波動率。 視頻




1979年,作者介紹了與囊狀動脈瘤解剖相關的三條規則,在規劃這些病變的手術入路時應考慮這些規則(18)。解剖學的這三個方麵將在本章中回顧與每個常見動脈瘤部位的關係。首先,這些動脈瘤發生在載瘤動脈的分支部位。該部位可以由母動脈的側枝起源形成,如頸動脈後交通動脈的起源,或由主動脈主幹細分為兩條主幹,如發生在大腦中動脈或基底動脈的分叉處(圖3.1和3.2)。其次,囊狀動脈瘤發生在動脈的拐彎處或彎曲處。這些曲線通過在血管內血流動力學中產生局部改變,在接受最大脈衝波力的頂端區域施加不尋常的應力。囊狀動脈瘤出現在曲線的凸麵,而不是凹麵。第三,囊狀動脈瘤指向的方向是,如果動脈瘤處的曲線不存在,血液應該流向的方向。動脈瘤穹窿或動脈瘤底指向載瘤動脈動脈瘤前段最大血流動力學推力的方向。自從最初提出這三條規則以來,我們的解剖學研究揭示了第四條規則。 The fourth rule is that there is a constantly occurring set of perforating arteries situated at each aneurysm site that need to be protected and preserved to achieve an optimal result (12, 13, 18).














圖3.1。囊狀動脈瘤最常見的部位。每個動脈瘤都起源於大動脈的分支部位。大多數位於威利斯圈或附近。90%以上位於以下5個部位之一:(a)後交通動脈水平的頸內動脈;(b)大腦前動脈與前交通動脈的交界處;(c)大腦中動脈近端分叉;(d)大腦後動脈和基底動脈的交界處,以及(e)頸動脈進入大腦前動脈和大腦中動脈的分叉。頸動脈上的其他動脈瘤部位位於眼動脈、垂體上動脈和脈絡膜前動脈的起點。椎動脈和基底動脈的其他部位包括小腦前下動脈、小腦後下動脈、小腦上動脈以及基底動脈和椎動脈的交界處。 A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Op.A., ophthalmic artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; S.Hypo. A., superior hypophyseal artery; V.A., vertebral artery.


圖3.1。囊狀動脈瘤最常見的部位。每個動脈瘤都起源於大動脈的分支部位。大多數位於威利斯圈或附近。90%以上位於以下5個部位之一:(a)後交通動脈水平的頸內動脈;(b)大腦前動脈與前交通動脈的交界處;(c)大腦中動脈近端分叉;(d)大腦後動脈和基底動脈的交界處,以及(e)頸動脈進入大腦前動脈和大腦中動脈的分叉。頸動脈上的其他動脈瘤部位位於眼動脈、垂體上動脈和脈絡膜前動脈的起點。椎動脈和基底動脈的其他部位包括小腦前下動脈、小腦後下動脈、小腦上動脈以及基底動脈和椎動脈的交界處。 A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Op.A., ophthalmic artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; S.Hypo. A., superior hypophyseal artery; V.A., vertebral artery.

圖3.2。頸內動脈枕骨上部分常見動脈瘤部位的側位(A)和上位(B)視圖。A,右頸內動脈側位圖。B,頸內動脈上視圖,右視神經和右半視交叉向前反射,露出眼動脈的起源地。虛線顯示兩側頸動脈海綿狀內部分和左眼動脈的路線。動脈瘤出現在動脈分支起始處的曲線上。動脈瘤指向緊鄰動脈瘤部位的最大血流動力的方向(箭頭),也指向如果動脈瘤部位沒有彎曲,血液本應流向的方向。頸內動脈的動脈瘤部位通常位於頸內動脈分支的遠端。眼動脈起點處的動脈瘤向上指向視神經。動脈瘤起源於垂體上動脈的起點,位於視交叉下方的內側。 Aneurysms arising near the origin of the posterior communicating artery point posteriorly toward the oculomotor nerve and are usually located superolateral to the posterior communicating artery. Aneurysms arising near the origin of the anterior choroidal artery point posterolaterally and are usually located immediately superior to the origin of the anterior choroidal artery. Aneurysms arising at the carotid bifurcation into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries point upward lateral to the optic chiasm toward the anterior perforated substance. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.Ch., optic chiasm; O.N., optic nerve; Op.A., ophthalmic artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; S.Hypo.A., superior hypophyseal artery.


圖3.2。頸內動脈枕骨上部分常見動脈瘤部位的側位(A)和上位(B)視圖。A,右頸內動脈側位圖。B,頸內動脈上視圖,右視神經和右半視交叉向前反射,露出眼動脈的起源地。虛線顯示兩側頸動脈海綿狀內部分和左眼動脈的路線。動脈瘤出現在動脈分支起始處的曲線上。動脈瘤指向緊鄰動脈瘤部位的最大血流動力的方向(箭頭),也指向如果動脈瘤部位沒有彎曲,血液本應流向的方向。頸內動脈的動脈瘤部位通常位於頸內動脈分支的遠端。眼動脈起點處的動脈瘤向上指向視神經。動脈瘤起源於垂體上動脈的起點,位於視交叉下方的內側。 Aneurysms arising near the origin of the posterior communicating artery point posteriorly toward the oculomotor nerve and are usually located superolateral to the posterior communicating artery. Aneurysms arising near the origin of the anterior choroidal artery point posterolaterally and are usually located immediately superior to the origin of the anterior choroidal artery. Aneurysms arising at the carotid bifurcation into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries point upward lateral to the optic chiasm toward the anterior perforated substance. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.Ch., optic chiasm; O.N., optic nerve; Op.A., ophthalmic artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; S.Hypo.A., superior hypophyseal artery.

圖3.3。頸內動脈動脈瘤部位的手術視圖。A,頭皮切口(實線),骨瓣(虛線),顱骨切除術(紅色區域),以接近頸內動脈瘤。B,右側頸內動脈側位圖,顯示動脈瘤部位。C,由右額顳葉開顱術提供的手術視圖,在額顳葉上使用腦鏟。這些動脈瘤所指向的方向(B中的箭頭)是動脈瘤部位附近最大血流動力的方向,也是如果動脈瘤部位的載瘤動脈沒有彎曲的話,血液本應流向的方向。動脈瘤位於頸內動脈分支的遠端。眼動脈起點處的動脈瘤向上指向視神經。動脈瘤起源於垂體上動脈的起點,位於視交叉下方的內側。動脈瘤發生於後交通動脈起源地附近,後指向動眼神經,通常位於後交通動脈的上外側。 Aneurysms arising near the origin of the anterior choroidal artery point posterolaterally and are usually located immediately superior to the origin of the anterior choroidal artery. Aneurysms arising at the carotid bifurcation into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries point upward lateral to the optic chiasm toward the anterior perforated substance. Each of the aneurysms can be approached through a frontotemporal craniotomy. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; Fr., frontal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.Ch., optic chiasm; O.N., optic nerve; Op.A., ophthalmic artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; S.Hypo.A., superior hypophyseal artery; Temp., temporal.

圖3.3。頸內動脈動脈瘤部位的手術視圖。A,頭皮切口(實線),骨瓣(虛線),顱骨切除術(紅色區域),以接近頸內動脈瘤。B,右側頸內動脈側位圖,顯示動脈瘤部位。C,由右額顳葉開顱術提供的手術視圖,在額顳葉上使用腦鏟。這些動脈瘤所指向的方向(B中的箭頭)是動脈瘤部位附近最大血流動力的方向,也是如果動脈瘤部位的載瘤動脈沒有彎曲的話,血液本應流向的方向。動脈瘤位於頸內動脈分支的遠端。眼動脈起點處的動脈瘤向上指向視神經。動脈瘤起源於垂體上動脈的起點,位於視交叉下方的內側。動脈瘤發生於後交通動脈起源地附近,後指向動眼神經,通常位於後交通動脈的上外側。 Aneurysms arising near the origin of the anterior choroidal artery point posterolaterally and are usually located immediately superior to the origin of the anterior choroidal artery. Aneurysms arising at the carotid bifurcation into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries point upward lateral to the optic chiasm toward the anterior perforated substance. Each of the aneurysms can be approached through a frontotemporal craniotomy. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; Fr., frontal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.Ch., optic chiasm; O.N., optic nerve; Op.A., ophthalmic artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; S.Hypo.A., superior hypophyseal artery; Temp., temporal.

圖3.4。f。額顳(翼點)開顱術用於暴露威利斯圈上的動脈瘤。A、頭皮前端切口位於發際線後中線附近。後端位於顴弓靠近耳屏處。B,頭皮皮瓣已經通過帽下解剖向下反射。麵部神經分支所在的脂肪墊暴露在暴露的下緣。C,通過覆蓋顳肌下部的顳淺筋膜的切口,使覆蓋麵神經分支的脂肪墊與頭皮皮瓣一起向下折疊。D,鎖眼,毛刺孔的位置,位於顳上線前部後麵。鎖眼的上緣為硬腦膜前窩,下緣為眶周。 The inset shows the burr holes and bone flap. E, the sphenoid ridge has been removed leaving a thin shell of bone over the roof and lateral wall of the orbit. The bone removal is extended downward to increase access to the middle fossa floor. F, the dura and sylvian fissure have been opened to expose the supra- and parasellar areas.


圖3.4。f。額顳(翼點)開顱術用於暴露威利斯圈上的動脈瘤。A、頭皮前端切口位於發際線後中線附近。後端位於顴弓靠近耳屏處。B,頭皮皮瓣已經通過帽下解剖向下反射。麵部神經分支所在的脂肪墊暴露在暴露的下緣。C,通過覆蓋顳肌下部的顳淺筋膜的切口,使覆蓋麵神經分支的脂肪墊與頭皮皮瓣一起向下折疊。D,鎖眼,毛刺孔的位置,位於顳上線前部後麵。鎖眼的上緣為硬腦膜前窩,下緣為眶周。 The inset shows the burr holes and bone flap. E, the sphenoid ridge has been removed leaving a thin shell of bone over the roof and lateral wall of the orbit. The bone removal is extended downward to increase access to the middle fossa floor. F, the dura and sylvian fissure have been opened to expose the supra- and parasellar areas.

圖3.4。G-L。嗅束、視神經和動眼神經暴露在外。後交通動脈和基底動脈是通過視神經和頸動脈和大腦前動脈之間的視頸三角看到的。後交通動脈在鞍上區動眼神經內側。G,由於額葉的進一步抬高,暴露已經延伸到另一側。暴露包括視神經、同側和對側頸動脈和大腦中動脈。終板從視交叉向上延伸。腦垂體柄暴露在視交叉下方。H,額葉的進一步抬高暴露了對側大腦中動脈分叉的對麵sylvian裂。 The pituitary stalk and contralateral oculomotor nerve are seen through the opticocarotid triangle. I, the left optic nerve has been elevated to expose the contralateral ophthalmic artery. J, the anterior clinoid process has been removed to expose the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery. K–P, examines four routes to the apex of the basilar apex that can be accessed through a frontotemporal (pterional) craniotomy. These routes are: 1) through the opticocarotid triangle located between the internal carotid artery, optic nerve, and anterior cerebral artery; 2) through the carotid bifurcation-optic tract interval located between the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery and the optic tract; 3) through the carotid-oculomotor interval located between the carotid artery and the oculomotor nerve and above the posterior communicating artery; and 4) through the carotidoculomotor interval and below the posterior communicating artery. K and L, exposure directed through the opticocarotid triangle. K, pterional exposure of supra- and parasellar area in another specimen. The pituitary stalk and contralateral internal carotid artery are seen below the optic chiasm. L, the opticocarotid triangle has been opened by gently elevating the optic chiasm and displacing the carotid artery laterally to access the bifurcation of the basilar artery and the origin of both superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries.


