波動率。 視頻



















穹窿是另一種c形結構,在腦室壁上包裹著丘腦(圖5.1A)。穹窿主要由海馬體、顳葉下丘腦和齒狀回的海馬乳頭束纖維組成。毛膜起於海馬組腦室表麵的顳角底部,向後方延伸成為穹窿的小腿。小腿包裹著丘腦枕部的後表麵,向胼胝體脾的下表麵超內側拱起。在心房和側腦室體的連接處,成對的腳彙合形成穹窿體,穹窿體在側腦室體的內側壁沿著丘腦的超內側邊界向前延伸。穹窿體將第三腦室的頂部和側腦室體的底部分開。在丘腦的前緣,穹窿體分離成兩列,沿蒙羅孔的上緣和前緣拱向乳頭體。在脾下方的區域,一薄層纖維連接著腳內側邊緣,形成海馬連合。在側腦室體中,穹窿體在內側壁的下部;在心房,穹窿的小腿在前壁的內側; and in the temporal horn, the fimbria of the fornix is in the medial part of the floor.






圖5.1。神經的關係。A,透明隔(橙色),丘腦(黃色),海馬形成和穹窿(紫色)與側腦室的關係。頂部,側麵圖;中間,優越的觀點;底,前視圖。每個側腦室環繞著丘腦。額角位於丘腦前方,身體位於丘腦上方,中庭和枕角位於丘腦後方,顳角位於丘腦下方和外側。透明隔位於額角和側腦室體的內側壁。海馬體在顳角底部。 The fornix arises in the hippocampal formation and wraps around the thalamus in the medial part of the temporal horn, atrium, and body. The fimbria of the fornix arises on the surface of the hippocampal formation in the temporal horn. The crus of the fornix is posterior to the thalamus in the wall of the atrium. The body of the fornix passes above the thalamus in the lower part of the medial wall of the body. The columns of the fornix are formed at the level of the foramen of Monro and pass inferior to the mamillary bodies. The crura of the fornix are connected across the midline in the roof of the third ventricle by the hippocampal commissure. The septum pellucidum, which separates the frontal horns in the midline, does not extend to the anterior tip of the frontal horn in the lateral view because the frontal horn is directed forward and laterally from the anterior margin of the septum pellucidum. B, relationship of the corpus callosum (red), caudate nucleus (green), and fornix and hippocampal formation (purple) to the lateral ventricles. Top, view through medial surface of the hemisphere; middle, view through inferior surface of the hemisphere; bottom, view through the anterior surface of the hemisphere. The head and body of the caudate nucleus form the lateral wall of the frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. The tail of the caudate nucleus extends into the anterior part of the lateral wall of the atrium and into the medial part of the roof of the temporal horn to the level of the amygdaloid nucleus, which is in the anterior wall of the temporal horn. The corpus callosum is made up of the rostrum (which is in the floor of the frontal horn), the genu (which forms the anterior wall and roof of the frontal horn), the body (which forms the roof of the body of the lateral ventricle), and the splenium (which gives rise to the fiber bundles making up the forceps major, which forms a prominence in the medial wall of the atrium called the bulb of the corpus callosum). The genu of the corpus callosum gives rise to a fiber bundle called the forceps minor, which forms the anterior wall of the frontal horn. The body and splenium give rise to a fiber bundle called the tapetum, which sweeps downward to form the roof and lateral wall of the atrium and temporal horn. The relationship of the hippocampal formation, fornix, and mamillary bodies to these structures is shown in the middle figure. A prominence in the medial wall of the atrium, called the calcar avis, overlies the calcarine sulcus. Amygd., amygdaloid; Calc., calcarine; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Front., frontal; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; Nucl., nucleus; Occip., occipital; Pell., pellucidum; Sept., septum; Sulc., sulcus; Temp., temporal; Vent., ventricle.

圖5.1。神經的關係。A,透明隔(橙色),丘腦(黃色),海馬形成和穹窿(紫色)與側腦室的關係。頂部,側麵圖;中間,優越的觀點;底,前視圖。每個側腦室環繞著丘腦。額角位於丘腦前方,身體位於丘腦上方,中庭和枕角位於丘腦後方,顳角位於丘腦下方和外側。透明隔位於額角和側腦室體的內側壁。海馬體在顳角底部。 The fornix arises in the hippocampal formation and wraps around the thalamus in the medial part of the temporal horn, atrium, and body. The fimbria of the fornix arises on the surface of the hippocampal formation in the temporal horn. The crus of the fornix is posterior to the thalamus in the wall of the atrium. The body of the fornix passes above the thalamus in the lower part of the medial wall of the body. The columns of the fornix are formed at the level of the foramen of Monro and pass inferior to the mamillary bodies. The crura of the fornix are connected across the midline in the roof of the third ventricle by the hippocampal commissure. The septum pellucidum, which separates the frontal horns in the midline, does not extend to the anterior tip of the frontal horn in the lateral view because the frontal horn is directed forward and laterally from the anterior margin of the septum pellucidum. B, relationship of the corpus callosum (red), caudate nucleus (green), and fornix and hippocampal formation (purple) to the lateral ventricles. Top, view through medial surface of the hemisphere; middle, view through inferior surface of the hemisphere; bottom, view through the anterior surface of the hemisphere. The head and body of the caudate nucleus form the lateral wall of the frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. The tail of the caudate nucleus extends into the anterior part of the lateral wall of the atrium and into the medial part of the roof of the temporal horn to the level of the amygdaloid nucleus, which is in the anterior wall of the temporal horn. The corpus callosum is made up of the rostrum (which is in the floor of the frontal horn), the genu (which forms the anterior wall and roof of the frontal horn), the body (which forms the roof of the body of the lateral ventricle), and the splenium (which gives rise to the fiber bundles making up the forceps major, which forms a prominence in the medial wall of the atrium called the bulb of the corpus callosum). The genu of the corpus callosum gives rise to a fiber bundle called the forceps minor, which forms the anterior wall of the frontal horn. The body and splenium give rise to a fiber bundle called the tapetum, which sweeps downward to form the roof and lateral wall of the atrium and temporal horn. The relationship of the hippocampal formation, fornix, and mamillary bodies to these structures is shown in the middle figure. A prominence in the medial wall of the atrium, called the calcar avis, overlies the calcarine sulcus. Amygd., amygdaloid; Calc., calcarine; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Front., frontal; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; Nucl., nucleus; Occip., occipital; Pell., pellucidum; Sept., septum; Sulc., sulcus; Temp., temporal; Vent., ventricle.





圖5.3模擬。在我們的顯微外科手術過程中使用的逐步剝離術來暴露側腦室和第三腦室以及脈絡膜裂。首先,解剖通過檢查經胼胝體前路進入第三腦室的關係開始。位於額葉中、後橋靜脈之間的右額葉已從鐮處縮回,露出位於胼胝體上表麵的大腦前動脈。插圖顯示了與冠狀線的關係。通常在冠狀線前方有一個區域,相對缺乏進入上矢狀竇的橋靜脈。經胼胝體入路的骨瓣三分之二放在冠狀線的前麵,三分之一放在冠狀線的後麵。B,放大圖。鐮和額葉已被收回,露出胼胝體上方的大腦前動脈。引流半球內側表麵的靜脈常與外側表麵的靜脈彙合,形成大的橋靜脈,流入矢狀竇。 C, the corpus callosum has been opened to expose the fornix coursing anterior and superior to the foramen of Monro. The transcallosal opening has been completed without sacrificing a bridging vein. D, enlarged view. The anterior caudate and superior choroidal veins join the anterior end of the thalamostriate vein. The column of the fornix passes anterior and superior to the foramen of Monro. The choroidal fissure begins at the posterior edge of the foramen of Monro where the choroid plexus is attached by the tenia fimbria and tenia thalami to the fornix and thalamus. The floor of the frontal horn is formed by the rostrum of the corpus callosum, the medial wall by the septum pellucidum, and the lateral wall by the caudate nucleus.


圖5.3模擬。在我們的顯微外科手術過程中使用的逐步剝離術來暴露側腦室和第三腦室以及脈絡膜裂。首先,解剖通過檢查經胼胝體前路進入第三腦室的關係開始。位於額葉中、後橋靜脈之間的右額葉已從鐮處縮回,露出位於胼胝體上表麵的大腦前動脈。插圖顯示了與冠狀線的關係。通常在冠狀線前方有一個區域,相對缺乏進入上矢狀竇的橋靜脈。經胼胝體入路的骨瓣三分之二放在冠狀線的前麵,三分之一放在冠狀線的後麵。B,放大圖。鐮和額葉已被收回,露出胼胝體上方的大腦前動脈。引流半球內側表麵的靜脈常與外側表麵的靜脈彙合,形成大的橋靜脈,流入矢狀竇。 C, the corpus callosum has been opened to expose the fornix coursing anterior and superior to the foramen of Monro. The transcallosal opening has been completed without sacrificing a bridging vein. D, enlarged view. The anterior caudate and superior choroidal veins join the anterior end of the thalamostriate vein. The column of the fornix passes anterior and superior to the foramen of Monro. The choroidal fissure begins at the posterior edge of the foramen of Monro where the choroid plexus is attached by the tenia fimbria and tenia thalami to the fornix and thalamus. The floor of the frontal horn is formed by the rostrum of the corpus callosum, the medial wall by the septum pellucidum, and the lateral wall by the caudate nucleus.

圖5.3 E-J。E,半球的側麵視圖。下一步,檢查外側表麵的腦溝和腦回(圖1.1)。中央溝在中央前回和中央後回之間上升。中央前回位於腦蓋部後麵。中央後回位於邊緣上回前部的前麵。為了暴露心室以便在實驗室進行解剖,在側裂長軸(折線)後端上方1cm處完成穿過腦半球的軸向切割。F,切除動脈和靜脈後的同一個半球。暴露腦室的切口(斷線)穿過額下回、中央溝下部和邊緣上回。G,側腦室上方。 The caudate nucleus forms the lateral wall and the septum pellucidum forms the medial wall of the frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. The rostrum of the corpus callosum forms the floor of the frontal horn. The thalamus is in the floor of the body of the lateral ventricle. The third ventricle is located below the body of the fornix. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure located between the fornix and thalamus. H, the frontoparietal operculum has been removed to expose the insula lateral to the frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. Branches of the middle cerebral artery cross the insula and the plana temporale and polare. I, superolateral view. The middle cerebral artery enters the operculoinsular compartment of the sylvian fissure by crossing the limen insula at the anteroinferior margin of the insula. The anterior part of the circular sulcus is separated from the frontal horn by the anterior isthmus of the central core of the hemisphere, and the posterior part of the circular sulcus is separated from the atrium by the posterior isthmus. J, enlarged view of the middle cerebral branches coursing along the insula. The upper temporal surface is formed posteriorly by the planum temporale where the transverse temporal gyri are located and anteriorly by the planum polare, an area free of gyri, which contains a shallow trough along which the middle cerebral artery courses. The lower part of the circular sulcus is located medial to the planum polare and temporale above the roof of the temporal horn.


圖5.3 E-J。E,半球的側麵視圖。下一步,檢查外側表麵的腦溝和腦回(圖1.1)。中央溝在中央前回和中央後回之間上升。中央前回位於腦蓋部後麵。中央後回位於邊緣上回前部的前麵。為了暴露心室以便在實驗室進行解剖,在側裂長軸(折線)後端上方1cm處完成穿過腦半球的軸向切割。F,切除動脈和靜脈後的同一個半球。暴露腦室的切口(斷線)穿過額下回、中央溝下部和邊緣上回。G,側腦室上方。 The caudate nucleus forms the lateral wall and the septum pellucidum forms the medial wall of the frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. The rostrum of the corpus callosum forms the floor of the frontal horn. The thalamus is in the floor of the body of the lateral ventricle. The third ventricle is located below the body of the fornix. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure located between the fornix and thalamus. H, the frontoparietal operculum has been removed to expose the insula lateral to the frontal horn and body of the lateral ventricle. Branches of the middle cerebral artery cross the insula and the plana temporale and polare. I, superolateral view. The middle cerebral artery enters the operculoinsular compartment of the sylvian fissure by crossing the limen insula at the anteroinferior margin of the insula. The anterior part of the circular sulcus is separated from the frontal horn by the anterior isthmus of the central core of the hemisphere, and the posterior part of the circular sulcus is separated from the atrium by the posterior isthmus. J, enlarged view of the middle cerebral branches coursing along the insula. The upper temporal surface is formed posteriorly by the planum temporale where the transverse temporal gyri are located and anteriorly by the planum polare, an area free of gyri, which contains a shallow trough along which the middle cerebral artery courses. The lower part of the circular sulcus is located medial to the planum polare and temporale above the roof of the temporal horn.

