波動率。 視頻














圖4.1。右側橋小腦角的乙狀竇後神經暴露。A,前庭耳蝸神經通過AICA的一個迷路分支進入內聽道。異食癖發生在舌咽神經、迷走神經和副神經周圍。外展神經在腦橋前麵上升。弓形下動脈在入口孔上外側進入弓形下窩。脈絡膜叢在舌咽神經和迷走神經後麵伸入橋小腦角。B,內聲道的後壁已經被移除。由前庭上神經形成的上束和由前庭下神經和耳蝸神經形成的下束之間的解理平麵從外側開始,神經在耳底附近分離,並向內側延伸。中間神經起於前庭耳蝸神經的前表麵,在腦池和/或耳道有遊離段,並在遠端與麵神經相連。 The facial nerve is located anterior to the superior vestibular nerve and the cochlear nerve is anterior to the inferior vestibular nerve.
C, the cleavage plane between the cochlear and inferior vestibular nerves, which is well developed in the lateral end of the internal acoustic meatus, has been extended medially. Within the cerebellopontine angle, the superior vestibular nerve is posterior and superior, the facial nerve anterior and superior, the inferior vestibular nerve posterior and inferior, and the cochlear nerve anterior and inferior. D, the superior and inferior vestibular nerves have been divided to expose the facial and cochlear nerves. A labyrinthine branch of the PICA enters the internal meatus. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; CN, cranial nerve; Coch., cochlear; Flocc., flocculus; Inf., inferior; Intermed., intermedius; Labyr., labyrinth; N., nerve; Nerv., nervus; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Subarc., subarcuate; Sup., superior; V., vein; Vest., vestibular. 


圖4.1。右側橋小腦角的乙狀竇後神經暴露。A,前庭耳蝸神經通過AICA的一個迷路分支進入內聽道。異食癖發生在舌咽神經、迷走神經和副神經周圍。外展神經在腦橋前麵上升。弓形下動脈在入口孔上外側進入弓形下窩。脈絡膜叢在舌咽神經和迷走神經後麵伸入橋小腦角。B,內聲道的後壁已經被移除。由前庭上神經形成的上束和由前庭下神經和耳蝸神經形成的下束之間的解理平麵從外側開始,神經在耳底附近分離,並向內側延伸。中間神經起於前庭耳蝸神經的前表麵,在腦池和/或耳道有遊離段,並在遠端與麵神經相連。 The facial nerve is located anterior to the superior vestibular nerve and the cochlear nerve is anterior to the inferior vestibular nerve.
C, the cleavage plane between the cochlear and inferior vestibular nerves, which is well developed in the lateral end of the internal acoustic meatus, has been extended medially. Within the cerebellopontine angle, the superior vestibular nerve is posterior and superior, the facial nerve anterior and superior, the inferior vestibular nerve posterior and inferior, and the cochlear nerve anterior and inferior. D, the superior and inferior vestibular nerves have been divided to expose the facial and cochlear nerves. A labyrinthine branch of the PICA enters the internal meatus. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; CN, cranial nerve; Coch., cochlear; Flocc., flocculus; Inf., inferior; Intermed., intermedius; Labyr., labyrinth; N., nerve; Nerv., nervus; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Subarc., subarcuate; Sup., superior; V., vein; Vest., vestibular.

圖4.2。側麵圖,右三叉神經。A, Meckel 's洞穴,池,它從後窩沿著三叉神經後根向前延伸到神經節中部,通過移除洞穴的外側硬腦膜壁暴露出來。運動根起源於感覺根的吻側,穿過後感覺根和神經節內側的Meckel 's穴。第二,硬腦膜被切除露出後根和神經節以及三叉神經的三個分支。在神經節後方的小根之間有彌漫性吻合。C, mekel’s cave區域彌漫性吻合的放大視圖。D,在感覺根的吻側邊緣周圍出現的四個運動根被抬高以暴露運動根和感覺根之間的吻合口。小腦唇向前突出,可能隱藏感覺根與乙狀結腸後入路腦橋的連接處。E,一個解理麵已經在前麵開始,並向後延伸到後根的水平。 The first-division fibers are rostromedial within the posterior root and the third-division fibers caudolateral with the second division being in an intermediate location. Cav., cavernous; Cereb., cerebellar; CN, cranial nerve; Gang., ganglion; Post., posterior; V., vein. 


圖4.2。側麵圖,右三叉神經。A, Meckel 's洞穴,池,它從後窩沿著三叉神經後根向前延伸到神經節中部,通過移除洞穴的外側硬腦膜壁暴露出來。運動根起源於感覺根的吻側,穿過後感覺根和神經節內側的Meckel 's穴。第二,硬腦膜被切除露出後根和神經節以及三叉神經的三個分支。在神經節後方的小根之間有彌漫性吻合。C, mekel’s cave區域彌漫性吻合的放大視圖。D,在感覺根的吻側邊緣周圍出現的四個運動根被抬高以暴露運動根和感覺根之間的吻合口。小腦唇向前突出,可能隱藏感覺根與乙狀結腸後入路腦橋的連接處。E,一個解理麵已經在前麵開始,並向後延伸到後根的水平。 The first-division fibers are rostromedial within the posterior root and the third-division fibers caudolateral with the second division being in an intermediate location. Cav., cavernous; Cereb., cerebellar; CN, cranial nerve; Gang., ganglion; Post., posterior; V., vein.

圖4.3。12張三叉神經圖顯示三叉神經感覺根、運動小根和進入腦橋部位的異常感覺小根之間的關係。中心圖是定位圖,顯示了感覺根的橢圓截麵。大橢圓(A-F)代表感覺根,其方向與中心圖中的感覺根相同。動力根的起源部位為黑色。上半身:右側神經。B中僅有5個運動小根,f中有13個。異常的感覺小根由中心清晰的深色輪廓所示。在C和E中,一些異常的細根比一些運動細根出現在離感覺根更遠的地方。下麵,左邊的神經。A中僅有4個運動小根,而B和c中有10個運動小根。 None are present in B and C. In A, D, E, and F, some aberrant rootlets arise farther from the sensory root than some of the motor rootlets. Lines through the oval representing the main sensory root show portions of the nerve from each of the three divisions. In all diagrams, the rostromedial portion is from the first division, the caudolateral portion is from the third division, and the second division is in an intermediate position. In all these nerves, except A and B in the left nerve, the second division fibers make up a greater portion of the medial than the lateral portion of the sensory root. Small arteries or veins coursing between the rootlets at the level of entry into the pons are shown in all diagrams of both nerves, except D in the right nerve (upper). (From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG: Detailed anatomy of Surgical approach, the intracranial portion of the trigeminal nerve. J Neurosurg 35:592–600, 1971 [12].) 

圖4.3。12張三叉神經圖顯示三叉神經感覺根、運動小根和進入腦橋部位的異常感覺小根之間的關係。中心圖是定位圖,顯示了感覺根的橢圓截麵。大橢圓(A-F)代表感覺根,其方向與中心圖中的感覺根相同。動力根的起源部位為黑色。上半身:右側神經。B中僅有5個運動小根,f中有13個。異常的感覺小根由中心清晰的深色輪廓所示。在C和E中,一些異常的細根比一些運動細根出現在離感覺根更遠的地方。下麵,左邊的神經。A中僅有4個運動小根,而B和c中有10個運動小根。 None are present in B and C. In A, D, E, and F, some aberrant rootlets arise farther from the sensory root than some of the motor rootlets. Lines through the oval representing the main sensory root show portions of the nerve from each of the three divisions. In all diagrams, the rostromedial portion is from the first division, the caudolateral portion is from the third division, and the second division is in an intermediate position. In all these nerves, except A and B in the left nerve, the second division fibers make up a greater portion of the medial than the lateral portion of the sensory root. Small arteries or veins coursing between the rootlets at the level of entry into the pons are shown in all diagrams of both nerves, except D in the right nerve (upper). (From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG: Detailed anatomy of Surgical approach, the intracranial portion of the trigeminal nerve. J Neurosurg 35:592–600, 1971 [12].)

圖4.4。腦橋三叉神經橢圓截麵最長軸(虛線)與身體縱軸(實線)的變異性。大多數神經的長軸與身體的縱軸成40- 50度角(a);然而,這可以從10度(C)到80度(B)不等。在B區,第三區幾乎直接位於第一區的橫向,而在C區,它幾乎直接位於尾側。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]


圖4.4。腦橋三叉神經橢圓截麵最長軸(虛線)與身體縱軸(實線)的變異性。大多數神經的長軸與身體的縱軸成40- 50度角(a);然而,這可以從10度(C)到80度(B)不等。在B區,第三區幾乎直接位於第一區的橫向,而在C區,它幾乎直接位於尾側。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]

圖4.5。左側三叉神經的側麵圖。神經鉤位於大的異常感覺根和主感覺根之間。異常的小根起源於腦橋,直接位於感覺根的外側,在距腦幹約1厘米處與感覺根相連。感覺根上方可見四個運動小根。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]


圖4.5。左側三叉神經的側麵圖。神經鉤位於大的異常感覺根和主感覺根之間。異常的小根起源於腦橋,直接位於感覺根的外側,在距腦幹約1厘米處與感覺根相連。感覺根上方可見四個運動小根。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]

圖4.6。與主感覺根相關的異常感覺根的起源。大而清晰的橢圓形表示感覺根在進入腦橋水平的橫截麵。異常小根的起源是純黑色的。實線左側的所有神經都來自右側,其方向與圖4.3(上)所示的神經相同。線右邊的是左邊的,方向如圖4.3(下)所示。圖中F(右)下方箭頭所示的根原點與感覺根G相關,M(左)下方箭頭所示的根原點與感覺根o相關。圖中根的吻側緣在上,尾側緣在下。主感覺根尾側無異常感覺根。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]

圖4.6。與主感覺根相關的異常感覺根的起源。大而清晰的橢圓形表示感覺根在進入腦橋水平的橫截麵。異常小根的起源是純黑色的。實線左側的所有神經都來自右側,其方向與圖4.3(上)所示的神經相同。線右邊的是左邊的,方向如圖4.3(下)所示。圖中F(右)下方箭頭所示的根原點與感覺根G相關,M(左)下方箭頭所示的根原點與感覺根o相關。圖中根的吻側緣在上,尾側緣在下。主感覺根尾側無異常感覺根。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]

圖4.7。右三叉神經與橋腦橋交界處的側麵圖。箭頭指向運動根和感覺根之間的中間纖維群。B,同樣的三叉神經。箭頭指向中間的纖維組,證明是一個運動根,當追蹤遠端。這說明了分辨中間的一組纖維是運動的還是感覺的困難,除非這些神經束可以分開並單獨檢查。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]

圖4.7。右三叉神經與橋腦橋交界處的側麵圖。箭頭指向運動根和感覺根之間的中間纖維群。B,同樣的三叉神經。箭頭指向中間的纖維組,證明是一個運動根,當追蹤遠端。這說明了分辨中間的一組纖維是運動的還是感覺的困難,除非這些神經束可以分開並單獨檢查。(From, Gudmundsson K, Rhoton AL Jr, Rushton JG:三叉神經顱內部分的詳細解剖。神經外科雜誌35:59 - 600,1971 [12]

圖4.8。乙狀結腸後入路至三叉神經行微血管減壓手術。A,(左上),患者俯臥四分之三位。外科醫生坐在桌子的頭。桌子是傾斜的,這樣腳就比心髒低。B,垂直中位切口穿過星號。開顱手術的上外側緣位於橫竇和乙狀竇的交界處。C,小腦的上外側邊緣被輕輕地抬高用一個從底部10毫米到頂端3或5毫米的錐形腦鏟來暴露三叉神經進入腦橋的位置。腦鏟向前並與岩上竇平行排列。滑車神經位於暴露的上緣,麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於下緣。 The dura is tacked up to the adjacent muscles to maximize the exposure along the superolateral margin of the cerebellum. The main trunk of the SCA loops down into the axilla of the trigeminal nerve. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse. 

