波動率。 視頻
















海綿竇是位於顱底中部的靜脈結構,被硬膜壁包圍,其中包含神經血管結構,一側麵向蝶鞍、腦垂體和蝶骨,另一側麵向顳葉(30)。海綿竇有五個壁:側壁和內側壁,頂部,後壁和前壁。屋頂麵向底層蓄水池;側壁麵向顳葉;內側壁麵向蝶鞍、垂體和蝶骨;後壁正對顱後窩。內側壁在三叉神經第二節(上頜神經)上緣下方連接,狹窄的前緣與眶上裂交界。海綿竇是一個包膜,包含海綿頸動脈段及其分支;交感神經叢;第三、第四、第六腦神經; the first trigeminal division; and multiple venous tributaries and spaces. The intercavernous, basilar, superior, and inferior petrosal sinuses all join with the cavernous sinus. In addition, multiple veins, such as the superior and inferior ophthalmic veins; the veins of the foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum; and the deep middle cerebral vein and superficial sylvian veins, empty into the cavernous sinus.








圖1 (A -E)。圖示海綿竇的骨骼關係。A,海綿竇區域顱底上視圖,海綿竇從眶上裂向前延伸至岩尖後方;內側與鞍部接壤,外側與中窩接壤。它位於前斜突下方的眶上裂的後緣。後壁從鞍背外側邊緣延伸至三叉神經印痕和梅克爾穴內側邊緣。大量靜脈通道進入海綿竇。其中包括基底竇,前海綿竇和後海綿竇,岩上和岩下竇,眼靜脈和眼靜脈,以及出卵圓孔,圓孔和棘孔的靜脈,頸動脈管和蝶特使孔。每個靜脈結構用彩色箭頭表示。基底竇是海綿竇之間最大的交流通道。 B, lateral view showing the cavernous sinus resting on the body of the sphenoid bone and adjacent petrous apex (broken lines). The lower edge of the posterior limit of the cavernous sinus sits on the junction of the petrous apex and the body of the sphenoid bone at the upper end of the petroclival fissure. The lower edge extends for-ward along the superior edge of the lingula of the sphenoid bone and the lateral part of the sphenoid body to just above the foramen rotundum. The anterior edge extends along the posterior edge of the optic strut and the medial edge of the superior orbital fissure. The upper limit of the sphenoid bone extends along the superior margin of the carotid sulcus and ends posteriorly at the posterior clinoid process. The dorsum sellae is located between the paired posterior clinoid processes. C, view showing the anterior clinoid process removed. The osseous limits of the cavernous sinus have been outlined. The tuberculum sellae is located at the posterior edge of the chiasmatic sulcus between the anterior part of the paired carotid sulci and posteromedial to the optic canals. The lingula of the sphenoid bone projects posteriorly above the intracranial end of the carotid canal and foramen lacerum and covers the terminal part of the petrous segment of the internal carotid artery. The petrolingual ligament extends from the lingula to the petrous apex. D, superolateral view of the region of the cavernous sinus showing the segments of the internal carotid artery. The intracavernous carotid artery has five parts: the posterior vertical segment, posterior bend, horizontal segment, anterior bend, and anterior vertical segment. The anterior bend and anterior vertical segments course medial to the anterior clinoid process. E, view showing the anterior clinoid process moved to expose the anterior bend and anterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Clin., clinoid; Em., emissary; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Horiz., horizontal; Impress., impression; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Mid., middle; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖1 (A- e).圖示海綿竇的骨骼關係。A,海綿竇區域顱底上視圖,海綿竇從眶上裂向前延伸至岩尖後方;內側與鞍部接壤,外側與中窩接壤。它位於前斜突下方的眶上裂的後緣。後壁從鞍背外側邊緣延伸至三叉神經印痕和梅克爾穴內側邊緣。大量靜脈通道進入海綿竇。其中包括基底竇,前海綿竇和後海綿竇,岩上和岩下竇,眼靜脈和眼靜脈,以及出卵圓孔,圓孔和棘孔的靜脈,頸動脈管和蝶特使孔。每個靜脈結構用彩色箭頭表示。基底竇是海綿竇之間最大的交流通道。B,側位圖顯示海綿竇位於蝶骨體和鄰近的岩尖(折線)。 The lower edge of the posterior limit of the cavernous sinus sits on the junction of the petrous apex and the body of the sphenoid bone at the upper end of the petroclival fissure. The lower edge extends for-ward along the superior edge of the lingula of the sphenoid bone and the lateral part of the sphenoid body to just above the foramen rotundum. The anterior edge extends along the posterior edge of the optic strut and the medial edge of the superior orbital fissure. The upper limit of the sphenoid bone extends along the superior margin of the carotid sulcus and ends posteriorly at the posterior clinoid process. The dorsum sellae is located between the paired posterior clinoid processes. C, view showing the anterior clinoid process removed. The osseous limits of the cavernous sinus have been outlined. The tuberculum sellae is located at the posterior edge of the chiasmatic sulcus between the anterior part of the paired carotid sulci and posteromedial to the optic canals. The lingula of the sphenoid bone projects posteriorly above the intracranial end of the carotid canal and foramen lacerum and covers the terminal part of the petrous segment of the internal carotid artery. The petrolingual ligament extends from the lingula to the petrous apex. D, superolateral view of the region of the cavernous sinus showing the segments of the internal carotid artery. The intracavernous carotid artery has five parts: the posterior vertical segment, posterior bend, horizontal segment, anterior bend, and anterior vertical segment. The anterior bend and anterior vertical segments course medial to the anterior clinoid process. E, view showing the anterior clinoid process moved to expose the anterior bend and anterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Clin., clinoid; Em., emissary; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Horiz., horizontal; Impress., impression; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Mid., middle; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖1 (F -K)。繼續說。F,上視圖顯示骨結構,它幾乎包圍了頸內動脈的斜突段,包括外側的前斜突,前方的視支和內側的頸動脈溝。頸動脈溝起於頸動脈管顱內端鞍背外側,向前延伸至鞍底下方,並沿視神經支柱後表麵向上拐。前斜突從蝶骨小翼向後伸出,常與頸動脈溝外側邊緣重疊。蝶小翼的前根向內側延伸形成視神經管的頂部。小翼的後根,稱為視支,從前斜突的內側下向延伸到蝶體。頸動脈周圍的骨項圈由前斜突、視神經支柱和頸動脈溝形成,從前斜突上表麵向內側向頸動脈溝傾斜。另一個小突起,中斜突,位於頸動脈溝的內側,前斜突尖端的水平,向上和外側突出。在某些病例中,有骨橋從中斜突尖端延伸到前斜突尖端。 G, posterior view showing the optic strut, optic canal, and superior orbital fissure. The optic strut separates the optic canal and superior orbital fissure and forms the floor of the optic canal and the superomedial part of the roof of the superior orbital fissure. The posterior surface of the strut is shaped to accommodate the anterior wall of the clinoid segment and the anterior bend of the intercavernous carotid. The artery courses along and may groove the medial half of the lower aspect of the anterior clinoid before turning upward along the medial edge of the clinoid. The air cells in the sphenoid sinus may extend into the optic strut and anterior clinoid. H, oblique posterior view of the right optic strut showing the lateral part of the bony collar around the clinoid segment, formed by the anterior clinoid; the anterior part, formed by the posterior surface of the optic strut; and the medial part, formed by the part of the carotid sulcus located medial to the anterior clinoid process. The optic strut slopes downward from its lateral end. I, superior view of the left side of another specimen showing that lesser sphenoid wings, base of the anterior clinoids, and roof of the optic canal removed. The remaining part of the left anterior clinoid is held in place by its attachment to the optic strut. The medial side of the anterior clinoid is grooved to accommodate the clinoid segment. J, view showing the tip of the right anterior clinoid process, which is the site of a small bony projection directed toward the middle clinoid process, with the anterior and middle clinoids completing a ring around the clinoid segment at the level of the cavernous sinus roof. K, superior view of specimen showing the bilateral caroticoclinoidal foramen and interclinoidal osseous bridges. An osseous bridge connects the tips of the anterior and middle clinoid processes bilaterally, thus creating a caroticoclinoidal foramen on each side. There is also an interclinoidal osseous bridge connecting the anterior and posterior clinoid processes on both sides. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Clin., clinoid; Em., emissary; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Horiz., horizontal; Impress., impression; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Mid., middle; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖1 (F- k).繼續說。F,上視圖顯示骨結構,它幾乎包圍了頸內動脈的斜突段,包括外側的前斜突,前方的視支和內側的頸動脈溝。頸動脈溝起於頸動脈管顱內端鞍背外側,向前延伸至鞍底下方,並沿視神經支柱後表麵向上拐。前斜突從蝶骨小翼向後伸出,常與頸動脈溝外側邊緣重疊。蝶小翼的前根向內側延伸形成視神經管的頂部。小翼的後根,稱為視支,從前斜突的內側下向延伸到蝶體。頸動脈周圍的骨項圈由前斜突、視神經支柱和頸動脈溝形成,從前斜突上表麵向內側向頸動脈溝傾斜。另一個小突起,中斜突,位於頸動脈溝的內側,前斜突尖端的水平,向上和外側突出。在某些病例中,有骨橋從中斜突尖端延伸到前斜突尖端。G,後視圖顯示視神經支柱、視神經管和眶上裂。 The optic strut separates the optic canal and superior orbital fissure and forms the floor of the optic canal and the superomedial part of the roof of the superior orbital fissure. The posterior surface of the strut is shaped to accommodate the anterior wall of the clinoid segment and the anterior bend of the intercavernous carotid. The artery courses along and may groove the medial half of the lower aspect of the anterior clinoid before turning upward along the medial edge of the clinoid. The air cells in the sphenoid sinus may extend into the optic strut and anterior clinoid. H, oblique posterior view of the right optic strut showing the lateral part of the bony collar around the clinoid segment, formed by the anterior clinoid; the anterior part, formed by the posterior surface of the optic strut; and the medial part, formed by the part of the carotid sulcus located medial to the anterior clinoid process. The optic strut slopes downward from its lateral end. I, superior view of the left side of another specimen showing that lesser sphenoid wings, base of the anterior clinoids, and roof of the optic canal removed. The remaining part of the left anterior clinoid is held in place by its attachment to the optic strut. The medial side of the anterior clinoid is grooved to accommodate the clinoid segment. J, view showing the tip of the right anterior clinoid process, which is the site of a small bony projection directed toward the middle clinoid process, with the anterior and middle clinoids completing a ring around the clinoid segment at the level of the cavernous sinus roof. K, superior view of specimen showing the bilateral caroticoclinoidal foramen and interclinoidal osseous bridges. An osseous bridge connects the tips of the anterior and middle clinoid processes bilaterally, thus creating a caroticoclinoidal foramen on each side. There is also an interclinoidal osseous bridge connecting the anterior and posterior clinoid processes on both sides. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Clin., clinoid; Em., emissary; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Horiz., horizontal; Impress., impression; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Mid., middle; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Sulc., sulcus; Sup., superior; Trig., trigeminal; V., vein; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)


前斜突是指蝶小翼後方的骨突出。前斜突的基部在三個位置與蝶骨相連。在前麵,基部附著於蝶脊的內側端,由蝶小翼形成。中間有兩個附著物:前斜突的前根和後根。前根從視神經管上方的斜突基部向內側延伸至蝶骨體,形成視神經管的頂部。前斜突的後根,也稱為視神經支柱,在視神經下方向內側延伸至蝶體,形成視神經管的底部。視神經支架橫截麵呈三角形,將眶上裂頂板內側與視神經管分離。頸內動脈的前彎位於視神經支柱的後凹表麵。前斜突基部的內側邊緣形成視神經管的外側邊緣。前斜突是幕前內側部和前岩斜突和斜突間硬膜皺襞的附著部位。 The falciform ligament is a dural fold that extends medially from the base of the anterior clinoid process above the optic nerve and blends into the dura covering the planum sphenoidale (Fig. 2). There are often venous channels inside the base of the anterior clinoid, lesser sphenoid wing, and optic strut that connect the diploic veins of the orbital roof to the cavernous sinus.