圖3.4。G-L。嗅束、視神經和動眼神經暴露在外。後交通動脈和基底動脈是通過視神經和頸動脈和大腦前動脈之間的視頸三角看到的。後交通動脈在鞍上區動眼神經內側。G,由於額葉的進一步抬高,暴露已經延伸到另一側。暴露包括視神經、同側和對側頸動脈和大腦中動脈。終板從視交叉向上延伸。腦垂體柄暴露在視交叉下方。H,額葉的進一步抬高暴露了對側大腦中動脈分叉的對麵sylvian裂。 The pituitary stalk and contralateral oculomotor nerve are seen through the opticocarotid triangle. I, the left optic nerve has been elevated to expose the contralateral ophthalmic artery. J, the anterior clinoid process has been removed to expose the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery. K–P, examines four routes to the apex of the basilar apex that can be accessed through a frontotemporal (pterional) craniotomy. These routes are: 1) through the opticocarotid triangle located between the internal carotid artery, optic nerve, and anterior cerebral artery; 2) through the carotid bifurcation-optic tract interval located between the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery and the optic tract; 3) through the carotid-oculomotor interval located between the carotid artery and the oculomotor nerve and above the posterior communicating artery; and 4) through the carotidoculomotor interval and below the posterior communicating artery. K and L, exposure directed through the opticocarotid triangle. K, pterional exposure of supra- and parasellar area in another specimen. The pituitary stalk and contralateral internal carotid artery are seen below the optic chiasm. L, the opticocarotid triangle has been opened by gently elevating the optic chiasm and displacing the carotid artery laterally to access the bifurcation of the basilar artery and the origin of both superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries.

圖3.4。先生。對側小腦上動脈為雙動脈。如果頸動脈三角較大(頸內動脈和大腦前動脈都很長),這種暴露是足夠的,但如果頸動脈和大腦前動脈較短且頸內動脈緊靠在視神經和交叉旁,這種暴露是不夠的。如果基底分叉特別高或位於鞍背下方,則不能通過此路線暴露基底分叉。M和N,照射指向頸動脈分叉視神經束間隔M,照射指向頸動脈分叉上方區域。頸動脈分叉被壓下,視神經束被抬高以暴露基底神經分叉。丘腦穿支動脈起源於基底分叉。O和P,通過頸動脈和動眼神經之間的頸動脈動眼神經間隙暴露。O,後交通動脈經過基底神經分叉的前麵。 Gently depressing or elevating the posterior communicating artery, which crosses in front of the basilar artery, will increase access to the basilar apex. P, the posterior communicating artery has been elevated to expose the origin of the superior cerebellar arteries and the basilar bifurcation. Q and R, anterior subtemporal exposure obtained through the frontotemporal craniotomy by elevating the anterior part of the temporal lobe. Q, this oculomotor nerve arises from the medial surface of the cerebral peduncle and passes between the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar artery to enter the roof of the cavernous sinus. R, the posterior communicating artery has been elevated to expose the basilar apex, both oculomotor nerves, and the junction of the right posterior communicating artery with the right posterior cerebral artery.


圖3.4。先生。對側小腦上動脈為雙動脈。如果頸動脈三角較大(頸內動脈和大腦前動脈都很長),這種暴露是足夠的,但如果頸動脈和大腦前動脈較短且頸內動脈緊靠在視神經和交叉旁,這種暴露是不夠的。如果基底分叉特別高或位於鞍背下方,則不能通過此路線暴露基底分叉。M和N,照射指向頸動脈分叉視神經束間隔M,照射指向頸動脈分叉上方區域。頸動脈分叉被壓下,視神經束被抬高以暴露基底神經分叉。丘腦穿支動脈起源於基底分叉。O和P,通過頸動脈和動眼神經之間的頸動脈動眼神經間隙暴露。O,後交通動脈經過基底神經分叉的前麵。 Gently depressing or elevating the posterior communicating artery, which crosses in front of the basilar artery, will increase access to the basilar apex. P, the posterior communicating artery has been elevated to expose the origin of the superior cerebellar arteries and the basilar bifurcation. Q and R, anterior subtemporal exposure obtained through the frontotemporal craniotomy by elevating the anterior part of the temporal lobe. Q, this oculomotor nerve arises from the medial surface of the cerebral peduncle and passes between the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar artery to enter the roof of the cavernous sinus. R, the posterior communicating artery has been elevated to expose the basilar apex, both oculomotor nerves, and the junction of the right posterior communicating artery with the right posterior cerebral artery.

圖3.4。sx。S和T,通過額顳開顱術暴露出高基底動脈分叉S,基底動脈可以通過頸光三角看到,但是基底動脈分叉太高了,看不到。T,視神經束被輕輕抬高頸動脈分叉被壓低以暴露基底尖。U-X,顳下幕下基底分叉暴露。U,抬高右側顳葉,露出幕邊上方的視神經、動眼神經和滑車神經。後交通動脈向後上內側到達動眼神經。基底分叉位於鞍背後,就在幕邊緣下方。V,在滑車神經與幕神經連接處的後麵被分割以暴露位於鞍背後方的基底分叉。抬高大腦後動脈暴露丘腦穿通動脈。 W, another exposure. The bifurcation is located behind the dorsum. The P1 extends upward on the medial side of the oculomotor nerve. X, the tentorium has been divided while preserving the trochlear nerve to expose the upper part of the basilar artery and the bifurcation. The posterior cerebral artery passes above and the superior cerebellar artery below the oculomotor nerve. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Bifurc., bifurcation; Brs., branches; Car., carotid; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Contra., contralateral; Dup., duplicate; Fiss., fissure; Lam., lamina; Olf., olfactory; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Perf., perforating; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporalis; Tent., tentorial; Term., terminalis; Thal. Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract.


圖3.4。sx。S和T,通過額顳開顱術暴露出高基底動脈分叉S,基底動脈可以通過頸光三角看到,但是基底動脈分叉太高了,看不到。T,視神經束被輕輕抬高頸動脈分叉被壓低以暴露基底尖。U-X,顳下幕下基底分叉暴露。U,抬高右側顳葉,露出幕邊上方的視神經、動眼神經和滑車神經。後交通動脈向後上內側到達動眼神經。基底分叉位於鞍背後,就在幕邊緣下方。V,在滑車神經與幕神經連接處的後麵被分割以暴露位於鞍背後方的基底分叉。抬高大腦後動脈暴露丘腦穿通動脈。 W, another exposure. The bifurcation is located behind the dorsum. The P1 extends upward on the medial side of the oculomotor nerve. X, the tentorium has been divided while preserving the trochlear nerve to expose the upper part of the basilar artery and the bifurcation. The posterior cerebral artery passes above and the superior cerebellar artery below the oculomotor nerve. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Bifurc., bifurcation; Brs., branches; Car., carotid; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Contra., contralateral; Dup., duplicate; Fiss., fissure; Lam., lamina; Olf., olfactory; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Perf., perforating; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal, temporalis; Tent., tentorial; Term., terminalis; Thal. Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract.




眼動脈起源地和前斜突區域發生的動脈瘤是最複雜的動脈瘤之一,因為眼動脈起源地和走向不同,並且硬腦膜褶皺累及視孔和前斜突區域(圖3.6,A-C)。眼動脈瘤如果長在顱底以上,則相對簡單;然而,當它們靠近並累及頸內動脈段(稱為斜突段)時,複雜性會增加,並通過去除前斜突而暴露(圖3.4和3.7)(5)。斜突段及其暴露將在本問題的第9章中討論。斜突段位於動脈海綿內段和蛛網膜下段的交界處,位於前斜突上下緣的硬腦膜皺襞之間。硬腦膜從前床突頂部向內側延伸形成頸動脈周圍的硬腦膜上環。硬腦膜從前斜突下緣向內側延伸,環繞動脈形成硬腦膜下環,即斜突段下緣。向內側延伸形成硬膜下環的層將床突下緣和動眼神經上表麵分開。上環在動脈周圍形成一個緊密的頸圈,但在手術顯微鏡下檢查顯示硬腦膜中,在環擁抱動脈前內側的位置通常有一個狹窄的凹陷,稱為頸動脈洞。洞穴,即向下的短袋,在硬膜上環水平以下延伸了一個不同的距離(圖3.6,a和B),在動脈的前內側最突出,在那裏它可能向下延伸到下環附近。隨著年齡的增長,動脈的拉長,洞穴似乎變得不那麼突出。 Carotid cave aneurysms are distinct from clinoid segment aneurysms, which arise from the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery located between the upper and lower dural ring. Aneurysms that arise from the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery have been referred to as clinoid segment aneurysms, and those located above the upper ring, but extending into the cave adjacent the upper ring, are referred to as carotid cave aneurysms.


眼動脈通常起源於視神經下方頸動脈上表麵的內側三分之一(圖3.4和3.6C)。為了看到椎間孔前段,通常需要將視神經從頸內動脈輕微抬高。眼動脈在出頸動脈後,可立即進入視神經管,但在大多數情況下,有一個2- 5mm的孔前段。通過切除前斜突和蝶小翼的鄰近部分,切除視孔的頂部和眶頂的鄰近部分以允許視神經的一些活動,以及切開鐮狀突,可以促進動脈瘤頸部的暴露,硬腦膜薄褶,從前床突向內側延伸至鞍結節,覆蓋視神經近端視神經段。將硬腦膜上環和下環分開以動員頸動脈以夾取動脈瘤是有幫助的。大多數眼動脈位於前斜突尖端的前方,距斜突內側約5mm(3)。





圖3.5。穿通動脈位於頸內動脈的平麵上部分的常見動脈瘤部位。A、側麵視圖。B,上視圖,右視神經和右半視交叉向前反射,露出眼動脈的起點。A和B,眼動脈瘤起源於眼動脈的起點,從眼段向上指向視神經。眼段的穿支位於動脈瘤的內側。後交通動脈瘤發生於交通段後交通動脈的起點,並向後指向動眼神經。從交通段產生的穿支常在後交通動脈瘤頸部周圍伸展。前脈絡膜動脈瘤起源於脈絡膜段的前脈絡膜動脈起點,並指向後外側。它們通常位於脈絡膜前動脈起點的上方或上外側。 Aneurysms arising at the bifurcation into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries point upward lateral to the optic chiasm and tract toward the anterior perforated substance. The perforating branches arising from the choroidal segment are usually stretched along the posterior wall of the aneurysm arising at the bifurcation. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Comm., communicating; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Chor., choroidal; Car., carotid; Hyp., hypophyseal; Infund., infundibulum; M.C.A., middle cerebral arteries; N., nerve; Ophth., ophthalmic; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sup., superior.

圖3.5。穿通動脈位於頸內動脈的平麵上部分的常見動脈瘤部位。A、側麵視圖。B,上視圖,右視神經和右半視交叉向前反射,露出眼動脈的起點。A和B,眼動脈瘤起源於眼動脈的起點,從眼段向上指向視神經。眼段的穿支位於動脈瘤的內側。後交通動脈瘤發生於交通段後交通動脈的起點,並向後指向動眼神經。從交通段產生的穿支常在後交通動脈瘤頸部周圍伸展。前脈絡膜動脈瘤起源於脈絡膜段的前脈絡膜動脈起點,並指向後外側。它們通常位於脈絡膜前動脈起點的上方或上外側。 Aneurysms arising at the bifurcation into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries point upward lateral to the optic chiasm and tract toward the anterior perforated substance. The perforating branches arising from the choroidal segment are usually stretched along the posterior wall of the aneurysm arising at the bifurcation. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Comm., communicating; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Chor., choroidal; Car., carotid; Hyp., hypophyseal; Infund., infundibulum; M.C.A., middle cerebral arteries; N., nerve; Ophth., ophthalmic; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sup., superior.