圖4.8。乙狀結腸後入路至三叉神經行微血管減壓手術。A,(左上),患者俯臥四分之三位。外科醫生坐在桌子的頭。桌子是傾斜的,這樣腳就比心髒低。B,垂直中位切口穿過星號。開顱手術的上外側緣位於橫竇和乙狀竇的交界處。C,小腦的上外側邊緣被輕輕地抬高用一個從底部10毫米到頂端3或5毫米的錐形腦鏟來暴露三叉神經進入腦橋的位置。腦鏟向前並與岩上竇平行排列。滑車神經位於暴露的上緣,麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於下緣。 The dura is tacked up to the adjacent muscles to maximize the exposure along the superolateral margin of the cerebellum. The main trunk of the SCA loops down into the axilla of the trigeminal nerve. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse.

圖4.9。腦鏟在橋小腦角各間室手術中的應用方向。A,橋小腦角中部病變的外側暴露,如聽神經瘤。橫竇下方和乙狀竇內側的開顱手術切除聽神經瘤或其他累及多個神經血管複合體的病變。打開貯水池,取出腦脊液,小腦放鬆後,刮刀保護小腦外側表麵。在切除大型腫瘤時,通常使用從底部20或25mm逐漸變細到尖端15或20mm的腦鏟,而切除小型腫瘤時則使用底部15mm逐漸變細到尖端10mm的腦鏟。B、三叉神經痛顯微血管減壓術中使用刮刀暴露上神經血管複叢。一般選用從底部10毫米到頂部3或5毫米的錐形刮刀。將刮刀與上岩竇平行放置。C,應用牽開器暴露下神經血管複合體。 This approach also is used in hemifacial spasm because the facial nerve root exit zone is located only a few millimeters above the glossopharyngeal nerve and the PICA is commonly a compressing vessel. A brain spatula tapered from 10 mm at the base to 3 or 5 mm at the tip is commonly used for operations for hemifacial spasm. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Instrumentation, in Apuzzo MLJ (ed): Brain Surgery: Complication Avoidance and Management. New York, Churchill-Livingstone, 1993, vol 2, pp 1647–1670 [36].) 

圖4.9。腦鏟在橋小腦角各間室手術中的應用方向。A,橋小腦角中部病變的外側暴露,如聽神經瘤。橫竇下方和乙狀竇內側的開顱手術切除聽神經瘤或其他累及多個神經血管複合體的病變。打開貯水池,取出腦脊液,小腦放鬆後,刮刀保護小腦外側表麵。在切除大型腫瘤時,通常使用從底部20或25mm逐漸變細到尖端15或20mm的腦鏟,而切除小型腫瘤時則使用底部15mm逐漸變細到尖端10mm的腦鏟。B、三叉神經痛顯微血管減壓術中使用刮刀暴露上神經血管複叢。一般選用從底部10毫米到頂部3或5毫米的錐形刮刀。將刮刀與上岩竇平行放置。C,應用牽開器暴露下神經血管複合體。 This approach also is used in hemifacial spasm because the facial nerve root exit zone is located only a few millimeters above the glossopharyngeal nerve and the PICA is commonly a compressing vessel. A brain spatula tapered from 10 mm at the base to 3 or 5 mm at the tip is commonly used for operations for hemifacial spasm. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Instrumentation, in Apuzzo MLJ (ed): Brain Surgery: Complication Avoidance and Management. New York, Churchill-Livingstone, 1993, vol 2, pp 1647–1670 [36].)










在血管減壓手術中,使用橫過星形骨的垂直頭皮切口接近上神經血管複合體,星形骨通常位於橫竇和乙狀竇下半部分的交界處(圖4.8)。位於乙狀竇上半部分後方的小開顱骨口,暴露了橫竇和乙狀竇上外側交界的邊緣。通過打開蛛網膜並取出腦脊液來放鬆小腦,這一操作由於使用了手術顯微鏡而更加安全。狹窄的腦鏟,尖端通常為3mm,平行於岩上竇下方引入,抬高小腦上外側邊緣(圖4.9)(36)。使用較寬的刮刀或沿小腦外側較低的入口有損傷前庭耳蝸神經的風險。橋狀岩靜脈通常阻斷三叉神經的通路,采用溫和的雙極凝固術對其進行凝固,並在與大腦的連接處較靠近岩上竇處分裂。當小腦上外側緣升高時意外出血,如果外觀為靜脈,通常與從小腦上表麵到幕內靜脈竇的岩靜脈的拉伸和撕裂有關;如果外觀為動脈,則與位於內耳道後的小腦前下動脈(AICA)的弓狀下分支撕裂有關,該分支位於覆蓋弓狀下窩的硬腦膜的穿透部位。在打開三叉神經後麵的蛛網膜之前要先確定滑車神經,因為蛛網膜打開後會收縮成厚厚的白色團塊,可能會隱藏神經,因此很難看到滑車神經。通常滑車神經在三叉神經上方幾毫米處;但是,如果它附著在繞到三叉神經腋窩的SCA上,則可能向下移動。 The overhanging lip of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure must be retracted gently to expose the junction of the nerve with the pons.

在三叉神經痛的血管減壓手術中最常見的發現是SCA的一段壓迫三叉神經(13,18)。正常情況下,SCA在三叉神經上方環繞腦幹。在成人中,SCA通常形成一個淺的尾側袢,並在橋腦外側向下移一段可變距離(圖4.8和4.10-4.12)。在那些尾部突出的袢突出的病例中,發生了動脈和三叉神經之間的接觸。與SCA的接觸點通常在神經的上或超內側;通常,神經的一些束束會被位於神經內側和腦橋之間的環形下入腋窩的SCA扭曲(圖4.8和4.12)。如果SCA在三叉神經的正前方繞過腦幹,則從乙狀結腸後視圖可能看不到腋窩的動脈環。如果動脈越過靠近腦幹的神經吻側,可能被小腦後腦裂的懸垂唇所隱藏,SCA的袢也可能很難被發現。即使在神經的上方看不到,SCA的環也可以在神經的下緣下方看到。然而,SCA的這些袢總是沿著神經的內側和上表麵向胸側通過,到達小腦後腦裂。 The medial axilla of the nerve must be carefully explored before concluding that there is no arterial loop in the axilla of the nerve. It is important to remember that the trunks do not pass directly from the side of the brainstem to the superior surface of the cerebellum; they dip into the deep fissure between the cerebellum and midbrain at the posterior margin of the trigeminal nerve. The SCA gives off perforating arteries that may limit the degree of repositioning of the artery achievable in a microvascular decompression operation.


三叉神經受壓較不常見的來源是AICA(圖4.11和4.12)。正常情況下,AICA與麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經一起穿過三叉神經下方的橋腦。然而,AICA可能有一個高起點,並向上彎曲,在向下與麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經一起經過之前,擠壓三叉神經的內側或下表麵。蛇形基底動脈也可向外側遊離,壓迫三叉神經內側(43)。這種基底動脈通常拉長,呈梭狀結構。多根動脈可能壓迫神經。在少數情況下,SCA會壓迫神經的吻側麵,而AICA會壓迫神經的尾側麵。在罕見的情況下,小腦後下動脈(PICA)可能到達三叉神經的下表麵並形成凹槽。三叉神經也可能被基底動脈的大腦橋支壓迫(圖4.11和4.12)。正常情況下,這些腦橋分支在到達三叉神經之前穿過並穿透腦橋。 A large pontine artery, however, may indent the medial surface of the trigeminal nerve and then course rostral or caudal to the nerve to supply the pons behind the nerve.


圖4.10。三叉神經與SCA的關係。A,三叉神經後根,神經節,和三個分支通過從Meckel 's cave外側壁和海綿竇移除硬腦膜暴露出來。後根在SCA下方進入中橋,與岩上靜脈的分支纏繞在一起。B, SCA向下循環,在吻側主幹和尾側主幹的連接處,在橋橋連接處與三叉神經後根接觸。小腦唇向前突出,可能阻塞乙狀結腸後入路三叉神經和腦橋的連接處。C, SCA早期分叉。吻側幹向下彎曲,壓入三叉神經的上表麵。D,另一個SCA繞過腦橋,在三叉神經根進入區上方分叉進入吻側和尾側主幹。一個,動脈; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Car., carotid; Caud., caudal; Cav., cavernous; Cereb., cerebellar; CN, cranial nerve; Pet., petrosal; Post., posterior; Rost., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; V., vein. 


圖4.10。三叉神經與SCA的關係。A,三叉神經後根,神經節,和三個分支通過從Meckel 's cave外側壁和海綿竇移除硬腦膜暴露出來。後根在SCA下方進入中橋,與岩上靜脈的分支纏繞在一起。B, SCA向下循環,在吻側主幹和尾側主幹的連接處,在橋橋連接處與三叉神經後根接觸。小腦唇向前突出,可能阻塞乙狀結腸後入路三叉神經和腦橋的連接處。C, SCA早期分叉。吻側幹向下彎曲,壓入三叉神經的上表麵。D,另一個SCA繞過腦橋,在三叉神經根進入區上方分叉進入吻側和尾側主幹。一個,動脈; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Car., carotid; Caud., caudal; Cav., cavernous; Cereb., cerebellar; CN, cranial nerve; Pet., petrosal; Post., posterior; Rost., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; V., vein.





圖4.11。三叉神經的動脈受壓部位。方位如圖中所示。一、中央圖。右三叉神經被彎曲的基底動脈壓迫,左三叉神經被SCA主幹壓迫。B, SCA在到達三叉神經之前分成吻側和尾側幹。神經被尾幹壓迫了。C, SCA遠端分叉到神經。神經被主幹壓迫了。D, SCA在到達神經之前分叉。 The nerve is compressed by both the rostral and caudal trunks. E, the nerve is compressed by a large pontine artery. F, the nerve is compressed by an AICA that has a high origin and loops upward into the medial surface of the nerve. The SCA passes around the brainstem above the nerve. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Ca., caudal; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Tr., tract; V., vein. 