圖2 (A -F)。A-F,說明海綿竇頂部逐步解剖的照片。A,上視圖顯示硬腦膜排列在前斜突的上表麵,繼續在視神經管上方形成鐮狀韌帶,在視神經下方形成硬腦膜上環,並進一步融合到鞍膈肌內側。岩斜硬膜褶皺是岩幕邊緣的延續,在岩尖處分為前、後岩斜硬膜褶皺。前岩斜樣硬膜褶皺從岩尖延伸至前斜突尖端,後岩斜樣硬膜褶皺從岩尖延伸至後斜突。斜突間硬膜褶皺從前突延伸至後突。頸內動脈和視神經位於前斜突內側,頸動脈位於視神經下外側。動眼神經穿過海綿竇頂部的動眼三角位於三個褶皺之間。B,圖顯示左側視神經升高以暴露眼動脈,眼動脈起於頸內動脈上表麵內側,沿視神經管底前外側延伸。右頸動脈在海綿竇頂部被分割,形成硬腦膜上環。 C, view of another specimen showing the anterior clinoid process, roof of the optic canal, and lesser wing of the sphenoid bone removed. Removing the anterior clinoid process exposes the clinoidal triangle, also called the clinoidal space. The optic strut, positioned at the anterior end of the clinoidal space, separates the optic canal from the superior orbital fissure. The clinoidal segment of the carotid artery rests against the posterior surface of the optic strut. The superior hypophyseal arteries arise from the medial sur-face of the carotid’s ophthalmic segment, which extends between the ophthalmic and posterior communicating artery origins. The oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves and branches of the first trigeminal division (V 1 ) pass through the superior orbital fissure. The lacrimal and frontal nerves are branches of the first trigeminal division. The maxillary nerve (V 2 ) passes through the foramen rotundum at the lower edge of the cavernous sinus. D, superolateral view of the left cavernous sinus in another specimen showing the oculomotor nerve, which pierces the oculomotor triangle between the anterior and posterior petroclinoid and interclinoid dural folds, traverses the short oculomotor cistern, and becomes incorporated into the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus just below the tip of the anterior clinoid process. The thin wall of the oculomotor cistern has been preserved. E, superior view of another specimen showing the oculomotor triangle in the roof of the cavernous sinus opened, but the clinoidal triangle that sits below the anterior clinoid process has not been exposed. The oculomotor triangle through which the oculomotor nerve enters the roof of the cavernous sinus sits between the anterior, posterior, and interclinoid dural folds. F, view showing the anterior clinoid process removed to expose the clinoidal triangle or space. The inner layer of the lateral dural wall of the cavernous sinus, which covers the inferior surface of the anterior clinoid process, blends with the outer layer, which cover the upper surface of the anterior clinoid process, at the level of the tip of the anterior clinoid. The optic strut separates the superior orbital fissure from the optic canal. The clinoidal segment of the internal carotid artery sits against the posterior surface of the optic strut. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Falc., falciform; Fr., frontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Intercav., intercavernous; Interclin., interclinoid; Lac., lacrimal; Lig., ligament; Memb., membrane; N., nerve; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthal-mic; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Triang., triangle; V., vein. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖2 (A- f).A-F,說明海綿竇頂部逐步解剖的照片。A,上視圖顯示硬腦膜排列在前斜突的上表麵,繼續在視神經管上方形成鐮狀韌帶,在視神經下方形成硬腦膜上環,並進一步融合到鞍膈肌內側。岩斜硬膜褶皺是岩幕邊緣的延續,在岩尖處分為前、後岩斜硬膜褶皺。前岩斜樣硬膜褶皺從岩尖延伸至前斜突尖端,後岩斜樣硬膜褶皺從岩尖延伸至後斜突。斜突間硬膜褶皺從前突延伸至後突。頸內動脈和視神經位於前斜突內側,頸動脈位於視神經下外側。動眼神經穿過海綿竇頂部的動眼三角位於三個褶皺之間。B,圖顯示左側視神經升高以暴露眼動脈,眼動脈起於頸內動脈上表麵內側,沿視神經管底前外側延伸。右頸動脈在海綿竇頂部被分割,形成硬腦膜上環。C,另一個標本顯示前斜突、視神經管頂部和蝶骨小翼被切除。 Removing the anterior clinoid process exposes the clinoidal triangle, also called the clinoidal space. The optic strut, positioned at the anterior end of the clinoidal space, separates the optic canal from the superior orbital fissure. The clinoidal segment of the carotid artery rests against the posterior surface of the optic strut. The superior hypophyseal arteries arise from the medial sur-face of the carotid’s ophthalmic segment, which extends between the ophthalmic and posterior communicating artery origins. The oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves and branches of the first trigeminal division (V1)穿過眶上裂隙。淚神經和額神經是第一三叉神經的分支。上頜神經(V2)穿過海綿竇下緣的圓孔。D,另一個標本中左側海綿竇的上外側視圖,顯示動眼神經,它穿過前、後岩斜突和斜突間硬膜皺襞之間的動眼三角,穿過短動眼神經池,並在前斜突尖端下方並入海綿竇側壁。動眼器池的薄壁被保留了下來。E,另一個標本的上視圖顯示海綿竇頂部的動眼三角已打開,但位於前斜突下方的斜突三角尚未顯露。動眼神經通過動眼三角進入海綿竇頂部,位於硬腦膜前皺襞、後皺襞和斜突間皺襞之間。F,視圖顯示前斜突被移除以暴露斜突三角形或間隙。海綿竇硬膜外側壁的內層覆蓋前斜突的下表麵,與覆蓋前斜突上表麵的外層在前斜突尖端水平混合。視神經支架將眶上裂與視神經管分開。頸內動脈斜向段位於視神經支柱的後表麵。一個,動脈; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Falc., falciform; Fr., frontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Intercav., intercavernous; Interclin., interclinoid; Lac., lacrimal; Lig., ligament; Memb., membrane; N., nerve; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthal-mic; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Triang., triangle; V., vein. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖2 (G -J)。繼續說。G-J,圖示另一海綿竇頂部的階梯式解剖。G,海綿竇頂部的視圖,顯示前部和後部。前部分由硬腦膜組成,硬腦膜內襯前床突下表麵。後部由動眼三角構成。鐮狀韌帶是硬腦膜的內側延伸,位於前斜突的上表麵。H,顯示左側前斜突和海綿竇外側壁被切除。切除前斜突暴露出斜突間隙或三角形。斜竇空間內的結構,從前到後分別為視支、頸動脈的斜突段和海綿竇前部的薄頂。 The clinoidal segment of the carotid rests against the posterior surface of the optic strut. The thin carotidoculomotor membrane formed by the dura that lines the lower surface of the anterior clinoid separates the lower surface of the clinoid from the oculomotor nerve. This membrane, after removing the clinoid, separates the venous contents of the cavernous sinus from the subarachnoid space and extends medially to form the lower or proximal ring and the caroid collar around the clinoidal segment. I, lateral view after opening the optic sheath and elevating the optic nerve showing the ophthalmic artery arising from the medial part of the upper surface of the internal carotid artery inferomedial to the optic nerve and passing anterolateral to reach the inferolateral aspect of the optic nerve at the posterior end of the optic canal. The carotidoculomotor membrane extends above the oculomotor nerve and around the carotid artery to form the lower ring and turns upward around the clinoidal segment to form the carotid collar. The venous contents of the cavernous sinus can be observed through this thin semitransparent oculomotor membrane. The circular sinus extending inside the diaphragma sellae and around the superior aspect of the pituitary gland is formed by the anterior and posterior intercavernous sinuses and the upper part of the paired cavernous sinuses. The oculo-motor nerve traverses a short cistern as it enters the roof of the cavernous sinus, and becomes incorporated into the fibrous lateral wall of the sinus below the anterior clinoid process. J, view showing the carotidoculomotor membrane opened with a microdissector introduced between the clinoidal segment of the carotid and the lower dural ring and carotid collar, which are not as tightly adhered to the artery as is the upper dural ring. The oculomotor triangle on the medial side of the anterior petroclinoid fold has been opened, and the posterior clinoid process has been exposed. The oculomotor nerve courses lateral to the posterior clinoid process and medial to the trochlear nerve. The trochlear nerve penetrates the roof of the cavernous sinus near the junction of the ante-rior and posterior petroclinoid dural folds at the posterior apex of the oculomotor triangle. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Falc., falciform; Fr., frontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Intercav., intercavernous; Interclin., interclinoid; Lac., lacrimal; Lig., ligament; Memb., membrane; N., nerve; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthal-mic; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Triang., triangle; V., vein. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖2 (G)- j).繼續說。G-J,圖示另一海綿竇頂部的階梯式解剖。G,海綿竇頂部的視圖,顯示前部和後部。前部分由硬腦膜組成,硬腦膜內襯前床突下表麵。後部由動眼三角構成。鐮狀韌帶是硬腦膜的內側延伸,位於前斜突的上表麵。H,顯示左側前斜突和海綿竇外側壁被切除。切除前斜突暴露出斜突間隙或三角形。斜竇空間內的結構,從前到後分別為視支、頸動脈的斜突段和海綿竇前部的薄頂。頸動脈的斜向段靠在視神經支柱的後表麵。 The thin carotidoculomotor membrane formed by the dura that lines the lower surface of the anterior clinoid separates the lower surface of the clinoid from the oculomotor nerve. This membrane, after removing the clinoid, separates the venous contents of the cavernous sinus from the subarachnoid space and extends medially to form the lower or proximal ring and the caroid collar around the clinoidal segment. I, lateral view after opening the optic sheath and elevating the optic nerve showing the ophthalmic artery arising from the medial part of the upper surface of the internal carotid artery inferomedial to the optic nerve and passing anterolateral to reach the inferolateral aspect of the optic nerve at the posterior end of the optic canal. The carotidoculomotor membrane extends above the oculomotor nerve and around the carotid artery to form the lower ring and turns upward around the clinoidal segment to form the carotid collar. The venous contents of the cavernous sinus can be observed through this thin semitransparent oculomotor membrane. The circular sinus extending inside the diaphragma sellae and around the superior aspect of the pituitary gland is formed by the anterior and posterior intercavernous sinuses and the upper part of the paired cavernous sinuses. The oculo-motor nerve traverses a short cistern as it enters the roof of the cavernous sinus, and becomes incorporated into the fibrous lateral wall of the sinus below the anterior clinoid process. J, view showing the carotidoculomotor membrane opened with a microdissector introduced between the clinoidal segment of the carotid and the lower dural ring and carotid collar, which are not as tightly adhered to the artery as is the upper dural ring. The oculomotor triangle on the medial side of the anterior petroclinoid fold has been opened, and the posterior clinoid process has been exposed. The oculomotor nerve courses lateral to the posterior clinoid process and medial to the trochlear nerve. The trochlear nerve penetrates the roof of the cavernous sinus near the junction of the ante-rior and posterior petroclinoid dural folds at the posterior apex of the oculomotor triangle. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Falc., falciform; Fr., frontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Intercav., intercavernous; Interclin., interclinoid; Lac., lacrimal; Lig., ligament; Memb., membrane; N., nerve; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthal-mic; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Triang., triangle; V., vein. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)