圖3.6。g。眼側和垂體上動脈瘤與頸動脈斜突段和頸動脈洞的關係。A頸動脈的斜突段位於前斜突的內側。硬腦膜上環圍繞著斜突段上緣,由硬腦膜從前斜突上緣向內側延伸形成。下硬膜環從前斜突下緣向內側延伸。眼動脈起於頸動脈頸突上段的上表麵並在視神經下向前延伸進入視神經孔。上環似乎經常粘附在頸動脈周圍形成頸圈。然而,在許多情況下,在這個環和動脈的前內側之間有一個空間,向下延伸在動脈周圍形成一個洞,稱為頸動脈洞。穴在海綿竇頂部頸動脈的前內側最為明顯。 If the ophthalmic artery arises within the carotid cave, the neck of the aneurysm will also be located in the cave, and the aneurysm will extend upward out of the cave into the subarachnoid space. The superior hypophyseal artery arises from the medial wall of the internal carotid artery and courses toward the pituitary stalk. The optic strut is the bridge of bone that separates the optic foramen from the superior orbital fissure. This strut extends from the lower surface of the anterior clinoid process to the body of the sphenoid bone. The strut forms the inferolateral margin of the optic foramen. The anterior and middle cerebral arteries are also in the exposure. B, sagittal cross section through the clinoid segment and carotid cave. The cave extends downward between the upper dural ring and the wall of the carotid artery. The ophthalmic artery usually arises from the carotid artery immediately above the carotid cave and upper dural ring. A probe is inserted in the carotid cave, the space between the upper dural ring and the wall of the carotid artery. This clinoid segment of the carotid artery is situated medial to the anterior clinoid process. C, various patterns (1–5 in C) of the origin and passage of the ophthalmic artery that determine the degree of involvement by an aneurysm of the clinoid segment and carotid cave. 1, the ophthalmic artery arises from the superomedial wall of the artery well above the carotid cave. An aneurysm arising at the origin of this ophthalmic artery will mimic a superior hypophyseal aneurysm. 2, the ophthalmic artery arises in the carotid cave. 3, the artery arises just above the carotid cave. 4, the artery arises in the carotid cave and passes through the optic strut to enter the optic canal. 5, the artery arises in the cavernous sinus and passes through the superior orbital fissure. D and E, superior and anterior views of the most common ophthalmic aneurysm. This aneurysm arises above the clinoid segment and the carotid cave from the medial part of the superior wall of the carotid artery and projects upward into the optic nerve. The cavernous sinus is located below the anterior clinoid process in the anterior view. F and G, superior and anterior view of an ophthalmic aneurysm that mimics a superior hypophyseal aneurysm. The ophthalmic artery has a relatively long course to the optic foramen. This aneurysm projects medially below the optic chiasm and mimics the superior hypophyseal aneurysm, although it arises at the origin of the ophthalmic artery. The neck of the aneurysm is proximal to the origin of the superior hypophyseal artery. This aneurysm, on lateral angiography, may be seen medial to and below the upper margin of the anterior clinoid process.


圖3.6。g。眼側和垂體上動脈瘤與頸動脈斜突段和頸動脈洞的關係。A頸動脈的斜突段位於前斜突的內側。硬腦膜上環圍繞著斜突段上緣,由硬腦膜從前斜突上緣向內側延伸形成。下硬膜環從前斜突下緣向內側延伸。眼動脈起於頸動脈頸突上段的上表麵並在視神經下向前延伸進入視神經孔。上環似乎經常粘附在頸動脈周圍形成頸圈。然而,在許多情況下,在這個環和動脈的前內側之間有一個空間,向下延伸在動脈周圍形成一個洞,稱為頸動脈洞。穴在海綿竇頂部頸動脈的前內側最為明顯。 If the ophthalmic artery arises within the carotid cave, the neck of the aneurysm will also be located in the cave, and the aneurysm will extend upward out of the cave into the subarachnoid space. The superior hypophyseal artery arises from the medial wall of the internal carotid artery and courses toward the pituitary stalk. The optic strut is the bridge of bone that separates the optic foramen from the superior orbital fissure. This strut extends from the lower surface of the anterior clinoid process to the body of the sphenoid bone. The strut forms the inferolateral margin of the optic foramen. The anterior and middle cerebral arteries are also in the exposure. B, sagittal cross section through the clinoid segment and carotid cave. The cave extends downward between the upper dural ring and the wall of the carotid artery. The ophthalmic artery usually arises from the carotid artery immediately above the carotid cave and upper dural ring. A probe is inserted in the carotid cave, the space between the upper dural ring and the wall of the carotid artery. This clinoid segment of the carotid artery is situated medial to the anterior clinoid process. C, various patterns (1–5 in C) of the origin and passage of the ophthalmic artery that determine the degree of involvement by an aneurysm of the clinoid segment and carotid cave. 1, the ophthalmic artery arises from the superomedial wall of the artery well above the carotid cave. An aneurysm arising at the origin of this ophthalmic artery will mimic a superior hypophyseal aneurysm. 2, the ophthalmic artery arises in the carotid cave. 3, the artery arises just above the carotid cave. 4, the artery arises in the carotid cave and passes through the optic strut to enter the optic canal. 5, the artery arises in the cavernous sinus and passes through the superior orbital fissure. D and E, superior and anterior views of the most common ophthalmic aneurysm. This aneurysm arises above the clinoid segment and the carotid cave from the medial part of the superior wall of the carotid artery and projects upward into the optic nerve. The cavernous sinus is located below the anterior clinoid process in the anterior view. F and G, superior and anterior view of an ophthalmic aneurysm that mimics a superior hypophyseal aneurysm. The ophthalmic artery has a relatively long course to the optic foramen. This aneurysm projects medially below the optic chiasm and mimics the superior hypophyseal aneurysm, although it arises at the origin of the ophthalmic artery. The neck of the aneurysm is proximal to the origin of the superior hypophyseal artery. This aneurysm, on lateral angiography, may be seen medial to and below the upper margin of the anterior clinoid process.

圖3.6。h n。H和I,頸動脈洞內硬膜上環下方動脈瘤的上視圖和前視圖。這個動脈瘤從頸動脈洞向視神經向上突出並有硬腦膜上環環繞其基部。J和K,眼動脈瘤的上視圖和前視圖,與眼動脈有關,起源於頸動脈洞,通過視神經支柱的孔到達視神經管。此動脈瘤頸比典型的眼動脈瘤位於更遠的外側。動脈瘤從洞中向上伸出,進入蛛網膜下腔。左、M為海綿竇眼動脈起點處動脈瘤的上、前視圖。眼動脈穿過眶上裂到達眼眶。該動脈瘤起於斜突段和頸動脈腔下方,向上突出於前斜突的下緣,不到達蛛網膜下腔。 N, superior view of superior hypophyseal aneurysm. The aneurysm arises at the distal edge of the origin of the superior hypophyseal artery and points medially under the optic chiasm. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; Fiss., fissure; Hyp., hypophyseal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; Ophth., ophthalmic; Pit., pituitary; Seg., segment; Sup., superior.


圖3.6。h n。H和I,頸動脈洞內硬膜上環下方動脈瘤的上視圖和前視圖。這個動脈瘤從頸動脈洞向視神經向上突出並有硬腦膜上環環繞其基部。J和K,眼動脈瘤的上視圖和前視圖,與眼動脈有關,起源於頸動脈洞,通過視神經支柱的孔到達視神經管。此動脈瘤頸比典型的眼動脈瘤位於更遠的外側。動脈瘤從洞中向上伸出,進入蛛網膜下腔。左、M為海綿竇眼動脈起點處動脈瘤的上、前視圖。眼動脈穿過眶上裂到達眼眶。該動脈瘤起於斜突段和頸動脈腔下方,向上突出於前斜突的下緣,不到達蛛網膜下腔。 N, superior view of superior hypophyseal aneurysm. The aneurysm arises at the distal edge of the origin of the superior hypophyseal artery and points medially under the optic chiasm. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; Fiss., fissure; Hyp., hypophyseal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; Ophth., ophthalmic; Pit., pituitary; Seg., segment; Sup., superior.


頸線上動脈起始段指向後方,但垂體上動脈起始段後向上轉向前穿孔物,形成後凸曲線(圖3.2、3.3、3.5和3.8)。後交通動脈和脈絡膜前動脈起源於後壁在這條凸曲線上頸動脈向上延伸至它的分叉處。最常見的頸動脈動脈瘤發生在頸動脈-後交通動脈交界處。這些動脈瘤發生於頸動脈後壁靠近這個彎的頂端,緊接後交通動脈起點遠端邊緣之上。這一區域的另一個重要關係是動眼神經與頸內動脈的關係。動眼神經進入硬腦膜後斜突外側和硬腦膜束內側從小腦幕向前斜突延伸。動眼神經穿入硬腦膜,在最初的枕骨上節段後方2 - 7mm(平均5mm)處。動脈瘤起源於後交通動脈的起點,向下向後指向,當直徑達到4 - 5mm時,可壓迫動眼神經進入海綿竇的硬腦膜頂。




圖3.7。A,眶顴骨開顱經海綿體入路至基底尖。A,插圖(右上)為頭皮切口,插圖(右下)為兩片式眶顴開顱術。額葉和顳葉被收回以暴露視神經和動眼神經以及大腦前、中和後交通動脈。B,暴露指向視交叉上方正中到前交通動脈區域。C,抬高頸動脈,通過頸動脈和動眼神經之間的間隙暴露基底動脈頂端。後斜突阻斷了通往基底動脈的通道。D,前斜突和海綿竇的頂部被切除為頸內動脈的斜突段和後斜突提供通路。硬膜上環從前斜突上緣向內側延伸。E,切除後斜突以增加通往基底動脈上部的通路。 F, the anterior part of the tentorial edge has been removed to expose the upper margin of the posterior trigeminal root in Meckel’s cave and to provide increased access to the upper part of the basilar artery. The trochlear nerve was preserved in opening the anterior part of the tentorial edge. Note the difference in the length of basilar arteries exposed in C and F. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Lam., lamina; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Term., terminalis.


圖3.7。A,眶顴骨開顱經海綿體入路至基底尖。A,插圖(右上)為頭皮切口,插圖(右下)為兩片式眶顴開顱術。額葉和顳葉被收回以暴露視神經和動眼神經以及大腦前、中和後交通動脈。B,暴露指向視交叉上方正中到前交通動脈區域。C,抬高頸動脈,通過頸動脈和動眼神經之間的間隙暴露基底動脈頂端。後斜突阻斷了通往基底動脈的通道。D,前斜突和海綿竇的頂部被切除為頸內動脈的斜突段和後斜突提供通路。硬膜上環從前斜突上緣向內側延伸。E,切除後斜突以增加通往基底動脈上部的通路。 F, the anterior part of the tentorial edge has been removed to expose the upper margin of the posterior trigeminal root in Meckel’s cave and to provide increased access to the upper part of the basilar artery. The trochlear nerve was preserved in opening the anterior part of the tentorial edge. Note the difference in the length of basilar arteries exposed in C and F. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Lam., lamina; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Term., terminalis.

圖3.8。頸動脈後交通動脈瘤。A,側位手術視圖。插圖(左上)顯示右側額顳開顱的位置。動脈瘤起源於頸動脈後交通動脈起點的遠端邊緣,並向後向動眼神經突出。後交通動脈在頸部內側下緣脈絡膜前動脈在頸部內側上緣。穿通動脈可能與後交通動脈或前脈絡膜動脈一樣大,出現在動脈瘤頸部周圍。暴露的其他結構包括視神經和前、中、後腦動脈和垂體上動脈。B、視野優越。後交通動脈位於動脈瘤頸的內下緣,前脈絡膜動脈位於動脈瘤頸的上外側緣,沿動脈瘤頸有穿支。 The anterior clinoid process is lateral to the carotid artery. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; Hyp., hypophyseal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Perf., perforating; Post., posterior; Sup., superior.

圖3.8。頸動脈後交通動脈瘤。A,側位手術視圖。插圖(左上)顯示右側額顳開顱的位置。動脈瘤起源於頸動脈後交通動脈起點的遠端邊緣,並向後向動眼神經突出。後交通動脈在頸部內側下緣脈絡膜前動脈在頸部內側上緣。穿通動脈可能與後交通動脈或前脈絡膜動脈一樣大,出現在動脈瘤頸部周圍。暴露的其他結構包括視神經和前、中、後腦動脈和垂體上動脈。B、視野優越。後交通動脈位於動脈瘤頸的內下緣,前脈絡膜動脈位於動脈瘤頸的上外側緣,沿動脈瘤頸有穿支。 The anterior clinoid process is lateral to the carotid artery. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; Hyp., hypophyseal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Perf., perforating; Post., posterior; Sup., superior.