圖4.11。三叉神經的動脈受壓部位。方位如圖中所示。一、中央圖。右三叉神經被彎曲的基底動脈壓迫,左三叉神經被SCA主幹壓迫。B, SCA在到達三叉神經之前分成吻側和尾側幹。神經被尾幹壓迫了。C, SCA遠端分叉到神經。神經被主幹壓迫了。D, SCA在到達神經之前分叉。 The nerve is compressed by both the rostral and caudal trunks. E, the nerve is compressed by a large pontine artery. F, the nerve is compressed by an AICA that has a high origin and loops upward into the medial surface of the nerve. The SCA passes around the brainstem above the nerve. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Ca., caudal; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Tr., tract; V., vein.

圖4.12。枕下開顱術所見三叉神經動脈受壓部位。一、中央圖。皮膚切口(實線)和開顱切口(斷續線)的位置顯示在插入物中。輕輕收縮小腦上外側緣,露出三叉神經和SCA。腦鏟向前平行於岩上竇。滑車神經位於暴露的上緣,麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於下緣。三叉神經被下垂到神經腋窩的SCA的一個環壓迫。動脈受壓部位位於主幹與吻側主幹和尾側主幹的交界處。第二,神經被尾幹壓迫了。 C, the nerve is compressed by the main trunk. D, compression by both the rostral and caudal trunks. E, compression by a pontine branch of the basilar artery. F, compression by the AICA. G, compression by a tortuous basilar artery. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Ca., caudal; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; V., vein. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) 

圖4.12。枕下開顱術所見三叉神經動脈受壓部位。一、中央圖。皮膚切口(實線)和開顱切口(斷續線)的位置顯示在插入物中。輕輕收縮小腦上外側緣,露出三叉神經和SCA。腦鏟向前平行於岩上竇。滑車神經位於暴露的上緣,麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於下緣。三叉神經被下垂到神經腋窩的SCA的一個環壓迫。動脈受壓部位位於主幹與吻側主幹和尾側主幹的交界處。第二,神經被尾幹壓迫了。 C, the nerve is compressed by the main trunk. D, compression by both the rostral and caudal trunks. E, compression by a pontine branch of the basilar artery. F, compression by the AICA. G, compression by a tortuous basilar artery. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Ca., caudal; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; V., vein. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].)


顳骨後表麵形成內聽道孔上唇的部分是一個突出的部位,即顱上結節,它阻斷了三叉神經外側緣和三叉神經內側前池的通路(圖4.15和4.16)。移除顱上結節可增加三叉神經周圍上神經血管複合體區域的通路,並可能避免需要幕上開顱術暴露主要位於橋小腦角但也延伸至Meckel’s cave區域中窩後部的腫瘤(42)。結節是內聲口周圍最突出的骨隆起,下麵是內聲口,上麵是岩脊,側麵是穿過內聲口氣孔後邊緣的豎線,中間是穿過三叉神經切跡(位於Meckel’s洞穴氣孔下方的岩脊凹陷)內側邊緣的豎線。在顱上結節的上方和內側,中顱窩底的後內側部分是梅克爾氏洞下凹陷的位置,三叉神經後根位於此。結節最突出的後凸位於內聽道孔外側一半以上。


骨內結構是上半規管的後部、後半規管的上部和兩根管的共小腿,如果要保留它們,則限製了鑽孔的範圍。移除楔上結節後,鑽孔可延伸至Meckel 's穴下方,直到岩下竇前方的岩斜裂隙邊緣,緊靠外展神經外側。移除該區域的骨頭,平均可進入Meckel 's cave的後10.3 mm(範圍,0.8 - 13.0 mm)和三叉神經的封閉部分,並在三叉神經後根外側和下表麵周圍打開一個180度的窗口,可用於進入中窩的後部分(圖4.15和4.16)。

通過乙狀竇後路徑切除楔上結節和岩尖鄰近部分所形成的麵積受到岩上竇和覆蓋岩骨上表麵的硬腦膜的限製。可以分離上岩竇,打開Meckel 's洞穴和Meckel 's洞穴孔外側的幕突,提供硬膜內進入中窩後內側部分的通道,但不能向前延伸到頸岩的水平部分。

乙狀結腸後入路的上齶延伸可切除一些主要位於後窩但延伸至Meckel 's cave區域的中窩的腫瘤。鑽出楔上結節和內耳道內側骨及三叉神經下方所形成的空間足以使乙狀結腸後入路向前延伸13.0 mm(平均10.3 mm),比僅使用乙狀結腸後入路所能達到的距離(42)。使用乙狀竇後入路切除楔上結節區域的骨的程度是由該區域的神經和骨結構確定和限製的。由於小腦有輕微的後收,限製了鑽取孔上結節的角度,但當配合腦脊液的清除時,小腦提供了足夠的空間來觀察和清除孔上結節內側的病變。該骨的一部分通常在接近腫瘤延伸到內聽道時被切除。當使用乙狀竇後入路時,可以切除大約270度的內聲道壁周長;然而,采用本文所述的入路,隻切除了顱上結節區域的骨。如果要保持聽力,在結節外側鑽孔應避開後半規管和後上管的總小腿,而在內側鑽孔則可穿過岩尖進入斜坡一側。


圖4.13。三叉神經靜脈受壓部位。一、中央圖。前視圖。通常壓迫三叉神經的靜脈是岩上靜脈的支流。彙聚並可能壓迫神經的支流是橋橫靜脈和橋三叉神經靜脈以及橋小腦裂靜脈和小腦中梗靜脈。橋橋橫靜脈橫過橋橋。小腦中梗的靜脈起於麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經區域,上升至腦橋。橋小腦裂的靜脈沿著橋腦橋和小腦之間的裂縫向上延伸到三叉神經後麵。三叉腦橋靜脈起於腦橋上部,經過三叉神經上方。 B, a transverse pontine vein compresses the lateral side of the nerve and joins the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure to empty into a superior petrosal vein. C, the medial side of the nerve is compressed by a tortuous transverse pontine vein. D, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the junction of the transverse pontine vein with
the veins of the middle cerebellar
peduncle and the
cerebellopontine fissure. E, the
nerve is compressed on the
medial side by the vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle and on the lateral side by the vein of the cerebellopontine fissure. F, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the vein of the cerebellopontine fissure. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Fiss., fissure; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; Pon., pontine; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein. 

圖4.13。三叉神經靜脈受壓部位。一、中央圖。前視圖。通常壓迫三叉神經的靜脈是岩上靜脈的支流。彙聚並可能壓迫神經的支流是橋橫靜脈和橋三叉神經靜脈以及橋小腦裂靜脈和小腦中梗靜脈。橋橋橫靜脈橫過橋橋。小腦中梗的靜脈起於麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經區域,上升至腦橋。橋小腦裂的靜脈沿著橋腦橋和小腦之間的裂縫向上延伸到三叉神經後麵。三叉腦橋靜脈起於腦橋上部,經過三叉神經上方。 B, a transverse pontine vein compresses the lateral side of the nerve and joins the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure to empty into a superior petrosal vein. C, the medial side of the nerve is compressed by a tortuous transverse pontine vein. D, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the junction of the transverse pontine vein with
the veins of the middle cerebellar
peduncle and the
cerebellopontine fissure. E, the
nerve is compressed on the
medial side by the vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle and on the lateral side by the vein of the cerebellopontine fissure. F, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the vein of the cerebellopontine fissure. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Fiss., fissure; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; Pon., pontine; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein.

圖4.14。乙狀結腸後開顱術所見三叉神經靜脈受壓部位。A,插入片顯示頭皮切口(實線)和開顱手術(斷續線)的位置。小腦被抬高以暴露三叉神經與腦橋的連接處。岩上靜脈流入岩上竇。滑車神經位於上緣,麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於下緣。開顱術暴露了乙狀竇和橫竇的交界處。三叉神經被橋橫靜脈和小腦中踝靜脈與岩上靜脈的連接處壓迫。橋小腦裂的靜脈在神經後麵上升而橋三叉靜脈在神經上麵通過。B,三叉神經的內側被橋橫靜脈壓迫外側被小腦中梗靜脈壓迫。 C, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by a transverse pontine vein. D, the medial side of the nerve is compressed by the junction of a transverse pontine vein with the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure. E, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the junction of the transverse pontine vein with the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure. F, the medial side of the nerve is compressed by the vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle. G, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the vein of the cerebellopontine fissure. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Fiss., fissure; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; Pon., pontine; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein. 

圖4.14。乙狀結腸後開顱術所見三叉神經靜脈受壓部位。A,插入片顯示頭皮切口(實線)和開顱手術(斷續線)的位置。小腦被抬高以暴露三叉神經與腦橋的連接處。岩上靜脈流入岩上竇。滑車神經位於上緣,麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於下緣。開顱術暴露了乙狀竇和橫竇的交界處。三叉神經被橋橫靜脈和小腦中踝靜脈與岩上靜脈的連接處壓迫。橋小腦裂的靜脈在神經後麵上升而橋三叉靜脈在神經上麵通過。B,三叉神經的內側被橋橫靜脈壓迫外側被小腦中梗靜脈壓迫。 C, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by a transverse pontine vein. D, the medial side of the nerve is compressed by the junction of a transverse pontine vein with the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure. E, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the junction of the transverse pontine vein with the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure. F, the medial side of the nerve is compressed by the vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle. G, the lateral side of the nerve is compressed by the vein of the cerebellopontine fissure. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of decompression operations on the trigeminal nerve, in Rovit RL, Murali R, Jannetta PJ (eds): Trigeminal Neuralgia. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1990, pp 165–200 [34].) Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Fiss., fissure; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; Pon., pontine; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein.



圖4.15。乙狀結腸後入路的上齶變異。第一,小腦被抬高以暴露小腦橋腦角的神經。一個大的岩靜脈阻斷了到顱上區的通路。B,岩上靜脈被切開,露出位於內聽道孔上方和三叉神經外側的口上結節。C,晶狀體上結節上的硬腦膜已被切除,準備鑽孔。D, removing the
suprameatal bone, including the tubercle, extends the exposure along the posterior trigeminal root by approximately 1 cm and increases access to the front of the brainstem and clivus. A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; Pet., petrosal; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Suprameat., suprameatal; V., vein. 


圖4.15。乙狀結腸後入路的上齶變異。第一,小腦被抬高以暴露小腦橋腦角的神經。一個大的岩靜脈阻斷了到顱上區的通路。B,岩上靜脈被切開,露出位於內聽道孔上方和三叉神經外側的口上結節。C,晶狀體上結節上的硬腦膜已被切除,準備鑽孔。D, removing the
suprameatal bone, including the tubercle, extends the exposure along the posterior trigeminal root by approximately 1 cm and increases access to the front of the brainstem and clivus. A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; Pet., petrosal; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Suprameat., suprameatal; V., vein.

圖4.16。上齶入路進入梅克爾氏洞後部。A,右橋小腦角。口上結節位於內口孔的上方。一個大的岩下靜脈通過迷走神經的後麵。B,移除顱上結節,打開前向Meckel 's穴延伸的硬腦膜,沿三叉神經後根提供1cm的額外暴露。此外,通往斜坡一側的通道也得到了改善。C,晶狀體上結節的上位視圖。結節位於三叉神經外側,岩上靜脈下方,內聽道、麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經上方。D,移除孔上結節和穿過梅克爾氏洞孔的上岩竇段後的側位圖。 This improves the length of the posterior trigeminal root exposed by 8 to 10 mm, compared with the exposure before drilling the tubercle. Bridg., bridging; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Suprameat., suprameatal; Tent., tentorium; V., vein. 