圖5.3 kp)。K,穿過腦半球的初始切口暴露了額角和側腦室體。然後完成三個切口,兩個冠狀切口和一個水平切口,以暴露心房和顳角的後部。後冠狀切口(第1號)沿心房內側壁斜向前。第二冠狀切口(2號)穿過心房前部的半球,位於枕骨後方。水平切口(3號)位於中庭樓層的水平位置。這三道切口暴露了從枕骨到內側壁的心房。L, K. M所示切口獲得的上外側切麵,兩次切口暴露顳角。一個(編號1)是通過圓形溝的下緣直達顳角,第二個是位於顳角底部水平的橫向切口(編號2)。切除兩個切口之間的組織塊暴露了顳骨角。 The collateral eminence overlying the deep end of the collateral sulcus is well seen, but it is difficult to see the hippocampus because it is located further medially below the insula and lentiform nucleus. N, a sagittal cut medial to the insula exposes the lentiform nucleus. The incision extends through the lentiform nucleus and amygdala. The full length of the choroidal fissure from the foramen of Monro to the inferior choroidal point, located behind the head of the hippocampus, is exposed. The bulb of the corpus callosum overlying the forceps major and the calcar avis overlying the deep end of the calcarine sulcus are exposed in the medial wall of the atrium. O, enlarged view of the foramen of Monro. The columns of the fornix pass around the superior and anterior margins of the foramen of Monro. The anterior nucleus of the thalamus sits in the posterior margin of the foramen of Monro. The thalamostriate vein passes forward between the caudate nucleus and thalamus and through the posterior margin of the foramen of Monro. The choroidal fissure in the body of the lateral ventricle is located between the body of the fornix and the thalamus. A superior choroidal vein passes along the choroid plexus. P, the opening in the choroidal fissure is begun by dividing the tenia fornix, the delicate membrane that attaches the lateral margin of the fornix to the choroid plexus. Opening the tenia on the thalamic side, by opening the tenia thalami, carries greater risk of damaging the thalamostriate vein than opening the forniceal side of the fissure. The internal cerebral vein and medial posterior choroidal arteries are exposed in the roof of the third ventricle.


圖5.3 kp)。K,穿過腦半球的初始切口暴露了額角和側腦室體。然後完成三個切口,兩個冠狀切口和一個水平切口,以暴露心房和顳角的後部。後冠狀切口(第1號)沿心房內側壁斜向前。第二冠狀切口(2號)穿過心房前部的半球,位於枕骨後方。水平切口(3號)位於中庭樓層的水平位置。這三道切口暴露了從枕骨到內側壁的心房。L, K. M所示切口獲得的上外側切麵,兩次切口暴露顳角。一個(編號1)是通過圓形溝的下緣直達顳角,第二個是位於顳角底部水平的橫向切口(編號2)。切除兩個切口之間的組織塊暴露了顳骨角。 The collateral eminence overlying the deep end of the collateral sulcus is well seen, but it is difficult to see the hippocampus because it is located further medially below the insula and lentiform nucleus. N, a sagittal cut medial to the insula exposes the lentiform nucleus. The incision extends through the lentiform nucleus and amygdala. The full length of the choroidal fissure from the foramen of Monro to the inferior choroidal point, located behind the head of the hippocampus, is exposed. The bulb of the corpus callosum overlying the forceps major and the calcar avis overlying the deep end of the calcarine sulcus are exposed in the medial wall of the atrium. O, enlarged view of the foramen of Monro. The columns of the fornix pass around the superior and anterior margins of the foramen of Monro. The anterior nucleus of the thalamus sits in the posterior margin of the foramen of Monro. The thalamostriate vein passes forward between the caudate nucleus and thalamus and through the posterior margin of the foramen of Monro. The choroidal fissure in the body of the lateral ventricle is located between the body of the fornix and the thalamus. A superior choroidal vein passes along the choroid plexus. P, the opening in the choroidal fissure is begun by dividing the tenia fornix, the delicate membrane that attaches the lateral margin of the fornix to the choroid plexus. Opening the tenia on the thalamic side, by opening the tenia thalami, carries greater risk of damaging the thalamostriate vein than opening the forniceal side of the fissure. The internal cerebral vein and medial posterior choroidal arteries are exposed in the roof of the third ventricle.

圖5.3 q v。Q,脈絡膜裂的開口已經通過分隔穹窿腱延伸到後連合上方的區域。脈絡膜神經叢在脈絡膜裂的丘腦側沒有受到幹擾。脈絡膜內側後動脈的分支與大腦內靜脈相連。R,穹窿間入路,穹窿體在中線縱向分割,已經完成。暴露中massa,渡槽,後連合,鬆果體隱窩和鬆果體。S,解剖的上外側視圖。腹膜間質位於上下層之間,是大腦內靜脈和內側後脈絡膜動脈經過的部位。附著於丘腦髓紋的底端還沒有打開。雙腦內靜脈均暴露於Monro孔後。 If a vein at the foramen of Monro is to be sacrificed, it is preferable to sacrifice the anterior septal rather than the thalamostriate vein. T, the exposure has been extended back to the atrium where the choroid fissure has been opened by dividing the tenia fornix along the edge of the crus of the fornix. The medial posterior choroidal arteries pass along the side of the pineal and through the quadrigeminal cistern to reach the roof of the third ventricle. U, the opening in the choroidal fissure has been extended to the temporal horn. The choroidal fissure has been opened by dividing the tenia on the edge of the fimbria of the fornix to expose the posterior cerebral artery and basal veins. The choroid plexus remains attached to the thalamus. V, the choroid plexus in the right lateral ventricle has been removed. The medial atrial vein drains into the internal cerebral veins. The amygdala is exposed below the globus pallidus and just behind the middle cerebral artery coursing in the sylvian fissure. The amygdala forms the anterior wall and anterior part of the roof of the temporal horn and superiorly blends into the lower margin of the lentiform nucleus. The middle cerebral artery courses above the amygdala in the medial part of the sylvian fissure.


圖5.3 q v。Q,脈絡膜裂的開口已經通過分隔穹窿腱延伸到後連合上方的區域。脈絡膜神經叢在脈絡膜裂的丘腦側沒有受到幹擾。脈絡膜內側後動脈的分支與大腦內靜脈相連。R,穹窿間入路,穹窿體在中線縱向分割,已經完成。暴露中massa,渡槽,後連合,鬆果體隱窩和鬆果體。S,解剖的上外側視圖。腹膜間質位於上下層之間,是大腦內靜脈和內側後脈絡膜動脈經過的部位。附著於丘腦髓紋的底端還沒有打開。雙腦內靜脈均暴露於Monro孔後。 If a vein at the foramen of Monro is to be sacrificed, it is preferable to sacrifice the anterior septal rather than the thalamostriate vein. T, the exposure has been extended back to the atrium where the choroid fissure has been opened by dividing the tenia fornix along the edge of the crus of the fornix. The medial posterior choroidal arteries pass along the side of the pineal and through the quadrigeminal cistern to reach the roof of the third ventricle. U, the opening in the choroidal fissure has been extended to the temporal horn. The choroidal fissure has been opened by dividing the tenia on the edge of the fimbria of the fornix to expose the posterior cerebral artery and basal veins. The choroid plexus remains attached to the thalamus. V, the choroid plexus in the right lateral ventricle has been removed. The medial atrial vein drains into the internal cerebral veins. The amygdala is exposed below the globus pallidus and just behind the middle cerebral artery coursing in the sylvian fissure. The amygdala forms the anterior wall and anterior part of the roof of the temporal horn and superiorly blends into the lower margin of the lentiform nucleus. The middle cerebral artery courses above the amygdala in the medial part of the sylvian fissure.

圖5.3 W-Y。W,優越的觀點。在打開從Monro孔到位於海馬頭部後方的脈絡膜下點的脈絡膜裂隙後,切除了右側側腦室中的脈絡膜叢。右半球的軸向切麵穿過內囊。內囊膝直接到達心室表麵在Monro孔外側的區域。顳角底的外側部分由側枝隆起形成,心房底由側枝三角形成。側支隆起和三角區都覆蓋在側支溝的深端,側支溝沿海馬旁回和枕顳回之間的半球基底麵延伸。位於鈣質溝深端上的結石前庭和位於大鉗上的結石球暴露在心房的內側壁。X,顳角和枕角上視圖,半球上半部分切除。這部分延伸到鈣質溝的深處。 The cuneus, forming the upper lip of the calcarine sulcus, has been removed to expose the lingula, forming the lower lip of the fissure. The calcarine sulcus extends so deeply into the medial part of the hemisphere that it produces a prominence, the calcar avis, in the medial wall of the atrium and occipital horn. Y, inferior view of the calcar avis. The lingula, forming the lower lip of the calcarine sulcus, has been removed to expose the cuneus, forming the upper lip of the sulcus. The calcarine sulcus cuts so deeply into the hemisphere that it produces a prominence in the medial wall of the atrium. The lateral atrial veins cross the lateral atrial wall. The lower part of the temporal lobe has been removed to expose the roof of the temporal lobe. The choroid plexus is attached to the lower surface of the thalamus. The anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries course along the medial edge of the choroid plexus. The anterior calcarine vein drains the depths of the calcarine sulcus. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Atr., atrial; Calc., calcarine; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Cer., cerebral; Ch., choroidal; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Circ., circular; Cist., cistern; Col., column; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Int., intermedia, internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lenticular; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; Mid., middle; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; Operc., opercularis; Pall., pallidus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Quad., quadrigeminal; Rec., recess; Sag., sagittal; Sept., septal, septum; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal, temporale; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Triang., triangularis; Trig., trigone; V., vein.


圖5.3 W-Y。W,優越的觀點。在打開從Monro孔到位於海馬頭部後方的脈絡膜下點的脈絡膜裂隙後,切除了右側側腦室中的脈絡膜叢。右半球的軸向切麵穿過內囊。內囊膝直接到達心室表麵在Monro孔外側的區域。顳角底的外側部分由側枝隆起形成,心房底由側枝三角形成。側支隆起和三角區都覆蓋在側支溝的深端,側支溝沿海馬旁回和枕顳回之間的半球基底麵延伸。位於鈣質溝深端上的結石前庭和位於大鉗上的結石球暴露在心房的內側壁。X,顳角和枕角上視圖,半球上半部分切除。這部分延伸到鈣質溝的深處。 The cuneus, forming the upper lip of the calcarine sulcus, has been removed to expose the lingula, forming the lower lip of the fissure. The calcarine sulcus extends so deeply into the medial part of the hemisphere that it produces a prominence, the calcar avis, in the medial wall of the atrium and occipital horn. Y, inferior view of the calcar avis. The lingula, forming the lower lip of the calcarine sulcus, has been removed to expose the cuneus, forming the upper lip of the sulcus. The calcarine sulcus cuts so deeply into the hemisphere that it produces a prominence in the medial wall of the atrium. The lateral atrial veins cross the lateral atrial wall. The lower part of the temporal lobe has been removed to expose the roof of the temporal lobe. The choroid plexus is attached to the lower surface of the thalamus. The anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries course along the medial edge of the choroid plexus. The anterior calcarine vein drains the depths of the calcarine sulcus. A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Atr., atrial; Calc., calcarine; Call., callosum; Cap., capsule; Caud., caudate; Cent., central; Cer., cerebral; Ch., choroidal; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Circ., circular; Cist., cistern; Col., column; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Glob., globus; Hippo., hippocampal; Int., intermedia, internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lenticular; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; Mid., middle; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; Operc., opercularis; Pall., pallidus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Postcent., postcentral; Precent., precentral; Quad., quadrigeminal; Rec., recess; Sag., sagittal; Sept., septal, septum; Sup., superior; Supramarg., supramarginal; Temp., temporal, temporale; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Triang., triangularis; Trig., trigone; V., vein.









