶緣連接處2.5 cm以上的眶緣。


通過識別與中央溝的上、下端相對應的上、下端的羅氏點來定位中央(羅氏)溝。上凸點位於中矢狀線上的中點(50%加2厘米點)後2厘米。下凸點位於從顴弓上緣中點到上凸點的一條線與界定sylvian裂的線相交的位置。連接上、下凸點的一條線近似於中央溝。下凸點位於翼點後約2.5厘米的側裂線上。中央溝上端通常位於中央溝上端後3.5 ~ 4.5 m處。







幸運的是,幕上區域提供了許多可以接近深部病變的天然途徑。sylvian裂是一個常用的通路,可以到達四叉神經池前的基底池內部和周圍的所有結構。經sylvian入路可及的神經和血管結構包括島葉、基底神經節、uncus、眼眶、前顱窩;嗅覺神經、視神經和動眼神經;交叉神經、椎弓根間、頸動脈、終板和腳池;大腦中動脈和大腦前動脈的近端;頸內動脈及其分支;威利斯的圈子;還有基底動脈的上部。主要的障礙是通過神經池的動脈主幹和穿支。 These are reviewed in Chapter 2.





內側顳葉是大腦最複雜的部分之一,是治療驚厥性疾病最常見的切除靶點(圖1.2,1.8-1.10,1.12,1.13和1.19)(10)。有幾個重要的概念有助於使該領域的結構概念化。一是了解鉤爪前段和後段與杏仁核、海馬體和顳角的關係。杏仁核構成了鉤骨前部的大部分和顳角頂部的前壁和鄰近部分。杏仁核位於頸內動脈外側的前段內側表麵。前段和杏仁核上方由大腦中動脈交叉。脈絡膜前動脈起於頸內動脈前段內側沿前段內側表麵向後上升。鉤爪內側尖位於第三神經和後交通動脈外側。後段後正中朝向腦梗,由不網膜切跡分為上下兩部分,不網膜切跡是一個短溝,從後緣延伸至後段(圖1.9和1.10)。海馬體的頭部位於顳角的底部,向內側旋轉形成後網膜段的大部分上半部。 The amygdala extends backward above the anterior part of the head of the hippocampus and roof of the temporal horn. Superiorly, the amygdala blends into the lower margin of the lentiform nucleus (Fig. 1.8, F and G). The uncal recess, a narrow medially projecting space between the hippocampal head and the ventricular surface of the amygdala, partially separates the two structures and is located lateral to the uncal apex (Figs. 1.13J and 1.14F).

在顳葉切除術中,根據切除範圍的不同,顳角可以通過顳中溝或顳下溝進入,也可以通過顳下回或枕顳回基底部內側基麵進入(圖1.19)。顳角位於距顳極約2.5 cm處。完成肺葉切除術有幾個步驟。第一步是側顳或新皮層暴露和移除。第二步是海馬體的內側斷開,可以通過打開脈絡膜裂隙來實現。第三步是前分離,包括將海馬體頭部與杏仁核分離,使用uncus隱窩作為標誌,通過uncus內側進行暴露。下一步是後端斷開,包括電生理學和神經放射學研究所示的遠後海馬和海馬旁回的切片。最後一步是去除姨夫隱窩前剩餘的杏仁核。通常,杏仁核的一小部分被保存在上方,它與視神經束、前脈絡膜動脈和大腦後動脈的分支以及慢狀核的下表麵緊密相連。