圖4.16。上齶入路進入梅克爾氏洞後部。A,右橋小腦角。口上結節位於內口孔的上方。一個大的岩下靜脈通過迷走神經的後麵。B,移除顱上結節,打開前向Meckel 's穴延伸的硬腦膜,沿三叉神經後根提供1cm的額外暴露。此外,通往斜坡一側的通道也得到了改善。C,晶狀體上結節的上位視圖。結節位於三叉神經外側,岩上靜脈下方,內聽道、麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經上方。D,移除孔上結節和穿過梅克爾氏洞孔的上岩竇段後的側位圖。 This improves the length of the posterior trigeminal root exposed by 8 to 10 mm, compared with the exposure before drilling the tubercle. Bridg., bridging; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Suprameat., suprameatal; Tent., tentorium; V., vein.

圖4.17。離開retrosigmoid曝光。第一,小腦被抬高了。一個大的AICA循環進入內入口的孔。麵神經與腦幹的連接處位於前庭耳蝸神經的下方略前方。B,前庭耳蝸神經被抬高以提供更多的麵神經暴露。C,脈絡膜叢從盧氏孔伸出到橋小腦角在舌咽神經和迷走神經後麵。在菱形唇內放置了一個神經鉤,這是一個神經組織袋,沿側隱窩的前緣附著,並在舌咽神經和迷走神經後麵向外側延伸。D,菱形唇的放大視圖。A.I.C.A,小腦前下動脈; Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; Pet., petrosal; Sup., superior; V., vein. 


圖4.17。離開retrosigmoid曝光。第一,小腦被抬高了。一個大的AICA循環進入內入口的孔。麵神經與腦幹的連接處位於前庭耳蝸神經的下方略前方。B,前庭耳蝸神經被抬高以提供更多的麵神經暴露。C,脈絡膜叢從盧氏孔伸出到橋小腦角在舌咽神經和迷走神經後麵。在菱形唇內放置了一個神經鉤,這是一個神經組織袋,沿側隱窩的前緣附著,並在舌咽神經和迷走神經後麵向外側延伸。D,菱形唇的放大視圖。A.I.C.A,小腦前下動脈; Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; Pet., petrosal; Sup., superior; V., vein.

圖4.18。f。左小腦橋腦角。A, AICA通過麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經之間。頸靜脈孔處的硬腦膜隔將舌咽神經和迷走神經分開。B,前庭耳蝸神經和小葉被抬高以暴露麵神經與腦幹的連接處。在乙狀竇後入路中,前庭耳蝸神經下麵的麵神經與腦幹的連接處可以暴露出來。C,內聽道的後壁被切除。前庭上神經與下庭神經之間的解理麵尤為明顯。D,內襯內聽道的硬腦膜已經打開。 The transverse crest separates the superior vestibular and facial nerves above from the inferior vestibular and cochlear nerves below. E, enlarged view of the nerves within the meatus. The cochlear nerve is partially hidden anterior to the inferior vestibular nerve. F, the cleavage plane between the superior and inferior vestibular and cochlear nerves has been started laterally and extended medially to expose the individual nerve bundles. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Arc., arcuate; CN, cranial nerve; Coch., cochlear; Emin., eminence; Endolymph., endolymphatic; Flocc., flocculus; Inf., inferior; Intermed., intermedius; Jug., jugular; Labyr., labyrinth; N., nerve; Nerv., nervus; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Subarc., subarcuate; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Vert., vertebral; Vest., vestibular. 


圖4.18。f。左小腦橋腦角。A, AICA通過麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經之間。頸靜脈孔處的硬腦膜隔將舌咽神經和迷走神經分開。B,前庭耳蝸神經和小葉被抬高以暴露麵神經與腦幹的連接處。在乙狀竇後入路中,前庭耳蝸神經下麵的麵神經與腦幹的連接處可以暴露出來。C,內聽道的後壁被切除。前庭上神經與下庭神經之間的解理麵尤為明顯。D,內襯內聽道的硬腦膜已經打開。 The transverse crest separates the superior vestibular and facial nerves above from the inferior vestibular and cochlear nerves below. E, enlarged view of the nerves within the meatus. The cochlear nerve is partially hidden anterior to the inferior vestibular nerve. F, the cleavage plane between the superior and inferior vestibular and cochlear nerves has been started laterally and extended medially to expose the individual nerve bundles. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Arc., arcuate; CN, cranial nerve; Coch., cochlear; Emin., eminence; Endolymph., endolymphatic; Flocc., flocculus; Inf., inferior; Intermed., intermedius; Jug., jugular; Labyr., labyrinth; N., nerve; Nerv., nervus; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Subarc., subarcuate; Sup., superior; Trans., transverse; Vert., vertebral; Vest., vestibular.

圖4.18。G-J。左小腦橋腦角。G,垂直和橫脊暴露於口底。小腿和上、後根管的相鄰部分已經暴露出來。內淋巴管和囊位於內聽道的下外側。H,另一個解剖顯示了後上根管和總小腿到入口的連接關係。內淋巴管從前庭向下向後延伸,進入內淋巴囊,內淋巴囊位於硬腦膜下,在入口的下方和外側。通過內淋巴囊內側的骨可見頸靜脈球。第一,左內聽道眼底。 The transverse crest separates the superior vestibular area and facial canal above from the inferior vestibular and cochlear areas below. The vertical crest separates the superior vestibular area from the entrance into the facial canal. The multiple cochlear nerve filaments penetrating the tiny openings in the lamina cribrosa at the meatal fundus can easily be torn with traction on the nerve from lateral to medial, therefore, we try to direct the strokes of dissection from medial to lateral when there is an opportunity to preserve hearing. J, closure after removing the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus. Bone wax on a microdissector is carefully placed into open air cells in the posterior meatal lip and then a pledget of crushed subcutaneous abdominal fat is laid over the drilled meatal area. This has prevented cerebrospinal fluid leaks after removal of the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus in more than 200 consecutive operations for acoustic neuroma by the author. 


圖4.18。G-J。左小腦橋腦角。G,垂直和橫脊暴露於口底。小腿和上、後根管的相鄰部分已經暴露出來。內淋巴管和囊位於內聽道的下外側。H,另一個解剖顯示了後上根管和總小腿到入口的連接關係。內淋巴管從前庭向下向後延伸,進入內淋巴囊,內淋巴囊位於硬腦膜下,在入口的下方和外側。通過內淋巴囊內側的骨可見頸靜脈球。第一,左內聽道眼底。 The transverse crest separates the superior vestibular area and facial canal above from the inferior vestibular and cochlear areas below. The vertical crest separates the superior vestibular area from the entrance into the facial canal. The multiple cochlear nerve filaments penetrating the tiny openings in the lamina cribrosa at the meatal fundus can easily be torn with traction on the nerve from lateral to medial, therefore, we try to direct the strokes of dissection from medial to lateral when there is an opportunity to preserve hearing. J, closure after removing the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus. Bone wax on a microdissector is carefully placed into open air cells in the posterior meatal lip and then a pledget of crushed subcutaneous abdominal fat is laid over the drilled meatal area. This has prevented cerebrospinal fluid leaks after removal of the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus in more than 200 consecutive operations for acoustic neuroma by the author.





麵神經位於前庭上神經的前方,與前庭上神經在入口的外側端被稱為垂直脊的垂直骨脊分開。垂直的波峰也被稱為“Bill’s bar”,以表彰William House對該波峰在鑒別根管外側麵神經的重要性所起的作用(16)。耳蝸神經和前庭下神經位於橫脊下方,耳蝸神經位於前麵。因此,側耳道可被認為分為四個部分,麵神經在前上,耳蝸神經在前下,前庭上神經在後下。該區域的解剖為腫瘤的入口和橋小腦角的三種基本入路提供了機會。一個是穿過中顱窩和入口頂部。另一個是穿過迷宮和顳骨的後表麵。第三個是通過後顱窩和後口唇。迷宮線是顳骨。




圖4.19。右耳內聽道,切除後唇,顯示聽神經瘤引起麵神經移位的不同方向。第一,正常的神經關係第八神經在外側入口分為三個部分。麵神經和前庭上神經在橫冠的上麵耳蝸神經和前庭下神經在橫冠的下麵。麵神經占據外側入口的前上象限。第二,麵神經直接向前移位。這是聽神經瘤常見的移位方向。C,另一個常見的麵神經移位方向是前上神經。D,麵神經在前方和下方被腫瘤移位,腫瘤侵蝕神經上方的入口上壁生長到神經上方的區域,將神經移位到下方。(來自,Rhoton AL Jr:內部聲學通道的顯微外科。 Surg Neurol 2:311–318, 1974 [32].) 

圖4.19。右耳內聽道,切除後唇,顯示聽神經瘤引起麵神經移位的不同方向。第一,正常的神經關係第八神經在外側入口分為三個部分。麵神經和前庭上神經在橫冠的上麵耳蝸神經和前庭下神經在橫冠的下麵。麵神經占據外側入口的前上象限。第二,麵神經直接向前移位。這是聽神經瘤常見的移位方向。C,另一個常見的麵神經移位方向是前上神經。D,麵神經在前方和下方被腫瘤移位,腫瘤侵蝕神經上方的入口上壁生長到神經上方的區域,將神經移位到下方。(來自,Rhoton AL Jr:內部聲學通道的顯微外科。 Surg Neurol 2:311–318, 1974 [32].)

小腦中梗的表麵。 The PICA
arises from the vertebral artery and
passes first between the hypoglossal
rootlets, and then between the vagus
and accessory nerves on its way to the
cerebellar hemisphere. The SCA passes
above the trigeminal nerve. The cerebellar arteries give rise to hemispheric
branches. C, venous relationships. The
veins that converge on the junction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves with the brainstem are the veins of the pontomedullary sulcus, cerebellomedullary fissure, middle cerebellar peduncle, and the retro-olivary and lateral medullary veins. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure, which passes above the flocculus on the middle cerebellar peduncle, is formed by the anterior hemispheric veins that arise on the cerebellum. Transverse pontine and transverse medullary veins cross the pons and medulla. The median anterior medullary and median anterior pontomesencephalic veins ascend on the anterior surface of the medulla and pons. The veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and the cerebellopontine fissure and a transverse pontine vein join to form a superior petrosal vein, which empties into the superior petrosal sinus. A bridging vein passes below the vagal rootlets toward the jugular foramen. D, neurovascular relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The tumor arises from the vestibulocochlear nerve and displaces the facial nerve anteriorly, the trigeminal nerve superiorly, and the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves inferiorly. The facial nerve, even though displaced by the tumor, enters the brainstem along the lateral margin of the pontomedullary sulcus, rostral to the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, anterior to the flocculus, and rostral to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka. The rostral trunk of the AICA, after passing below the tumor, returns to the surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle above the flocculus. The veins displaced around the medial side of the tumor are the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle, cerebellomedullary fissure, cerebellopontine fissure, and pontomedullary sulcus, and the retro-olivary and lateral medullary veins. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor., choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Hem., hemispheric; Lat., lateral; Med., medial, medullary; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon., pontine; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Pon. Mes., pontomesencephalic; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vert., vertebral. 