圖5.4。側腦室壁的結構。中心圖顯示的是通過額角(A)、體(B)、心房(C)和顳角(D)的橫斷麵水平。不同結構形成的心室表麵用不同的顏色表示:胼胝體,紅色;丘腦、黃色;穹窿和海馬形成,紫色;尾狀核、綠色;透明隔,橙色;覆蓋著側支和鈣質溝的突起,棕色。額葉角。胼胝體膝在頂,尾狀核在側壁,胼胝體的端部在底,透明隔在內側壁。 B, body of the lateral ventricle. The body of the corpus callosum is in the roof, the caudate nucleus is in the lateral wall, the thalamus is in the floor, and the septum pellucidum and fornix are in the medial wall. The choroidal fissure, the site of the attachment of the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricle, is situated between the fornix and the thalamus. C, atrium. The lateral wall and roof are formed by the tapetum of the corpus callosum, and the floor is formed by the collateral trigone, which overlies the collateral sulcus. The inferior part of the medial wall is formed by the calcar avis, the prominence that overlies the deep end of the calcarine sulcus, and the superior part of the medial wall is formed by the bulb of the corpus callosum, which overlies the forceps major. D, temporal horn. The medial part of the floor of the temporal horn is formed by the prominence overlying the hippocampal formation, and the lateral part of the floor is formed by the prominence called the collateral eminence, which overlies the deep end of the collateral sulcus. The roof is formed by the caudate nucleus and the tapetum of the corpus callosum, the lateral wall is formed by the tapetum of the corpus callosum, and the medial wall of the temporal horn is little more than the cleft between the fimbria of the fornix and the inferolateral aspect of the thalamus. Call., callosum; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Hippo., hippocampus; Nucl., nucleus; Pell., pellucidum; Sept., septum; Sulc., sulcus; Trig., trigone.

圖5.4。側腦室壁的結構。中心圖顯示的是通過額角(A)、體(B)、心房(C)和顳角(D)的橫斷麵水平。不同結構形成的心室表麵用不同的顏色表示:胼胝體,紅色;丘腦、黃色;穹窿和海馬形成,紫色;尾狀核、綠色;透明隔,橙色;覆蓋著側支和鈣質溝的突起,棕色。額葉角。胼胝體膝在頂,尾狀核在側壁,胼胝體的端部在底,透明隔在內側壁。 B, body of the lateral ventricle. The body of the corpus callosum is in the roof, the caudate nucleus is in the lateral wall, the thalamus is in the floor, and the septum pellucidum and fornix are in the medial wall. The choroidal fissure, the site of the attachment of the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricle, is situated between the fornix and the thalamus. C, atrium. The lateral wall and roof are formed by the tapetum of the corpus callosum, and the floor is formed by the collateral trigone, which overlies the collateral sulcus. The inferior part of the medial wall is formed by the calcar avis, the prominence that overlies the deep end of the calcarine sulcus, and the superior part of the medial wall is formed by the bulb of the corpus callosum, which overlies the forceps major. D, temporal horn. The medial part of the floor of the temporal horn is formed by the prominence overlying the hippocampal formation, and the lateral part of the floor is formed by the prominence called the collateral eminence, which overlies the deep end of the collateral sulcus. The roof is formed by the caudate nucleus and the tapetum of the corpus callosum, the lateral wall is formed by the tapetum of the corpus callosum, and the medial wall of the temporal horn is little more than the cleft between the fimbria of the fornix and the inferolateral aspect of the thalamus. Call., callosum; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Hippo., hippocampus; Nucl., nucleus; Pell., pellucidum; Sept., septum; Sulc., sulcus; Trig., trigone.

圖5.5。側腦室的視圖。腦室壁的結構用不同的顏色表示:黃色的是丘腦;尾狀核和杏仁核,綠色;胼胝體、紅;穹窿和海馬形成,紫色;透明隔,橙色;鈣質和側溝上方的突起是棕色的。A,前視圖,沿著圖中的箭頭,進入額角和側腦室體。額角位於Monro孔前方,內側壁有透明隔,頂部有胼胝體的膝和體,外側壁有尾狀核,前壁有胼胝體膝,底有胼胝體的端部。 The body of the lateral ventricle has the thalamus in its floor, the caudate nucleus in the lateral wall, the body of the fornix and septum pellucidum in the medial wall, and the corpus callosum in the roof. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure, the cleft between the fornix and thalamus. The superior choroidal vein and branches of the lateral and medial posterior choroidal arteries course on the surface of the choroid plexus. The anterior and posterior septal veins cross the roof and the medial wall of the frontal horn and body. The anterior and posterior caudate veins cross the lateral wall of the frontal horn and body and join the thalamostriate vein, which passes through the foramen of Monro. A superior superficial thalamic vein courses on the thalamus. B, posterior view, along the arrow in the inset, into the atrium. The atrium has the tapetum of the corpus callosum in the roof, the bulb of the corpus callosum and the calcar avis in its medial wall, the collateral trigone in the floor, the caudate nucleus and tapetum in the lateral wall, and the crus of the fornix, pulvinar, and choroid plexus in the anterior wall. The temporal horn has the hippocampal formation and collateral eminence in the floor and the thalamus, tail of the caudate nucleus, and tapetum in the roof and the lateral wall. Branches of the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries course on the surface of the choroid plexus. A thalamocaudate vein drains the part of the lateral wall of the body behind the area drained by the thalamostriate vein. The inferior choroidal vein courses on the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. The lateral and medial atrial veins cross the medial and lateral walls of the atrium. Transverse hippocampal veins cross the floor of the atrium and temporal horn. C, anterior view, along the arrow in the inset, into the temporal horn. The floor of the temporal horn is formed by the collateral eminence and the hippocampal formation. The roof and lateral wall are formed, from medial to lateral, by the thalamus, the tail of the caudate nucleus, and the tapetum of the corpus callosum. The medial wall is little more than the cleft between the thalamus and the fimbria, called the choroidal fissure, along which the choroid plexus is attached. The amygdaloid nucleus bulges into the anteromedial part of the temporal horn. The fimbria of the fornix arises on the surface of the hippocampal formation. Branches of the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries course on the surface of the choroid plexus. The inferior ventricular vein drains the roof of the temporal horn and receives the amygdalar vein from the ventricular surface of the amygdaloid nucleus. The inferior choroidal vein joins the inferior ventricular vein. The transverse hippocampal veins drain the floor of the temporal horn. A., artery; Amygd., amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Atr., atrial; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; For., foramen; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Sept., septal, septum; Sup., superior; Superf., superficial; Thal., thalamic; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigone; V., vein.

圖5.5。側腦室的視圖。腦室壁的結構用不同的顏色表示:黃色的是丘腦;尾狀核和杏仁核,綠色;胼胝體、紅;穹窿和海馬形成,紫色;透明隔,橙色;鈣質和側溝上方的突起是棕色的。A,前視圖,沿著圖中的箭頭,進入額角和側腦室體。額角位於Monro孔前方,內側壁有透明隔,頂部有胼胝體的膝和體,外側壁有尾狀核,前壁有胼胝體膝,底有胼胝體的端部。 The body of the lateral ventricle has the thalamus in its floor, the caudate nucleus in the lateral wall, the body of the fornix and septum pellucidum in the medial wall, and the corpus callosum in the roof. The choroid plexus is attached along the choroidal fissure, the cleft between the fornix and thalamus. The superior choroidal vein and branches of the lateral and medial posterior choroidal arteries course on the surface of the choroid plexus. The anterior and posterior septal veins cross the roof and the medial wall of the frontal horn and body. The anterior and posterior caudate veins cross the lateral wall of the frontal horn and body and join the thalamostriate vein, which passes through the foramen of Monro. A superior superficial thalamic vein courses on the thalamus. B, posterior view, along the arrow in the inset, into the atrium. The atrium has the tapetum of the corpus callosum in the roof, the bulb of the corpus callosum and the calcar avis in its medial wall, the collateral trigone in the floor, the caudate nucleus and tapetum in the lateral wall, and the crus of the fornix, pulvinar, and choroid plexus in the anterior wall. The temporal horn has the hippocampal formation and collateral eminence in the floor and the thalamus, tail of the caudate nucleus, and tapetum in the roof and the lateral wall. Branches of the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries course on the surface of the choroid plexus. A thalamocaudate vein drains the part of the lateral wall of the body behind the area drained by the thalamostriate vein. The inferior choroidal vein courses on the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. The lateral and medial atrial veins cross the medial and lateral walls of the atrium. Transverse hippocampal veins cross the floor of the atrium and temporal horn. C, anterior view, along the arrow in the inset, into the temporal horn. The floor of the temporal horn is formed by the collateral eminence and the hippocampal formation. The roof and lateral wall are formed, from medial to lateral, by the thalamus, the tail of the caudate nucleus, and the tapetum of the corpus callosum. The medial wall is little more than the cleft between the thalamus and the fimbria, called the choroidal fissure, along which the choroid plexus is attached. The amygdaloid nucleus bulges into the anteromedial part of the temporal horn. The fimbria of the fornix arises on the surface of the hippocampal formation. Branches of the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries course on the surface of the choroid plexus. The inferior ventricular vein drains the roof of the temporal horn and receives the amygdalar vein from the ventricular surface of the amygdaloid nucleus. The inferior choroidal vein joins the inferior ventricular vein. The transverse hippocampal veins drain the floor of the temporal horn. A., artery; Amygd., amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Atr., atrial; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; For., foramen; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Sept., septal, septum; Sup., superior; Superf., superficial; Thal., thalamic; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigone; V., vein.





脈絡膜裂分為體部、心房部和顳部。體部位於側腦室體內穹窿體和丘腦上表麵之間(圖5.5和5.7)。腦內靜脈通過的膜間質位於第三腦室頂部裂縫的身體內側。從腦室體穿過脈絡膜裂的開口將暴露出膜間質和第三腦室的頂部。脈絡膜裂和脈絡膜叢不延伸到額角;然而,一些進入脈絡膜裂上部的手術入路是通過額角和身體的鄰近部分。心房位於側腦室的心房中穹窿小腿和枕骨之間(圖5.5和5.8)。裂縫沒有延伸到枕角。通過從心房打開的裂隙,可以暴露四邊形池、鬆果體區和周圍池的後部。顳部位於穹窿絲膜和丘腦下外側表麵之間的顳角(圖5.5和5.9)。 Opening through the choroidal fissure in the temporal horn exposes the structures in the ambient and posterior part of the crural cisterns. The cisternal side of the temporal portion of the fissure is situated in the superolateral edge of the ambient cistern. The fissure is the thinnest site in the wall of the lateral ventricle bordering the basal cisterns and the roof of the third ventricle.

圖5.6。模擬。逐步剝離脈絡膜裂隙。側腦室上方圖。脈絡膜裂是穹窿和丘腦之間的裂口脈絡膜叢沿著它連接。額角位於前側,腦室體位於門羅孔後。丘腦形成了側腦室體的底部和心房的前壁。B,放大圖。穹窿柱形成了門羅孔的前緣和上緣。體內脈絡膜叢穿過Monro孔後緣,並與第三腦室頂的脈絡膜叢連續。 The right thalamostriate vein passes through the posterior edge of the foramen of Monro and the left thalamostriate vein passes through the choroidal fissure behind the foramen. The floor of the frontal horn is formed by the rostrum, and the anterior wall is formed by the genu of the corpus callosum. The lateral wall is formed by the caudate nucleus. The septum pellucidum is attached to the upper edge of the body of the fornix. C, enlarged view of the foramen of Monro. The columns of the fornix form the anterior and superior margins of the foramen. An anterior septal vein passes backward along the septum pellucidum and crosses the column of the fornix. The thalamostriate vein passes forward between the caudate nucleus and thalamus and turns medially to pass through the posterior margin of the foramen of Monro to empty into the internal cerebral vein. The choroid plexus is attached medially by the tenia fornix to the body of the fornix and laterally by the tenia thalami to the thalamus. D, the transchoroidal exposure is begun by dividing the tenia fornix that attaches the choroid plexus to the margin of the fornix. The tenia thalami that attaches the choroid plexus to the thalamus is not opened.