圖3 (A -F)。A-D,右側海綿竇外側壁逐步解剖的照片。A,側位圖顯示海綿竇位於蝶骨體外側表麵顳葉內側。動眼神經通過動眼三角進入海綿竇頂部,動眼三角形成海綿竇頂部的後部。海綿竇頂部的前部位於前斜突的內側下方。切除前斜突可暴露斜突間隙和海綿竇頂部的前部,但不能打開海綿竇的靜脈間隙。通過硬腦膜幾乎看不到外側壁的神經。海綿竇的下邊界是v2的上邊界。B,顯示硬腦膜外層覆蓋中窩底的小條被切除,暴露出位於外側竇壁硬腦膜內層的v2和v3,並從圓孔和卵圓孔流出。岩上竇沿岩脊進入海綿竇。 C, view showing the anterior clinoid process and the outer layer of the lateral sinus wall back to the level of the gasserian ganglion removed. The inner layer of dura in which the nerves course in the anterior part of the lateral wall has been preserved. The dura covering the upper and lower surfaces of the anterior clinoid process extends medi-ally to form the upper and lower dural rings. The clinoidal segment of the carotid, exposed by removing the anterior cli-noid process, sits between the upper and lower dural rings. The optic strut separates the optic canal from the superior orbital fissure. The clinoidal segment of the carotid sits against the posterior surface of the optic strut and inferomedial to the anterior clinoid process. V 1 , V 2 , and V 3  as well as the trochlear and oculomotor nerves can be observed through the semitransparent inner layer of the lateral wall. The supratrochlear triangle is located between the oculomotor and trochlear nerves, and the infratrochlear triangle (Parkinson’s triangle) is located between the trochlear nerve and the first division of the trigeminal nerve. The pericav-ernous venous plexus extends around V 3 . D, view showing the inner layer of the lateral sinus wall removed. The posterosuperior venous space of the cavernous sinus sits medial to the nerves and above the horizon-tal segment of the intracavernous carotid. The superior petrosal sinus, pericavernous venous plexus around V 3 , and superior ophthalmic vein open into the cavernous sinus. E–K, photographs illustrating another stepwise dissection of another cavernous sinus. E, view showing the outer and inner layers of the lateral wall removed, with the venous contents of the sinus evacuated. The inferolateral trunk arises from the horizontal segment of the intracavernous carotid. The motor root of the trigeminal nerve passes through the foramen ovale on the medial side of the sensory root of V 3 . The anteromedial triangle is located between V 1  and V 2 , and the anterolateral triangle is located between V 2  and V 3 . F, view showing the anterior clinoid, with the oculomotor triangle opened. Removing the anterior clinoid process exposes the clinoidal space and the clinoidal segment of the carotid. The abducens nerve reaches the cavern-ous sinus by passing through Dorello’s canal and courses lateral to the posterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid and medial to V1 to enter the superior orbital fissure. The inferolateral trunk descends lateral to the abducens nerve. The anteroinferior venous space is located anterior and inferior to the posterior bend and horizontal segment of the intracavernous carotid. The oculomotor nerve divides into superior and inferior divisions just behind the superior orbital fissure. A., artery; AICA, anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Div., division; Dors., dorso; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gang., ganglion; Gen., geniculate; Gr., greater; Horiz., horizontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., infero-, inferior; Infratroch., infratrochlear; Lat., lateral; N., nerve; Lig., ligament; Men., meningeal, meningo-; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pericav., pericavernous; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior, postero-; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Supratroch., supratrochlear; Symp., sympathetic; Tent., tentorial; Triang., triangle; Tr., trunk; V, trigeminal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖3 (A)- f).A-D,右側海綿竇外側壁逐步解剖的照片。A,側位圖顯示海綿竇位於蝶骨體外側表麵顳葉內側。動眼神經通過動眼三角進入海綿竇頂部,動眼三角形成海綿竇頂部的後部。海綿竇頂部的前部位於前斜突的內側下方。切除前斜突可暴露斜突間隙和海綿竇頂部的前部,但不能打開海綿竇的靜脈間隙。通過硬腦膜幾乎看不到外側壁的神經。海綿竇的下邊界是V的上邊界2.B,顯示硬腦膜外層小條,覆蓋中窩底,露出V2和V3.在竇外側壁硬腦膜內層延伸出圓孔和卵圓孔。岩上竇沿岩脊進入海綿竇。C,視圖顯示前斜突和外側竇壁的外層回到切除的胃神經節水平。硬腦膜內層,其中神經在外側壁的前部得以保留。覆蓋前斜突上下表麵的硬腦膜向內側延伸形成上、下硬腦膜環。頸動脈斜竇段位於上、下硬膜環之間,通過切除前斜竇突暴露出來。視神經支架將視神經管與眶上裂分開。頸動脈的斜突段位於視支柱的後表麵和前斜突的內側下方。V1, V2,和V3.通過外側壁的半透明內層可以觀察到滑車神經和動眼神經。滑車上三角位於動眼神經和滑車神經之間,滑車下三角(帕金森三角)位於滑車神經和三叉神經第一節之間。心內靜脈叢在V周圍延伸3..D,顯示外側竇壁內層被切除。海綿竇的後上靜脈空間位於神經的內側,在海綿內頸動脈的水平段之上。岩上竇,海綿周圍靜脈叢3.眼上靜脈通海綿竇。E-K,照片顯示另一個海綿竇的階梯式解剖。E,顯示外側壁的外層和內層被移除,竇內靜脈內容物被排出。下外側幹起源於海綿內頸動脈的水平段。三叉神經運動根穿過V感覺根內側的卵圓孔3..前內側三角形位於V1和V2,前外側三角位於V2和V3..F,顯示前斜突,眼球運動三角打開。切除前斜突暴露出頸動脈的斜竇間隙和斜竇段。外展神經通過多雷洛管到達海綿竇,經海綿內頸動脈後縱段外側和V1內側進入眶上裂。下外側幹向下延伸到外展神經的外側。前下靜脈空間位於海綿內頸動脈後彎和水平段的前麵和下麵。動眼神經在眶上裂後麵分為上段和下段。一個,動脈;AICA,小腦前下動脈;螞蟻。, anterior; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Div., division; Dors., dorso; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gang., ganglion; Gen., geniculate; Gr., greater; Horiz., horizontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., infero-, inferior; Infratroch., infratrochlear; Lat., lateral; N., nerve; Lig., ligament; Men., meningeal, meningo-; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pericav., pericavernous; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior, postero-; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Supratroch., supratrochlear; Symp., sympathetic; Tent., tentorial; Triang., triangle; Tr., trunk; V, trigeminal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖3 (G -K)。G,顯示頸岩頸動脈暴露於v3外側和岩大神經下方。有時,頸動脈中窩底岩段末端沒有骨覆蓋,如本例所示。岩大神經在頸動脈岩部,交感神經叢的一個分支在頸動脈海綿內。H,視圖顯示內聲管的岩尖和頂部被切除,以暴露麵神經和小腦前下動脈。頸岩動脈位於v3外側,岩大神經下方。岩大神經起源於膝狀神經節。I,視圖顯示三叉神經節和後根被切除,盡管三個分區都被保留了。頸岩經過舌岩韌帶下方成為海綿內頸動脈,舌岩韌帶從蝶骨舌部延伸到岩尖。外展神經通過海綿內頸動脈後垂直段外側和V1內側到達眶上裂。 The inferolateral trunk arises from the horizontal segment of the intracavernous carotid and descends lateral to the abducens nerve. The intracavernous carotid has five parts, which are, from a posterior to anterior direction, the posterior vertical segment, posterior bend, horizontal segment, anterior bend, and anterior vertical segment. The anterior bend and anterior vertical segment are extremely short and correspond to the clinoidal segment. J, view showing a segment of the oculomotor nerve removed, with some of the material in the posterosuperior venous space evacuated to expose the origin of the meningo-hypophyseal trunk and its three most common branches: the inferior hypophyseal, dorsal meningeal artery, and tentorial arteries. K, view showing the posterosuperior and medial venous spaces evacuated to expose the inferolateral and meningohypophy-seal trunks. The pituitary gland and the medial wall of the cavernous sinus are exposed between the intracavernous and supraclinoidal carotid. The abducens nerve passes below the petrosphenoid ligament (Gruber’s ligament) that forms the roof of Dorello’s canal and courses lateral to the posterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid and medial to the inferolateral trunk. A., artery; AICA, anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Div., division; Dors., dorso; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gang., ganglion; Gen., geniculate; Gr., greater; Horiz., horizontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., infero-, inferior; Infratroch., infratrochlear; Lat., lateral; N., nerve; Lig., ligament; Men., meningeal, meningo-; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pericav., pericavernous; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior, postero-; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Supratroch., supratrochlear; Symp., sympathetic; Tent., tentorial; Triang., triangle; Tr., trunk; V, trigeminal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖3 (G)- k).G,顯示頸動脈岩暴露於V的外側3.在岩大神經下麵。有時,頸動脈中窩底岩段末端沒有骨覆蓋,如本例所示。岩大神經在頸動脈岩部,交感神經叢的一個分支在頸動脈海綿內。H,視圖顯示內聲管的岩尖和頂部被切除,以暴露麵神經和小腦前下動脈。頸動脈岩暴露於V外側3.在岩大神經下麵。岩大神經起源於膝狀神經節。I,視圖顯示三叉神經節和後根被切除,盡管三個分區都被保留了。頸岩經過舌岩韌帶下方成為海綿內頸動脈,舌岩韌帶從蝶骨舌部延伸到岩尖。外展神經通過海綿內頸動脈後垂直段外側和V1內側到達眶上裂。下外側幹起於海綿內頸動脈的水平段並向外展神經的外側下行。海綿內頸動脈分為五個部分,由後向前依次為後垂段、後彎段、水平段、前彎段和前垂段。前彎段和前垂直段非常短,對應於斜向段。J,視圖顯示一段動眼神經被切除,部分後上靜脈間隙內的物質被抽出,以暴露腦膜-垂體幹的起源及其三個最常見的分支:下垂體、脊膜背側動脈和幕狀動脈。K,顯示後上靜脈間隙和內側靜脈間隙,以暴露下外側和腦膜垂體封閉幹。 The pituitary gland and the medial wall of the cavernous sinus are exposed between the intracavernous and supraclinoidal carotid. The abducens nerve passes below the petrosphenoid ligament (Gruber’s ligament) that forms the roof of Dorello’s canal and courses lateral to the posterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid and medial to the inferolateral trunk. A., artery; AICA, anteroinferior cerebellar artery; Ant., anterior; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Div., division; Dors., dorso; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Gang., ganglion; Gen., geniculate; Gr., greater; Horiz., horizontal; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., infero-, inferior; Infratroch., infratrochlear; Lat., lateral; N., nerve; Lig., ligament; Men., meningeal, meningo-; Oculom., oculomotor; Ophth., ophthalmic; Orb., orbital; Pericav., pericavernous; Pet., petrosal, petrous; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior, postero-; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Supratroch., supratrochlear; Symp., sympathetic; Tent., tentorial; Triang., triangle; Tr., trunk; V, trigeminal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)