小腦中梗的表麵。 The PICA
arises from the vertebral artery and
passes first between the hypoglossal
rootlets, and then between the vagus
and accessory nerves on its way to the
cerebellar hemisphere. The SCA passes
above the trigeminal nerve. The cerebellar arteries give rise to hemispheric
branches. C, venous relationships. The
veins that converge on the junction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves with the brainstem are the veins of the pontomedullary sulcus, cerebellomedullary fissure, middle cerebellar peduncle, and the retro-olivary and lateral medullary veins. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure, which passes above the flocculus on the middle cerebellar peduncle, is formed by the anterior hemispheric veins that arise on the cerebellum. Transverse pontine and transverse medullary veins cross the pons and medulla. The median anterior medullary and median anterior pontomesencephalic veins ascend on the anterior surface of the medulla and pons. The veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and the cerebellopontine fissure and a transverse pontine vein join to form a superior petrosal vein, which empties into the superior petrosal sinus. A bridging vein passes below the vagal rootlets toward the jugular foramen. D, neurovascular relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The tumor arises from the vestibulocochlear nerve and displaces the facial nerve anteriorly, the trigeminal nerve superiorly, and the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves inferiorly. The facial nerve, even though displaced by the tumor, enters the brainstem along the lateral margin of the pontomedullary sulcus, rostral to the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, anterior to the flocculus, and rostral to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka. The rostral trunk of the AICA, after passing below the tumor, returns to the surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle above the flocculus. The veins displaced around the medial side of the tumor are the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle, cerebellomedullary fissure, cerebellopontine fissure, and pontomedullary sulcus, and the retro-olivary and lateral medullary veins. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor., choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Hem., hemispheric; Lat., lateral; Med., medial, medullary; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon., pontine; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Pon. Mes., pontomesencephalic; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vert., vertebral.

後麵。小葉伸入小腦橋腦角,位於Luschka孔上方。副神經位於迷走神經的下方。舌下細根在橄欖的腹側出現。三叉神經在暴露的上部交叉。B,右小腦扁桃體通過分裂扁桃體梗被切除以顯示側隱窩與麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的關係。 The flocculus and choroid plexus protrude in the cerebellopontine angle behind the junction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves with the brainstem. The inferior medullary velum stretches from the lateral side of the vermis to the flocculus and is all that remains of the connection between the flocculus and the nodulus, which form the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum. The inferior medullary velum stretches laterally to form the peduncle of the flocculus. The tela choroidea forms the caudal part of the roof of the fourth ventricle and has the choroid plexus attached to its inner surface. The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves enter the brainstem at the lateral end of the pontomedullary sulcus. C, the tela choroidea has been opened, but the choroid plexus, which arises on the inner surface of the tela in the fourth ventricle, has been preserved. The fringelike choroid plexus extends through the foramen of Luschka slightly below and behind the junction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves with the brainstem. The inferior cerebellar peduncle ascends on the dorsolateral margin of the medulla. D, relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The facial nerve is displaced anteriorly and superiorly in the cerebellopontine angle and enters the brainstem at the lateral end of the pontomedullary sulcus, anterosuperior to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka, and near where the flocculus is attached along the margin of the lateral recess. The tumor displaces the trigeminal nerve upward and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves downward. The AICA gives rise to a subarcuate artery, which enters the subarcuate fossa in the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus and bifurcates into a rostral and a caudal trunk. The rostral trunk courses above the flocculus to reach the surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer. Med., cerebellomedullary; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor. choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; Jug., jugular; Lat., lateral; Med., medial, medullary; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Ro., rostral; Subarc., subarcuate; Sulc., sulcus; Tr., trunk; V., vein; Vel., velum. 

後麵。小葉伸入小腦橋腦角,位於Luschka孔上方。副神經位於迷走神經的下方。舌下細根在橄欖的腹側出現。三叉神經在暴露的上部交叉。B,右小腦扁桃體通過分裂扁桃體梗被切除以顯示側隱窩與麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的關係。 The flocculus and choroid plexus protrude in the cerebellopontine angle behind the junction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves with the brainstem. The inferior medullary velum stretches from the lateral side of the vermis to the flocculus and is all that remains of the connection between the flocculus and the nodulus, which form the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum. The inferior medullary velum stretches laterally to form the peduncle of the flocculus. The tela choroidea forms the caudal part of the roof of the fourth ventricle and has the choroid plexus attached to its inner surface. The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves enter the brainstem at the lateral end of the pontomedullary sulcus. C, the tela choroidea has been opened, but the choroid plexus, which arises on the inner surface of the tela in the fourth ventricle, has been preserved. The fringelike choroid plexus extends through the foramen of Luschka slightly below and behind the junction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves with the brainstem. The inferior cerebellar peduncle ascends on the dorsolateral margin of the medulla. D, relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The facial nerve is displaced anteriorly and superiorly in the cerebellopontine angle and enters the brainstem at the lateral end of the pontomedullary sulcus, anterosuperior to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka, and near where the flocculus is attached along the margin of the lateral recess. The tumor displaces the trigeminal nerve upward and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves downward. The AICA gives rise to a subarcuate artery, which enters the subarcuate fossa in the posterior wall of the internal acoustic meatus and bifurcates into a rostral and a caudal trunk. The rostral trunk courses above the flocculus to reach the surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer. Med., cerebellomedullary; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor. choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; Jug., jugular; Lat., lateral; Med., medial, medullary; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Ro., rostral; Subarc., subarcuate; Sulc., sulcus; Tr., trunk; V., vein; Vel., velum.

。 The rostral trunk passes
above the flocculus to course on the
middle cerebellar peduncle, and the
caudal trunk supplies the area below the flocculus. C, venous relationships. The veins converging on the junction of the facial nerve with the brainstem are the lateral medullary and retro-olivary veins, and the veins of the pontomedullary sulcus, cerebellomedullary fissure, and middle cerebellar peduncle. The median anterior pontomesencephalic vein ascends on the anterior surface of the brainstem, and the transverse pontine and transverse medullary veins cross the pons and medulla. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure passes above the flocculus. The transverse pontine vein and the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure join to form one of the superior petrosal veins that empty into the superior petrosal sinus. A bridging vein passes from the side of the brainstem to the jugular foramen. The anterolateral marginal vein crosses the anterolateral margin of the cerebellum. The vein of the pontomesencephalic sulcus courses in the pontomesencephalic sulcus below the oculomotor nerve. D, neurovascular relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The tumor arises from the vestibulocochlear nerve and displaces the facial nerve anteriorly, the trigeminal nerve superiorly, and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves inferiorly. The vestibulocochlear nerve disappears into the tumor. The facial nerve enters the brainstem along the lateral margin of the pontomedullary sulcus, rostral to the glossopharyngeal nerve, anterior to the flocculus, and rostral to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka. The AICA is usually displaced around the lower margin of the tumor. The veins displaced around the medial side of the tumor are the veins of the pontomedullary sulcus, middle cerebellar peduncle, and cerebellomedullary fissure, and the lateral medullary and retro-olivary veins. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor., choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; Jug., jugular; Lat., lateral; Marg., marginal; Med., medial, medullary; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon., pontine; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Pon. Mes., pontomesencephalic; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Subarc., subarcuate; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vert., vertebral. 

。 The rostral trunk passes
above the flocculus to course on the
middle cerebellar peduncle, and the
caudal trunk supplies the area below the flocculus. C, venous relationships. The veins converging on the junction of the facial nerve with the brainstem are the lateral medullary and retro-olivary veins, and the veins of the pontomedullary sulcus, cerebellomedullary fissure, and middle cerebellar peduncle. The median anterior pontomesencephalic vein ascends on the anterior surface of the brainstem, and the transverse pontine and transverse medullary veins cross the pons and medulla. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure passes above the flocculus. The transverse pontine vein and the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle and cerebellopontine fissure join to form one of the superior petrosal veins that empty into the superior petrosal sinus. A bridging vein passes from the side of the brainstem to the jugular foramen. The anterolateral marginal vein crosses the anterolateral margin of the cerebellum. The vein of the pontomesencephalic sulcus courses in the pontomesencephalic sulcus below the oculomotor nerve. D, neurovascular relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The tumor arises from the vestibulocochlear nerve and displaces the facial nerve anteriorly, the trigeminal nerve superiorly, and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves inferiorly. The vestibulocochlear nerve disappears into the tumor. The facial nerve enters the brainstem along the lateral margin of the pontomedullary sulcus, rostral to the glossopharyngeal nerve, anterior to the flocculus, and rostral to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka. The AICA is usually displaced around the lower margin of the tumor. The veins displaced around the medial side of the tumor are the veins of the pontomedullary sulcus, middle cerebellar peduncle, and cerebellomedullary fissure, and the lateral medullary and retro-olivary veins. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor., choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; Jug., jugular; Lat., lateral; Marg., marginal; Med., medial, medullary; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon., pontine; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Pon. Mes., pontomesencephalic; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Subarc., subarcuate; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vert., vertebral.