圖5.6。模擬。逐步剝離脈絡膜裂隙。側腦室上方圖。脈絡膜裂是穹窿和丘腦之間的裂口脈絡膜叢沿著它連接。額角位於前側,腦室體位於門羅孔後。丘腦形成了側腦室體的底部和心房的前壁。B,放大圖。穹窿柱形成了門羅孔的前緣和上緣。體內脈絡膜叢穿過Monro孔後緣,並與第三腦室頂的脈絡膜叢連續。 The right thalamostriate vein passes through the posterior edge of the foramen of Monro and the left thalamostriate vein passes through the choroidal fissure behind the foramen. The floor of the frontal horn is formed by the rostrum, and the anterior wall is formed by the genu of the corpus callosum. The lateral wall is formed by the caudate nucleus. The septum pellucidum is attached to the upper edge of the body of the fornix. C, enlarged view of the foramen of Monro. The columns of the fornix form the anterior and superior margins of the foramen. An anterior septal vein passes backward along the septum pellucidum and crosses the column of the fornix. The thalamostriate vein passes forward between the caudate nucleus and thalamus and turns medially to pass through the posterior margin of the foramen of Monro to empty into the internal cerebral vein. The choroid plexus is attached medially by the tenia fornix to the body of the fornix and laterally by the tenia thalami to the thalamus. D, the transchoroidal exposure is begun by dividing the tenia fornix that attaches the choroid plexus to the margin of the fornix. The tenia thalami that attaches the choroid plexus to the thalamus is not opened.

圖5.6。情況。 E, the opening of the choroidal fissure has been extended backward from the foramen of Monro to expose both internal cerebral veins and the medial posterior choroidal arteries coursing in the velum interpositum. The anterior septal vein crosses the septum pellucidum. The lower layer of tela choroidea, attached to the striae medullaris thalami deep to the internal cerebral veins, is intact. F, the lower layer of tela choroidea that forms the floor of the velum interpositum has been opened, exposing the massa intermedia and posterior commissure within the third ventricle. G, the internal cerebral veins have been separated to expose the anteroinferior part of the third ventricle. The upper end of the midbrain forms the posterior part of the floor of the third ventricle. The mamillary bodies are situated in the midportion of the floor. The floor anterior to the mamillary bodies and behind the infundibular recess in very thin and is the site commonly opened in a third ventriculostomy. The chiasmatic recess extends forward above the posterior edge of the optic chiasm and below the anterior commissure. H, enlarged view of the inner surface of the anterior wall of the third ventricle. The columns of the fornix extend downward behind the anterior commissure toward the mamillary bodies. The lamina terminalis, chiasmatic recess, posterior edge of the chiasm, and the infundibular recess are located along the anterior and lower wall of the third ventricle.


圖5.6。情況。E,脈絡膜裂的開口從Monro孔向後延伸,暴露出大腦內靜脈和位於胸膜間質內的內側後脈絡膜動脈。前隔靜脈穿過透明隔。脈絡膜下層,附著於丘腦髓紋深至腦內靜脈處,完好無損。F,形成膜間質底部的脈留膜下層已被打開,暴露出第三腦室內的中間塊和後連合。G,大腦內靜脈被分離出來暴露出第三腦室的前下部分。中腦的上端形成了第三腦室底部的後部。乳狀體位於基底的中部。乳頭體前麵和漏鬥窩後麵的底非常薄,通常在第三腦室造口術中打開。 The chiasmatic recess extends forward above the posterior edge of the optic chiasm and below the anterior commissure. H, enlarged view of the inner surface of the anterior wall of the third ventricle. The columns of the fornix extend downward behind the anterior commissure toward the mamillary bodies. The lamina terminalis, chiasmatic recess, posterior edge of the chiasm, and the infundibular recess are located along the anterior and lower wall of the third ventricle.

圖5.6。i n。沿著脈絡膜裂的開口已經向後延伸了通過沿著身體邊緣和穹窿小腿打開穹窿肌腱。四叉神經池的上部,也就是大腦內靜脈與蓋倫靜脈彙合的地方,已經暴露出來。脈絡膜內側後動脈與大腦內靜脈相連。J,脈絡膜裂的開口沿著脈絡膜裂向下延伸到四叉神經池的中央部分,暴露出大腦基底靜脈和內部靜脈、鬆果體和上丘。內側後脈絡膜動脈的分支在鬆果體旁邊。K,放大視圖。鬆果體的尖端向後突出於上丘的上方和大腦內靜脈的末端之間。L,剝離已經沿著脈膜裂向前延伸到顳角,通過在穹窿毛膜邊緣分裂肌腱,暴露基底靜脈,大腦後動脈和滑車神經在丘腦下部周圍池的後部。 M, the choroidal fissure in the temporal horn has been opened by dividing the tenia fimbria. The choroid plexus attachment to the thalamus has not been disturbed. The posterior cerebral artery and basal vein course through the ambient cistern on the medial side of the temporal portion of the choroidal fissure. N, the exposure has been extended through the amygdala anterior to the choroidal fissure to expose the oculomotor nerve and origin of the posterior cerebral artery. The posterior cerebral artery passes above the oculomotor nerve. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Ch., choroidal; Chiasm., chiasmatic; Chor., choroid; Col., column; Coll., colliculus; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; CN, cranial nerve; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Infund., infundibular; Int., intermedia, internal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Rec., recess; Sept., septal, septum; Tent., tentorial; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.


圖5.6。i n。沿著脈絡膜裂的開口已經向後延伸了通過沿著身體邊緣和穹窿小腿打開穹窿肌腱。四叉神經池的上部,也就是大腦內靜脈與蓋倫靜脈彙合的地方,已經暴露出來。脈絡膜內側後動脈與大腦內靜脈相連。J,脈絡膜裂的開口沿著脈絡膜裂向下延伸到四叉神經池的中央部分,暴露出大腦基底靜脈和內部靜脈、鬆果體和上丘。內側後脈絡膜動脈的分支在鬆果體旁邊。K,放大視圖。鬆果體的尖端向後突出於上丘的上方和大腦內靜脈的末端之間。L,剝離已經沿著脈膜裂向前延伸到顳角,通過在穹窿毛膜邊緣分裂肌腱,暴露基底靜脈,大腦後動脈和滑車神經在丘腦下部周圍池的後部。 M, the choroidal fissure in the temporal horn has been opened by dividing the tenia fimbria. The choroid plexus attachment to the thalamus has not been disturbed. The posterior cerebral artery and basal vein course through the ambient cistern on the medial side of the temporal portion of the choroidal fissure. N, the exposure has been extended through the amygdala anterior to the choroidal fissure to expose the oculomotor nerve and origin of the posterior cerebral artery. The posterior cerebral artery passes above the oculomotor nerve. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Ch., choroidal; Chiasm., chiasmatic; Chor., choroid; Col., column; Coll., colliculus; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; CN, cranial nerve; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Infund., infundibular; Int., intermedia, internal; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Rec., recess; Sept., septal, septum; Tent., tentorial; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.

圖5.7。經脈絡膜入路,通過胼胝體的開口穿過脈絡膜裂的體部。頭皮切口和骨瓣的位置如圖所示。A,手術暴露額角和右側腦室體。脈絡膜裂位於脈絡膜叢深處。側腦室壁的結構包括丘腦、尾狀穹窿核、門羅孔、透明隔和胼胝體的端部。聚集在脈絡膜裂隙上的血管結構包括脈絡膜內側和外側後動脈、前和後間隔、前和後尾狀體、上脈絡膜靜脈和丘腦靜脈。B,脈絡膜裂已經沿著穹窿腱切開。通過分離腦內靜脈,打開第三腦室頂部的脈絡膜層,暴露第三腦室中間塊及內部和底部。內側後脈絡膜動脈環繞大腦內靜脈。 A., artery; Ant., anterior; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Int., intermedia, internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Sept., septal, septum; Sup., superior; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. (From, Nagata S, Rhoton AL Jr, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the choroidal fissure. Surg Neurol 30:3–59, 1988 [15].)

圖5.7。經脈絡膜入路,通過胼胝體的開口穿過脈絡膜裂的體部。頭皮切口和骨瓣的位置如圖所示。A,手術暴露額角和右側腦室體。脈絡膜裂位於脈絡膜叢深處。側腦室壁的結構包括丘腦、尾狀穹窿核、門羅孔、透明隔和胼胝體的端部。聚集在脈絡膜裂隙上的血管結構包括脈絡膜內側和外側後動脈、前和後間隔、前和後尾狀體、上脈絡膜靜脈和丘腦靜脈。B,脈絡膜裂已經沿著穹窿腱切開。通過分離腦內靜脈,打開第三腦室頂部的脈絡膜層,暴露第三腦室中間塊及內部和底部。內側後脈絡膜動脈環繞大腦內靜脈。 A., artery; Ant., anterior; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Int., intermedia, internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Pell., pellucidum; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Sept., septal, septum; Sup., superior; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. (From, Nagata S, Rhoton AL Jr, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the choroidal fissure. Surg Neurol 30:3–59, 1988 [15].)

圖5.8。經脈絡膜入路通過脈絡膜裂隙的心房部分,使用頂葉上皮質切口。頭皮切口、骨瓣和皮質切口的位置如圖所示。A,脈絡膜叢沿著脈絡膜裂相連。脈絡膜裂隙的心房部分位於穹窿窩和枕骨之間。心房壁、體壁和側腦室顳角的結構包括枕狀區、穹窿區、尾狀核、胼胝體絨氈層和球狀區、距距區、海馬形成區、側隆起區和三角區。彙聚於脈絡膜裂隙的血管結構包括脈絡膜前動脈和後動脈、房側動脈和內側動脈、尾狀後動脈、上脈絡膜動脈和下脈絡膜靜脈以及海馬橫靜脈。B,通過切開穹窿肌腱,向後縮回穹窿底部,打開脈絡膜裂隙,暴露四頭池,大腦後動脈和內側脈絡膜後動脈,鬆果體,大腦內靜脈,基底靜脈和大靜脈。一個,動脈;螞蟻。, anterior; Atr., atrial; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigone; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. (From, Nagata S, Rhoton AL Jr, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the choroidal fissure. Surg Neurol 30:3–59, 1988 [15].)

圖5.8。經脈絡膜入路通過脈絡膜裂隙的心房部分,使用頂葉上皮質切口。頭皮切口、骨瓣和皮質切口的位置如圖所示。A,脈絡膜叢沿著脈絡膜裂相連。脈絡膜裂隙的心房部分位於穹窿窩和枕骨之間。心房壁、體壁和側腦室顳角的結構包括枕狀區、穹窿區、尾狀核、胼胝體絨氈層和球狀區、距距區、海馬形成區、側隆起區和三角區。彙聚於脈絡膜裂隙的血管結構包括脈絡膜前動脈和後動脈、房側動脈和內側動脈、尾狀後動脈、上脈絡膜動脈和下脈絡膜靜脈以及海馬橫靜脈。B,通過切開穹窿肌腱,向後縮回穹窿底部,打開脈絡膜裂隙,暴露四頭池,大腦後動脈和內側脈絡膜後動脈,鬆果體,大腦內靜脈,基底靜脈和大靜脈。一個,動脈;螞蟻。, anterior; Atr., atrial; Call., callosum; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; Coll., collateral; Corp., corpus; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Trans., transverse; Trig., trigone; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. (From, Nagata S, Rhoton AL Jr, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the choroidal fissure. Surg Neurol 30:3–59, 1988 [15].)

圖5.9。經脈絡膜入路穿過脈絡膜裂的顳部。圖示頭皮切口和骨瓣的位置。第一,顳葉的下表麵已經打開,露出了顳角。脈絡膜叢沿脈絡膜裂附著。顳角壁的結構包括海馬形成,側支隆起,杏仁核和尾狀核,以及胼胝體的絨氈層。通過脈絡膜裂的血管結構包括前、後脈絡膜動脈和海馬橫靜脈、杏仁核、下脈絡膜靜脈和下心室靜脈。B,脈絡膜裂已經被打開了通過沿著纖維細肌切開並向上收回脈絡膜叢。這就暴露了周圍的腦池,大腦後動脈的分支和基底靜脈的支流。脈絡膜後內側動脈在大腦後動脈的內側。 A., artery; Amygd., amygdalar, amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; Coll., collateral; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Temp., temporal; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. (From, Nagata S, Rhoton AL Jr, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the choroidal fissure. Surg Neurol 30:3–59, 1988 [15].)