圖1.17。顱骨縫合線和皮質表麵的關係。A,左半球。冠狀、矢狀、子宮內膜和鱗狀縫合線被保留。腦膜中動脈的前和後腦膜分支沿硬腦膜走行。翼點位於蝶脊的側緣,靠近冠狀、鱗狀和額蝶縫合線的交界處。第二,硬腦膜被切除了同時還保留了縫合線。冠狀縫線穿過中央前溝前額上回、中回和下回的後部。與冠狀縫線相比,中央溝的斜度更靠後,因此冠狀縫線更接近中央溝的下端而不是上端。顳上線前部覆蓋額下溝,向後延伸至中央前回和後回中下三分之二交界處附近,向下轉彎,穿過邊緣上回和角回和顳後葉。 The squamosal suture is situated just below the anterior part of the sylvian fissure and posteriorly turns downward to cross the midportion of the temporal lobe. C, the sutures have been removed to expose the gyri and sulci. The lower end of the precentral gyrus is located behind the pars opercularis and the postcentral gyrus is located in front of the supramarginal gyrus. D, right side before removal of the sutures. The relationships are similar to those on the left side, except that the anterior part of the squamosal suture courses at the level of the anterior part of the sylvian fissure, rather than being positioned below the sylvian fissure as shown in B. The coronal suture has less slope from below to above than the central sulcus, thus placing the lower end of the central sulcus nearer the coronal suture than the upper end. In D there are relatively well developed superior, middle, and inferior temporal gyri, but in C the temporal lobe is divided into a superior temporal gyrus, but there is no clear demarcation between the region of the middle and inferior temporal gyri that are broken into multiple segments by the oblique sulci. There is a gyral bridge (yellow arrow) below the central sulcus between the lower end of the pre- and postcentral gyri on both sides so that neither central sulcus reaches the sylvian fissure. The supramarginal gyrus wraps around the upturned posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus. E, another right hemisphere. Green pinheads have been placed along the site of the coronal, squamosal, and lambdoid sutures. The pterion is located at the junction of the squamosal and coronal sutures at the lateral end of the sphenoid ridge and stem of the sylvian fissure. A yellow pin (yellow arrow) has been placed along the edge of the superior sagittal sinus at the 50% point along the nasion-to-inion line. Another red pin (red arrow) has been placed 2 cm behind the 50% point, which is usually located at the upper end of the central sulcus. The central sulcus is usually placed 3.5 to 4.5 cm behind the coronal suture. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Br., branch; Cent., central; Fiss., fissure; Men., meningeal; Mid., middle; Operc., opercularis; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sag., sagittal; Squam., squamosal; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Triang., triangularis.

圖1.17。顱骨縫合線和皮質表麵的關係。A,左半球。冠狀、矢狀、子宮內膜和鱗狀縫合線被保留。腦膜中動脈的前和後腦膜分支沿硬腦膜走行。翼點位於蝶脊的側緣,靠近冠狀、鱗狀和額蝶縫合線的交界處。第二,硬腦膜被切除了同時還保留了縫合線。冠狀縫線穿過中央前溝前額上回、中回和下回的後部。與冠狀縫線相比,中央溝的斜度更靠後,因此冠狀縫線更接近中央溝的下端而不是上端。顳上線前部覆蓋額下溝,向後延伸至中央前回和後回中下三分之二交界處附近,向下轉彎,穿過邊緣上回和角回和顳後葉。 The squamosal suture is situated just below the anterior part of the sylvian fissure and posteriorly turns downward to cross the midportion of the temporal lobe. C, the sutures have been removed to expose the gyri and sulci. The lower end of the precentral gyrus is located behind the pars opercularis and the postcentral gyrus is located in front of the supramarginal gyrus. D, right side before removal of the sutures. The relationships are similar to those on the left side, except that the anterior part of the squamosal suture courses at the level of the anterior part of the sylvian fissure, rather than being positioned below the sylvian fissure as shown in B. The coronal suture has less slope from below to above than the central sulcus, thus placing the lower end of the central sulcus nearer the coronal suture than the upper end. In D there are relatively well developed superior, middle, and inferior temporal gyri, but in C the temporal lobe is divided into a superior temporal gyrus, but there is no clear demarcation between the region of the middle and inferior temporal gyri that are broken into multiple segments by the oblique sulci. There is a gyral bridge (yellow arrow) below the central sulcus between the lower end of the pre- and postcentral gyri on both sides so that neither central sulcus reaches the sylvian fissure. The supramarginal gyrus wraps around the upturned posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus. E, another right hemisphere. Green pinheads have been placed along the site of the coronal, squamosal, and lambdoid sutures. The pterion is located at the junction of the squamosal and coronal sutures at the lateral end of the sphenoid ridge and stem of the sylvian fissure. A yellow pin (yellow arrow) has been placed along the edge of the superior sagittal sinus at the 50% point along the nasion-to-inion line. Another red pin (red arrow) has been placed 2 cm behind the 50% point, which is usually located at the upper end of the central sulcus. The central sulcus is usually placed 3.5 to 4.5 cm behind the coronal suture. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Br., branch; Cent., central; Fiss., fissure; Men., meningeal; Mid., middle; Operc., opercularis; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Sag., sagittal; Squam., squamosal; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal; Triang., triangularis.