神經的關係。內側或腦幹側結構的標誌,有助於引導外科醫生到麵神經與腦幹的交界處是橋髓溝;舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊髓副神經與髓質的連接處;盧氏孔及其脈絡叢;小葉。麵神經起源於腦幹,位於橋髓溝外側端附近,在前庭耳蝸神經與腦幹在溝外側端連接處的前方1 - 2毫米處。前庭耳蝸神經和麵神經之間的間隔在橋髓溝處最大,當這些神經靠近入口時,間隔變小。

麵神經與舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊副神經與髓質的連接處具有一致的關係(圖4.20-4.22)。麵神經起於最吻側根突上方2 - 3mm處。一種很有幫助的觀察麵神經從腦梢流出的位置的方法是沿著形成舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊副神經的細根的髓質連接處畫一條假想線,向上穿過橋髓質連接處。這條線,在舌咽神經與髓質連接處上方2 - 3毫米處,將穿過麵神經從腦幹出的橋髓連接處。中間神經絲也在聽神經瘤周圍伸展。




靜脈的關係。腦幹側與麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經有可預測關係的靜脈為橋腦髓溝靜脈、小腦髓裂靜脈、小腦中梗靜脈和橋小腦裂靜脈(圖4.20- 4.22)(26)。在切除腫瘤的過程中,任何這些靜脈的識別都使識別麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經與腦幹的連接處更容易。在橋小腦角中央靠近側隱窩的聽神經瘤通常可以在不犧牲橋靜脈的情況下完成暴露。如果在聲學腫瘤切除過程中有一條靜脈被切除,那麼它通常是岩上靜脈中的一條,在切除大腫瘤的後期,在靠近腫瘤上極的地方被切除。小的聽神經瘤通常被切除而不犧牲岩靜脈。聽神經瘤上極周圍最大的靜脈是橋小腦裂靜脈。

圖4.23。聽神經瘤周圍AICA移位方向的後視圖。左上角的插入顯示了視圖的方向。口前節段和口後節段都位於腫瘤下緣周圍最常見的位置。口前段從前下頜骨接近入口,口後段從後下頜骨接近腫瘤。SCA和三叉神經位於腫瘤上方,PICA和舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊髓副神經位於腫瘤下方。脈絡膜叢伸入腫瘤內側的橋小腦角。切除內聽道後壁,露出橫脊和前庭上神經和前庭下神經。前庭神經消失在腫瘤內;然而,耳蝸和麵神經在腫瘤前緣周圍移位。 A subarcuate artery arises from the premeatal segment, and a recurrent perforating artery arises from the postmeatal segment. Center right, in a less common pattern of displacement of the AICA, the premeatal and postmeatal segments are above the tumor. The internal auditory arteries arise from the meatal segment. Bottom left, both the premeatal and the postmeatal segments are displaced anteriorly to the tumor. This occurs if the AICA courses between the vestibulocochlear and facial nerves. The tumor arises in the vestibular nerves, and tumor growth displaces both the premeatal and the postmeatal segments anteriorly. (From, Martin RG, Grant JL, Peace DA, Theiss C, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical relationships of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery and the facial-vestibulocochlear nerve complex. Neurosurgery 6:483–507, 1980 [25].) Ch. Pl., choroid plexus; Co., cochlear; I.A.A., internal auditory (labyrinthine) artery; I.V., inferior vestibular; Mea., meatal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; R.P.A., recurrent perforating artery; S.A., subarcuate artery; S.V., superior vestibular; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Tent., tentorium. 

圖4.23。聽神經瘤周圍AICA移位方向的後視圖。左上角的插入顯示了視圖的方向。口前節段和口後節段都位於腫瘤下緣周圍最常見的位置。口前段從前下頜骨接近入口,口後段從後下頜骨接近腫瘤。SCA和三叉神經位於腫瘤上方,PICA和舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊髓副神經位於腫瘤下方。脈絡膜叢伸入腫瘤內側的橋小腦角。切除內聽道後壁,露出橫脊和前庭上神經和前庭下神經。前庭神經消失在腫瘤內;然而,耳蝸和麵神經在腫瘤前緣周圍移位。 A subarcuate artery arises from the premeatal segment, and a recurrent perforating artery arises from the postmeatal segment. Center right, in a less common pattern of displacement of the AICA, the premeatal and postmeatal segments are above the tumor. The internal auditory arteries arise from the meatal segment. Bottom left, both the premeatal and the postmeatal segments are displaced anteriorly to the tumor. This occurs if the AICA courses between the vestibulocochlear and facial nerves. The tumor arises in the vestibular nerves, and tumor growth displaces both the premeatal and the postmeatal segments anteriorly. (From, Martin RG, Grant JL, Peace DA, Theiss C, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical relationships of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery and the facial-vestibulocochlear nerve complex. Neurosurgery 6:483–507, 1980 [25].) Ch. Pl., choroid plexus; Co., cochlear; I.A.A., internal auditory (labyrinthine) artery; I.V., inferior vestibular; Mea., meatal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; R.P.A., recurrent perforating artery; S.A., subarcuate artery; S.V., superior vestibular; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; Tent., tentorium.

後側視圖。神經的關係。的orientation, skin incision (solid
line), and craniotomy site
(interrupted line) are shown in the
insert. The retractor is on the
petrosal surface of the cerebellum.
The facial and vestibulocochlear
nerves arise at the lateral end of the
pontomedullary sulcus, anterior to
the flocculus, rostral to the
glossopharyngeal, vagus, and
accessory nerves, and anterosuperior
to the choroid plexus protruding
from the foramen of Luschka. The
cerebellopontine fissure, formed
where the cerebellum wraps around
the lateral side of the pons and
middle cerebellar peduncle, has
superior and inferior limbs. B,
arterial relationships. The AICA
arises from the basilar artery and
divides into a rostral trunk, which
passes above the flocculus to reach
the surface of the middle cerebellar
peduncle, and a caudal trunk, which
supplies the area below the
flocculus. The PICA arises from the
vertebral artery and passes dorsally
between the vagus and accessory
nerves. The SCA courses above the
trigeminal nerve. C, venous
relationships. The veins that join
near the junction of the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves with the
brainstem are the lateral medullary
veins and the veins of the
cerebellomedullary fissure,
pontomedullary sulcus, and middle
cerebellar peduncle. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure passes above the flocculus along the superior limb of the cerebellopontine fissure and joins the vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle and a transverse pontine vein to form a superior petrosal vein, which empties into the superior petrosal sinus. A bridging vein passes behind the vagus nerve. The lateral anterior pontomesencephalic vein ascends on the pons. D, neurovascular relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The tumor arises from the vestibulocochlear nerve and displaces the facial nerve anteriorly, the trigeminal nerve superiorly, and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves inferiorly. The vestibulocochlear nerve disappears into the tumor. The facial nerve enters the brainstem at the lateral margin of the pontomedullary sulcus anterior to the flocculus and rostral to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka. The rostral trunk of the AICA courses below the tumor and above the flocculus to reach the surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle. The veins displaced around the medial side of the tumor are the lateral medullary veins and the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle, cerebellomedullary fissure, and pontomedullary sulcus. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure passes above the tumor. A recurrent perforating branch of the AICA passes across the tumor and supplies the brainstem. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor., choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Lat., lateral; Med., medial, medulla; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforating; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon., pontine; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Rec., recurrent; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; V., vein; Vert., vertebral. 

後側視圖。神經的關係。的orientation, skin incision (solid
line), and craniotomy site
(interrupted line) are shown in the
insert. The retractor is on the
petrosal surface of the cerebellum.
The facial and vestibulocochlear
nerves arise at the lateral end of the
pontomedullary sulcus, anterior to
the flocculus, rostral to the
glossopharyngeal, vagus, and
accessory nerves, and anterosuperior
to the choroid plexus protruding
from the foramen of Luschka. The
cerebellopontine fissure, formed
where the cerebellum wraps around
the lateral side of the pons and
middle cerebellar peduncle, has
superior and inferior limbs. B,
arterial relationships. The AICA
arises from the basilar artery and
divides into a rostral trunk, which
passes above the flocculus to reach
the surface of the middle cerebellar
peduncle, and a caudal trunk, which
supplies the area below the
flocculus. The PICA arises from the
vertebral artery and passes dorsally
between the vagus and accessory
nerves. The SCA courses above the
trigeminal nerve. C, venous
relationships. The veins that join
near the junction of the facial and
vestibulocochlear nerves with the
brainstem are the lateral medullary
veins and the veins of the
cerebellomedullary fissure,
pontomedullary sulcus, and middle
cerebellar peduncle. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure passes above the flocculus along the superior limb of the cerebellopontine fissure and joins the vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle and a transverse pontine vein to form a superior petrosal vein, which empties into the superior petrosal sinus. A bridging vein passes behind the vagus nerve. The lateral anterior pontomesencephalic vein ascends on the pons. D, neurovascular relationships of an acoustic neuroma. The tumor arises from the vestibulocochlear nerve and displaces the facial nerve anteriorly, the trigeminal nerve superiorly, and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves inferiorly. The vestibulocochlear nerve disappears into the tumor. The facial nerve enters the brainstem at the lateral margin of the pontomedullary sulcus anterior to the flocculus and rostral to the choroid plexus protruding from the foramen of Luschka. The rostral trunk of the AICA courses below the tumor and above the flocculus to reach the surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle. The veins displaced around the medial side of the tumor are the lateral medullary veins and the veins of the middle cerebellar peduncle, cerebellomedullary fissure, and pontomedullary sulcus. The vein of the cerebellopontine fissure passes above the tumor. A recurrent perforating branch of the AICA passes across the tumor and supplies the brainstem. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of the brainstem surface facing an acoustic neuroma. Surg Neurol 25:326–339, 1986 [33].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., bridging; Ca., caudal; Cer., cerebellar; Cer. Pon., cerebellopontine; Chor., choroid; F., foramen; Fiss., fissure; Lat., lateral; Med., medial, medulla; Mid., middle; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforating; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Pon., pontine; Pon. Med., pontomedullary; Rec., recurrent; Ro., rostral; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Tr., trunk; V., vein; Vert., vertebral.

圖4.25。A.乙狀結腸後入路切除小或中型聽神經瘤。A,病人俯臥四分之三位,外科醫生在頭後。插入片(右)顯示頭皮切口(連續線)和骨開口(斷續線)的位置。 B–E. Retrosigmoid approach for the removal of small or medium-size acoustic neuromas. B, the posterior wall of the internal auditory canal is removed using an irrigating drill. The AICA courses around the lower margin of the tumor. C, the intracapsular contents of the tumor have been removed. The capsule of the tumor is being separated from the pons and the posterior surface of the part of the
facial and vestibulocochlear nerves adjacent to the brainstem. The superior and inferior vestibular nerves are seen at the lateral end of the internal auditory canal. The trigeminal nerve and SCA are above the tumor and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves and the PICA are below the tumor. D, the dissection along the eighth nerve is done in a medial to lateral direction (arrows) to avoid tearing the tiny filaments of the cochlear nerve in the lateral end of the canal where they pass through the lamina cribrosa. The transverse crest separates the superior and inferior vestibular nerves in the lateral end of the canal. E, cerebellopontine angle and internal auditory canal after tumor removal. The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves have been preserved. A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; N., nerve; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Vest., vestibular. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of acoustic neuromas, in Sekhar LN, Janecka IP (eds): Surgery of Cranial Base Tumors. New York, Raven Press, 1993, pp 687–713 [37].) 

麵神經和腦幹鄰近的前庭耳蝸神經部分的後表麵分離。 The superior and inferior vestibular nerves are seen at the lateral end of the internal auditory canal. The trigeminal nerve and SCA are above the tumor and the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves and the PICA are below the tumor. D, the dissection along the eighth nerve is done in a medial to lateral direction (arrows) to avoid tearing the tiny filaments of the cochlear nerve in the lateral end of the canal where they pass through the lamina cribrosa. The transverse crest separates the superior and inferior vestibular nerves in the lateral end of the canal. E, cerebellopontine angle and internal auditory canal after tumor removal. The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves have been preserved. A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; N., nerve; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Vest., vestibular. (From, Rhoton AL Jr: Microsurgical anatomy of acoustic neuromas, in Sekhar LN, Janecka IP (eds): Surgery of Cranial Base Tumors. New York, Raven Press, 1993, pp 687–713 [37].)