圖5.9。經脈絡膜入路穿過脈絡膜裂的顳部。圖示頭皮切口和骨瓣的位置。第一,顳葉的下表麵已經打開,露出了顳角。脈絡膜叢沿脈絡膜裂附著。顳角壁的結構包括海馬形成,側支隆起,杏仁核和尾狀核,以及胼胝體的絨氈層。通過脈絡膜裂的血管結構包括前、後脈絡膜動脈和海馬橫靜脈、杏仁核、下脈絡膜靜脈和下心室靜脈。B,脈絡膜裂已經被打開了通過沿著纖維細肌切開並向上收回脈絡膜叢。這就暴露了周圍的腦池,大腦後動脈的分支和基底靜脈的支流。脈絡膜後內側動脈在大腦後動脈的內側。 A., artery; Amygd., amygdalar, amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; Coll., collateral; Emin., eminence; Fiss., fissure; Hippo., hippocampal, hippocampus; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Temp., temporal; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. (From, Nagata S, Rhoton AL Jr, Barry M: Microsurgical anatomy of the choroidal fissure. Surg Neurol 30:3–59, 1988 [15].)




圖5.10。第三腦室的正中矢狀麵。底(藍色)從視交叉延伸到sylvius渡槽,包括視交叉下表麵,漏鬥,漏鬥隱窩,垂體腺,腫瘤塊莖,乳頭體,後穿孔物質,以及渡槽前的中腦部分。前壁(紅色)從視交叉延伸到門羅孔,包括視交叉上表麵、視隱窩、終板、前連合和門羅孔。頂部(綠色)由蒙羅孔延伸至棘突上隱窩,由穹窿和脈絡膜層構成,其間為腦內靜脈和脈絡膜後內側動脈。海馬連通性、胼胝體和透明隔位於屋頂之上。後壁從鬆果體上隱窩延伸到渡槽,包括鉤骨連合、鬆果體、鬆果體隱窩和後連合。動眼神經起源於中腦。下丘腦溝在第三腦室的丘腦和下丘腦表麵之間形成凹槽。螞蟻。, anterior; B., body; Call., callosum; Ch., chiasm; Cin., cinereum; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Hippo., hippocampal; Hypothal., hypothalamic, hypothalamus; Infund., infundibular, infundibulum; Inter., intermedia; Lam., lamina; Mam., mamillary; N., nerve; O., optic; Pel., pellucidum; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Sept., septum; Subst., substance; Sulc., sulcus; Ter., terminalis.

圖5.10。第三腦室的正中矢狀麵。底(藍色)從視交叉延伸到sylvius渡槽,包括視交叉下表麵,漏鬥,漏鬥隱窩,垂體腺,腫瘤塊莖,乳頭體,後穿孔物質,以及渡槽前的中腦部分。前壁(紅色)從視交叉延伸到門羅孔,包括視交叉上表麵、視隱窩、終板、前連合和門羅孔。頂部(綠色)由蒙羅孔延伸至棘突上隱窩,由穹窿和脈絡膜層構成,其間為腦內靜脈和脈絡膜後內側動脈。海馬連通性、胼胝體和透明隔位於屋頂之上。後壁從鬆果體上隱窩延伸到渡槽,包括鉤骨連合、鬆果體、鬆果體隱窩和後連合。動眼神經起源於中腦。下丘腦溝在第三腦室的丘腦和下丘腦表麵之間形成凹槽。螞蟻。, anterior; B., body; Call., callosum; Ch., chiasm; Cin., cinereum; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Hippo., hippocampal; Hypothal., hypothalamic, hypothalamus; Infund., infundibular, infundibulum; Inter., intermedia; Lam., lamina; Mam., mamillary; N., nerve; O., optic; Pel., pellucidum; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Sept., septum; Subst., substance; Sulc., sulcus; Ter., terminalis.

圖5.11。模擬。第三腦室正中矢狀麵。A,第三腦室位於頭蓋骨的中心,在胼胝體、側腦室體和透明隔下方,在中腦和足間窩上方,在四叉神經池和蓋倫靜脈前方,在大腦前動脈後方。沿鐮側的半腦間裂是通向第三腦室的一條通道。第三腦室的後部也可以沿著鐮和幕的連接處靠近,與直竇相鄰。B,放大圖。透明隔隔開側腦室體和額角,並由前、後間隔靜脈交叉。大腦前動脈沿第三腦室前壁上升,基底分支位於地板下方,蓋倫靜脈阻斷了通向後壁的通路。C,第三腦室放大圖。 The anterior wall of the third ventricle is formed by the lamina terminalis and anterior commissure and blends above into the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The roof is formed by the body of the fornix and the velum interpositum through which the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries course. The posterior wall, formed by the pineal and habenular and posterior commissures, is located anterior to the quadrigeminal cistern and the venous complex created by numerous veins converging on the vein of Galen. The floor is formed, from anterior to posterior, by the optic chiasm, tuber cinereum above the pituitary stalk, mamillary bodies, and upper midbrain. The section extends to the lateral side of the mamillary bodies. The velum interpositum is the space within the roof of the third ventricle along which the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries pass. The body of the fornix is located above the velum interpositum. The upper wall of the velum interpositum is formed by the layer of tela choroidea attached to the lower margin of the fornix. The floor is formed by the layer of tela attached along the striae medullaris thalami. The internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries course between the two layers of tela. The choroid plexus in the roof of the third ventricle arises in the lower layer of tela. D, another third ventricle. This section extends just to the left of the midline through the column and body of the fornix. The body of the fornix forms the roof of the third ventricle. The columns pass anterior to the foramen of Monro and descend behind the anterior commissure to reach the mamillary bodies.


圖5.11。模擬。第三腦室正中矢狀麵。A,第三腦室位於頭蓋骨的中心,在胼胝體、側腦室體和透明隔下方,在中腦和足間窩上方,在四叉神經池和蓋倫靜脈前方,在大腦前動脈後方。沿鐮側的半腦間裂是通向第三腦室的一條通道。第三腦室的後部也可以沿著鐮和幕的連接處靠近,與直竇相鄰。B,放大圖。透明隔隔開側腦室體和額角,並由前、後間隔靜脈交叉。大腦前動脈沿第三腦室前壁上升,基底分支位於地板下方,蓋倫靜脈阻斷了通向後壁的通路。C,第三腦室放大圖。 The anterior wall of the third ventricle is formed by the lamina terminalis and anterior commissure and blends above into the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The roof is formed by the body of the fornix and the velum interpositum through which the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries course. The posterior wall, formed by the pineal and habenular and posterior commissures, is located anterior to the quadrigeminal cistern and the venous complex created by numerous veins converging on the vein of Galen. The floor is formed, from anterior to posterior, by the optic chiasm, tuber cinereum above the pituitary stalk, mamillary bodies, and upper midbrain. The section extends to the lateral side of the mamillary bodies. The velum interpositum is the space within the roof of the third ventricle along which the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries pass. The body of the fornix is located above the velum interpositum. The upper wall of the velum interpositum is formed by the layer of tela choroidea attached to the lower margin of the fornix. The floor is formed by the layer of tela attached along the striae medullaris thalami. The internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries course between the two layers of tela. The choroid plexus in the roof of the third ventricle arises in the lower layer of tela. D, another third ventricle. This section extends just to the left of the midline through the column and body of the fornix. The body of the fornix forms the roof of the third ventricle. The columns pass anterior to the foramen of Monro and descend behind the anterior commissure to reach the mamillary bodies.

圖5.11。情況。E,放大視圖。前壁由終板和前連合組成。視交叉、乳狀體和中腦都在眼底。F,放大視圖。交叉隱窩位於視交叉上方和終板後麵。漏鬥隱窩位於視交叉的下方和後麵。端板與胼胝體的端部融合。前連合位於胼胝體口和穹窿柱之間。 The thalamus and hypothalamus form the lateral wall of the third ventricle. G, enlarged view of the posterior part of the third ventricle. The posterior wall of the third ventricle is formed by the aqueduct, pineal, and habenular and posterior commissures. The pineal recess extends into the base of the pineal in the interval between the habenular and posterior commissures. H, lateral view of the third ventricle with the hippocampus and fornix preserved. The body of the fornix forms the roof of the third ventricle. The velum interpositum, through which the internal cerebral veins course, is located between the body of the fornix and the striae medullaris thalami. The quadrigeminal cistern and pineal region are located anteromedial to the crus of the fornix, and the ambient cistern and posterior cerebral artery are located medial to the temporal horn and the fimbria. Opening the choroidal fissure adjacent to the body of the fornix exposes the third ventricle. The medial posterior choroidal arteries turn forward beside the pineal to reach the velum interpositum. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Call., callosum; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chiasm., chiasmatic; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Coll., colliculus; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Infund., infundibular; Int., intermedia, internal; Interpos., interpositum; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pell., pellucidum; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Sag., sagittal; Sept., septal, septum; Str., straight; Sup., superior; Term., terminalis; Thal., thalami; V., vein; Vel., velum; Vent., ventricle.


圖5.11。情況。E,放大視圖。前壁由終板和前連合組成。視交叉、乳狀體和中腦都在眼底。F,放大視圖。交叉隱窩位於視交叉上方和終板後麵。漏鬥隱窩位於視交叉的下方和後麵。端板與胼胝體的端部融合。前連合位於胼胝體口和穹窿柱之間。 The thalamus and hypothalamus form the lateral wall of the third ventricle. G, enlarged view of the posterior part of the third ventricle. The posterior wall of the third ventricle is formed by the aqueduct, pineal, and habenular and posterior commissures. The pineal recess extends into the base of the pineal in the interval between the habenular and posterior commissures. H, lateral view of the third ventricle with the hippocampus and fornix preserved. The body of the fornix forms the roof of the third ventricle. The velum interpositum, through which the internal cerebral veins course, is located between the body of the fornix and the striae medullaris thalami. The quadrigeminal cistern and pineal region are located anteromedial to the crus of the fornix, and the ambient cistern and posterior cerebral artery are located medial to the temporal horn and the fimbria. Opening the choroidal fissure adjacent to the body of the fornix exposes the third ventricle. The medial posterior choroidal arteries turn forward beside the pineal to reach the velum interpositum. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Call., callosum; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chiasm., chiasmatic; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Coll., colliculus; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Infund., infundibular; Int., intermedia, internal; Interpos., interpositum; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; Med., medial; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Pell., pellucidum; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Sag., sagittal; Sept., septal, septum; Str., straight; Sup., superior; Term., terminalis; Thal., thalami; V., vein; Vel., velum; Vent., ventricle.






腹膜間質是第三腦室頂兩層脈絡膜之間的空間。它位於脈膜裂隙體部內側,位於穹窿體下方第三腦室頂部,位於丘腦超內側表麵之間。脈絡膜的上層附著於穹窿和海馬連合的下表麵。下壁的前部與纖維束自由邊緣的小脊相連,稱為丘腦髓紋,它沿著丘腦的超內側邊界從門羅孔延伸到下丘腦連合。下壁的後部附著於鬆果體的上表麵。第三腦室的鬆果體上隱窩位於脈絡膜下層和鬆果體上表麵之間。第三腦室頂部的成對平行脈絡叢與脈絡膜下部相連。許多引流額角和身體的靜脈彙合於腹膜間質,形成腦內靜脈。大腦內靜脈起於膜間質前部,就在Monro孔後麵,它們從鬆果體上方的膜間質出進入四頭池並與大靜脈彙合。腹膜間質通常是一個封閉的空間,在Monro孔的後麵逐漸變細到一個狹窄的頂端,但它很少在脾和鬆果體之間有一個開口,與四頭池相連,形成腹膜間質池。 There also may be a space above the velum interpositum between the hippocampal commissure and splenium called the cavum vergae.

圖5.12。模擬。第三腦室的頂部。優越的觀點。第一,大腦半球的上部被切除露出額角和側腦室體。脈絡膜叢沿著位於穹窿體和丘腦之間的脈絡膜裂隙相連。脈絡膜上靜脈沿著脈絡膜叢走行。丘腦紋靜脈穿過門羅孔的後緣。穹窿柱穿過門羅孔的前方和上方。穹窿體形成了第三腦室頂的上部。 B, the right lateral edge of the fornix has been removed to expose the upper layer of tela choroidea that spans the interval below the body of the fornix and forms the upper wall of the velum interpositum in the roof of the third ventricle. The velum is positioned between an upper layer of tela attached to the lower surface of the body of the fornix and a lower layer of tela attached below the internal cerebral veins to the striae medullaris thalami. The internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries course in the velum interpositum. C, the body of the fornix has been folded backward. The upper layer of tela that rests against the lower surface of the body of the fornix has been preserved. The tela is a thin, arachnoid-like membrane, through which the internal cerebral veins and the medial posterior choroidal arteries can be seen. The anterior septal veins pass above the foramen of Monro. D, the upper layer of tela has been removed to expose the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries. The internal cerebral veins have been retracted laterally. The anterior septal veins course along the septum and join the internal cerebral veins near the foramen of Monro.