圖4。圖示通過海綿竇和腦垂體的冠狀切麵。圖A顯示硬腦膜分為腦膜層(橙色)和內膜層(綠色)。這兩層在中顱窩底部緊密相連,但在到達海綿竇的最下邊界,即第二三叉神經分區(v2)的上邊緣時,它們分離成兩層。腦膜層向上延伸,形成海綿竇外側壁和頂板的外層和鞍膈的上層。上頜神經上緣的骨內膜分為兩層。一層向上延伸構成海綿竇外側壁和頂板的內層,另一層粘附於蝶骨,覆蓋頸動脈溝和鞍底。從橫膈膜的自由邊緣,一層薄薄的硬腦膜向下延伸包裹,但很容易與腦下垂體分離。我們的解剖顯示,腦膜層形成海綿竇內側壁的鞍部,內骨膜層(綠色層)形成海綿竇內側壁的蝶部。硬腦膜和硬腦膜內膜在鞍底融合成一層。 B, diagram illustrating that it is easy to separate the menin-geal layer covering the inferior aspect of the pituitary gland from the endosteal layer covering the bony sellar floor. C, diagram illustrating an inferior intercavernous sinus that connects the paired cavernous sinuses. These intercavernous sinuses extend across the midline between the men-ingeal dural layer covering the inferior aspect of the pituitary gland and the endosteal layer covering the osseous sellar floor. A., artery; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Pit., pituitary; Sphen., sphenoid (from, Yasuda A, Campero A, Martins C, Rhoton AL Jr, Ribas GC: The medial wall of the cavernous sinus: Micro-surgical anatomy.  Neurosurgery  55:179–190, 2004 [50]). (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖4。圖示通過海綿竇和腦垂體的冠狀切麵。圖A顯示硬腦膜分為腦膜層(橙色)和內膜層(綠色)。這兩層在中顱窩底部緊密相連,但在到達三叉神經第二節(V2),即海綿竇的最下邊界,它們分為兩層。腦膜層向上延伸,形成海綿竇外側壁和頂板的外層和鞍膈的上層。上頜神經上緣的骨內膜分為兩層。一層向上延伸構成海綿竇外側壁和頂板的內層,另一層粘附於蝶骨,覆蓋頸動脈溝和鞍底。從橫膈膜的自由邊緣,一層薄薄的硬腦膜向下延伸包裹,但很容易與腦下垂體分離。我們的解剖顯示,腦膜層形成海綿竇內側壁的鞍部,內骨膜層(綠色層)形成海綿竇內側壁的蝶部。硬腦膜和硬腦膜內膜在鞍底融合成一層。B,圖顯示很容易將覆蓋腦垂體下側的腦膜層與覆蓋骨鞍底的骨內膜層分開。C,圖示連接成對海綿竇的下海綿竇。這些海綿間竇位於覆蓋腦垂體下側的腦膜硬膜層和覆蓋骨鞍底的骨內膜層之間的中線。 A., artery; Car., carotid; CN, cranial nerve; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Pit., pituitary; Sphen., sphenoid (from, Yasuda A, Campero A, Martins C, Rhoton AL Jr, Ribas GC: The medial wall of the cavernous sinus: Micro-surgical anatomy.神經外科55:179-190, 2004[50])。(圖片由AL Rhoton, Jr.提供)


圖5 (A -F)。A-H,海綿竇內側壁的照片。A,前視圖顯示切除蝶竇壁後海綿竇。腦下垂體位於成對的海綿內頸動脈和海綿竇之間。內靜脈腔在腦垂體和動脈之間延伸。前海綿間竇穿過腦垂體前上表麵。眼動脈位於視神經下外側視神經管內。B,另一個標本的後上位視圖,顯示右側海綿內頸動脈、後斜突和鞍背鄰近部分被切除,暴露右側海綿竇內側壁。海綿竇的內側壁形成左側內側靜脈空間的內側邊界。前海綿間竇的前上段和後海綿間竇的後上段位於橫膈膜邊緣的垂體腺。 The basilar sinus, the largest communication across the midline between the cavernous sinuses sits on the back of the dorsum and opens into the posterior part of both cavernous sinuses. The petrosphenoid ligament, below which the abducens nerve passes to enter the cavernous sinus, extends from the petrous apex to the lower part of the lateral edge of the dorsum sellae. The abducens nerve passes lateral to the posterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid. C, lateral view showing the right cavernous sinus shown in B. A segment of the intracavernous carotid has been removed to expose the medial venous space located medial to the intracavernous carotid and in direct contact with the medial wall of the sinus. D, right lateral view showing another cavernous sinus. The intracavernous carotid has been removed and the medial venous space partially evacuated to expose the medial wall of the cavernous sinus. The medial wall has two parts: the sellar and sphenoidal. The sellar part is positioned lateral to the pituitary gland. The sphenoidal part lines the carotid sulcus on the body of the sphenoid bone. The sellar portion of the medial wall separates the lateral surface of the pituitary gland from the cavernous sinus. The sphenoidal part of the medial wall is formed by the dura lining the carotid sulcus on the body of the sphenoid bone. The petrous carotid passes below the petrolingual ligament to enter the cavernous sinus. The abducens nerve passes below the petrosphenoid ligament (Gruber’s ligament), which roofs Dorello’s canal, enters the cavernous sinus, and courses lateral to the posterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid. E, enlarged view showing that the dura lining the lower surface of the pituitary gland can be easily separated from the dura lining the sellar floor and that the inferior intercavernous sinus crosses between the two dural layers. The thin dural layer, which forms the sellar part of the medial wall of the cavernous sinus, separates the medial venous space from the pituitary gland. F, right lateral view of another cavernous sinus showing the nerves and intracavernous carotid removed to expose the medial wall of the cavernous, which has two parts: sellar and sphenoidal. The sellar part covers the lateral surface of the pituitary gland, and the sphenoidal part is formed by the dura lining the carotid sulcus. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Gr., great; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Lig., ligament; Med., medial; Memb., membrane; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCoA, posterior communicating artery; Pet., petrosal; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Port., portion; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖5 (A)- f).A-H,海綿竇內側壁的照片。A,前視圖顯示切除蝶竇壁後海綿竇。腦下垂體位於成對的海綿內頸動脈和海綿竇之間。內靜脈腔在腦垂體和動脈之間延伸。前海綿間竇穿過腦垂體前上表麵。眼動脈位於視神經下外側視神經管內。B,另一個標本的後上位視圖,顯示右側海綿內頸動脈、後斜突和鞍背鄰近部分被切除,暴露右側海綿竇內側壁。海綿竇的內側壁形成左側內側靜脈空間的內側邊界。前海綿間竇的前上段和後海綿間竇的後上段位於橫膈膜邊緣的垂體腺。基底竇是海綿竇中線上最大的交通線,位於背背部,通向兩個海綿竇的後部。 The petrosphenoid ligament, below which the abducens nerve passes to enter the cavernous sinus, extends from the petrous apex to the lower part of the lateral edge of the dorsum sellae. The abducens nerve passes lateral to the posterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid. C, lateral view showing the right cavernous sinus shown in B. A segment of the intracavernous carotid has been removed to expose the medial venous space located medial to the intracavernous carotid and in direct contact with the medial wall of the sinus. D, right lateral view showing another cavernous sinus. The intracavernous carotid has been removed and the medial venous space partially evacuated to expose the medial wall of the cavernous sinus. The medial wall has two parts: the sellar and sphenoidal. The sellar part is positioned lateral to the pituitary gland. The sphenoidal part lines the carotid sulcus on the body of the sphenoid bone. The sellar portion of the medial wall separates the lateral surface of the pituitary gland from the cavernous sinus. The sphenoidal part of the medial wall is formed by the dura lining the carotid sulcus on the body of the sphenoid bone. The petrous carotid passes below the petrolingual ligament to enter the cavernous sinus. The abducens nerve passes below the petrosphenoid ligament (Gruber’s ligament), which roofs Dorello’s canal, enters the cavernous sinus, and courses lateral to the posterior vertical segment of the intracavernous carotid. E, enlarged view showing that the dura lining the lower surface of the pituitary gland can be easily separated from the dura lining the sellar floor and that the inferior intercavernous sinus crosses between the two dural layers. The thin dural layer, which forms the sellar part of the medial wall of the cavernous sinus, separates the medial venous space from the pituitary gland. F, right lateral view of another cavernous sinus showing the nerves and intracavernous carotid removed to expose the medial wall of the cavernous, which has two parts: sellar and sphenoidal. The sellar part covers the lateral surface of the pituitary gland, and the sphenoidal part is formed by the dura lining the carotid sulcus. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Gr., great; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Lig., ligament; Med., medial; Memb., membrane; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCoA, posterior communicating artery; Pet., petrosal; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Port., portion; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖5 (G -L)。繼續說。G,矢狀麵穿過蝶竇到海綿竇內側壁,顯示垂體位於蝶竇上方的蝶鞍中。前海綿間竇穿過腺體的前上側麵。基底竇是海綿竇之間最大的通道,穿過鞍背的背部,通向兩個海綿竇。H,放大圖顯示腦下垂體被切除,暴露右側海綿竇內側壁。前海綿間竇位於硬腦膜麵向腺體的腦膜層和襯於骨鞍壁的骨內膜層之間。圖示左海綿竇內側壁逐步暴露。I,圖示海綿竇的頂部和側壁暴露在外。通過切除前斜突暴露斜突間隙。 The carotidoculomotor membrane, which forms the anterior part of the roof of the cavernous sinus and the carotid collar, has been folded forward to expose the clinoidal segment of the carotid. The oculomotor nerve enters the roof of the cavernous sinus through the oculomotor triangle located on the medial side of the anterior petroclinoid dural fold. A microdissector placed below the diaphragma sellae and lateral to the pituitary gland can be observed through the thin medial wall of the cavernous sinus. J, enlarged view showing the microdissector through the thin medial sinus wall that separates the cavernous sinus from the pituitary gland. K, view showing the intracavernous carotid and nerves removed to expose the medial wall of the cavernous sinus. The microdissector, placed below the diaphragma sellae and pituitary gland, can be observed through the thin semitransparent medial wall. L, view showing the medial wall of the cavernous sinus opened, with the leaves of the sellar portion of the medial wall folded outward to expose the lateral surface of the gland. The sphenoidal portion of the medial wall is exposed along the anterior and lower edges of the gland. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Gr., great; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Lig., ligament; Med., medial; Memb., membrane; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCoA, posterior communicating artery; Pet., petrosal; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Port., portion; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖5 (G)- l).繼續說。G,矢狀麵穿過蝶竇到海綿竇內側壁,顯示垂體位於蝶竇上方的蝶鞍中。前海綿間竇穿過腺體的前上側麵。基底竇是海綿竇之間最大的通道,穿過鞍背的背部,通向兩個海綿竇。H,放大圖顯示腦下垂體被切除,暴露右側海綿竇內側壁。前海綿間竇位於硬腦膜麵向腺體的腦膜層和襯於骨鞍壁的骨內膜層之間。圖示左海綿竇內側壁逐步暴露。I,圖示海綿竇的頂部和側壁暴露在外。通過切除前斜突暴露斜突間隙。形成海綿竇頂部和頸動脈頸圈前部的頸動脈運動膜向前折疊,露出頸動脈斜向段。 The oculomotor nerve enters the roof of the cavernous sinus through the oculomotor triangle located on the medial side of the anterior petroclinoid dural fold. A microdissector placed below the diaphragma sellae and lateral to the pituitary gland can be observed through the thin medial wall of the cavernous sinus. J, enlarged view showing the microdissector through the thin medial sinus wall that separates the cavernous sinus from the pituitary gland. K, view showing the intracavernous carotid and nerves removed to expose the medial wall of the cavernous sinus. The microdissector, placed below the diaphragma sellae and pituitary gland, can be observed through the thin semitransparent medial wall. L, view showing the medial wall of the cavernous sinus opened, with the leaves of the sellar portion of the medial wall folded outward to expose the lateral surface of the gland. The sphenoidal portion of the medial wall is exposed along the anterior and lower edges of the gland. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Diaph., diaphragma; Gr., great; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., inferior; Intercav., intercavernous; Lig., ligament; Med., medial; Memb., membrane; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCoA, posterior communicating artery; Pet., petrosal; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Petroling., petrolingual; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Port., portion; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid, sphenoidal; Ven., venous; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)