我們回顧了有助於識別腫瘤內側腦幹麵部神經和前庭耳蝸神經的標記物(圖4.20-4.24)(33)。這些神經雖然被腫瘤扭曲,但通常可以在腫瘤的腦幹側、橋髓溝外側端、舌咽神經的吻側、盧氏孔前上方、小葉和從盧氏孔突出的脈絡叢上找到。在腫瘤的內側和外側確定了麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經後,使用精密的解剖儀器將腫瘤的最後殘餘與神經的中間段分離(圖4.25)。保存附著在腫瘤囊上的小腦動脈段尤為重要,因為手術死亡和發病的一個主要原因是穿通動脈和可能附著在腫瘤上並被腫瘤移位的小腦動脈分支的丟失。任何位於腫瘤囊上方或周圍的血管都應該在一開始就處理,就好像它是一條貫穿腫瘤表麵為大腦供血的動脈。當腫瘤從囊內取出後,應嚐試將血管移離腫瘤囊。當剝離包膜時,最初似乎附著在包膜上的血管往往被證明是神經血管。犧牲的靜脈數量應保持在最低限度,因為失去它們會產生不良後果。從小腦表麵和腦幹到岩上竇的岩靜脈在到達和切除某些橋小腦角腫瘤時不可避免地要閉塞。這些小腦幹和小腦的大部分血管被阻塞,很少會引起小腦和腦幹的出血性水腫。 Some of these veins may need to be sacrificed if the tumor extends into the area above the internal acoustic meatus. Small acoustic neuromas and other tumors in the lower part of the cerebellopontine angle, however, frequently may be removed without sacrificing a petrosal vein. In removing the posterior meatal lip, a communication may be established between the subarachnoid space and the mastoid air cells that will require careful closure to prevent a cerebrospinal fluid leak. Laying a small pledget of crushed fat over the drilled meatal area has been successful in minimizing this complication (Fig. 4.25). The retrosigmoid approach is used by this author for most acoustic neuromas, because it is suitable for the removal of both small and large tumors. Unlike the translabyrinthine approach, described in the section on the temporal bone, which is directed through the vestibule and semicircular canals, the retrosigmoid approach is not necessarily associated with hearing loss. The retrosigmoid approach provides a broader exposure of the small tumor than does the middle fossa approach. Also, once the nerves are identified lateral to the tumor, there are advantages to being able to separate the tumor capsule off the nerves beginning medially, because this more often results in preservation of hearing than dissection starting laterally. Compared with the middle fossa approach, it has the advantage that the facial nerve is usually deep to the tumor and often is protected by a thin veil of vestibulocochlear nerve, thus increasing the opportunity for facial nerve preservation. In the middle fossa approach, the facial nerve is often in the upper part of the exposure, stretched over the upper half of the tumor, and much of the dissection is directly on the surface of the nerve, which increases the risk of facial dysfunction after surgery.




麵肌痙攣的手術沿小腦下外側緣進行(圖4.28和4.29)。開顱術位於乙狀竇下半部分內側(圖4.9、4.28和4.29)。不必將骨開口向下延伸至枕骨大孔或向上延伸至橫竇。小腦下外側緣用小腦鏟抬高,打開舌咽部和迷走神經後的蛛網膜。這將暴露從Luschka孔突出的脈絡膜叢,它位於舌咽神經和迷走神經的後表麵。通常,小葉在神經後麵突出,在與腦幹的連接處阻礙了神經的顯示。也可能很難看到隱藏在前庭耳蝸神經前麵的麵神經。這個時候,很重要的是要記住麵神經根出腦幹2到3毫米的吻側點舌咽神經進入腦幹。為了暴露神經的出口區,可能需要將脈絡膜叢從舌咽神經的後緣輕輕分離出來,以便看到它與腦幹的交界處。腦鏟向上推進,使脈絡膜叢遠離舌咽神經的後緣。 The exposure is then directed several millimeters above the glossopharyngeal nerve to where the facial nerve will be seen joining the brainstem below and in front of the vestibulocochlear nerve. The spatula often needs to be positioned so that it elevates the lower margin of the flocculus. Care must be taken to avoid damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve, which may be adherent to the flocculus. In the experience of this author, the most common offending artery is a PICA that loops upward before passing between the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory nerves. After looping into the facial nerve exit zone, the PICA then passes distally between the rootlets of the lower cranial nerves. The compressing artery may also be the premeatal or postmeatal segments of the AICA or a tortuous vertebral or basilar artery. Care is taken to explore the interval between the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves because it would be easy to miss a vessel compressing the facial nerve in this location.


神經。前上的視圖。麵部神經和前庭耳蝸神經在與腦幹的連接處被aica的右前段和左後段扭曲。B,前視圖。右麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經與腦幹的連接處被彎曲的椎動脈壓迫。左側的神經被異食癖壓迫。(來自,Martin RG, Grant JL, Peace DA, Theiss C, Rhoton AL Jr:小腦前下動脈與顏麵-前庭耳蝸神經複合物的顯微外科關係。神經外科:483 - 507,1980[25]。A.I.C.A,小腦前下動脈; Ch. Pl., choroid plexus; Mea., meatal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; V.A., vertebral artery. 

神經。前上的視圖。麵部神經和前庭耳蝸神經在與腦幹的連接處被aica的右前段和左後段扭曲。B,前視圖。右麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經與腦幹的連接處被彎曲的椎動脈壓迫。左側的神經被異食癖壓迫。(來自,Martin RG, Grant JL, Peace DA, Theiss C, Rhoton AL Jr:小腦前下動脈與顏麵-前庭耳蝸神經複合物的顯微外科關係。神經外科:483 - 507,1980[25]。A.I.C.A,小腦前下動脈; Ch. Pl., choroid plexus; Mea., meatal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment; V.A., vertebral artery.

舌咽神經和迷走神經的細根之間經過後下方,然後在迷走神經的細根和脊髓副神經之間向上循環。椎動脈向後延伸舌下神經的細根。AICA袢位於麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的後方。B,彎曲異食癖起源於椎動脈,並向耳庭耳蝸和麵神經的側方向通過。在前庭耳蝸神經水平,它在舌咽神經和迷走神經的前麵向下循環,並在迷走神經和脊髓副神經之間通過。異食癖壓迫舌咽部和迷走神經起源前的髓質。脈絡膜叢從舌咽神經後的Luschka孔突出。小腦梗在第四腦室側隱窩的上方。C,椎動脈移位並延伸舌下細根到很遠的後方它們與脊副神經的細根混合。 The PICA descends between the rootlets of the spinal accessory nerve. (From, Lister JR, Rhoton AL Jr, Matsushima T, Peace DA: Microsurgical anatomy of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Neurosurgery 10: 170–199, 1982 [24].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Cer., cerebellar; Ch. Pl., choroid plexus; F., foramen; Lat., lateral; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforating; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; V.A., vertebral artery. 

舌咽神經和迷走神經的細根之間經過後下方,然後在迷走神經的細根和脊髓副神經之間向上循環。椎動脈向後延伸舌下神經的細根。AICA袢位於麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的後方。B,彎曲異食癖起源於椎動脈,並向耳庭耳蝸和麵神經的側方向通過。在前庭耳蝸神經水平,它在舌咽神經和迷走神經的前麵向下循環,並在迷走神經和脊髓副神經之間通過。異食癖壓迫舌咽部和迷走神經起源前的髓質。脈絡膜叢從舌咽神經後的Luschka孔突出。小腦梗在第四腦室側隱窩的上方。C,椎動脈移位並延伸舌下細根到很遠的後方它們與脊副神經的細根混合。 The PICA descends between the rootlets of the spinal accessory nerve. (From, Lister JR, Rhoton AL Jr, Matsushima T, Peace DA: Microsurgical anatomy of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. Neurosurgery 10: 170–199, 1982 [24].) A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Cer., cerebellar; Ch. Pl., choroid plexus; F., foramen; Lat., lateral; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforating; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; V.A., vertebral artery.







以上和小葉下緣以下的區域進行暴露來促進的。 C, the vestibulocochlear nerve
has been depressed. This exposes
the distal segment of the facial
nerve, but does not provide access
to the junction of the facial nerve
with the brainstem, which should
be visualized in dealing with hemifacial spasm. D, the vestibulocochlear nerve has been gently elevated. This exposes both the rostral
and caudal margins of the facial
nerve at the brainstem. A rootlet of
the nervus intermedius is also exposed. The vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle passes between the
facial and vestibulocochlear nerve.
A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior
cerebellar artery; Cer., cerebellar;
Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; Inf., inferior; Intermed., intermedius; Mid., middle; Nerv., nervus; Ped., peduncle; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; V., vein; Vert., vertebral. 

以上和小葉下緣以下的區域進行暴露來促進的。 C, the vestibulocochlear nerve
has been depressed. This exposes
the distal segment of the facial
nerve, but does not provide access
to the junction of the facial nerve
with the brainstem, which should
be visualized in dealing with hemifacial spasm. D, the vestibulocochlear nerve has been gently elevated. This exposes both the rostral
and caudal margins of the facial
nerve at the brainstem. A rootlet of
the nervus intermedius is also exposed. The vein of the middle cerebellar peduncle passes between the
facial and vestibulocochlear nerve.
A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior
cerebellar artery; Cer., cerebellar;
Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; CN, cranial nerve; Flocc., flocculus; Inf., inferior; Intermed., intermedius; Mid., middle; Nerv., nervus; Ped., peduncle; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; V., vein; Vert., vertebral.

圖4.29。a - f,通過乙狀竇後開顱術觀察麵肌痙攣時麵神經的動脈壓迫,患者俯臥四分之三位。A,上圖顯示了切口的位置(直線)和開顱手術的位置(折線)。下圖顯示了用這種方法獲得的手術暴露。AICA和麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於暴露的中間部分。下麵是椎動脈、異食癖神經、舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊髓副神經。B,小腦被抬高以暴露麵部和前庭耳蝸神經以及AICA的出生前,出生前,出生前和出生前的節段。小葉和脈絡膜叢擋住了麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經與腦幹的連接處。C,小葉和脈絡膜叢被抬高,暴露出麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的根進出區。口前段壓迫腦橋和髓質連接處的神經。 D, the nerve root entry/ exit zone is compressed by the postmeatal segment. E, a tortuous PICA loops upward to compress the nerves at their junction with the brainstem before turning inferiorly to pass between the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. F, a tortuous vertebral artery compresses the nerve root entry/exit zone. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; Labyrin., labyrinthine; Mea., meatal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Subarc., subarcuate; Vert., vertebral.

圖4.29。a - f,通過乙狀竇後開顱術觀察麵肌痙攣時麵神經的動脈壓迫,患者俯臥四分之三位。A,上圖顯示了切口的位置(直線)和開顱手術的位置(折線)。下圖顯示了用這種方法獲得的手術暴露。AICA和麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經位於暴露的中間部分。下麵是椎動脈、異食癖神經、舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊髓副神經。B,小腦被抬高以暴露麵部和前庭耳蝸神經以及AICA的出生前,出生前,出生前和出生前的節段。小葉和脈絡膜叢擋住了麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經與腦幹的連接處。C,小葉和脈絡膜叢被抬高,暴露出麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的根進出區。口前段壓迫腦橋和髓質連接處的神經。 D, the nerve root entry/ exit zone is compressed by the postmeatal segment. E, a tortuous PICA loops upward to compress the nerves at their junction with the brainstem before turning inferiorly to pass between the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. F, a tortuous vertebral artery compresses the nerve root entry/exit zone. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Chor. Plex., choroid plexus; Labyrin., labyrinthine; Mea., meatal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Subarc., subarcuate; Vert., vertebral.