圖5.12。模擬。第三腦室的頂部。優越的觀點。第一,大腦半球的上部被切除露出額角和側腦室體。脈絡膜叢沿著位於穹窿體和丘腦之間的脈絡膜裂隙相連。脈絡膜上靜脈沿著脈絡膜叢走行。丘腦紋靜脈穿過門羅孔的後緣。穹窿柱穿過門羅孔的前方和上方。穹窿體形成了第三腦室頂的上部。 B, the right lateral edge of the fornix has been removed to expose the upper layer of tela choroidea that spans the interval below the body of the fornix and forms the upper wall of the velum interpositum in the roof of the third ventricle. The velum is positioned between an upper layer of tela attached to the lower surface of the body of the fornix and a lower layer of tela attached below the internal cerebral veins to the striae medullaris thalami. The internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries course in the velum interpositum. C, the body of the fornix has been folded backward. The upper layer of tela that rests against the lower surface of the body of the fornix has been preserved. The tela is a thin, arachnoid-like membrane, through which the internal cerebral veins and the medial posterior choroidal arteries can be seen. The anterior septal veins pass above the foramen of Monro. D, the upper layer of tela has been removed to expose the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries. The internal cerebral veins have been retracted laterally. The anterior septal veins course along the septum and join the internal cerebral veins near the foramen of Monro.

圖5.12。E-F。E,打開網膜,暴露中massa,乳頭體和後連合。F,暴露在第三腦室的後部。導水管位於後縫和韁縫的下方。鬆果體隱窩向後延伸,在鉤骨和後密縫之間進入鬆果體基部。螞蟻。前;Cer。腦; Ch., choroidal; Chor., choroid; Col., column; Comm., commissure; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Int., intermedia, internal; Mam., mamillary; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Sept., septal; Sup., superior; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; V., vein.


圖5.12。E-F。E,打開網膜,暴露中massa,乳頭體和後連合。F,暴露在第三腦室的後部。導水管位於後縫和韁縫的下方。鬆果體隱窩向後延伸,在鉤骨和後密縫之間進入鬆果體基部。螞蟻。前;Cer。腦; Ch., choroidal; Chor., choroid; Col., column; Comm., commissure; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Int., intermedia, internal; Mam., mamillary; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Sept., septal; Sup., superior; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; V., vein.

圖5.13。模擬。第三腦室的底部和頂部。A,第三腦室底部位於鉤椎和前穿孔物質的內側,在中腦上方。從前到後,底包括視交叉的下緣,被灰質塊莖包圍的垂體柄,乳頭體和中腦。踝間窩位於地板後部下方。視束的前部沿著地板的外側邊緣延伸,但在更遠的後方,視束向外側偏離地板,繞過腦梗的上邊緣。B,放大圖。癌塊莖位於垂體柄周圍。漏鬥隱窩延伸到莖的基部。 A third ventriculostomy is commonly performed by opening through the thin area (yellow arrow) in the floor just in front of the mamillary bodies. The oculomotor nerves arise behind the mamillary bodies below the posterior part of the floor of the third ventricle. C, another specimen showing the thin area in front of the mamillary bodies (yellow arrow) through which a third ventriculostomy is completed. The anterior perforated substance and optic tracts are positioned lateral to the anterior part of the floor of the third ventricle. The mamillary bodies and upper midbrain are positioned below the posterior part of the floor. D, view of another third ventricle from below with the vascular structure preserved. The internal carotid, posterior communicating, anterior choroidal, and posterior cerebral arteries all give rise to branches that reach the walls of the lateral and third ventricles. The thalamoperforating branches of the posterior cerebral artery supply some of the posterior part of the floor of the third ventricle.


圖5.13。模擬。第三腦室的底部和頂部。A,第三腦室底部位於鉤椎和前穿孔物質的內側,在中腦上方。從前到後,底包括視交叉的下緣,被灰質塊莖包圍的垂體柄,乳頭體和中腦。踝間窩位於地板後部下方。視束的前部沿著地板的外側邊緣延伸,但在更遠的後方,視束向外側偏離地板,繞過腦梗的上邊緣。B,放大圖。癌塊莖位於垂體柄周圍。漏鬥隱窩延伸到莖的基部。 A third ventriculostomy is commonly performed by opening through the thin area (yellow arrow) in the floor just in front of the mamillary bodies. The oculomotor nerves arise behind the mamillary bodies below the posterior part of the floor of the third ventricle. C, another specimen showing the thin area in front of the mamillary bodies (yellow arrow) through which a third ventriculostomy is completed. The anterior perforated substance and optic tracts are positioned lateral to the anterior part of the floor of the third ventricle. The mamillary bodies and upper midbrain are positioned below the posterior part of the floor. D, view of another third ventricle from below with the vascular structure preserved. The internal carotid, posterior communicating, anterior choroidal, and posterior cerebral arteries all give rise to branches that reach the walls of the lateral and third ventricles. The thalamoperforating branches of the posterior cerebral artery supply some of the posterior part of the floor of the third ventricle.

圖5.13。情況。E,下視圖,第三腦室底部切除,露出頂部。垂體柄向前反射,暴露出漏鬥隱窩和終板的腦室側。終肌板從交叉的上邊緣向上傾斜到前合角前麵的區域在那裏它與胼胝體的端部融合。穹窿柱在門羅孔上方和前方交叉,向下延伸至乳頭體。中間塊穿過第三心室的中部。腦膜間質位於第三腦室頂的丘腦之間,是大腦內靜脈和內側後脈絡膜動脈的通道。後連合暴露在鬆果體下方。蓋倫靜脈位於第三腦室的後麵,基底靜脈都流入蓋倫靜脈。 F, enlarged view. The infundibular recess is located below the optic chiasm in the base of the pituitary stalk, and the chiasmatic recess is located above the optic chiasm. The lamina terminalis forms the anterior wall of the chiasmatic recess. The anterior commissure crosses the anterior wall in front of the columns of the fornix. The foramina of Monro open upward into both lateral ventricles. The lower wall of the velum interpositum is formed by the layer of tela choroidea, in which the choroid plexus in the roof of the third ventricle arises, and which is attached laterally to the striae medullaris thalami. The internal cerebral veins can be seen through the layer of tela forming the lower wall of the velum interpositum. G, another specimen with the floor of the third ventricle removed. The posterior cerebral arteries, from which the lateral and medial posterior choroidal arteries arise, passes around the midbrain. The lamina terminalis is exposed above the optic chiasm and slopes upward toward the anterior commissure. The columns of the fornix pass along the anterior and superior margins of the foramen of Monro and behind the anterior commissure. The lower layer of tela choroidea in the velum interpositum has been removed to expose the vascular layer in the roof of the third ventricle formed by the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries. Another layer of tela, which spans the interval above the internal cerebral veins and below the body of the fornix, separates the vascular layer from the body of the fornix. H, enlarged view. The upper layer of tela choroidea that spans the interval below the body of the fornix has been removed. The body of the fornix, exposed by removing the upper layer of tela, blends anteriorly into the columns of the fornix that pass along the anterior and superior margin of the foramen of Monro. The lamina terminalis has been opened in the interval between the optic chiasm and anterior commissure to expose the perforating branches of the anterior cerebral artery. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcarine; Car., carotid; Cin., cinereum; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Comm., commissure; For., foramen; Gen., geniculate; Infund., infundibular; Int., intermedia, internal; Interped., interpeduncular; Interpos., interpositum; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Olf., olfactory; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Subst., substance; Term., terminalis; Thal.Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vel., velum.


圖5.13。情況。E,下視圖,第三腦室底部切除,露出頂部。垂體柄向前反射,暴露出漏鬥隱窩和終板的腦室側。終肌板從交叉的上邊緣向上傾斜到前合角前麵的區域在那裏它與胼胝體的端部融合。穹窿柱在門羅孔上方和前方交叉,向下延伸至乳頭體。中間塊穿過第三心室的中部。腦膜間質位於第三腦室頂的丘腦之間,是大腦內靜脈和內側後脈絡膜動脈的通道。後連合暴露在鬆果體下方。蓋倫靜脈位於第三腦室的後麵,基底靜脈都流入蓋倫靜脈。 F, enlarged view. The infundibular recess is located below the optic chiasm in the base of the pituitary stalk, and the chiasmatic recess is located above the optic chiasm. The lamina terminalis forms the anterior wall of the chiasmatic recess. The anterior commissure crosses the anterior wall in front of the columns of the fornix. The foramina of Monro open upward into both lateral ventricles. The lower wall of the velum interpositum is formed by the layer of tela choroidea, in which the choroid plexus in the roof of the third ventricle arises, and which is attached laterally to the striae medullaris thalami. The internal cerebral veins can be seen through the layer of tela forming the lower wall of the velum interpositum. G, another specimen with the floor of the third ventricle removed. The posterior cerebral arteries, from which the lateral and medial posterior choroidal arteries arise, passes around the midbrain. The lamina terminalis is exposed above the optic chiasm and slopes upward toward the anterior commissure. The columns of the fornix pass along the anterior and superior margins of the foramen of Monro and behind the anterior commissure. The lower layer of tela choroidea in the velum interpositum has been removed to expose the vascular layer in the roof of the third ventricle formed by the internal cerebral veins and medial posterior choroidal arteries. Another layer of tela, which spans the interval above the internal cerebral veins and below the body of the fornix, separates the vascular layer from the body of the fornix. H, enlarged view. The upper layer of tela choroidea that spans the interval below the body of the fornix has been removed. The body of the fornix, exposed by removing the upper layer of tela, blends anteriorly into the columns of the fornix that pass along the anterior and superior margin of the foramen of Monro. The lamina terminalis has been opened in the interval between the optic chiasm and anterior commissure to expose the perforating branches of the anterior cerebral artery. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; Ant., anterior; Calc., calcarine; Car., carotid; Cin., cinereum; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Comm., commissure; For., foramen; Gen., geniculate; Infund., infundibular; Int., intermedia, internal; Interped., interpeduncular; Interpos., interpositum; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Olf., olfactory; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Subst., substance; Term., terminalis; Thal.Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vel., velum.





圖5.14。地板和第三腦室下部的前視圖。第一,右丘腦被切除。第三腦室底的後部是由位於乳突體後麵的中腦上表麵形成的。天幕邊緣在位於引水渠後麵的四合院水池的天幕頂端連接。腦室體的脈絡膜裂位於穹窿體和丘腦上表麵之間。視交叉和乳頭體之間的基底位於交叉池的上方。第三腦室造口術最常見的位置是位於乳頭體的前麵。B,左丘腦前部被切除以暴露腦梗和第三腦室兩側的中腦上部。動眼神經起於第三腦室底後部的下方。 The infundibular recess is located behind the optic chiasm. The pons is exposed below the mamillary bodies and infundibular recess. C, both thalami have been removed. The third ventricular floor extends from the optic chiasm to the aqueduct. The choroidal fissure in the body of the ventricle is located between the body of the fornix and the thalamus, in the atrium it is between the crus of the fornix and the pulvinar, and in the temporal horn it is between the fimbria and lower surface of the thalamus. D, enlarged view. The upper midbrain and pons are located below the floor of the third ventricle. The oculomotor nerves exit the midbrain below the floor. The aqueduct and posterior commissure are positioned in the posterior wall of the third ventricle in front of the tentorial apex and quadrigeminal cistern. A., artery; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., commissure; Infund., infundibular; Mam., mamillary; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Tent., tentorial.


圖5.14。地板和第三腦室下部的前視圖。第一,右丘腦被切除。第三腦室底的後部是由位於乳突體後麵的中腦上表麵形成的。天幕邊緣在位於引水渠後麵的四合院水池的天幕頂端連接。腦室體的脈絡膜裂位於穹窿體和丘腦上表麵之間。視交叉和乳頭體之間的基底位於交叉池的上方。第三腦室造口術最常見的位置是位於乳頭體的前麵。B,左丘腦前部被切除以暴露腦梗和第三腦室兩側的中腦上部。動眼神經起於第三腦室底後部的下方。 The infundibular recess is located behind the optic chiasm. The pons is exposed below the mamillary bodies and infundibular recess. C, both thalami have been removed. The third ventricular floor extends from the optic chiasm to the aqueduct. The choroidal fissure in the body of the ventricle is located between the body of the fornix and the thalamus, in the atrium it is between the crus of the fornix and the pulvinar, and in the temporal horn it is between the fimbria and lower surface of the thalamus. D, enlarged view. The upper midbrain and pons are located below the floor of the third ventricle. The oculomotor nerves exit the midbrain below the floor. The aqueduct and posterior commissure are positioned in the posterior wall of the third ventricle in front of the tentorial apex and quadrigeminal cistern. A., artery; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., commissure; Infund., infundibular; Mam., mamillary; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Tent., tentorial.