圖3.9。進入前穿孔物質的動脈與常見動脈瘤部位的關係。A,側麵視圖,B,上方視圖。涉及這些穿通動脈的動脈瘤出現在四個位置:(a)脈絡膜前動脈起點處的頸內動脈;(b)頸內動脈末梢分叉進入大腦前動脈和大腦中動脈;(c)大腦中動脈分叉;(d)前交通動脈區域。動脈瘤起源於頸內動脈,位於後交通動脈水平,除非它們變得非常大,否則不會累及前穿孔物質的分支。動脈瘤起源於頸內動脈或遠端脈絡膜前動脈,指向頸部附近的頸內動脈和脈絡膜前動脈,以及下緣或內緣的脈絡膜前動脈,可能有分支到前穿孔物質。頸動脈分叉處發生的動脈瘤頸動脈穿支在頸部後向上進入前穿支毗鄰內側透鏡狀紋狀動脈和A1的近端穿支進入前穿支。 The recurrent artery passes above the carotid bifurcation and may be incorporated into the arachnoidal bands around the neck and fundus of this aneurysm. Aneurysms arising at the bifurcation of the middle cerebral artery commonly have the origin of some of the lateral lenticulostriate arteries near their neck. If the prebifurcation segment of the M1 is very short, the intermediate lenticulostriate arteries will arise near the neck. The aneurysm arising at the level of the anterior communicating artery is located above the optic nerve and chiasm at the junction of the A1 and A2 segments of the anterior cerebral artery. This aneurysm usually arises in the setting where one A1 segment is dominant and the opposite A1 segment is hypoplastic. The A1 perforating branches and the recurrent artery arise near the neck of the aneurysm. C, operative exposure through a frontotemporal craniotomy. The sylvian fissure has been opened between the frontal and temporal lobes. The inset (upper left) shows the skin incision (solid line), the site of the craniotomy (dotted line), and the craniectomy (hatched area). A., arteries, artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Int., intermediate; Lat., lateral; Len. Str., lenticulostriate; Med., medial; N., nerve; Perf., perforating; Post., posterior; Rec., recurrent; Temp., temporal. (From, Rosner SS, Rhoton AL Jr, Ono M, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the anterior perforating arteries. J Neurosurg 61:468–485, 1984 [19].)

圖3.9。進入前穿孔物質的動脈與常見動脈瘤部位的關係。A,側麵視圖,B,上方視圖。涉及這些穿通動脈的動脈瘤出現在四個位置:(a)脈絡膜前動脈起點處的頸內動脈;(b)頸內動脈末梢分叉進入大腦前動脈和大腦中動脈;(c)大腦中動脈分叉;(d)前交通動脈區域。動脈瘤起源於頸內動脈,位於後交通動脈水平,除非它們變得非常大,否則不會累及前穿孔物質的分支。動脈瘤起源於頸內動脈或遠端脈絡膜前動脈,指向頸部附近的頸內動脈和脈絡膜前動脈,以及下緣或內緣的脈絡膜前動脈,可能有分支到前穿孔物質。頸動脈分叉處發生的動脈瘤頸動脈穿支在頸部後向上進入前穿支毗鄰內側透鏡狀紋狀動脈和A1的近端穿支進入前穿支。 The recurrent artery passes above the carotid bifurcation and may be incorporated into the arachnoidal bands around the neck and fundus of this aneurysm. Aneurysms arising at the bifurcation of the middle cerebral artery commonly have the origin of some of the lateral lenticulostriate arteries near their neck. If the prebifurcation segment of the M1 is very short, the intermediate lenticulostriate arteries will arise near the neck. The aneurysm arising at the level of the anterior communicating artery is located above the optic nerve and chiasm at the junction of the A1 and A2 segments of the anterior cerebral artery. This aneurysm usually arises in the setting where one A1 segment is dominant and the opposite A1 segment is hypoplastic. The A1 perforating branches and the recurrent artery arise near the neck of the aneurysm. C, operative exposure through a frontotemporal craniotomy. The sylvian fissure has been opened between the frontal and temporal lobes. The inset (upper left) shows the skin incision (solid line), the site of the craniotomy (dotted line), and the craniectomy (hatched area). A., arteries, artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; Fiss., fissure; Front., frontal; Int., intermediate; Lat., lateral; Len. Str., lenticulostriate; Med., medial; N., nerve; Perf., perforating; Post., posterior; Rec., recurrent; Temp., temporal. (From, Rosner SS, Rhoton AL Jr, Ono M, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the anterior perforating arteries. J Neurosurg 61:468–485, 1984 [19].)




大腦中動脈通往前穿孔物質的分支稱為透鏡狀紋狀動脈(圖2.30、2.31、3.9和3.10)。平均每個半球有10條(範圍1-20條)透鏡狀紋狀動脈(19條)。80%的透鏡狀紋狀動脈起源於M1段的分叉前部分,17%起源於M1段的分叉後部分,3%起源於M2段靠近膝的近端部分。分叉越早,分叉遠端產生的分支數量越多。動脈瘤很少出現在大透鏡狀紋狀分支的起源處。透鏡狀紋狀動脈分為內側組、中間組和外側組(圖2.30和3.9)(19)。每一組在前孔物質中都有其獨特的來源、組成和特征分布。每一組不同的形態導致內側組被稱為直的,因為它們追求直線的路線,中間組被稱為燭台,因為它們在接近前穿孔物質時具有複雜的分支,而外側組被稱為S形,描述它們的彎曲路線。這三種情況都發生在橫斷裂和動脈內側。圍繞動脈瘤頸部伸展的穿孔分支的數量和類型取決於分叉的水平(圖3.9和3.10)。 If the prebifurcation segment is very short, the neck of the aneurysm may have the straight or candelabra branches stretched around the neck, whereas an aneurysm arising at the apex of a long prebifurcation segment may involve the area of the S-shaped lenticulostriate branches.


圖3.10。大腦中動脈瘤。A,頭皮切口和開顱術治療大腦中動脈動脈瘤。B,右側額顳葉開顱術提供的手術視圖。右側sylvian裂被劈開以提供視神經頸動脈,大腦中動脈和前動脈的圖示。腦鏟位於顳葉和額葉。C,大腦中動脈瘤通常位於動脈膝附近的分叉處。箭頭表示動脈瘤部位血流動力的方向。內側、中間和外側透鏡狀紋狀動脈起源於大腦中動脈。D,動脈瘤起源於早期分叉。 E, aneurysm arising at a large lenticulostriate branch. F, aneurysm arising at an early branch. A., arteries, artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; C.A., internal cerebral artery; Fr., frontal; Int., intermediate; Lat., lateral; Len.Str., lenticulostriate; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; O.N., optic nerve; Temp., temporal.

圖3.10。大腦中動脈瘤。A,頭皮切口和開顱術治療大腦中動脈動脈瘤。B,右側額顳葉開顱術提供的手術視圖。右側sylvian裂被劈開以提供視神經頸動脈,大腦中動脈和前動脈的圖示。腦鏟位於顳葉和額葉。C,大腦中動脈瘤通常位於動脈膝附近的分叉處。箭頭表示動脈瘤部位血流動力的方向。內側、中間和外側透鏡狀紋狀動脈起源於大腦中動脈。D,動脈瘤起源於早期分叉。 E, aneurysm arising at a large lenticulostriate branch. F, aneurysm arising at an early branch. A., arteries, artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; C.A., internal cerebral artery; Fr., frontal; Int., intermediate; Lat., lateral; Len.Str., lenticulostriate; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; O.N., optic nerve; Temp., temporal.

圖3.11。動脈瘤夾層的器械。A, 40度角淚滴解剖器將基底動脈動脈瘤頸部的穿支和蛛網膜帶分開。5-French大小的鈍尖抽吸術提供抽吸和幫助動脈瘤頸部收縮進行夾層。暴露的結構包括小腦上動脈、後交通動脈、後大腦動脈、丘腦手術動脈和動眼神經。B,用刮刀切除動脈瘤壁,用微剪切開頸部堅硬的蛛網膜帶。C, 40度角淚滴解剖器,用於界定頸部,並從動脈瘤頸部分離穿孔血管。D,帶1.5毫米杯的斜角微刮匙,用於從前斜突移除硬腦膜。E,用於定義頸部和從動脈瘤壁上分離穿孔血管的刮刀解剖器。F, 5-法型鈍尖抽吸術用於動脈瘤抽吸和剝離。 A 7- or 9-French blunt tip suction may be needed if heavy bleeding should occur. G, bayonet forceps with 9.5-cm blades and 0.5-mm tips with small serrations (inset) inside tips for grasping arachnoidal and fibrous bands around an aneurysm. H, bayonet microscissors with 9.5-cm shafts and straight and curved blades (inset) for dividing adhesions around the neck of the aneurysm. I, the brain spatulas most commonly used to elevate the brain in aneurysm surgery are tapered from 10 or 15 mm at the base to 5 or 10 mm at the tip. A., arteries, artery; Bas., basilar; Com., communicating; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Th.Perf., thalamoperforating.

圖3.11。動脈瘤夾層的器械。A, 40度角淚滴解剖器將基底動脈動脈瘤頸部的穿支和蛛網膜帶分開。5-French大小的鈍尖抽吸術提供抽吸和幫助動脈瘤頸部收縮進行夾層。暴露的結構包括小腦上動脈、後交通動脈、後大腦動脈、丘腦手術動脈和動眼神經。B,用刮刀切除動脈瘤壁,用微剪切開頸部堅硬的蛛網膜帶。C, 40度角淚滴解剖器,用於界定頸部,並從動脈瘤頸部分離穿孔血管。D,帶1.5毫米杯的斜角微刮匙,用於從前斜突移除硬腦膜。E,用於定義頸部和從動脈瘤壁上分離穿孔血管的刮刀解剖器。F, 5-法型鈍尖抽吸術用於動脈瘤抽吸和剝離。 A 7- or 9-French blunt tip suction may be needed if heavy bleeding should occur. G, bayonet forceps with 9.5-cm blades and 0.5-mm tips with small serrations (inset) inside tips for grasping arachnoidal and fibrous bands around an aneurysm. H, bayonet microscissors with 9.5-cm shafts and straight and curved blades (inset) for dividing adhesions around the neck of the aneurysm. I, the brain spatulas most commonly used to elevate the brain in aneurysm surgery are tapered from 10 or 15 mm at the base to 5 or 10 mm at the tip. A., arteries, artery; Bas., basilar; Com., communicating; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Th.Perf., thalamoperforating.



大腦前動脈產生大量的穿支(圖2.16、2.24、3.9和3.13)。這些分支有兩個來源。首先,A1節段產生直接通向前部穿孔物質的分支;第二,A1和A2段的近端形成了再回動脈。大腦前動脈的返支是通向前穿孔物質的最大最長的分支。它可能是額葉抬高至前交通動脈瘤的第一個動脈(圖3.13)。它在動脈中是獨特的,因為它在母血管上向後翻,經過頸動脈分叉以上,並伴隨著大腦中動脈進入sylvian裂,然後進入前穿孔物質。如果A1段發育不良,這一側的複發動脈可能與發育不良的A1段一樣大,甚至可能與A1段混淆,因為兩者都經過頸動脈分叉和半球間裂之間的區域(圖2.24和3.13)。返動脈可以位於A1段的任何方向。其起源可能粘附在前交通動脈瘤壁上。 The inverting adventitia of A1 may so obscure the recurrent artery that inadvertent occlusion by a clip may easily occur, even under the operating microscope. The recurrent artery pursues a long, redundant path, looping forward on the gyrus rectus or the posterior part of the orbital surface of the frontal lobe where it could be damaged and occluded in removing the posterior 1 or 2 cm of the gyrus rectus, as is common practice in exposing anterior communicating aneurysms (Fig. 3.9). It may arise from a common stem with the frontopolar artery (Fig. 3.13). Ischemia in the area supplied by Heubner’s artery may cause hemiparesis with facial and brachial predominance, because of compromise of the branch supplying the anterior limb of the internal capsule, and may cause aphasia if the artery is on the dominant side (19).


圖3.12。前交通動脈瘤。A,頭皮切口(實線),骨瓣(虛線),顱骨切除術(孵化區)。B,最常見的前交通動脈瘤的手術視圖。動脈瘤指向大腦前動脈的下方和前方。暴露的結構包括頸動脈,大腦前,大腦中,前交通,後交通,脈絡膜前動脈,視神經,以及額葉和顳葉。C, D, E,前視圖,顯示了三種不同的動脈瘤構型,由不同的血流動力(箭頭)與大腦前動脈近段和遠段的不同大小和形狀相關。最常見的動脈瘤(C)與A1段發育不良有關。這些動脈瘤不太常見的突出是後方(D)或直線向前(E)。眼底指向的方向是由其與前交通動脈交界處近端動脈的走向決定的。A.C.A,大腦前動脈; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; Fr., frontal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.N., optic nerve; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Temp., temporal.