圖4.30。從上麵看橋小腦角,顯示中間神經與麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的關係。一,最常見的關係。中間神經與前庭耳蝸神經的腹表麵連接在腦幹附近幾毫米處,然後在橋小腦角有一個遊離段,當它與麵部運動根連接時。B, 20%的被研究神經都有這種模式。遊離段完全在入口。C,中間神經由三個自由節段組成:兩個是角,一個在入口。A段中間神經可以在不鑽開入口後唇的情況下暴露在角度內。在B組中,遊離段不在角度處,僅在入口處。(來自Rhoton AL Jr:聽神經瘤的顯微外科解剖,在Jackler RK (ed):北美耳鼻喉科診所。 Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1992, pp 257–294 [35].) 

圖4.30。從上麵看橋小腦角,顯示中間神經與麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的關係。一,最常見的關係。中間神經與前庭耳蝸神經的腹表麵連接在腦幹附近幾毫米處,然後在橋小腦角有一個遊離段,當它與麵部運動根連接時。B, 20%的被研究神經都有這種模式。遊離段完全在入口。C,中間神經由三個自由節段組成:兩個是角,一個在入口。A段中間神經可以在不鑽開入口後唇的情況下暴露在角度內。在B組中,遊離段不在角度處,僅在入口處。(來自Rhoton AL Jr:聽神經瘤的顯微外科解剖,在Jackler RK (ed):北美耳鼻喉科診所。 Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Co., 1992, pp 257–294 [35].)

圖4.31。左側腦幹的側麵圖,由折線所示。B,注意舌咽神經和迷走神經的腹側和背側根。可見一個舌咽部腹側小根和兩個迷走神經腹側小根。(來自Rhoton AL Jr, Buza R:頸靜脈孔的顯微外科解剖。神經外科雜誌(英文版):541 - 550,1975

圖4.31。左側腦幹的側麵圖,由折線所示。B,注意舌咽神經和迷走神經的腹側和背側根。可見一個舌咽部腹側小根和兩個迷走神經腹側小根。(來自Rhoton AL Jr, Buza R:頸靜脈孔的顯微外科解剖。神經外科雜誌(英文版):541 - 550,1975

圖4.32。腦幹外側表麵的折線勾勒出了每張圖中所示的區域,展示了腦幹的起源和舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊髓副神經的小根大小的變化。大的卵形結構為下橄欖。虛線圈勾勒出麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的起源。最頭側的陰影圈表示舌咽部小根的起源,中間的開放圈表示迷走神經小根的起源,尾側的黑色圈表示脊髓副小根的起源。舌咽神經通常起源於一個大的小根,迷走神經起源於一係列大大小小的小根,脊髓副起源於一係列小的小根。上,注意A、B、C處舌咽神經的腹側小根,A處舌咽神經和迷走神經之間的腹側小根。除D處外,舌咽根均大於迷走神經的吻側根,其中吻側迷走神經的根大於舌咽神經。底部,注意C的舌咽神經和迷走神經的起源,C的舌咽神經的腹側小根,A的舌咽神經和迷走神經的腹側小根。舌咽神經比A和d的迷走神經上根小。(來自,Rhoton AL Jr, Buza R:頸靜脈孔的顯微外科解剖。神經外科雜誌(英文版):541 - 550,1975

圖4.32。腦幹外側表麵的折線勾勒出了每張圖中所示的區域,展示了腦幹的起源和舌咽神經、迷走神經和脊髓副神經的小根大小的變化。大的卵形結構為下橄欖。虛線圈勾勒出麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經的起源。最頭側的陰影圈表示舌咽部小根的起源,中間的開放圈表示迷走神經小根的起源,尾側的黑色圈表示脊髓副小根的起源。舌咽神經通常起源於一個大的小根,迷走神經起源於一係列大大小小的小根,脊髓副起源於一係列小的小根。上,注意A、B、C處舌咽神經的腹側小根,A處舌咽神經和迷走神經之間的腹側小根。除D處外,舌咽根均大於迷走神經的吻側根,其中吻側迷走神經的根大於舌咽神經。底部,注意C的舌咽神經和迷走神經的起源,C的舌咽神經的腹側小根,A的舌咽神經和迷走神經的腹側小根。舌咽神經比A和d的迷走神經上根小。(來自,Rhoton AL Jr, Buza R:頸靜脈孔的顯微外科解剖。神經外科雜誌(英文版):541 - 550,1975




迷走神經位於舌咽神經下方,在橄欖上三分之一後方,沿著2 - 5.5毫米長的線緊密排列成一列細根(圖4.1、4.27和4.32)。大部分的吻側迷走神經纖維出現在舌咽部起源附近,有時它們與舌咽部起源之間的距離可達2毫米。迷走神經由大大小小的多個小根組合而成,這些小根從脈絡膜叢的腹側穿過,從Luschka孔向頸靜脈孔延伸。偶爾,在大部分迷走神經小根的腹側發現幾個小細根(圖4.31和4.32)。這些小的腹側細根被認為是馬達(7)。




圖4.33。腫瘤涉及多個神經血管複合體。A,在顱神經之間的路徑可以暴露並切除位於內側並累及多根顱神經的腫瘤。患者取四分之三俯臥位。插入片(左上)顯示垂直頭皮切口和開顱的位置。位於神經內側的病理通路可以在上麵的滑車神經和下麵的三叉神經之間引導(箭頭);在上麵的三叉神經和下麵的麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經之間;在上麵的麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經和下麵的舌咽神經之間;舌咽神經和迷走神經之間;在迷走神經和附屬細根之間; and between the widely separated rootlets of the accessory nerve. A tumor located medial to the nerves will often widen the intervals between the nerves, depending on the site of origin of the tumor. Choroid plexus protrudes from the foramen of Luschka. B, meningioma attached lateral to the trigeminal nerve in the region of the superior petrosal sinus. The trochlear nerve is elevated, the trigeminal nerve is pushed medially, and the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves are stretched below the tumor. C and D. Tumors involving multiple neurovascular complexes. C, the tumor has been removed. The thin distorted nerves have been preserved, and the remaining dural attachment is removed or cauterized with bipolar coagulation. The basilar artery and abducens nerve are exposed. D, a large meningioma arising from the clivus in the region of the inferior petrosal sinus with involvement of the fourth through the eleventh nerves. The nerves are displaced laterally around the tumor. The tumor is removed by working through the intervals between the nerves. Tumors involving multiple neurovascular complexes. E, the meningioma has been removed. The dural attachment has been partially removed and the base is being cauterized. F, meningioma arising medial to the jugular bulb in the region of the jugular tubercle and involving the lower cranial nerves. G and H. Tumors involving multiple neurovascular complexes. G, the tumor was removed by operating through the intervals between the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves above and the glossopharyngeal nerve below and between the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (round insert). H, a large epidermoid tumor being removed by working through the intervals between the nerves. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Ch. Plex., choroid plexus; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Tent., tentorium; Vert., vertebral. 

圖4.33。腫瘤涉及多個神經血管複合體。A,在顱神經之間的路徑可以暴露並切除位於內側並累及多根顱神經的腫瘤。患者取四分之三俯臥位。插入片(左上)顯示垂直頭皮切口和開顱的位置。位於神經內側的病理通路可以在上麵的滑車神經和下麵的三叉神經之間引導(箭頭);在上麵的三叉神經和下麵的麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經之間;在上麵的麵神經和前庭耳蝸神經和下麵的舌咽神經之間;舌咽神經和迷走神經之間;在迷走神經和附屬細根之間; and between the widely separated rootlets of the accessory nerve. A tumor located medial to the nerves will often widen the intervals between the nerves, depending on the site of origin of the tumor. Choroid plexus protrudes from the foramen of Luschka. B, meningioma attached lateral to the trigeminal nerve in the region of the superior petrosal sinus. The trochlear nerve is elevated, the trigeminal nerve is pushed medially, and the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves are stretched below the tumor. C and D. Tumors involving multiple neurovascular complexes. C, the tumor has been removed. The thin distorted nerves have been preserved, and the remaining dural attachment is removed or cauterized with bipolar coagulation. The basilar artery and abducens nerve are exposed. D, a large meningioma arising from the clivus in the region of the inferior petrosal sinus with involvement of the fourth through the eleventh nerves. The nerves are displaced laterally around the tumor. The tumor is removed by working through the intervals between the nerves. Tumors involving multiple neurovascular complexes. E, the meningioma has been removed. The dural attachment has been partially removed and the base is being cauterized. F, meningioma arising medial to the jugular bulb in the region of the jugular tubercle and involving the lower cranial nerves. G and H. Tumors involving multiple neurovascular complexes. G, the tumor was removed by operating through the intervals between the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves above and the glossopharyngeal nerve below and between the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (round insert). H, a large epidermoid tumor being removed by working through the intervals between the nerves. A., artery; A.I.C.A., anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Bas., basilar; Ch. Plex., choroid plexus; Pet., petrosal; P.I.C.A., posteroinferior cerebellar artery; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sig., sigmoid; Sup., superior; Tent., tentorium; Vert., vertebral.


Dandy(4)描述了舌咽神經的顱內切開術治療神經痛,但由於這一方法不能充分控製神經痛,他後來主張“也許1/8到1/6的迷走神經”(圖4.1、4.17、4.27和4.32)。Tarlov(44,45)切開迷走神經-脊髓副組的頭三分之一,對會厭產生鎮痛作用,但僅對下咽和喉部黏膜產生痛覺不足。在他的第二個病例中,他切除了迷走神經-脊髓副複合體的頭半部;這導致了同側軟齶、咽和喉的鎮痛和短暫麻痹。在我們的研究中,迷走神經的結構是可變的,由所有大的或所有小的細根或兩者的任何組合組成。如果上部細根直徑較大,建議少切吻側細根;最大的根莖直徑為1.5 mm,最小的為0.1 mm(39)。


唯一能始終將舌咽神經與迷走神經區分開來的位置是在硬腦膜近端,硬腦膜隔將舌咽神經和迷走神經分開(39)。鼻中隔的寬度從0.5到4.9毫米不等,用以區分舌咽神經和迷走神經。舌咽神經和迷走神經的髓質起源緊密,兩者之間經常有蛛網膜粘連,這使得它們在經過蛛網膜下腔或鄰近腦幹的過程中很難分離,除非在少數情況下,它們在髓質起源之間會有1- 2mm的分離。









貢獻者:Albert L. Rhoton, Jr

內容來自Rhoton AL, Jr.後顱窩:顯微外科解剖和外科入路。神經外科2000; 47:1196。doi.org/10.1097/00006123 - 200105000 - 00065.經牛津大學出版社代表神經外科醫師協會批準。©神經外科醫生協會。

神經外科188bet手机app圖譜很榮幸能夠繼承Albert L. Rhoton, Jr . MD的遺產。


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