圖6。圖示海綿竇後壁逐步剝離的照片。A,後視圖顯示海綿竇後壁。海綿竇後壁位於三個點之間:後斜突,外展神經穿過斜坡硬腦膜的位置,以及三叉神經孔的內側。外展神經穿過斜坡硬腦膜,經多雷洛管後,呈向上運動。動眼神經穿過動眼三角中間的海綿竇頂部。岩上竇沿著岩脊在三叉神經後根之上。岩下竇沿岩斜裂隙向外展神經周圍延伸進入基底竇。在三叉神經孔下方的右側岩尖部分已被切除以暴露岩頸動脈。B,視圖顯示斜坡硬腦膜打開露出基底竇,這是海綿竇之間最大的連接。 The petrosphenoid ligament (Gruber’s ligament), which roofs Dorello’s canal, extends from the petrous apex to the lower part of the lateral edge of the dorsum sellae. The lateral limit of the posterior wall of the cavernous sinus is the medial aspect of the trigeminal porus. C, view showing part of the basilar sinus evacuated to demonstrate the upward course of the abducens nerve after piercing the clival dura. A., artery; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., inferior; Lig., ligament; Sup., superior; Pet., petrosal; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Triang., triangle. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖6。圖示海綿竇後壁逐步剝離的照片。A,後視圖顯示海綿竇後壁。海綿竇後壁位於三個點之間:後斜突,外展神經穿過斜坡硬腦膜的位置,以及三叉神經孔的內側。外展神經穿過斜坡硬腦膜,經多雷洛管後,呈向上運動。動眼神經穿過動眼三角中間的海綿竇頂部。岩上竇沿著岩脊在三叉神經後根之上。岩下竇沿岩斜裂隙向外展神經周圍延伸進入基底竇。在三叉神經孔下方的右側岩尖部分已被切除以暴露岩頸動脈。B,視圖顯示斜坡硬腦膜打開露出基底竇,這是海綿竇之間最大的連接。岩蝶韌帶(Gruber’s韌帶)位於Dorello’s管的頂部,從岩尖延伸到鞍背外側邊緣的下部。 The lateral limit of the posterior wall of the cavernous sinus is the medial aspect of the trigeminal porus. C, view showing part of the basilar sinus evacuated to demonstrate the upward course of the abducens nerve after piercing the clival dura. A., artery; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Hyp., hypophyseal; Inf., inferior; Lig., ligament; Sup., superior; Pet., petrosal; Petrosphen., petrosphenoid; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Triang., triangle. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)



滑車神經進入海綿竇頂部位於動眼三角的後外側,動眼神經入口後8.12±2.32 mm(範圍,4.52-13.1 mm),後斜突後外側13.82±2.39 mm(範圍,10.14-20.1 mm)(圖2、3和5)。在岩石斜突前、後硬膜皺襞交界處穿過海綿竇頂部後,滑車神經位於動眼神經下方的海綿竇外側壁。在前斜突水平,滑車神經從外側向內側穿過動眼神經的上表麵和前斜突和視神經支柱下緣的硬腦膜之間。滑車神經穿過眶上裂後,穿過提肌起點到達眶內側,支配上斜肌。






海綿內頸動脈有兩個主要分支。第一個是腦膜垂體幹,起源於後彎。第二個是下外側幹,也稱為海綿竇下動脈,起源於水平段(圖3)。腦膜垂體幹通常起源於海綿內頸動脈的後彎,有三個分支:1)腦膜背側動脈,2)垂體下動脈,3)腦膜幕動脈(Bernasconi-Cassinari動脈)(圖3)。腦膜背側動脈向Dorello 's管方向向後通過,供給上斜坡硬腦膜。垂體下動脈向內側走行,支配垂體後囊和垂體葉。幕狀動脈首先沿竇外側壁向前,然後在幕狀動脈內向後轉。幕狀動脈分支到動眼神經和滑車神經。


下外側幹,也稱為下海綿竇動脈,通常起源於腦膜垂體幹起點遠端約5 - 8mm的水平段下表麵或外側表麵的中間三分之一。它幾乎總是經過外展神經上方,然後向下在外展神經和眼神經之間,供應海綿竇下外側壁硬腦膜和圓孔和卵圓孔周圍的鄰近區域(圖3)(17,18,30)。它很少起源於腦膜垂體幹。如果腦膜垂體幹沒有產生幕狀動脈,則通常有邊緣幕狀動脈起源於下外側幹。

其他可以起源於頸動脈海綿內動脈,但比腦膜垂體幹和下外側幹少得多的動脈有:1)麥康奈爾包膜動脈(占頸動脈的8%),起源於頸動脈海綿內內側,供應腦垂體包膜;2)眼動脈(占頸動脈的8%);3)頑固性三叉動脈,很少起源於海綿內頸動脈後彎的中央三分之一,向後穿過Dorello 's管外側海綿竇後壁,並在小腦上動脈和前下動脈之間與基底動脈吻合(18)。