前連合是一束緊密的纖維,穿過穹窿柱前的中線。前連合前後徑變化範圍為1.5 ~ 6.0 mm(37)。在我們的標本中,從前連合後端到Monro孔前緣的距離為1.0 - 3.5 mm(平均2.2 mm),從視交叉上緣到前連合前緣的距離為8 - 12 mm(平均10 mm)。終板填充前連合和視交叉之間的間隙。視板附著在視交叉上表麵的中部,在視交叉的上半部分和視板之間留下一個小裂口,稱為視隱窩。

圖5.15。模擬。第三腦室前壁。第一,額葉和頸前動脈被抬高以暴露視交叉和終板。垂體柄從第三腦室底部向下延伸。視神經束沿第三腦室底側緣延伸。端板在上麵與胼胝體的端部融合。嗅覺束向後穿過視神經上方。B,打開終板,暴露交叉隱窩、乳頭體和導水管。垂體柄暴露在視交叉後的漏鬥隱窩下方,位於乳頭體的前方。 Superior hypophyseal arteries pass medially from the carotid artery. C, another third ventricle. The anterior communicating artery commonly passes in front of the lamina terminalis. Perforating arteries arise from a precallosal branch of the anterior communicating artery and penetrate the anterior wall of the third ventricle to reach the columns of the fornix. D, anterior view of a cross section through the anterior part of the third ventricle and body of the lateral ventricle. The lamina terminalis, which has been opened, extends upward in front of the anterior commissure and blends into the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The anterior cerebral arteries have been folded forward. The choroid plexus extends through the foramen of Monro into the roof of the third ventricle below and the body of the lateral ventricle above.


圖5.15。模擬。第三腦室前壁。第一,額葉和頸前動脈被抬高以暴露視交叉和終板。垂體柄從第三腦室底部向下延伸。視神經束沿第三腦室底側緣延伸。端板在上麵與胼胝體的端部融合。嗅覺束向後穿過視神經上方。B,打開終板,暴露交叉隱窩、乳頭體和導水管。垂體柄暴露在視交叉後的漏鬥隱窩下方,位於乳頭體的前方。 Superior hypophyseal arteries pass medially from the carotid artery. C, another third ventricle. The anterior communicating artery commonly passes in front of the lamina terminalis. Perforating arteries arise from a precallosal branch of the anterior communicating artery and penetrate the anterior wall of the third ventricle to reach the columns of the fornix. D, anterior view of a cross section through the anterior part of the third ventricle and body of the lateral ventricle. The lamina terminalis, which has been opened, extends upward in front of the anterior commissure and blends into the rostrum of the corpus callosum. The anterior cerebral arteries have been folded forward. The choroid plexus extends through the foramen of Monro into the roof of the third ventricle below and the body of the lateral ventricle above.

圖5.15。情況。E,另一個第三腦室的橫切麵穿過前連合。穹窿位於心室的底部。穹窿柱繞過門羅孔的上緣和前緣,在前連合的後麵。端板從交叉向上延伸。F,放大視圖。椎板被打開了。交叉隱窩位於視交叉末端板下部和視交叉後部之間。基底核位於前連合外側的下方。 G, another third ventricle. The lamina terminalis extends upward from the optic chiasm and blends into the rostrum of the corpus callosum. H, the lamina terminalis has been opened. The posterior margin of the chiasm is exposed behind the anterior communicating artery. The anterior commissure is exposed behind the upper edge of the lamina terminalis. The incision has been extended upward through the rostrum of the corpus callosum between the columns of the fornix. This exposes the roof of the third ventricle above the anterior commissure. The choroid plexus hangs down from the tela into the roof of the third ventricle. The mamillary bodies are exposed in the floor. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Chiasm., chiasmatic; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Hyp., hypophyseal; Lam., lamina; Mam., mamillary; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Pell., pellucidum; Perf., perforating; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Precall., precallosal; Rec., recess; Sept., septum; Sup., superior; Suprachiasm., suprachiasmatic; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. 


圖5.15。情況。E,另一個第三腦室的橫切麵穿過前連合。穹窿位於心室的底部。穹窿柱繞過門羅孔的上緣和前緣,在前連合的後麵。端板從交叉向上延伸。F,放大視圖。椎板被打開了。交叉隱窩位於視交叉末端板下部和視交叉後部之間。基底核位於前連合外側的下方。 G, another third ventricle. The lamina terminalis extends upward from the optic chiasm and blends into the rostrum of the corpus callosum. H, the lamina terminalis has been opened. The posterior margin of the chiasm is exposed behind the anterior communicating artery. The anterior commissure is exposed behind the upper edge of the lamina terminalis. The incision has been extended upward through the rostrum of the corpus callosum between the columns of the fornix. This exposes the roof of the third ventricle above the anterior commissure. The choroid plexus hangs down from the tela into the roof of the third ventricle. The mamillary bodies are exposed in the floor. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Chiasm., chiasmatic; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Col., column; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Hyp., hypophyseal; Lam., lamina; Mam., mamillary; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Pell., pellucidum; Perf., perforating; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Precall., precallosal; Rec., recess; Sept., septum; Sup., superior; Suprachiasm., suprachiasmatic; Term., terminalis; Thal. Str., thalamostriate; Tr., tract; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.


第三腦室後壁從上方的錐體上隱窩延伸至下方的sylvius導槽(圖5.10和5.11)。從前麵和第三腦室內部看,它由上至下由鬆果體上隱窩、下丘腦隱窩、鬆果體及其隱窩、後隱窩和sylvius導水管組成。鬆果體上隱窩向後突出,位於鬆果體上表麵和頂部的脈絡膜下層之間。鬆果體從其莖部向後延伸到四頭池。鬆果體的柄有一個上板和一個下板。鉤骨連合與鉤骨相連,在上椎板穿過中線,後連合在下椎板穿過。鬆果體隱窩在後伸入鬆果體,位於兩個椎板之間。水楊樹渡槽口的形狀為三角形;三角的底部位於後連合處,其他兩肢由中腦的中心灰質構成。當從後麵看,唯一的結構在後壁是鬆果體。 The pineal gland projects posteriorly into the quadrigeminal cisterns and is concealed by the splenium of the corpus callosum above, the thalamus laterally, and the quadrigeminal plate and the vermis of the cerebellum inferiorly.


側壁在大腦外表麵看不見,而是隱藏在大腦半球之間(圖5.10和5.11)。它們是由下丘腦和上丘腦形成的。側壁有一個輪廓,就像鳥的頭部和張開的喙的側麵輪廓。頭部由丘腦的卵形內側表麵形成;開口的喙,向前方和下方突出,由下丘腦的凹處表示:尖尖的上喙由視隱窩形成,下喙由漏鬥隱窩形成。下丘腦和丘腦表麵由下丘腦溝分開,這是一個通常定義不清的溝槽,從Monro孔延伸到sylvius渡槽。第三腦室丘腦表麵的上界限以狹窄隆起的脊為標誌,稱為丘腦髓紋。這些條紋從枕骨向前延伸,沿著丘腦的超內側表麵,靠近脈絡膜下部的附著處。鞍窩是位於丘腦背內側表麵鬆果體前麵的小突起。在鬆果體的吻端柄的中線上,由韁骨連合連接著韁骨。 The massa intermedia projects into the upper half of the third ventricle and often connects the opposing surfaces of the thalamus. It is present in approximately 75% of brains, being located 2.5 to 6.0 mm (average, 3.9 mm) posterior to the foramen of Monro. The columns of the fornix form distinct prominences in the lateral walls of the third ventricle just below the foramina of Monro, but inferiorly they sink below the surface.


側腦室和第三腦室位於幕內切肌上方,位於幕內遊離邊緣和鞍背之間的三角形空間(圖5.16)(18,23,27)。切骨的頂端位於鬆果體後的中腦背側,基部位於鞍背上。中腦位於門骨的中央。中腦與遊離邊緣之間的區域分為(a)位於腦幹前方的前切骨空間;(b)位於中腦外側的成對中切口間隙;和(c)位於中腦後方的後切口空間。前角位於前切口上方;側腦室的主體位於門骨中央的正上方,它們位於門骨中央,並被丘腦與門骨中央分開;心房位於後切口上方;顳角位於中切口空間的上外側。 The three incisural spaces contain some of the basal cisterns and are so intimately related to the lateral ventricles that some operative approaches to the basal cisterns situated within the incisura are directed through the lateral ventricles and choroidal fissure.








圖5.16。顯示側腦室與幕切肌的關係的上視圖。A,幕切肌分為位於腦幹前方的前切肌空間,位於中腦和幕邊緣之間的中切肌空間,以及位於幕尖和中腦後表麵之間的後切肌空間。前切口間隙包含交叉池和踝間池。中切口空間與周圍池和腳池相通。後切口空間包含四叉神經池。B,左腦和左半幕切除後的上視圖。額角位於前切口上方。丘腦位於中腦的正上方,位於腦幕切骨的中央。中切口位於中腦和腦幕邊緣之間。 The atrium faces the posterior incisural space and quadrigeminal cistern. C, another specimen. The axial section of the right hemisphere extends through the internal capsule. The frontal horn is located above the anterior incisural space. The thalamus is located above the midbrain in the center of the incisura and above the middle incisural spaces. The medial wall of the atrium forms the lateral wall of the quadrigeminal cistern and posterior incisural space. The internal capsule is situated above the lateral edge of the three incisural spaces.D, comparison of the relationships in the tentorial incisura (D-left) and temporal horn (D-right). The neural structures on the right have been removed except the temporal horn. The temporal lobe on the left was removed to expose the tentorial incisura. The choroidal fissure opens between the fimbria and the thalamus into the middle incisural space located lateral to the midbrain. The temporal horn is positioned lateral to the middle incisural space. The lower part of the medial wall of the atrium faces the posterior incisural space. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Front., frontal; Incis., incisural; Lat., lateral; Lent., lenticular; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.


圖5.16。顯示側腦室與幕切肌的關係的上視圖。A,幕切肌分為位於腦幹前方的前切肌空間,位於中腦和幕邊緣之間的中切肌空間,以及位於幕尖和中腦後表麵之間的後切肌空間。前切口間隙包含交叉池和踝間池。中切口空間與周圍池和腳池相通。後切口空間包含四叉神經池。B,左腦和左半幕切除後的上視圖。額角位於前切口上方。丘腦位於中腦的正上方,位於腦幕切骨的中央。中切口位於中腦和腦幕邊緣之間。 The atrium faces the posterior incisural space and quadrigeminal cistern. C, another specimen. The axial section of the right hemisphere extends through the internal capsule. The frontal horn is located above the anterior incisural space. The thalamus is located above the midbrain in the center of the incisura and above the middle incisural spaces. The medial wall of the atrium forms the lateral wall of the quadrigeminal cistern and posterior incisural space. The internal capsule is situated above the lateral edge of the three incisural spaces.D, comparison of the relationships in the tentorial incisura (D-left) and temporal horn (D-right). The neural structures on the right have been removed except the temporal horn. The temporal lobe on the left was removed to expose the tentorial incisura. The choroidal fissure opens between the fimbria and the thalamus into the middle incisural space located lateral to the midbrain. The temporal horn is positioned lateral to the middle incisural space. The lower part of the medial wall of the atrium faces the posterior incisural space. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., collateral; Front., frontal; Incis., incisural; Lat., lateral; Lent., lenticular; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.