圖3.12。前交通動脈瘤。A,頭皮切口(實線),骨瓣(虛線),顱骨切除術(孵化區)。B,最常見的前交通動脈瘤的手術視圖。動脈瘤指向大腦前動脈的下方和前方。暴露的結構包括頸動脈,大腦前,大腦中,前交通,後交通,脈絡膜前動脈,視神經,以及額葉和顳葉。C, D, E,前視圖,顯示了三種不同的動脈瘤構型,由不同的血流動力(箭頭)與大腦前動脈近段和遠段的不同大小和形狀相關。最常見的動脈瘤(C)與A1段發育不良有關。這些動脈瘤不太常見的突出是後方(D)或直線向前(E)。眼底指向的方向是由其與前交通動脈交界處近端動脈的走向決定的。A.C.A,大腦前動脈; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; Fr., frontal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.N., optic nerve; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Temp., temporal.

圖3.13。複發動脈的起源和路徑的變異。A,再發動脈起於A1和A2段的交界處,並在頸動脈分叉的外側上方分布成一長條狀的前穿支物質。它通常在直回上向前循環,在切除一小塊回以暴露前交通動脈瘤時,它可能會受傷。B,在頸動脈分叉和半球間裂之間的區域,再發動脈可能與發育不良的A1段一樣大或更大。當人們從頸動脈分叉處向內側解剖到前交通動脈區域時,它可能是在額葉抬高時看到的第一個動脈。它通常在直回上向前循環,當切除直回的後厘米以暴露A1和A2段的連接處時,很容易損壞。C,回動脈與額極動脈形成一個共同的主幹,向外側穿過直回。D,再循環動脈起源於A1段。一個,動脈; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; Olf., olfactory; Perf., perforated; Rec., recurrent; Subst., substance.

圖3.13。複發動脈的起源和路徑的變異。A,再發動脈起於A1和A2段的交界處,並在頸動脈分叉的外側上方分布成一長條狀的前穿支物質。它通常在直回上向前循環,在切除一小塊回以暴露前交通動脈瘤時,它可能會受傷。B,在頸動脈分叉和半球間裂之間的區域,再發動脈可能與發育不良的A1段一樣大或更大。當人們從頸動脈分叉處向內側解剖到前交通動脈區域時,它可能是在額葉抬高時看到的第一個動脈。它通常在直回上向前循環,當切除直回的後厘米以暴露A1和A2段的連接處時,很容易損壞。C,回動脈與額極動脈形成一個共同的主幹,向外側穿過直回。D,再循環動脈起源於A1段。一個,動脈; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; Olf., olfactory; Perf., perforated; Rec., recurrent; Subst., substance.



圖3.14。大腦前動脈遠端最常見動脈瘤部位的側位和手術視圖。A、頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)。B,右大腦前動脈的內側表麵。動脈瘤位於胼胝體前緣額葉的內側表麵。血流動力學推力(箭頭)和動脈瘤遠端指向胼胝體周圍動脈和胼胝體邊際動脈之間的間隔。C,右額葉縮回,露出大腦前動脈、鐮狀動脈和胼胝體上方胼胝體周圍動脈起點處的動脈瘤。如果胼胝體下方為胼胝體的起始部位和動脈瘤,則暴露部位可位於前額下方。一個,動脈;A.C.A,大腦前動脈; Cm., callosomarginal; Fr., frontal; Perical., pericallosal.

圖3.14。大腦前動脈遠端最常見動脈瘤部位的側位和手術視圖。A、頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)。B,右大腦前動脈的內側表麵。動脈瘤位於胼胝體前緣額葉的內側表麵。血流動力學推力(箭頭)和動脈瘤遠端指向胼胝體周圍動脈和胼胝體邊際動脈之間的間隔。C,右額葉縮回,露出大腦前動脈、鐮狀動脈和胼胝體上方胼胝體周圍動脈起點處的動脈瘤。如果胼胝體下方為胼胝體的起始部位和動脈瘤,則暴露部位可位於前額下方。一個,動脈;A.C.A,大腦前動脈; Cm., callosomarginal; Fr., frontal; Perical., pericallosal.




圖3.15。椎動脈和基底動脈的動脈瘤部位。A,常用的椎動脈和基底動脈和動脈瘤部位的圖解表示,經常被證明是不正確的。椎動脈和基底動脈通常顯示為直血管,大腦後動脈、小腦上動脈、小腦前下動脈和小腦後下動脈顯示為與母動脈成直角,動脈瘤與母動脈的流動方向幾乎成直角。B和C,與動脈瘤相關的常見構型,其中基底動脈和椎動脈的彎曲產生了指向分支部位附近管壁的血流動力,動脈瘤指向動脈瘤部位近端段血流動力推力的方向。椎動脈的動脈瘤出現在其連接與下方壓迫小腦動脈和基底動脈的基底動脈的動脈瘤(B)。出現後大腦和小腦上動脈之間(B),在基部的頂端(C),下小腦動脈的起源(C),所有點的方向長軸的preaneurysmal段動脈和最大血流動力學推力的方向(箭頭)動脈瘤的網站。A.I.C.A,小腦前下動脈;學士,基底動脈;P.C.A,大腦後動脈;P.I.C.A,小腦後下動脈; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; V.A., vertebral artery.

圖3.15。椎動脈和基底動脈的動脈瘤部位。A,常用的椎動脈和基底動脈和動脈瘤部位的圖解表示,經常被證明是不正確的。椎動脈和基底動脈通常顯示為直血管,大腦後動脈、小腦上動脈、小腦前下動脈和小腦後下動脈顯示為與母動脈成直角,動脈瘤與母動脈的流動方向幾乎成直角。B和C,與動脈瘤相關的常見構型,其中基底動脈和椎動脈的彎曲產生了指向分支部位附近管壁的血流動力,動脈瘤指向動脈瘤部位近端段血流動力推力的方向。椎動脈的動脈瘤出現在其連接與下方壓迫小腦動脈和基底動脈的基底動脈的動脈瘤(B)。出現後大腦和小腦上動脈之間(B),在基部的頂端(C),下小腦動脈的起源(C),所有點的方向長軸的preaneurysmal段動脈和最大血流動力學推力的方向(箭頭)動脈瘤的網站。A.I.C.A,小腦前下動脈;學士,基底動脈;P.C.A,大腦後動脈;P.I.C.A,小腦後下動脈; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; V.A., vertebral artery.

圖3.16。 Common aneurysm sites in the posterior cranial fossa. Diagrams on the upper right show the basilar, vertebral, posterior cerebral, superior cerebellar, posteroinferior cerebellar, and anteroinferior cerebellar arteries; the site of the aneurysm; and the direction of hemodynamic force (arrow) at the aneurysm site. Diagrams on the upper left show the scalp incision (dotted lines) and bone flap (solid lines) or craniectomy (hatched area) used to expose the aneurysm. A, a basilar apex aneurysm is shown arising at the origin of the posterior cerebral arteries, as exposed by a right anterior subtemporal craniotomy. Note scalp incision and bone flap or craniectomy. The retractor is on the temporal lobe, and the tentorium cerebelli has been divided to expose the basilar, posterior cerebral, superior cerebellar, posterior communicating, and internal carotid arteries and the oculomotor, trochlear, and trigeminal nerves. B, a basilar apex aneurysm is exposed by a frontotemporal approach. The sylvian fissure has been split and the frontal and temporal lobes are retracted to expose the aneurysm. The middle cerebral, anterior cerebral, and anterior choroidal arteries and the optic nerves are also exposed. The carotid artery is retracted with a spatula dissector to expose the aneurysm. C, anterior subtemporal exposure of a basilar aneurysm arising between the origin of the superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries. The basilar artery curvature creates a hemodynamic thrust (arrow) against the wall of the artery at the junction of the upper two branches of the basilar artery. The aneurysm projects laterally below or into the oculomotor nerve. D, anterior subtemporal exposure of a basilar aneurysm arising at the origin of the anteroinferior cerebellar artery. The abducens nerve is below the anteroinferior cerebellar artery. The tentorium is split laterally above the trigeminal nerve to expose the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves. The curvature of the basilar artery creates a hemodynamic thrust (arrow) against the wall of the artery at the junction of the basilar and anteroinferior cerebellar arteries. E, suboccipital exposure of an aneurysm arising at the junction of the vertebral and basilar arteries. Although shown here in the upright position, the operation shown in E and F is performed in the three-quarter prone position. The right half of the cerebellum is elevated to expose the facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory nerves and the internal acoustic meatus. One of the vertebral arteries often joins the other in a configuration resembling the branching seen at other aneurysm sites or is associated with a fenestration in the lower basilar artery. Angiographic views in multiple projections reveal the aneurysm pointing in the direction of flow in the preaneurysmal segment of the larger vertebral artery. F, suboccipital exposure of an aneurysm arising at the origin of the right vertebral and posteroinferior cerebellar arteries. The angulation of the vertebral artery creates a hemodynamic thrust (arrow) in the direction in which the aneurysm points. The flocculus and choroid plexus protrude into the cerebellopontine angle. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; Ch., choroid; Fr., frontal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.N., optic nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pl., plexus; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorium; V.A., vertebral artery.

圖3.16。顱內後窩常見動脈瘤部位。右上方的圖表顯示了基底動脈、椎動脈、腦後動脈、小腦上動脈、小腦後下動脈和小腦前下動脈;動脈瘤的位置;血流動力的方向(箭頭)在動脈瘤部位。左上方的圖表顯示了用於暴露動脈瘤的頭皮切口(虛線)和骨瓣(實線)或顱骨切除術(凹形區域)。A,右前顳下開顱術顯示基底尖動脈瘤起源於大腦後動脈的起點。注意頭皮切口和骨瓣或顱骨切除術。牽開器位於顳葉,小腦幕被分割,暴露基底動脈、腦後、小腦上、後交通動脈、頸內動脈以及動眼神經、滑車神經和三叉神經。B,額顳入路暴露基底尖動脈瘤。 The sylvian fissure has been split and the frontal and temporal lobes are retracted to expose the aneurysm. The middle cerebral, anterior cerebral, and anterior choroidal arteries and the optic nerves are also exposed. The carotid artery is retracted with a spatula dissector to expose the aneurysm. C, anterior subtemporal exposure of a basilar aneurysm arising between the origin of the superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries. The basilar artery curvature creates a hemodynamic thrust (arrow) against the wall of the artery at the junction of the upper two branches of the basilar artery. The aneurysm projects laterally below or into the oculomotor nerve. D, anterior subtemporal exposure of a basilar aneurysm arising at the origin of the anteroinferior cerebellar artery. The abducens nerve is below the anteroinferior cerebellar artery. The tentorium is split laterally above the trigeminal nerve to expose the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves. The curvature of the basilar artery creates a hemodynamic thrust (arrow) against the wall of the artery at the junction of the basilar and anteroinferior cerebellar arteries. E, suboccipital exposure of an aneurysm arising at the junction of the vertebral and basilar arteries. Although shown here in the upright position, the operation shown in E and F is performed in the three-quarter prone position. The right half of the cerebellum is elevated to expose the facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory nerves and the internal acoustic meatus. One of the vertebral arteries often joins the other in a configuration resembling the branching seen at other aneurysm sites or is associated with a fenestration in the lower basilar artery. Angiographic views in multiple projections reveal the aneurysm pointing in the direction of flow in the preaneurysmal segment of the larger vertebral artery. F, suboccipital exposure of an aneurysm arising at the origin of the right vertebral and posteroinferior cerebellar arteries. The angulation of the vertebral artery creates a hemodynamic thrust (arrow) in the direction in which the aneurysm points. The flocculus and choroid plexus protrude into the cerebellopontine angle. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; Ch., choroid; Fr., frontal; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; O.N., optic nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pl., plexus; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorium; V.A., vertebral artery.