圖7。圖示左側海綿竇硬膜內入路。A,完整的額-眶-顴開顱術和顳前入路到海綿竇的視圖,顯示廣泛的sylvian裂剝離。頸動脈位於前斜突的內側,視神經位於頸內動脈的超內側。海綿竇入路首先是切除前斜突,露出竇頂的前部。前斜突上方硬腦膜已打開。動眼神經通過動眼三角進入海綿竇的頂部,動眼三角形成了海綿竇頂部的後部。B,顯示前斜突被移除。連續衝洗是必要的,以避免熱損傷視神經和斜突段時,使用鑽頭去除斜突。切除前床突暴露出床突間隙。 The dura extending medially from the upper surface of the anterior clinoid forms the upper ring. The carotidoculomotor membrane lines the lower surface of the anterior clinoid and extends medially to form the lower dural ring and carotid collar. C, view showing the carotid artery elevated to expose the posterior communicating and anterior choroidal arteries. The oculomotor nerve passes lateral to the posterior clinoid process and penetrates the roof of the cavernous sinus by passing through the oculomotor triangle. D, view showing the opening of the posterior portion of the roof, which begins by opening the oculomotor cistern. The incision follows the third nerve forward to the posterior edge of the clinoidal space. The posterior clinoid is exposed medial to the oculomotor nerve. E, view showing the roof of the cavernous sinus opened on the medial side of the oculomotor cistern. Gentle packing with Surgicel controls the bleeding. The posterior clinoid and adjacent part of the dorsum and upper clivus have been removed. The basilar trunk has been exposed behind the dorsum sellae. The supraclinoid carotid artery bifurcates below the anterior perforate substance in the A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery and M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery. F, view showing a small segment of the supraclinoid carotid removed to expose the pituitary stalk. The pituitary gland can be reached between the initial supraclinoid segment of the carotid and the horizontal segment of the intracavernous carotid. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Ch., choroidal; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Hyp., hypophyseal; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Memb., membrane; Oculom., oculomotor; Olfact., olfactory; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCoA, posterior communicating artery; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Triang., triangle. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖7。圖示左側海綿竇硬膜內入路。A,完整的額-眶-顴開顱術和顳前入路到海綿竇的視圖,顯示廣泛的sylvian裂剝離。頸動脈位於前斜突的內側,視神經位於頸內動脈的超內側。海綿竇入路首先是切除前斜突,露出竇頂的前部。前斜突上方硬腦膜已打開。動眼神經通過動眼三角進入海綿竇的頂部,動眼三角形成了海綿竇頂部的後部。B,顯示前斜突被移除。連續衝洗是必要的,以避免熱損傷視神經和斜突段時,使用鑽頭去除斜突。切除前床突暴露出床突間隙。硬腦膜從前斜突上表麵向內側延伸形成上環。 The carotidoculomotor membrane lines the lower surface of the anterior clinoid and extends medially to form the lower dural ring and carotid collar. C, view showing the carotid artery elevated to expose the posterior communicating and anterior choroidal arteries. The oculomotor nerve passes lateral to the posterior clinoid process and penetrates the roof of the cavernous sinus by passing through the oculomotor triangle. D, view showing the opening of the posterior portion of the roof, which begins by opening the oculomotor cistern. The incision follows the third nerve forward to the posterior edge of the clinoidal space. The posterior clinoid is exposed medial to the oculomotor nerve. E, view showing the roof of the cavernous sinus opened on the medial side of the oculomotor cistern. Gentle packing with Surgicel controls the bleeding. The posterior clinoid and adjacent part of the dorsum and upper clivus have been removed. The basilar trunk has been exposed behind the dorsum sellae. The supraclinoid carotid artery bifurcates below the anterior perforate substance in the A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery and M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery. F, view showing a small segment of the supraclinoid carotid removed to expose the pituitary stalk. The pituitary gland can be reached between the initial supraclinoid segment of the carotid and the horizontal segment of the intracavernous carotid. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Ch., choroidal; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Hyp., hypophyseal; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Memb., membrane; Oculom., oculomotor; Olfact., olfactory; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCoA, posterior communicating artery; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Triang., triangle. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)


圖8 (A-F)。A-F,照片說明經海綿體入路向上導向的斜旁動脈瘤。G-L,照片說明經海綿體入路向下導向的斜旁動脈瘤。A,術前斜向血管造影顯示左側頸內動脈上有一個大的向上的斜旁動脈瘤。B,完成左側眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路的視圖,顯示側裂打開,前斜突移除,海綿竇頂部前部暴露。硬膜外和硬膜內間隙暴露。大的向上導向的斜旁動脈瘤抬高視神經和額葉的鄰近部分。C,視圖顯示上環和視神經鞘打開,以幫助暴露動脈瘤頸。D,解剖解剖顯示暴露的結構。E,顯示下一階段動脈瘤頸夾層的中心插入片已經覆蓋在b的相應區域上。上環和視神經鞘已經打開,動脈瘤和眼動脈已經暴露。 F, view showing the aneurysm neck isolated and clipped using three straight clips. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; CN, cranial nerve; Clin., clinoidal; Fr., frontal; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Ophth., ophthalmic; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖8 (A-F)。A-F,照片說明經海綿體入路向上導向的斜旁動脈瘤。G-L,照片說明經海綿體入路向下導向的斜旁動脈瘤。A,術前斜向血管造影顯示左側頸內動脈上有一個大的向上的斜旁動脈瘤。B,完成左側眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路的視圖,顯示側裂打開,前斜突移除,海綿竇頂部前部暴露。硬膜外和硬膜內間隙暴露。大的向上導向的斜旁動脈瘤抬高視神經和額葉的鄰近部分。C,視圖顯示上環和視神經鞘打開,以幫助暴露動脈瘤頸。D,解剖解剖顯示暴露的結構。E,顯示下一階段動脈瘤頸夾層的中心插入片已經覆蓋在b的相應區域上。上環和視神經鞘已經打開,動脈瘤和眼動脈已經暴露。 F, view showing the aneurysm neck isolated and clipped using three straight clips. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; CN, cranial nerve; Clin., clinoidal; Fr., frontal; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Ophth., ophthalmic; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖8 (G-L)。繼續說。G-H,照片顯示向下指向的右側斜旁動脈瘤。G,術前血管造影顯示動脈瘤。H,術後血管造影顯示動脈瘤被成功切除。I,顯示完成的右眶顴骨開顱術和前斜突硬膜外切除術。蝶竇暴露在視神經的內側。前斜突充氣。通過切除前斜突,暴露海綿竇頂部的前部。斜向三角形的結構,從前到後依次為視神經支柱、頸動脈斜向段和海綿竇頂部的前部。 J, view showing opened dura. The upper tip of the bipolar forceps is in the extradural space, and the lower tip is in the intradural space. The aneurysm can be observed below the supraclinoidal segment and above the clinoidal segment of the carotid. K, view showing upper ring and optic sheath opened to expose the aneurysm. L, view of clipped aneurysm using fenestrated right-angled clips. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; CN, cranial nerve; Clin., clinoidal; Fr., frontal; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Ophth., ophthalmic; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖8 (G-L)。繼續說。G-H,照片顯示向下指向的右側斜旁動脈瘤。G,術前血管造影顯示動脈瘤。H,術後血管造影顯示動脈瘤被成功切除。I,顯示完成的右眶顴骨開顱術和前斜突硬膜外切除術。蝶竇暴露在視神經的內側。前斜突充氣。通過切除前斜突,暴露海綿竇頂部的前部。斜向三角形的結構,從前到後依次為視神經支柱、頸動脈斜向段和海綿竇頂部的前部。 J, view showing opened dura. The upper tip of the bipolar forceps is in the extradural space, and the lower tip is in the intradural space. The aneurysm can be observed below the supraclinoidal segment and above the clinoidal segment of the carotid. K, view showing upper ring and optic sheath opened to expose the aneurysm. L, view of clipped aneurysm using fenestrated right-angled clips. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; CN, cranial nerve; Clin., clinoidal; Fr., frontal; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Ophth., ophthalmic; Seg., segment; Sphen., sphenoid; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖9 (A -F)。經海綿體入路治療基底尖動脈瘤的照片。術前血管造影側位圖顯示鞍背後方有一個巨大的基底端動脈瘤。B,術後血管造影顯示動脈瘤被成功切除。C,術中視圖顯示右側眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路至海綿竇區。前斜突被切除以暴露斜突間隙和竇頂前部。頸動脈斜向段、視神經支柱和海綿竇頂部前部在斜向腔內暴露。這個間隙遠端由上(或遠端)硬膜環定義,近端由下(或近端)硬膜環定義。動眼神經穿過後斜突外側的動眼三角,穿過海綿竇頂部後部。頸鎖上動脈在大腦前動脈A1段和大腦中動脈M1段的前穿孔物質下麵分叉。 A small aneurysm can be observed at the origin of an early temporal branch of middle cerebral artery. D, view showing carotid artery retracted medially to expose the space between the internal carotid artery and the oculomotor nerve, called the carotidoculomotor interval, through which the basilar artery can be approached. The posterior clinoid process blocks the approach to the basilar artery. E, view showing posterior portion of the roof of the cavernous sinus formed by the oculomotor triangle, which has been opened to expose the posterior clinoid process. Removing the dura of the posterior portion of the cavernous sinus exposes the pituitary gland anterior to the posterior clinoid process and dorsum sellae. F, anatomic dissection showing the same structures demonstrated in E. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Aneur., aneurysm; Arach., arachnoid; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖9 (A)- f).經海綿體入路治療基底尖動脈瘤的照片。術前血管造影側位圖顯示鞍背後方有一個巨大的基底端動脈瘤。B,術後血管造影顯示動脈瘤被成功切除。C,術中視圖顯示右側眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路至海綿竇區。前斜突被切除以暴露斜突間隙和竇頂前部。頸動脈斜向段、視神經支柱和海綿竇頂部前部在斜向腔內暴露。這個間隙遠端由上(或遠端)硬膜環定義,近端由下(或近端)硬膜環定義。動眼神經穿過後斜突外側的動眼三角,穿過海綿竇頂部後部。頸鎖上動脈在大腦前動脈A1段和大腦中動脈M1段的前穿孔物質下麵分叉。在大腦中動脈顳早期分支的起始處可見一個小動脈瘤。 D, view showing carotid artery retracted medially to expose the space between the internal carotid artery and the oculomotor nerve, called the carotidoculomotor interval, through which the basilar artery can be approached. The posterior clinoid process blocks the approach to the basilar artery. E, view showing posterior portion of the roof of the cavernous sinus formed by the oculomotor triangle, which has been opened to expose the posterior clinoid process. Removing the dura of the posterior portion of the cavernous sinus exposes the pituitary gland anterior to the posterior clinoid process and dorsum sellae. F, anatomic dissection showing the same structures demonstrated in E. A., artery; A1, A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery; Aneur., aneurysm; Arach., arachnoid; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖9 (G - J).續。G,顯示後斜突和部分鞍背切除以暴露硬腦膜後窩。H,硬腦膜內襯斜突和背側相鄰部分打開,露出覆蓋斜突的蛛網膜。I,打開蛛網膜,露出基底幹及其分叉和動脈瘤。比較去除斜突前的D與去除斜突後的I。J,解剖解剖,顯示I. A.動脈暴露的結構;A1,大腦前動脈A1段;Aneur。動脈瘤;Arach。, arachnoid; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖9 (G)- - - - - -J)。繼續說。G,顯示後斜突和部分鞍背切除以暴露硬腦膜後窩。H,硬腦膜內襯斜突和背側相鄰部分打開,露出覆蓋斜突的蛛網膜。I,打開蛛網膜,露出基底幹及其分叉和動脈瘤。比較去除斜突前的D與去除斜突後的I。J,解剖解剖,顯示I. A.動脈暴露的結構;A1,大腦前動脈A1段;Aneur。動脈瘤;Arach。, arachnoid; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; M1, M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery; Op., operative; Petroclin., petroclinoid; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)