圖1.18。在使用敷料前通常在頭皮上標記的位置包括冠狀線、矢狀線和子宮壁線;中央溝和sylvian裂;翼形,齒輪,星形和鎖眼。在頭皮上,通過注意鼻、小齒輪和額顴骨點的位置,可以近似地定位脊柱裂和中央溝的位置。鼻骨位於鼻骨和額骨交界處的中線處。小齒輪是覆蓋在環狀骨性結節上的突出骨的位置。額顴骨點位於眶緣,高於顴弓上緣與眶緣交界處2.5 cm,位於眶緣外側緣和上緣交界處的下方。接下來的步驟是沿著矢狀縫線構造一條線,並使用靈活的卷尺,確定沿這條線從圓點到小齒輪的距離,並標記中點和四分之三點(50%和75%點)。sylvian裂位於一條線,這條線從額顴骨點向後延伸,穿過頭的外側表麵到3 / 4點。 The pterion, the site on the temple approximating the lateral end of the sphenoid ridge, is located 3 cm behind the frontozygomatic point on the sylvian fissure line. The central sulcus is located by identifying the upper and lower rolandic points. The upper rolandic point is located 2 cm behind the midpoint (50% plus 2 cm point) on the nasion-to-inion midsagittal line. The lower rolandic point is located where a line extending from the midpoint of the upper margin of the zygomatic arch to the upper rolandic point crosses the line defining the sylvian fissure. A line connecting the upper and lower rolandic points approximates the central sulcus. The lower rolandic point is located approximately 2.5 cm behind the pterion on the sylvian fissure line. Another important point is the keyhole, the site of a burr hole, which if properly placed, has the frontal dura in the depths of its upper half and the periorbita in its lower half. It is approximately 3 cm anterior to the pterion, just above the lateral end of the superior orbital rim and under the most anterior point of attachment of the temporalis muscle and fascia to the temporal line.

圖1.18。在使用敷料前通常在頭皮上標記的位置包括冠狀線、矢狀線和子宮壁線;中央溝和sylvian裂;翼形,齒輪,星形和鎖眼。在頭皮上,通過注意鼻、小齒輪和額顴骨點的位置,可以近似地定位脊柱裂和中央溝的位置。鼻骨位於鼻骨和額骨交界處的中線處。小齒輪是覆蓋在環狀骨性結節上的突出骨的位置。額顴骨點位於眶緣,高於顴弓上緣與眶緣交界處2.5 cm,位於眶緣外側緣和上緣交界處的下方。接下來的步驟是沿著矢狀縫線構造一條線,並使用靈活的卷尺,確定沿這條線從圓點到小齒輪的距離,並標記中點和四分之三點(50%和75%點)。sylvian裂位於一條線,這條線從額顴骨點向後延伸,穿過頭的外側表麵到3 / 4點。 The pterion, the site on the temple approximating the lateral end of the sphenoid ridge, is located 3 cm behind the frontozygomatic point on the sylvian fissure line. The central sulcus is located by identifying the upper and lower rolandic points. The upper rolandic point is located 2 cm behind the midpoint (50% plus 2 cm point) on the nasion-to-inion midsagittal line. The lower rolandic point is located where a line extending from the midpoint of the upper margin of the zygomatic arch to the upper rolandic point crosses the line defining the sylvian fissure. A line connecting the upper and lower rolandic points approximates the central sulcus. The lower rolandic point is located approximately 2.5 cm behind the pterion on the sylvian fissure line. Another important point is the keyhole, the site of a burr hole, which if properly placed, has the frontal dura in the depths of its upper half and the periorbita in its lower half. It is approximately 3 cm anterior to the pterion, just above the lateral end of the superior orbital rim and under the most anterior point of attachment of the temporalis muscle and fascia to the temporal line.

圖1.19 A-F.經腦皮質入路治療顳葉切除術時海馬內側斷開。A,插圖中顯示頭皮切口,左側額顳骨瓣輪廓。沿顳上線留下一個顳筋膜袖帶以便閉合。B,顳葉被抬高暴露出鉤骨的前後段。前段包含大部分杏仁核,麵向頸內動脈。後段包含海馬的頭部,並麵對大腦後動脈和腦梗。不網膜頂端位於動眼神經和後交通動脈外側。C,通過側支溝切開顳角,切除側支溝外側的顳下回和枕顳回。內側分離是通過打開脈絡膜叢和絨毛膜之間的脈絡膜裂隙進行的。 D, the taenia fimbria, which attaches the choroid plexus to the fimbria, has been divided and the choroid plexus elevated with the thalamus. Opening the choroidal fissure exposes the branches of the anterior choroidal artery entering the choroid plexus and the ambient cistern. The choroid plexus remains attached to the thalamus. E, the hippocampus and adjacent parahippocampal gyrus have been removed. The posterior cerebral artery courses through the crural and ambient cistern on the medial side of the uncus and parahippocampal gyrus. Some of the amygdala in the upper margin of the anterior uncal segment was not removed to avoid dissection and damage along the optic tract. The lateral geniculate body is exposed medial to the choroidal fissure. The anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries enter the choroid plexus by passing through the choroidal fissure. F, in this dissection, the posterior cerebral artery and basal vein were removed to expose the roof of the temporal horn and the lateral geniculate body. The inferior ventricular vein drains some of the central core of the hemisphere and passes medially across the roof of the temporal horn formed by the tapetum to the reach the basal vein.