15%的動脈瘤發生在椎-基底動脈係統,其中大部分位於基底動脈分叉處的Willis圈後部(圖3.4、3.15和3.16,A和B)。基底動脈頂端動脈瘤發生在腦後動脈從基底動脈分叉處。動脈瘤部位的曲線與基底動脈垂直方向向腦後動脈外側方向的變化有關。這些動脈瘤沿基底動脈長軸方向向上突出。顱底分岔最常位於腦底窩對麵,但也可位於腦橋前腦橋交界處以下1.3 mm處,或位於乳頭體的吻側(20)。高分叉可使乳頭體和第三腦室底向上擠壓和推動。高分岔或低分岔最好由顳下路而不是翼點路接近。





基底動脈上厘米的後表麵和外側表麵也是穿孔動脈的豐富來源。平均有8個分支(範圍3-18)從上部厘米長出來(圖2.34和2.35)(20,22)。大約一半來自後表麵,四分之一來自兩側。基底動脈前表麵很少出現穿孔分支。顱底分岔動脈瘤患者比其他部位的動脈瘤患者被認為更嚴重,因為重要穿支更容易參與動脈瘤剝離和夾閉。在基底分叉動脈瘤中,動脈瘤越靠後,預後越差,因為動脈瘤越靠後,重要穿支的受累性就越大(1)。基底分叉的前表麵很少是穿支的部位,因此前突出動脈瘤的手術效果更好。位於顱底後表麵的豐富神經叢,在分岔以下2 - 3mm,進入椎梗間窩並終止於中腦內側,這是最危險的部位。基底尖的風險為中等,因為丘腦穿支動脈在手術中更容易識別,並且穿支動脈比分叉後部的穿支少。


圖3.17。大腦基底動脈和大腦後動脈的前部和中部顳下暴露。A,開顱皮瓣和硬腦膜開口暴露了顳葉和中顱窩的底部。插圖顯示頭皮切口的位置。B,顳葉被抬高暴露出大腦後動脈和小腦上動脈。大腦後動脈在動眼神經上方小腦上動脈在動眼神經下方。小腦上動脈分支與滑車神經在腦幹周圍。C,大腦後動脈被壓下露出基底動脈。脈絡膜前動脈起於頸內動脈,經腦梗和鉤尾之間進入顳角。D,在岩脊後麵切開幕部,露出基底動脈上部,小腦上動脈,三叉神經和滑車神經。 The medial posterior choroidal artery also passes around the lateral side of the brainstem. E, enlarged view to show the increased length of basilar artery exposed by dividing the tentorium. F, an anterior petrosectomy has been completed. The petrous apex in the area behind the internal carotid artery and medial to the semicircular canals has been removed. The dural opening has been extended downward to expose the lateral edge of the clivus and the inferior petrosal sinus coursing along the petroclival fissure. The abducens nerve and the anteroinferior cerebellar artery are in the lower margin of the exposure. G, the angle of view has been changed to show the vertebral arteries in the lower margin of the exposure. The facial and vestibular nerves and the labyrinth and semicircular canals, which are to be avoided in the anterior petrosectomy approach, have been exposed to show their relationship to the approach. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; M.P.Ch.A., middle posterior choroidal artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Pet., petrosal, petrous; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Semicirc., semicircular; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Vert., vertebral.


圖3.17。大腦基底動脈和大腦後動脈的前部和中部顳下暴露。A,開顱皮瓣和硬腦膜開口暴露了顳葉和中顱窩的底部。插圖顯示頭皮切口的位置。B,顳葉被抬高暴露出大腦後動脈和小腦上動脈。大腦後動脈在動眼神經上方小腦上動脈在動眼神經下方。小腦上動脈分支與滑車神經在腦幹周圍。C,大腦後動脈被壓下露出基底動脈。脈絡膜前動脈起於頸內動脈,經腦梗和鉤尾之間進入顳角。D,在岩脊後麵切開幕部,露出基底動脈上部,小腦上動脈,三叉神經和滑車神經。 The medial posterior choroidal artery also passes around the lateral side of the brainstem. E, enlarged view to show the increased length of basilar artery exposed by dividing the tentorium. F, an anterior petrosectomy has been completed. The petrous apex in the area behind the internal carotid artery and medial to the semicircular canals has been removed. The dural opening has been extended downward to expose the lateral edge of the clivus and the inferior petrosal sinus coursing along the petroclival fissure. The abducens nerve and the anteroinferior cerebellar artery are in the lower margin of the exposure. G, the angle of view has been changed to show the vertebral arteries in the lower margin of the exposure. The facial and vestibular nerves and the labyrinth and semicircular canals, which are to be avoided in the anterior petrosectomy approach, have been exposed to show their relationship to the approach. A., artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; M.P.Ch.A., middle posterior choroidal artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Pet., petrosal, petrous; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Semicirc., semicircular; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Vert., vertebral.

圖3.18。基底動脈上部動脈瘤的前顳下顯露術。A、問號形狀的頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣位於顴骨上方。如果顴骨上緣(孵化區)沿中窩底部阻擋低曝光通道,則用鑽頭將其移除。B,骨瓣抬高以暴露硬腦膜開口位置(折線)。顳肌向前反射。可能需要在骨瓣下緣進行一個小的顱骨切除術,並切除顴骨的上部,以使視線下降到中顱窩的底部。C,顳葉被抬高,暴露出基底動脈,丘腦開孔動脈,大腦後動脈,後交通動脈,小腦上動脈,滑車神經和動眼神經,以及幕。顳肌向前反射。D,放大視圖。 The thalamoperforating arteries course along the posterolateral margin of the neck of the aneurysm. A., arteries; B.A., basilar artery; M., muscle; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorium; Th.Pe., thalamoperforating.

圖3.18。基底動脈上部動脈瘤的前顳下顯露術。A、問號形狀的頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣位於顴骨上方。如果顴骨上緣(孵化區)沿中窩底部阻擋低曝光通道,則用鑽頭將其移除。B,骨瓣抬高以暴露硬腦膜開口位置(折線)。顳肌向前反射。可能需要在骨瓣下緣進行一個小的顱骨切除術,並切除顴骨的上部,以使視線下降到中顱窩的底部。C,顳葉被抬高,暴露出基底動脈,丘腦開孔動脈,大腦後動脈,後交通動脈,小腦上動脈,滑車神經和動眼神經,以及幕。顳肌向前反射。D,放大視圖。 The thalamoperforating arteries course along the posterolateral margin of the neck of the aneurysm. A., arteries; B.A., basilar artery; M., muscle; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorium; Th.Pe., thalamoperforating.

圖3.19。基底尖動脈瘤。第一,視野優越。動脈瘤從基底動脈頂端向上,丘腦穿通動脈延伸到管壁的後緣。左側的通訊動脈大小正常,既非發育不良,也非胎兒型。右大腦後動脈是胎兒型,主要起源於頸內動脈。右側P1發育不良,左側P1大小正常。暴露的其他結構包括動眼神經和視神經、垂體柄、小腦上動脈和內側脈絡膜後動脈。B-F,丘腦手術動脈的起源地。它們是基底尖動脈瘤區域最重要的穿支。 B, most common pattern of origin. The thalamoperforating arteries are paired and arise from P1 segments, which are not hypoplastic. C, the perforating artery on the left is much larger than the one on the right. D, a single or dominant thalamoperforating artery arises from the hypoplastic right P1. The right posterior cerebral artery has a fetal configuration, arising predominately from the carotid artery. E, there are two thalamoperforating arteries on the left and a smaller one arising from the hypoplastic right P1. F, paired thalamoperforating arteries. The right one arises from a common trunk with the medial posterior choroidal artery. A., arteries; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; O.N., optic nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Pit., pituitary; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Th.Pe., thalamoperforating.

圖3.19。基底尖動脈瘤。第一,視野優越。動脈瘤從基底動脈頂端向上,丘腦穿通動脈延伸到管壁的後緣。左側的通訊動脈大小正常,既非發育不良,也非胎兒型。右大腦後動脈是胎兒型,主要起源於頸內動脈。右側P1發育不良,左側P1大小正常。暴露的其他結構包括動眼神經和視神經、垂體柄、小腦上動脈和內側脈絡膜後動脈。B-F,丘腦手術動脈的起源地。它們是基底尖動脈瘤區域最重要的穿支。 B, most common pattern of origin. The thalamoperforating arteries are paired and arise from P1 segments, which are not hypoplastic. C, the perforating artery on the left is much larger than the one on the right. D, a single or dominant thalamoperforating artery arises from the hypoplastic right P1. The right posterior cerebral artery has a fetal configuration, arising predominately from the carotid artery. E, there are two thalamoperforating arteries on the left and a smaller one arising from the hypoplastic right P1. F, paired thalamoperforating arteries. The right one arises from a common trunk with the medial posterior choroidal artery. A., arteries; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., internal carotid artery; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; O.N., optic nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Pit., pituitary; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Th.Pe., thalamoperforating.







  1. 載瘤動脈應該暴露在動脈瘤的近端。如果動脈瘤在剝離過程中破裂,這可以控製動脈瘤的血流。暴露海綿竇上方的頸內動脈可以近端控製後交通動脈或前脈絡膜動脈水平的動脈瘤。在眼動脈和垂體上動脈水平暴露頸內動脈通常是通過切除前斜突、視神經管頂部的鄰近部分和眶頂的後部來獲得頸內動脈的斜突段。如果前斜突切除和近側斜突上暴露不太可能產生足夠的近端控製,則應考慮允許頸部頸內動脈閉塞的手術方案,無論是球囊導管還是直接暴露。頸動脈壓上或大腦中動脈或大腦前動脈的動脈瘤前幹也應最初暴露,以獲得對大腦中動脈和大腦前動脈動脈瘤的近端控製。對於大腦中動脈瘤,可以從頸內動脈向外側照射,對於前交通動脈瘤,可以從視神經和交叉向內側照射。對於基底尖動脈瘤,可以沿著大腦後動脈的下表麵或小腦上動脈的上表麵到基底動脈,然後沿著基底動脈的一側向上走到動脈瘤頸部,來控製動脈瘤近端基底動脈。也可以考慮包括近端球囊在內的手術方案。有幾種手術途徑,在下麵討論的手術入路,增加基底動脈的長度以下的尖端,可以暴露。
  2. 如果可能的話,在解剖動脈瘤頸部之前,應暴露母血管遠離或相對於動脈瘤產生部位的一側。然後剝離可以沿著母血管壁一直到動脈瘤的起源處。
  3. 動脈瘤頸應在眼底前解剖。頸部是可以承受最大操作的區域,具有最小的破裂傾向,並且是被修剪的。不幸的是,動脈瘤的這部分最有可能合並母動脈幹或穿孔血管的起源。因此,在充分觀察的情況下,應仔細地進行頸部和近端眼底的剝離,以防止夾穿過母動脈幹或在動脈瘤頸部附近出現明顯的穿孔分支。解剖不應該從圓頂開始,因為這是手術前或手術中最容易破裂的區域。
  4. 在夾緊動脈瘤周圍之前,所有的動脈穿支都應與動脈瘤頸部分離。在使用放大鏡之前,由於動脈瘤破裂的危險,人們傾向於將動脈瘤的解剖保持在最低限度。放大鏡的使用提高了動脈瘤頸剝離的準確性,並能更頻繁地保存穿支動脈。因此,在暴露不充分的動脈瘤上置入夾子導致動脈瘤周圍穿孔小動脈閉塞的風險大於顯微手術剝離破裂的風險。從動脈瘤頸部分離穿支動脈需要適當大小的顯微解剖。1- 2mm寬的小刮刀解剖器(Rhoton 6或7號)或40度角的淚滴解剖器是合適的。分離穿支,如果緊密地包裹在動脈瘤上或粘附在動脈瘤上,可以通過降低血壓或暫時切斷載瘤動脈來促進。在其他情況下,身體的中間部分,而不是動脈瘤的頸部,可以從貫穿動脈中分離出來,在中間部分放置一個夾子,有時會減少動脈瘤頸部的寬度,這樣在將夾子移動到動脈瘤頸部之前,穿管器可以從頸部分離出來。在一些無法將穿孔器與頸部分離的情況下,穿孔器也可以放置在有孔夾的開放區域。使用角度內窺鏡的頸部內窺鏡視圖可能有助於揭示在手術顯微鏡視圖中看不到的穿孔分支的位置。
  5. 如果在顯微解剖過程中發生破裂,應在出血點處應用小棉絮控製出血,同時降低平均動脈壓。如果這種技術不能阻止出血,可以用夾子或閉塞球囊暫時閉塞近端血液供應,但隻能維持很短的時間。
  6. 骨瓣應放置在盡可能低的位置,以盡量減少大腦在到達該區域時的縮回(圖3.4,3.7,3.17,3.20和3.21)。大多數動脈瘤位於大腦中央下方的威利斯環上或附近。顱底切除術,如在眶顴骨、前路岩石切開術、乙狀結腸前或遠側入路中,如果能減少腦後縮回,改善血管暴露,並擴大治療動脈瘤的手術角度,則應使用。
  7. 應該使用帶有彈簧機構的夾子,可以拆卸、重新定位和重新應用。
  8. 在使用夾子後,應始終檢查該區域,有時要進行術中血管造影,以確保夾子不會扭結或阻塞大血管,並且其中沒有射孔分支。
  9. 如果動脈瘤頸部廣泛,不容易接受夾鉗,則可通過雙極凝固術減少頸部。在凝固過程中,棉樣海綿保護附近的穿通動脈。雙極凝固鉗的尖端插入相鄰血管和動脈瘤頸部之間,在凝固過程中輕輕擠壓。使用短時間的小電流,在電流應用之間放鬆並打開鉗尖,以防止鉗尖粘附在動脈瘤上,並評估收縮程度。