圖10。使用硬膜外入路逐步剝離右側海綿竇的照片。A,視圖顯示完成的顳前額-眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路,顯露眶上裂外側邊緣的硬腦膜。B,視圖顯示,用鋒利的刀片在眶上裂外側邊緣切開硬腦膜帶後,海綿竇外層與內層分離。這個過程被稱為“剝去”中窩和海綿竇。當腦膜(外層)剝離時,外側壁內層的神經進入視野。前斜突已暴露。視神經和視神經管頂部位於前斜突內側。中窩剝落至V3後緣時,腦膜中動脈分裂。分離脊膜中動脈後,向後方和內側繼續剝離,在V3外側邊緣露出岩大神經。 The greater petrosal nerve usually courses above and serves as a good landmark for identifying the petrous carotid. The carotid artery may be exposed under the dura and the greater petrosal nerve at the lateral edge of the trigeminal nerve. The medial edge of the peeling of the middle fossa is at the anterior petroclinoid dural fold, and the posterior edge is at the petrous ridge. C, view showing anterior clinoid process removed extradurally using a high-speed drill with a diamond burr. Continuous irrigation is necessary to avoid heat spreading to the optic nerve and the clinoidal segment of the carotid. The drilling leaves a thin layer of bone over the optic nerve and the clinoidal segment that is removed with a microdissector. The anterior clinoid has attachments at its base to the sphenoid ridge, roof of the optic canal, and optic strut. The optic strut forms the floor of the optic canal and separates the superior orbital fissure from the optic canal. D, enlarged view showing removal the anterior clinoid exposes the carotidoculomotor membrane, lower ring, carotid collar, and clinoidal space or clinoidal triangle. The carotidoculomotor membrane lines the lower surface of the anterior clinoid and extends medially to form the lower dural ring and upward to form the carotid collar around the clinoidal segment. The “upper floor” of the anterior portion of the roof of the cavernous sinus is formed by the anterior clinoid process. The “lower floor” of the anterior portion of the roof of the cavernous sinus is the clinoidal space, which contains, from an anterior to posterior direction, the optic strut, clinoidal segment, and roof of the anterior part of the cavernous sinus. The venous spaces in the anterior part of the roof of the cavernous sinus are opened by incising the carotidoculomotor membrane. E, view showing the inner dural layer of the lateral sinus wall removed to expose the structures in this region. In surgery, the lesion is approached in the area at which it presents in the lateral wall. The middle fossa triangles exposed are the anteromedial triangle (between V1 and V2); the anterolateral triangle (between V2 and V3); the posterolateral triangle, also called Glasscock’s triangle, (between V3 and the greater petrosal nerve); and the posteromedial triangle, also called Kawase’s triangle (lateral to the trigeminal nerve and posterior to the greater petrosal nerve). The petrous carotid is exposed under the greater petrosal nerve. F, view showing some portions of the middle fossa floor and roof of the internal acoustic canal removed to expose the intraosseous segment of the greater petrosal nerve, the geniculate ganglion, and the contents of the fundus of the internal acoustic canal, including the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves. The tensor tympani muscle crosses below the middle fossa floor between the middle meningeal artery and the greater petrosal nerve. The cochlea is located at the angle formed by the greater petrosal and the facial nerves. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fiss., fissure; Fr., frontal; Gang., ganglion; Gen., geniculate; Gr., greater; Horiz., horizontal; Lat., lateral; M., muscle; Med., medial; Memb., membrane; Mid., middle; Men., meningeal; N., nerve; Orb., orbital; Pet., petrosal; Post., posterior, postero-; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tens., tensor; Tymp., tympani; Triang., triangle; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖10。使用硬膜外入路逐步剝離右側海綿竇的照片。A,視圖顯示完成的顳前額-眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路,顯露眶上裂外側邊緣的硬腦膜。B,視圖顯示,用鋒利的刀片在眶上裂外側邊緣切開硬腦膜帶後,海綿竇外層與內層分離。這個過程被稱為“剝去”中窩和海綿竇。當腦膜(外層)剝離時,外側壁內層的神經進入視野。前斜突已暴露。視神經和視神經管頂部位於前斜突內側。中窩剝落至V3後緣時,腦膜中動脈分裂。分離脊膜中動脈後,向後方和內側繼續剝離,在V3外側邊緣露出岩大神經。 The greater petrosal nerve usually courses above and serves as a good landmark for identifying the petrous carotid. The carotid artery may be exposed under the dura and the greater petrosal nerve at the lateral edge of the trigeminal nerve. The medial edge of the peeling of the middle fossa is at the anterior petroclinoid dural fold, and the posterior edge is at the petrous ridge. C, view showing anterior clinoid process removed extradurally using a high-speed drill with a diamond burr. Continuous irrigation is necessary to avoid heat spreading to the optic nerve and the clinoidal segment of the carotid. The drilling leaves a thin layer of bone over the optic nerve and the clinoidal segment that is removed with a microdissector. The anterior clinoid has attachments at its base to the sphenoid ridge, roof of the optic canal, and optic strut. The optic strut forms the floor of the optic canal and separates the superior orbital fissure from the optic canal. D, enlarged view showing removal the anterior clinoid exposes the carotidoculomotor membrane, lower ring, carotid collar, and clinoidal space or clinoidal triangle. The carotidoculomotor membrane lines the lower surface of the anterior clinoid and extends medially to form the lower dural ring and upward to form the carotid collar around the clinoidal segment. The “upper floor” of the anterior portion of the roof of the cavernous sinus is formed by the anterior clinoid process. The “lower floor” of the anterior portion of the roof of the cavernous sinus is the clinoidal space, which contains, from an anterior to posterior direction, the optic strut, clinoidal segment, and roof of the anterior part of the cavernous sinus. The venous spaces in the anterior part of the roof of the cavernous sinus are opened by incising the carotidoculomotor membrane. E, view showing the inner dural layer of the lateral sinus wall removed to expose the structures in this region. In surgery, the lesion is approached in the area at which it presents in the lateral wall. The middle fossa triangles exposed are the anteromedial triangle (between V1 and V2); the anterolateral triangle (between V2 and V3); the posterolateral triangle, also called Glasscock’s triangle, (between V3 and the greater petrosal nerve); and the posteromedial triangle, also called Kawase’s triangle (lateral to the trigeminal nerve and posterior to the greater petrosal nerve). The petrous carotid is exposed under the greater petrosal nerve. F, view showing some portions of the middle fossa floor and roof of the internal acoustic canal removed to expose the intraosseous segment of the greater petrosal nerve, the geniculate ganglion, and the contents of the fundus of the internal acoustic canal, including the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves. The tensor tympani muscle crosses below the middle fossa floor between the middle meningeal artery and the greater petrosal nerve. The cochlea is located at the angle formed by the greater petrosal and the facial nerves. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Carotidoculom., carotidoculomotor; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fiss., fissure; Fr., frontal; Gang., ganglion; Gen., geniculate; Gr., greater; Horiz., horizontal; Lat., lateral; M., muscle; Med., medial; Memb., membrane; Mid., middle; Men., meningeal; N., nerve; Orb., orbital; Pet., petrosal; Post., posterior, postero-; Seg., segment; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tens., tensor; Tymp., tympani; Triang., triangle; Vert., vertical. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖11。計算機斷層掃描及照片顯示右三叉神經神經鞘瘤硬膜外切除。A,術前計算機斷層掃描和對比顯示一個大的三叉神經神經鞘瘤,囊性部分延伸到後窩。B,術後計算機斷層掃描和對比顯示,經海綿竇側壁硬膜外“剝離”入路,三叉神經神經鞘瘤全部切除。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路。硬腦膜從中窩底抬高,前斜突被移除,暴露海綿竇頂部前部的斜竇間隙,而不進入靜脈間隙。三叉神經神經鞘瘤在三叉神經第一節和第二節之間外側隆起(折線)。D,解剖解剖照片,顯示與c.e相同的結構,照片顯示三叉神經第一和第二節之間的切口在神經鞘瘤最突出的隆起處。腫瘤,包括其延伸到後窩,已被切除。腫瘤擴大了梅克爾洞的孔洞,並開辟了一條通往後窩的路。 F, photograph of the operation showing preservation of the trigeminal divisions and total resection of the lesion. The enlarged Meckel’s cave is exposed. Clin., clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fr., frontal; Op., operative; Seg., segment; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖11。計算機斷層掃描及照片顯示右三叉神經神經鞘瘤硬膜外切除。A,術前計算機斷層掃描和對比顯示一個大的三叉神經神經鞘瘤,囊性部分延伸到後窩。B,術後計算機斷層掃描和對比顯示,經海綿竇側壁硬膜外“剝離”入路,三叉神經神經鞘瘤全部切除。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴骨開顱術和顳前入路。硬腦膜從中窩底抬高,前斜突被移除,暴露海綿竇頂部前部的斜竇間隙,而不進入靜脈間隙。三叉神經神經鞘瘤在三叉神經第一節和第二節之間外側隆起(折線)。D,解剖解剖照片,顯示與c.e相同的結構,照片顯示三叉神經第一和第二節之間的切口在神經鞘瘤最突出的隆起處。腫瘤,包括其延伸到後窩,已被切除。腫瘤擴大了梅克爾洞的孔洞,並開辟了一條通往後窩的路。 F, photograph of the operation showing preservation of the trigeminal divisions and total resection of the lesion. The enlarged Meckel’s cave is exposed. Clin., clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fr., frontal; Op., operative; Seg., segment; Temp., temporal. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖12。磁共振成像掃描和照片顯示,經海綿腔切除垂體大腺瘤(庫欣病)延伸至右側海綿竇和鞍上區,該患者為16歲女性,經三次經蝶竇入路。A,術前磁共振成像掃描顯示垂體腺瘤延伸至右側海綿竇和鞍上區。B,術後磁共振成像掃描顯示病灶完全切除。脂肪堆積在海綿竇內。病人用激素治療。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴開顱術和硬膜外顳前入路,抬高(剝離)硬腦窩,去除前斜突,暴露海綿竇頂部前部,而不打開靜脈空間。D,解剖照片顯示與c.e相同的結構,照片顯示使用硬膜外入路通過海綿竇側壁和頂部切除病變。壓下滑車神經和三叉神經第一節暴露出海綿內頸動脈後垂直段外側的外展神經。一個,動脈; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Men., meningeal; Mid., middle; Op., operative; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖12。磁共振成像掃描和照片說明經海綿體切除垂體macroadenoma一例16歲女性患者,經三次蝶竇入路後,本病擴展至右側海綿竇及鞍上區。A,術前磁共振成像掃描顯示垂體腺瘤延伸至右側海綿竇和鞍上區。B,術後磁共振成像掃描顯示病灶完全切除。脂肪堆積在海綿竇內。病人用激素治療。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴開顱術和硬膜外顳前入路,抬高(剝離)硬腦窩,去除前斜突,暴露海綿竇頂部前部,而不打開靜脈空間。D,解剖照片顯示與c.e相同的結構,照片顯示使用硬膜外入路通過海綿竇側壁和頂部切除病變。壓下滑車神經和三叉神經第一節暴露出海綿內頸動脈後垂直段外側的外展神經。一個,動脈;騎兵。, cavernous; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Men., meningeal; Mid., middle; Op., operative; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Seg., segment. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖13。磁共振成像掃描和照片顯示經海綿狀竇切除左側岩尖海綿竇腦膜瘤。A,術前磁共振掃描顯示岩尖海綿竇腦膜瘤壓迫腦幹。B,術後磁共振成像掃描顯示病灶切除。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴開顱術和顳前入路,硬膜外中窩“剝落”,去除前斜突,露出海綿竇頂部前部。D,解剖照片顯示與c.e相同的結構,照片顯示硬膜外和硬膜內聯合入路通過頂部和側壁切除病變。一個令人滿意的切除已經完成,並減壓腦幹。一個,動脈;的車。頸動脈; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fr., frontal; Op., operative; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; SCA, superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖13。磁共振成像掃描和照片顯示經海綿狀竇切除左側岩尖海綿竇腦膜瘤。A,術前磁共振掃描顯示岩尖海綿竇腦膜瘤壓迫腦幹。B,術後磁共振成像掃描顯示病灶切除。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴開顱術和顳前入路,硬膜外中窩“剝落”,去除前斜突,露出海綿竇頂部前部。D,解剖照片顯示與c.e相同的結構,照片顯示硬膜外和硬膜內聯合入路通過頂部和側壁切除病變。一個令人滿意的切除已經完成,並減壓腦幹。一個,動脈;的車。頸動脈; Clin., clinoid, clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fr., frontal; Op., operative; Ophth., ophthalmic; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; SCA, superior cerebellar artery; Seg., segment. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖14。磁共振成像掃描和照片說明手術切除右側海綿竇腦膜瘤。A,術前磁共振成像掃描顯示右側海綿竇腦膜瘤,海綿內頸動脈被腫瘤阻塞。B,術後磁共振成像掃描顯示海綿竇內病變部分被切除。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴開顱術和顳前入路,中窩“剝落”,前斜突移除,暴露斜竇間隙和海綿竇頂部前部。病變可觀察到向海綿竇側壁和頂部凸起並變形(折線)。頸動脈岩暴露在中窩底部就在三叉神經第三分支的後方和外側。D,解剖照片顯示c - E中暴露的結構,照片顯示海綿竇使用硬膜外和硬膜內聯合入路切除病變。術前檢查發現頸岩動脈被腫瘤阻塞,故用夾子切除頸岩動脈。騎兵。, cavernous; Clin., clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fr., frontal; Gr., greater; N., nerve; Op., operative; Pet., petrosal; Seg., segment. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖14。磁共振成像掃描和照片說明手術切除右側海綿竇腦膜瘤。A,術前磁共振成像掃描顯示右側海綿竇腦膜瘤,海綿內頸動脈被腫瘤阻塞。B,術後磁共振成像掃描顯示海綿竇內病變部分被切除。C,照片顯示完成的眶顴開顱術和顳前入路,中窩“剝落”,前斜突移除,暴露斜竇間隙和海綿竇頂部前部。病變可觀察到向海綿竇側壁和頂部凸起並變形(折線)。頸動脈岩暴露在中窩底部就在三叉神經第三分支的後方和外側。D,解剖照片顯示c - E中暴露的結構,照片顯示海綿竇使用硬膜外和硬膜內聯合入路切除病變。術前檢查發現頸岩動脈被腫瘤阻塞,故用夾子切除頸岩動脈。騎兵。, cavernous; Clin., clinoidal; CN, cranial nerve; Fr., frontal; Gr., greater; N., nerve; Op., operative; Pet., petrosal; Seg., segment. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)