圖1.19 A-F.經腦皮質入路治療顳葉切除術時海馬內側斷開。A,插圖中顯示頭皮切口,左側額顳骨瓣輪廓。沿顳上線留下一個顳筋膜袖帶以便閉合。B,顳葉被抬高暴露出鉤骨的前後段。前段包含大部分杏仁核,麵向頸內動脈。後段包含海馬的頭部,並麵對大腦後動脈和腦梗。不網膜頂端位於動眼神經和後交通動脈外側。C,通過側支溝切開顳角,切除側支溝外側的顳下回和枕顳回。內側分離是通過打開脈絡膜叢和絨毛膜之間的脈絡膜裂隙進行的。 D, the taenia fimbria, which attaches the choroid plexus to the fimbria, has been divided and the choroid plexus elevated with the thalamus. Opening the choroidal fissure exposes the branches of the anterior choroidal artery entering the choroid plexus and the ambient cistern. The choroid plexus remains attached to the thalamus. E, the hippocampus and adjacent parahippocampal gyrus have been removed. The posterior cerebral artery courses through the crural and ambient cistern on the medial side of the uncus and parahippocampal gyrus. Some of the amygdala in the upper margin of the anterior uncal segment was not removed to avoid dissection and damage along the optic tract. The lateral geniculate body is exposed medial to the choroidal fissure. The anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries enter the choroid plexus by passing through the choroidal fissure. F, in this dissection, the posterior cerebral artery and basal vein were removed to expose the roof of the temporal horn and the lateral geniculate body. The inferior ventricular vein drains some of the central core of the hemisphere and passes medially across the roof of the temporal horn formed by the tapetum to the reach the basal vein.

圖1.19 G- j G,左顳葉切除術曝光。暴露包括額葉和顳葉,可能用於廣泛的皮層記錄和映射。暴露量比一般標準顳葉切除術要大。H,保留更多新皮層表麵的入路是通過位於顳下回和枕顳回之間的枕顳溝。我,左顳角和海馬的身體和頭部已經暴露。脈絡膜裂隙是通過分離將脈絡膜叢與海馬表麵的絨毛相連的絨毛絨毛來打開的。脈絡膜叢仍然附著在丘腦上。J,顳葉切除術已經完成。第三神經、腦後動脈和腦幕邊緣位於暴露的內側。一個大的橋靜脈從顳葉下的sylvian裂隙進入一個幕竇。 After disconnecting the hippocampus medially, the resection is extended across the head of the hippocampus behind the amygdala. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Cist., cistern; Chor., choroid, choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Fiss., fissure; Frontozyg., frontozygomatic; Gen., geniculate; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; L.P.Ch.A., lateral posterior choroidal artery; Lat., lateral; M., muscle; Med., medial; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; V., vein; Vent., ventricular.

圖1.19 G- j G,左顳葉切除術曝光。暴露包括額葉和顳葉,可能用於廣泛的皮層記錄和映射。暴露量比一般標準顳葉切除術要大。H,保留更多新皮層表麵的入路是通過位於顳下回和枕顳回之間的枕顳溝。我,左顳角和海馬的身體和頭部已經暴露。脈絡膜裂隙是通過分離將脈絡膜叢與海馬表麵的絨毛相連的絨毛絨毛來打開的。脈絡膜叢仍然附著在丘腦上。J,顳葉切除術已經完成。第三神經、腦後動脈和腦幕邊緣位於暴露的內側。一個大的橋靜脈從顳葉下的sylvian裂隙進入一個幕竇。 After disconnecting the hippocampus medially, the resection is extended across the head of the hippocampus behind the amygdala. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Cist., cistern; Chor., choroid, choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Fiss., fissure; Frontozyg., frontozygomatic; Gen., geniculate; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; L.P.Ch.A., lateral posterior choroidal artery; Lat., lateral; M., muscle; Med., medial; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; V., vein; Vent., ventricular.

貢獻者:Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD

內容來自Rhoton AL, Jr.幕上顱空間:顯微外科解剖和手術入路。神經外科2002年,51:S1-iii-S1-vi。doi.org/10.1097/00006123 - 200210001 - 00001.經牛津大學出版社許可,代表神經外科醫生協會。©神經外科醫生協會。

神經外科188bet手机app圖集很榮幸能夠保持Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD的遺產。

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