圖3.20。額顳開顱術用於暴露位於後交通動脈水平或以上的威利斯圈前部的動脈瘤a - c,頭皮和顳肌和筋膜被抬高為單層。D,當開顱皮瓣關閉時,軟丙烯酸可以被壓入毛刺孔,並允許在直視下硬化,以最大限度地減少外觀畸形,如果電鍍係統沒有覆蓋毛刺孔。米,肌肉。

圖3.20。額顳開顱術用於暴露位於後交通動脈水平或以上的威利斯圈前部的動脈瘤a - c,頭皮和顳肌和筋膜被抬高為單層。D,當開顱皮瓣關閉時,軟丙烯酸可以被壓入毛刺孔,並允許在直視下硬化,以最大限度地減少外觀畸形,如果電鍍係統沒有覆蓋毛刺孔。米,肌肉。

圖3.21。改良額顳側開顱術以顯露眼部及垂體上動脈起始處的動脈瘤。圖3.20所示,與將頭皮皮瓣單層翻轉相比,這種雙層頭皮開口提供了更低的暴露,更容易切除前床突和眶頂相鄰部分。頭皮切口位置(實線)和骨瓣位置(虛線)。A,麵神經分支穿過顴骨到達前額肌肉。B,包括盔瓣在內的頭皮,通過打開腦殼和盔瓣之間的平麵向下反射。在顳筋膜(但不是顳肌)上做一個切口,就在包含麵神經分支的脂肪墊上方,這樣脂肪墊和麵神經分支就可以隨著頭皮皮瓣向下反射,從而減少損傷這些麵神經分支的可能性。C,頭皮皮瓣和顳肌反射,露出鎖孔和翼點。沿顳線的前部保留一套顱周圍膜和顳筋膜,以促進顳肌和筋膜的閉合。D,額顳骨瓣被抬高,蝶脊外側部分被移除。 The temporalis muscle and fascia are reflected into the posteroinferior margin of the exposure. E, the anterior clinoid process, roof of the optic canal, and adjacent part of the orbital roof and lesser wing of the sphenoid are commonly removed (hatched area) to access the internal carotid artery proximal to ophthalmic and superior hypophyseal aneurysms. C.A., internal carotid artery; O.N., optic nerve.

圖3.21。改良額顳側開顱術以顯露眼部及垂體上動脈起始處的動脈瘤。圖3.20所示,與將頭皮皮瓣單層翻轉相比,這種雙層頭皮開口提供了更低的暴露,更容易切除前床突和眶頂相鄰部分。頭皮切口位置(實線)和骨瓣位置(虛線)。A,麵神經分支穿過顴骨到達前額肌肉。B,包括盔瓣在內的頭皮,通過打開腦殼和盔瓣之間的平麵向下反射。在顳筋膜(但不是顳肌)上做一個切口,就在包含麵神經分支的脂肪墊上方,這樣脂肪墊和麵神經分支就可以隨著頭皮皮瓣向下反射,從而減少損傷這些麵神經分支的可能性。C,頭皮皮瓣和顳肌反射,露出鎖孔和翼點。沿顳線的前部保留一套顱周圍膜和顳筋膜,以促進顳肌和筋膜的閉合。D,額顳骨瓣被抬高,蝶脊外側部分被移除。 The temporalis muscle and fascia are reflected into the posteroinferior margin of the exposure. E, the anterior clinoid process, roof of the optic canal, and adjacent part of the orbital roof and lesser wing of the sphenoid are commonly removed (hatched area) to access the internal carotid artery proximal to ophthalmic and superior hypophyseal aneurysms. C.A., internal carotid artery; O.N., optic nerve.




















如果動脈瘤和連接點在後窩較高,則通過顳下經幕下顯露顯露椎基底交界處動脈瘤;如果連接點在後窩中部較深,則通過幕上和幕下聯合乙狀結腸前顯露動脈瘤;如果椎基底交界處較低,則通過枕下外側或遠外側入路進入動脈瘤(圖3.16E和3.24-3.27)。發生於小腦後下動脈起點處的椎體動脈瘤,如果位於後窩下部,則采用枕下外側顱骨切除術或遠外側入路,如果位於後窩中部,則采用幕上和幕下聯合乙狀結腸前顯露術(圖3.16F和3.24 - 3.27)。如果選擇遠外側枕下入路,可以切除C1後弓的同側半段,以充分暴露動脈瘤近端的椎動脈段。枕下入路應在仔細檢查血管造影後選擇,因為某一椎動脈的動脈瘤可能位於與其填充的椎動脈相對的一側腦幹,因為這些動脈非常彎曲。

圖3.22。眶顴經海綿體入路治療基底尖動脈瘤。A,顱-眶-顴骨截骨術的頭部位置和部位。翼骨瓣(紅色)抬高為第一塊,眶顴截骨術(綠色)抬高為第二塊。與兩種截骨術將骨整體抬高相比,兩種方法可以保留更多的眶頂。B,切除的骨(紅色突起區域)可能包括蝶骨脊(1)、前(2)、後斜突和鄰近鞍背(3)。C,基底尖動脈瘤下部手術暴露。暴露在頸動脈和動眼神經之間。後交通動脈被抬高了。動脈瘤頸部位於鞍背和後斜突後方。D,切除前斜突,露出頸內動脈的斜突段和海綿竇的頂部。 The dura of the roof has been opened back to the level of the posterior clinoid process, and the posterior clinoid and adjacent part of the dorsum have been removed to expose the basilar artery below the neck of the aneurysm. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment.

圖3.22。眶顴經海綿體入路治療基底尖動脈瘤。A,顱-眶-顴骨截骨術的頭部位置和部位。翼骨瓣(紅色)抬高為第一塊,眶顴截骨術(綠色)抬高為第二塊。與兩種截骨術將骨整體抬高相比,兩種方法可以保留更多的眶頂。B,切除的骨(紅色突起區域)可能包括蝶骨脊(1)、前(2)、後斜突和鄰近鞍背(3)。C,基底尖動脈瘤下部手術暴露。暴露在頸動脈和動眼神經之間。後交通動脈被抬高了。動脈瘤頸部位於鞍背和後斜突後方。D,切除前斜突,露出頸內動脈的斜突段和海綿竇的頂部。 The dura of the roof has been opened back to the level of the posterior clinoid process, and the posterior clinoid and adjacent part of the dorsum have been removed to expose the basilar artery below the neck of the aneurysm. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment.

圖3.23。前路岩石切開術治療下基底分叉動脈瘤。A,抬高一個問號形的頭皮皮瓣(實線)。骨瓣向下延伸至中窩底部抬高(折線內陰影部分)。在皮瓣的下緣和顴骨弓的上緣(凹形區域)切除一些骨頭,以增加沿中窩底部的通路。B,基底下分岔動脈瘤的圖解和前路岩石切開術取骨部位。頸動脈岩段後麵的岩尖前部內聽道前和耳蝸內側被切除。在骨瓣的下緣去除骨,包括顴弓的上部(孵化區),以增加對中窩底的接觸。C,顳葉被抬高了。小幕切口通過滑車神經入口後的內側邊緣延伸至小幕邊緣(折線)。 The dural incision extends forward into the area of the anterior petrosectomy. The P1s and posterior communicating artery and the oculomotor and trochlear nerves are exposed at the medial margin of the tentorial edge. D, the dura has been opened and the trigeminal nerve has been depressed to expose an aneurysm on the low basilar bifurcation. A., artery; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Pet., petrous; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial.

圖3.23。前路岩石切開術治療下基底分叉動脈瘤。A,抬高一個問號形的頭皮皮瓣(實線)。骨瓣向下延伸至中窩底部抬高(折線內陰影部分)。在皮瓣的下緣和顴骨弓的上緣(凹形區域)切除一些骨頭,以增加沿中窩底部的通路。B,基底下分岔動脈瘤的圖解和前路岩石切開術取骨部位。頸動脈岩段後麵的岩尖前部內聽道前和耳蝸內側被切除。在骨瓣的下緣去除骨,包括顴弓的上部(孵化區),以增加對中窩底的接觸。C,顳葉被抬高了。小幕切口通過滑車神經入口後的內側邊緣延伸至小幕邊緣(折線)。 The dural incision extends forward into the area of the anterior petrosectomy. The P1s and posterior communicating artery and the oculomotor and trochlear nerves are exposed at the medial margin of the tentorial edge. D, the dura has been opened and the trigeminal nerve has been depressed to expose an aneurysm on the low basilar bifurcation. A., artery; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Pet., petrous; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial.

圖3.24。遠橫向方法。A、程序所示為直立位置;然而,手術通常是在三分之四俯臥位進行。插圖顯示了頭皮切口(實線)和骨開口(陰影區域)的位置。所有的枕下肌,除了那些毗鄰枕下三角,向下折疊成一層與頭皮皮瓣。椎動脈在枕下三角深處寰枕關節後方,位於上、下斜肌和頭直肌後大肌之間。B,枕骨髁的後部被切除了。如圖所示,硬腦膜打開。C,椎動脈和小腦後下動脈從椎動脈的低起點。 The aneurysm projects between the posteroinferior cerebellar artery and the vertebral artery and in front of the brainstem. The glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and hypophyseal nerves are in the exposure. D, posteroinferior cerebellar artery vertebral aneurysm for which a far lateral approach would be considered. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; Lig., ligament; Inf., inferior; M., muscle; Occip., occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sp., spinal; Suboccip., suboccipital; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Vert., vertebral.

圖3.24。遠橫向方法。A、程序所示為直立位置;然而,手術通常是在三分之四俯臥位進行。插圖顯示了頭皮切口(實線)和骨開口(陰影區域)的位置。所有的枕下肌,除了那些毗鄰枕下三角,向下折疊成一層與頭皮皮瓣。椎動脈在枕下三角深處寰枕關節後方,位於上、下斜肌和頭直肌後大肌之間。B,枕骨髁的後部被切除了。如圖所示,硬腦膜打開。C,椎動脈和小腦後下動脈從椎動脈的低起點。 The aneurysm projects between the posteroinferior cerebellar artery and the vertebral artery and in front of the brainstem. The glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and hypophyseal nerves are in the exposure. D, posteroinferior cerebellar artery vertebral aneurysm for which a far lateral approach would be considered. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; Lig., ligament; Inf., inferior; M., muscle; Occip., occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sp., spinal; Suboccip., suboccipital; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Vert., vertebral.