海綿竇區位於顱底,與基底池接壤,周圍有重要的神經血管結構。自從Browder(4)和Parkinson(27)開創性地引入海綿竇手術以來,許多不同的方法被用於處理該區域及其周圍的病理發現。血管性、腫瘤性和炎性疾病影響海綿竇區。海綿竇入路包括硬膜內或硬膜外經顱和經基底入路(7 - 11,14,16,18,27,28,31 - 33,35,37,44,45)和經蝶入路(1,37)。盡管該區域的解剖結構已被廣泛描述(15,17,18,20,23,26,27,29,30,34,40,43,46,48),但關於不同類型病變的最佳治療和方法仍存在爭議(2,35,38),如海綿竇腦膜瘤(6,38)。人們一致認為,手術治療非腦膜腫瘤比手術治療腦膜瘤更安全,而且更經常導致完全切除(2,5,9,13)。直接入路到海綿竇的主要風險包括過度出血和海綿內頸動脈和顱神經的損傷。治療海綿竇病變的替代方法已經出現。在過去的十年中,放射外科單獨或作為部分切除的輔助手術發揮了突出的作用(3,12,19,24,25,39,47)。一些作者認為放射手術是海綿竇腦膜瘤的首選治療方法,因為其發病率和死亡率低,生長控製率高(12,19,25,42)。 However, radiosurgery is not completely absent of complications. Spiegelmann et al. (43) reported an incidence of 4.7% of new trigeminal neuropathy, a 2.8% incidence of new visual field defects, shunt-dependent hydrocephalus in 2 of 42 patients, and 1 patient with temporal lobe edema requiring surgical intervention. Cavernous sinus surgery can offer the possibility of tissue diagnosis and optic nerve decompression and can be used as a route to basilar artery aneurysms and extension of pituitary tumors. Conversely, excellent results have been achieved with surgical excision of meningiomas in this region (6, 33, 35). Microneurosurgery and radiosurgery have also been used for other types of tumors, such as pituitary adenomas (22), as well as for vascular lesions, such as hemangiomas (24). Another factor to consider is that new methods of treatment, such as radiosurgery and endovascular neurosurgery, are not available in all parts of the world; thus, neurosurgeons working in these parts of the world must rely on microsurgical technique combined with anatomic knowledge to deal with cavernous sinus pathological findings.



海綿竇入路通過頂或側壁(圖7和10)(7 - 11、14、16、18、27、28、31、33、35、37、44、45)。Umansky和Nathan(46)描述了海綿竇外側壁的兩層組成,這使得硬腦膜外層從海綿竇硬膜外入路的內層地板剝離。在這種方法中,在海綿竇外側壁的半透明內層中穿行的神經可以暴露出來,而無需直接進入海綿竇(7)。






海綿竇頂部的後部通過動眼三角接近,動眼神經通過動眼三角穿過海綿竇頂部(圖7和圖9)。神經不進入靜脈空間,而是在下降到動眼三角水平以下後穿過一個短池,動眼池。這個池終止於前斜突的頂端或下方,神經在這裏與竇外側壁的內層結合。海綿竇頂部後部的開口是通過在神經上方的眼動池插入一個90度微型解剖器,打開眼動池的上壁,小心地將硬腦膜抬高並切開,直到夾層開始。切口向前延伸至第三腦神經到神經與海綿竇外側壁結合的地方。解剖的下一步是打開第三腦神經斜向三角區的頸動脈運動膜。動眼神經和海綿內頸動脈水平段之間的空間沒有任何重要的神經血管結構。當頸動脈運動膜被打開時,下方的鼻竇會出現明顯出血。然而,用可吸收止血劑(如Surgicel;Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ)有效地控製出血。打開上環時,膜部分打開。 The posterior edge of the upper ring at the tip of the anterior clinoid process fuses with the carotidoculomotor membrane (Fig. 2, C, J, and K). The last step in opening the posterior part of the roof of the cavernous sinus is an incision directed posteriorly through the oculomotor triangle toward the posterior clinoid process. Both parts of the roof of the cavernous sinus have now been opened, and the lateral, posterosuperior, and medial venous spaces have been exposed. The posterior bend, the horizontal segment, the anterior bend of the intracavernous carotid artery, and the pituitary gland between the horizontal intracavernous and supraclinoidal segments of the internal carotid artery may be exposed. The posterior clinoid and upper clivus can be removed to access the interpeduncular and prepontine cisterns for basilar tip aneurysms (11, 37) or the upper clivus area for tumors (Fig. 9) (33).

經海綿竇側壁入路首先從中窩底剝離硬腦膜(圖10-12)。剝離開始於蝶大翼,並向眶上裂前進,此處顱內骨膜與眶周連續。在眶上裂外側緣的硬腦膜上有一個淺切口,可以使硬腦膜從中窩底沿竇壁向內側分離。外層(腦膜硬膜)從內層(骨內膜層)剝離,露出顱神經III、IV、V1、V2和V3和胃神經節。有三個點的剝皮必須要小心。一個是從V2中分離層,另一個是從V3中分離層,最後一個是在帕金森三角形處分離層。兩層在V2和V3水平緊密粘附,帕金森三角內層較寬,容易損傷。從硬腦膜內膜剝離腦膜硬腦膜,暴露海綿竇的外側壁以及中窩底的四個三角形(30):V1和V2之間的前內側三角,V2和V3之間的前外側三角,岩上大神經前三叉神經外側的後外側三角或Glasscock三角,岩大神經後三叉神經外側的後內側三角或Kawase三角(圖10E)。側壁入路可根據病理異常部位進行調整(圖11-14)。 The “peeling of the dura of the middle fossa floor” away from the lateral wall while preserving the inner layer aids in visualization of the structures within the lateral wall because of the semitransparent nature of the inner layer, as reported by Dolenc (9, 10), who used the extradural approach for intracavernous carotid artery aneurysms (10) and for pituitary tumors extending beyond the sella (9). One of the senior authors (EdO) has used this approach to pituitary adenomas extending beyond the sella with good results (Fig. 12). As Dolenc (9) reports, this last approach is complementary to the transsphenoidal approach, but if the tumor has a parasellar extension, it offers a great chance of total removal through a single operation (9).


貢獻者:A. Yasuda, A. Campero, C. Martins, A. L. Rhoton, Jr, E. de Oliveira, G. C. Ribas

內容來自安田A,坎佩羅A,馬丁斯C,羅頓AL, Jr,德奧利維拉E,裏巴斯FC。海綿竇顯微外科解剖及入路。神經外科外科(黑格斯敦)2005; 56:4-27。doi.org/10.1227/01.NEU.0000144208.42171.02.經牛津大學出版社許可,代表神經外科醫生協會。©神經外科醫生協會。

神經外科188bet手机app圖集很榮幸能夠保持Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD的遺產。


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