圖3.25。遠外側和經髁入路。A,枕骨髁和枕骨大孔的下視圖。枕骨髁是卵圓形結構,位於枕骨大孔前半部分的外側邊緣。舌下管位於枕髁中部三分之一上方,由後向前,由內向外。舌下管的顱內端位於枕髁後三分之一和中間三分之一交界處上方約5mm,距髁後緣約8mm。椎管的顱外端位於髁突前三分之一和中間三分之一交界處上方約5毫米。遠側入路經髁後區域,經髁入路包括切除部分髁。大箭頭表示經髁入路的方向,凹形區域表示可以在不暴露舌下管舌下神經的情況下切除枕髁的部分。B,右邊。 A suboccipital craniectomy has been completed and the right half of the posterior arch and the posterior root of the transverse foramen of the atlas have been removed. The vertebral artery passes medially behind the atlanto-occipital joint. A posterior condylar vein passes through the occipital condyle. C, the drilling in the supracondylar area exposes the hypoglossal nerve in the hypoglossal canal and can be extended extradurally to the level of the jugular tubercle to increase access to the front of the brainstem. The dura has been opened. The dural incision completely encircles the vertebral artery, leaving a narrow dural cuff on the artery so that the artery can be mobilized. D, comparison of the exposure with the far lateral and transcondylar approaches. On the right side, the far lateral exposure has been extended to the posterior margins of the atlantal and occipital condyles and the atlanto-occipital joint. The prominence of the condyles limits the exposure along the anterolateral margin of the foramen magnum. On the left side, a transcondylar exposure has been completed by removing the posterior part of the condyles. The dura can be reflected further laterally with the transcondylar approach than with the far lateral approach. The condylar drilling provides an increased angle of view and room for exposure and dissection. The dentate ligament and accessory nerve ascend from the region of the foramen magnum. A., artery; Atl.Occip., atlanto-occipital; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; Cond., condylar, condyle; Dent., dentate; For., foramen; Hypogl., hypoglossal; Jug., jugular; Lig., ligament; N., nerve; Occip., occipital; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; Proc., process; Stylomast., stylomastoid; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vert., vertebral.


圖3.25。遠外側和經髁入路。A,枕骨髁和枕骨大孔的下視圖。枕骨髁是卵圓形結構,位於枕骨大孔前半部分的外側邊緣。舌下管位於枕髁中部三分之一上方,由後向前,由內向外。舌下管的顱內端位於枕髁後三分之一和中間三分之一交界處上方約5mm,距髁後緣約8mm。椎管的顱外端位於髁突前三分之一和中間三分之一交界處上方約5毫米。遠側入路經髁後區域,經髁入路包括切除部分髁。大箭頭表示經髁入路的方向,凹形區域表示可以在不暴露舌下管舌下神經的情況下切除枕髁的部分。B,右邊。 A suboccipital craniectomy has been completed and the right half of the posterior arch and the posterior root of the transverse foramen of the atlas have been removed. The vertebral artery passes medially behind the atlanto-occipital joint. A posterior condylar vein passes through the occipital condyle. C, the drilling in the supracondylar area exposes the hypoglossal nerve in the hypoglossal canal and can be extended extradurally to the level of the jugular tubercle to increase access to the front of the brainstem. The dura has been opened. The dural incision completely encircles the vertebral artery, leaving a narrow dural cuff on the artery so that the artery can be mobilized. D, comparison of the exposure with the far lateral and transcondylar approaches. On the right side, the far lateral exposure has been extended to the posterior margins of the atlantal and occipital condyles and the atlanto-occipital joint. The prominence of the condyles limits the exposure along the anterolateral margin of the foramen magnum. On the left side, a transcondylar exposure has been completed by removing the posterior part of the condyles. The dura can be reflected further laterally with the transcondylar approach than with the far lateral approach. The condylar drilling provides an increased angle of view and room for exposure and dissection. The dentate ligament and accessory nerve ascend from the region of the foramen magnum. A., artery; Atl.Occip., atlanto-occipital; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; Cond., condylar, condyle; Dent., dentate; For., foramen; Hypogl., hypoglossal; Jug., jugular; Lig., ligament; N., nerve; Occip., occipital; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; Proc., process; Stylomast., stylomastoid; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vert., vertebral.

圖3.26。聯合幕上和幕下乙狀竇前入路至基底動脈。A,頭皮切口(實線)和去骨(斷線)的位置。B,可以考慮這種方法的動脈瘤類型。C,顳上和顳下區域暴露在外。乳突切除術已完成,小心保存半規管上的耳囊和骨。硬腦膜在乙狀結腸竇前麵打開。硬腦膜切口穿過岩上竇和幕邊,小心保護滑車神經。這提供了通往椎動脈上部和基底動脈全長的通道。這種入路可用於起源於小腦前下動脈起點處基底動脈或椎動脈與基底動脈交界處的動脈瘤。 This approach may also be selected for vertebral aneurysms arising at the origin of the posteroinferior cerebellar artery if the aneurysm is located high and deep in the posterior fossa. The jugular bulb may block access to the lower part of the intracranial part of the vertebral artery. Care is taken to preserve the vein of Labbé as the temporal lobe is elevated. Other structures in the exposure include the oculomotor, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves and the superior cerebellar artery. A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; Jug., jugular; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorium; V., vein; V.A., vertebral artery.

圖3.26。聯合幕上和幕下乙狀竇前入路至基底動脈。A,頭皮切口(實線)和去骨(斷線)的位置。B,可以考慮這種方法的動脈瘤類型。C,顳上和顳下區域暴露在外。乳突切除術已完成,小心保存半規管上的耳囊和骨。硬腦膜在乙狀結腸竇前麵打開。硬腦膜切口穿過岩上竇和幕邊,小心保護滑車神經。這提供了通往椎動脈上部和基底動脈全長的通道。這種入路可用於起源於小腦前下動脈起點處基底動脈或椎動脈與基底動脈交界處的動脈瘤。 This approach may also be selected for vertebral aneurysms arising at the origin of the posteroinferior cerebellar artery if the aneurysm is located high and deep in the posterior fossa. The jugular bulb may block access to the lower part of the intracranial part of the vertebral artery. Care is taken to preserve the vein of Labbé as the temporal lobe is elevated. Other structures in the exposure include the oculomotor, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves and the superior cerebellar artery. A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; B.A., basilar artery; Jug., jugular; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorium; V., vein; V.A., vertebral artery.

圖3.27。聯合幕上和幕下乙狀結腸前入路。A,插圖顯示右側顳枕部開顱術和乳突暴露。乳突切除術已完成,由迷宮周圍致密皮質骨組成的耳囊已暴露。麵神經的鼓膜段和外側管位於亨利脊柱的深處。Trautmann三角是乙狀竇前硬腦膜的一小塊,麵向橋小腦角。B,打開乙狀竇前硬腦膜,切開岩上竇和幕,同時注意保留連接橫竇的Labbé靜脈和進入幕前緣的滑車神經。外展神經和麵神經暴露在前庭耳蝸神經的內側。小腦後下動脈在其下緣與舌咽神經和迷走神經一起顯露。小腦上動脈在動眼神經和滑車神經下麵,三叉神經上麵。 C, the labyrinthectomy has been completed to expose the internal acoustic meatus. A marginal branch of the superior cerebellar artery loops downward on the cerebellum. D, the dura lining the meatus has been opened and the facial nerve has been transposed posteriorly. The cochlear nerve has been divided and bone removed to expose and remove the cochlea. The transcochlear exposure, completed by removing the cochlea and surrounding petrous apex, provides access to the front of the brainstem and vertebrobasilar junction, but at the cost of loss of hearing caused by the labyrinthectomy and almost certain temporary or permanent facial weakness associated with the transposition of the facial nerve. A., artery; Ac., acoustic; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Chor., chorda; CN, cranial nerve; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Jug., jugular; Marg., marginal; N., nerve; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pet., petrosal; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sp., spine; Sup., superior; Tymp., tympani; V., vein; Vert., vertebral; Vert.-Bas., vertebrobasilar.


圖3.27。聯合幕上和幕下乙狀結腸前入路。A,插圖顯示右側顳枕部開顱術和乳突暴露。乳突切除術已完成,由迷宮周圍致密皮質骨組成的耳囊已暴露。麵神經的鼓膜段和外側管位於亨利脊柱的深處。Trautmann三角是乙狀竇前硬腦膜的一小塊,麵向橋小腦角。B,打開乙狀竇前硬腦膜,切開岩上竇和幕,同時注意保留連接橫竇的Labbé靜脈和進入幕前緣的滑車神經。外展神經和麵神經暴露在前庭耳蝸神經的內側。小腦後下動脈在其下緣與舌咽神經和迷走神經一起顯露。小腦上動脈在動眼神經和滑車神經下麵,三叉神經上麵。 C, the labyrinthectomy has been completed to expose the internal acoustic meatus. A marginal branch of the superior cerebellar artery loops downward on the cerebellum. D, the dura lining the meatus has been opened and the facial nerve has been transposed posteriorly. The cochlear nerve has been divided and bone removed to expose and remove the cochlea. The transcochlear exposure, completed by removing the cochlea and surrounding petrous apex, provides access to the front of the brainstem and vertebrobasilar junction, but at the cost of loss of hearing caused by the labyrinthectomy and almost certain temporary or permanent facial weakness associated with the transposition of the facial nerve. A., artery; Ac., acoustic; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Chor., chorda; CN, cranial nerve; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Jug., jugular; Marg., marginal; N., nerve; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pet., petrosal; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sp., spine; Sup., superior; Tymp., tympani; V., vein; Vert., vertebral; Vert.-Bas., vertebrobasilar.

圖3.28。四種手術路徑通過額顳開顱直達基底尖動脈瘤。A,額顳葉開顱術的位置(左上)。側裂被切開,露出頸動脈、大腦前動脈和中動脈、視神經和動眼神經,以及前斜突(右下)。B,基底尖通過視頸三角暴露,位於頸動脈、視神經和大腦前動脈之間。如果頸內動脈和大腦前動脈的起始段很長,從而通過這個三角形空間提供一個寬的開口,則可以使用這種方法。其他暴露的結構包括基底動脈、腦後、後交通、丘腦開顱、小腦上、循環動脈、嗅覺和視神經束。P1從基底動脈延伸到與後交通動脈的交界處。頸動脈和後交通動脈的穿支可能存在障礙,四種入路均應保留。C,從頸動脈分叉和視神經束之間的間隙進入。 This approach may be used if the carotid artery is short, thus providing an opening between the bifurcation and the optic tract. The perforating branches arising in the region of the bifurcation of the carotid artery may limit access through this area. D, approach directed behind the carotid artery and above the posterior communicating artery, through the interval between the carotid artery and oculomotor nerve. The perforating branches of the posterior communicating artery may need to be separated to reach the basilar apex. E, approach directed below the posterior communicating artery, through the interval between the carotid artery and oculomotor nerve. The posterior communicating artery has been elevated with a small dissector. A., arteries, artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; Olf., olfactory; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Rec., recurrent; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Th.Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract.

圖3.28。四種手術路徑通過額顳開顱直達基底尖動脈瘤。A,額顳葉開顱術的位置(左上)。側裂被切開,露出頸動脈、大腦前動脈和中動脈、視神經和動眼神經,以及前斜突(右下)。B,基底尖通過視頸三角暴露,位於頸動脈、視神經和大腦前動脈之間。如果頸內動脈和大腦前動脈的起始段很長,從而通過這個三角形空間提供一個寬的開口,則可以使用這種方法。其他暴露的結構包括基底動脈、腦後、後交通、丘腦開顱、小腦上、循環動脈、嗅覺和視神經束。P1從基底動脈延伸到與後交通動脈的交界處。頸動脈和後交通動脈的穿支可能存在障礙,四種入路均應保留。C,從頸動脈分叉和視神經束之間的間隙進入。 This approach may be used if the carotid artery is short, thus providing an opening between the bifurcation and the optic tract. The perforating branches arising in the region of the bifurcation of the carotid artery may limit access through this area. D, approach directed behind the carotid artery and above the posterior communicating artery, through the interval between the carotid artery and oculomotor nerve. The perforating branches of the posterior communicating artery may need to be separated to reach the basilar apex. E, approach directed below the posterior communicating artery, through the interval between the carotid artery and oculomotor nerve. The posterior communicating artery has been elevated with a small dissector. A., arteries, artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; N., nerve; Olf., olfactory; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Rec., recurrent; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Th.Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract.

貢獻者:Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD

內容來自Rhoton AL, Jr.幕上顱空間:顯微外科解剖和手術入路。神經外科2002年,51:S1-iii-S1-vi。doi.org/10.1097/00006123 - 200210001 - 00001.經牛津大學出版社許可,代表神經外科醫生協會。©神經外科醫生協會。

神經外科188bet手机app圖集很榮幸能夠保持Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD的遺產。


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