圖5.17。側腦室的動脈關係。側位(上),上位(中),前位(下)。內頸動脈及其分支用橙色表示,基底動脈及其分支用紅色表示。內頸動脈、基底動脈、前、中、後腦膜動脈、前、外側和內側後脈絡膜動脈都與額角、顳角和枕角以及側腦室的心房和體有重要關係。頸動脈在額角後部下方的區域分叉成它們的大腦前支和大腦中支。大腦中動脈的起源位於額角以下。大腦前動脈在額角的前內側下方穿過,形成胼胝體周支和胼胝體小支,它們繞著額角的前壁和頂部彎曲。脈絡膜前動脈進入顳角的前部。後交通動脈位於丘腦和側腦室體的下方。 The basilar artery bifurcates below the bodies of the lateral ventricles into the posterior cerebral arteries, which course below the thalami near the medial aspect of the temporal horns and atria. The medial posterior choroidal arteries arise from the proximal part of the posterior cerebral arteries, encircle the brainstem below the thalami, and pass forward in the roof of the third ventricle, where they give branches to the choroid plexus in the roof of the third ventricle and the bodies of the lateral ventricles. The lateral posterior choroidal branches of the posterior cerebral arteries pass laterally through the choroidal fissures to enter the temporal horns and atria of the lateral ventricles. The middle cerebral arteries course on the insulae in the area above the temporal horns and lateral to the bodies of the lateral ventricles. The posterior cerebral arteries bifurcate into the calcarine and parieto-occipital arteries in the area medial to the atria. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Cal. Marg., callosomarginal; Calc., calcarine; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; Front., frontal; Lat., lateral; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Occip., occipital; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Temp., temporal; Vent., ventricle.


圖5.17。側腦室的動脈關係。側位(上),上位(中),前位(下)。內頸動脈及其分支用橙色表示,基底動脈及其分支用紅色表示。內頸動脈、基底動脈、前、中、後腦膜動脈、前、外側和內側後脈絡膜動脈都與額角、顳角和枕角以及側腦室的心房和體有重要關係。頸動脈在額角後部下方的區域分叉成它們的大腦前支和大腦中支。大腦中動脈的起源位於額角以下。大腦前動脈在額角的前內側下方穿過,形成胼胝體周支和胼胝體小支,它們繞著額角的前壁和頂部彎曲。脈絡膜前動脈進入顳角的前部。後交通動脈位於丘腦和側腦室體的下方。 The basilar artery bifurcates below the bodies of the lateral ventricles into the posterior cerebral arteries, which course below the thalami near the medial aspect of the temporal horns and atria. The medial posterior choroidal arteries arise from the proximal part of the posterior cerebral arteries, encircle the brainstem below the thalami, and pass forward in the roof of the third ventricle, where they give branches to the choroid plexus in the roof of the third ventricle and the bodies of the lateral ventricles. The lateral posterior choroidal branches of the posterior cerebral arteries pass laterally through the choroidal fissures to enter the temporal horns and atria of the lateral ventricles. The middle cerebral arteries course on the insulae in the area above the temporal horns and lateral to the bodies of the lateral ventricles. The posterior cerebral arteries bifurcate into the calcarine and parieto-occipital arteries in the area medial to the atria. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Cal. Marg., callosomarginal; Calc., calcarine; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal; Comm., communicating; Front., frontal; Lat., lateral; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Occip., occipital; Par. Occip., parieto-occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; Temp., temporal; Vent., ventricle.

圖5.18。第三腦室的動脈關係。A和C是第三心室底部的下視圖,B和D是穿過第三心室的正中矢狀麵。A和B表示以下動脈到第三腦室的主幹和穿支的關係:頸內動脈(暗紅色)、脈絡膜前動脈(橙色)、基底動脈頂動脈(黃色)、腦後動脈(黃色)、內側脈絡膜後動脈(粉色)、外側脈絡膜後動脈(粉色)、丘腦開孔動脈(藍色)和丘腦膝狀動脈(深綠色)。C和D分別為大腦前動脈(淺綠色)、前通動脈(淺綠色)和後通動脈(藍色)到第三腦室的主幹和穿支關係。嗅覺和視神經位於第三腦室底的前方。底層的結構是視交叉、視束、漏鬥、灰質塊莖和乳狀體。中腦和腦梗低於後半地板。前穿孔物質位於視道外側。外側膝狀體和內側膝狀體附著於丘腦下緣靠近枕部,位於中腦外側。 The structures in the anterior wall of the third ventricle are the anterior commissure, lamina terminalis, and optic chiasm. The corpus callosum and septum pellucidum are above the roof of the third ventricle. The roof is formed of the two layers of tela choroidea, the fornix, and a vascular layer composed of the internal cerebral veins and the medial posterior choroidal arteries. The oculomotor nerve exits from the midbrain. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; Ant., anterior; B., body; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., carotid artery; Call., callosum; Ch., chiasm, choroidal; Cin., cinereum; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Gen., geniculate; Hypothal., hypothalamus; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; N., nerve; O., optic; Olf., olfactory; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Pell., pellucidum; Perf., perforated; Post., posterior; Pulv., pulvinar; Sept., septum; Subst., substance; Term., terminalis; Thal.Gen., thalamogeniculate; Thal.Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract.

圖5.18。第三腦室的動脈關係。A和C是第三心室底部的下視圖,B和D是穿過第三心室的正中矢狀麵。A和B表示以下動脈到第三腦室的主幹和穿支的關係:頸內動脈(暗紅色)、脈絡膜前動脈(橙色)、基底動脈頂動脈(黃色)、腦後動脈(黃色)、內側脈絡膜後動脈(粉色)、外側脈絡膜後動脈(粉色)、丘腦開孔動脈(藍色)和丘腦膝狀動脈(深綠色)。C和D分別為大腦前動脈(淺綠色)、前通動脈(淺綠色)和後通動脈(藍色)到第三腦室的主幹和穿支關係。嗅覺和視神經位於第三腦室底的前方。底層的結構是視交叉、視束、漏鬥、灰質塊莖和乳狀體。中腦和腦梗低於後半地板。前穿孔物質位於視道外側。外側膝狀體和內側膝狀體附著於丘腦下緣靠近枕部,位於中腦外側。 The structures in the anterior wall of the third ventricle are the anterior commissure, lamina terminalis, and optic chiasm. The corpus callosum and septum pellucidum are above the roof of the third ventricle. The roof is formed of the two layers of tela choroidea, the fornix, and a vascular layer composed of the internal cerebral veins and the medial posterior choroidal arteries. The oculomotor nerve exits from the midbrain. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; A.Ch.A., anterior choroidal artery; A.Co.A., anterior communicating artery; Ant., anterior; B., body; B.A., basilar artery; C.A., carotid artery; Call., callosum; Ch., chiasm, choroidal; Cin., cinereum; Comm., commissure; Corp., corpus; Gen., geniculate; Hypothal., hypothalamus; Lam., lamina; Lat., lateral; Mam., mamillary; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; N., nerve; O., optic; Olf., olfactory; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; P.Co.A., posterior communicating artery; Ped., peduncle; Pell., pellucidum; Perf., perforated; Post., posterior; Pulv., pulvinar; Sept., septum; Subst., substance; Term., terminalis; Thal.Gen., thalamogeniculate; Thal.Perf., thalamoperforating; Tr., tract.


與側腦室和脈絡膜裂隙最密切相關的動脈是在側腦室和第三腦室供應脈絡膜叢的脈絡膜動脈。它們起源於基底池的頸內動脈和腦後動脈,通過脈絡膜裂隙到達脈絡膜叢(圖2.9、2.10、2.33和5.19;表5.1 - -5.3)。





圖5.19。A.上視圖:上視圖,部分大腦半球、胼胝體和穹窿被切除,顯示側腦室、第三腦室和脈絡叢之間的關係。左半球顯示心室和脈絡膜叢的關係。側腦室脈絡膜叢從顳角延伸到心房和側腦室體。它不向後延伸到後角或向前延伸到前(額)角,但通過Monro孔,並在第三腦室頂部繼續向後延伸到鬆果體上方的鬆果體上隱窩。右半球顯示脈絡膜動脈和脈絡膜叢之間的關係。脈絡膜前動脈起源於頸動脈供應顳角叢和心房。脈絡膜後外側動脈起源於大腦後動脈或其分支,供應顳角、心房和側腦室體後部的神經叢。內側後脈絡膜動脈起源於大腦後動脈並供應第三叢,在很多情況下,還供應側腦室體。左下:脈絡叢的分類。 The portion of the choroid plexus within the temporal horn and body of the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle is subdivided into an anterior, middle, and posterior third. The subdivisions within the lateral and third ventricles are designated as follows: inferior (temporal) horn of the lateral ventricle—anterior third I1, middle third I2, and posterior third I3; atrium of the lateral ventricle—A; body—anterior third B1, middle third B2, and posterior third B3; and third ventricle—anterior third T1, middle third T2, and posterior third T3. The criteria used to divide the area of supply of each artery into small, medium, and large groups are listed in Table 5.1. Lower right: Schematic illustration of the choroid plexus showing the most common pattern of supply (22% of hemispheres). The anterior choroidal artery is shown in red, the lateral posterior choroidal artery in blue, the medial posterior choroidal artery in yellow, and the contralateral lateral posterior choroidal artery in green. The area of the field of supply of the choroidal arteries is as follows: anterior choroidal artery, medium; lateral posterior choroidal artery, small; and medial posterior choroidal artery, large. The medial posterior choroidal arteries are shown together in both hemispheres. B, schematic illustration of the choroid plexus showing size of the area supplied by the choroidal arteries. The criteria used to divide the area of supply of each artery into small, medium, and large groups are listed in Table 5.1. The second to seventh most common patterns are listed in Table 5.2.

圖5.19。A.上視圖:上視圖,部分大腦半球、胼胝體和穹窿被切除,顯示側腦室、第三腦室和脈絡叢之間的關係。左半球顯示心室和脈絡膜叢的關係。側腦室脈絡膜叢從顳角延伸到心房和側腦室體。它不向後延伸到後角或向前延伸到前(額)角,但通過Monro孔,並在第三腦室頂部繼續向後延伸到鬆果體上方的鬆果體上隱窩。右半球顯示脈絡膜動脈和脈絡膜叢之間的關係。脈絡膜前動脈起源於頸動脈供應顳角叢和心房。脈絡膜後外側動脈起源於大腦後動脈或其分支,供應顳角、心房和側腦室體後部的神經叢。內側後脈絡膜動脈起源於大腦後動脈並供應第三叢,在很多情況下,還供應側腦室體。左下:脈絡叢的分類。 The portion of the choroid plexus within the temporal horn and body of the lateral ventricle and the third ventricle is subdivided into an anterior, middle, and posterior third. The subdivisions within the lateral and third ventricles are designated as follows: inferior (temporal) horn of the lateral ventricle—anterior third I1, middle third I2, and posterior third I3; atrium of the lateral ventricle—A; body—anterior third B1, middle third B2, and posterior third B3; and third ventricle—anterior third T1, middle third T2, and posterior third T3. The criteria used to divide the area of supply of each artery into small, medium, and large groups are listed in Table 5.1. Lower right: Schematic illustration of the choroid plexus showing the most common pattern of supply (22% of hemispheres). The anterior choroidal artery is shown in red, the lateral posterior choroidal artery in blue, the medial posterior choroidal artery in yellow, and the contralateral lateral posterior choroidal artery in green. The area of the field of supply of the choroidal arteries is as follows: anterior choroidal artery, medium; lateral posterior choroidal artery, small; and medial posterior choroidal artery, large. The medial posterior choroidal arteries are shown together in both hemispheres. B, schematic illustration of the choroid plexus showing size of the area supplied by the choroidal arteries. The criteria used to divide the area of supply of each artery into small, medium, and large groups are listed in Table 5.1. The second to seventh most common patterns are listed in Table 5.2.



























圖5.20。側腦室的靜脈關係。側視圖(上),前視圖(中),上視圖(下)。心室靜脈分為內側靜脈組和外側靜脈組。心室靜脈流入內腦靜脈、基底靜脈和大靜脈。外側組包括額角的尾狀前靜脈;身體內的丘腦紋靜脈,尾狀後靜脈和丘腦尾狀靜脈;心房和枕角的側心房靜脈;還有顳角的心室下靜脈和杏仁靜脈。內側組由額角的前隔靜脈構成; the posterior septal veins in the body; the medial atrial veins in the atrium; and the transverse hippocampal veins in the temporal horn. The transverse hippocampal veins drain into the anterior and posterior longitudinal hippocampal veins. The superior choroidal veins drain into the thalamostriate and internal cerebral veins, and the inferior choroidal vein drains into the inferior ventricular vein. The great vein drains into the straight sinus. Amygd., amygdalar; Ant., anterior; Atr., atrial; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroidal; Front., frontal; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Long., longitudinal; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; Post., posterior; Sept., septal; Str., straight; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Thal.Caud., thalamocaudate; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vent., ventricular, ventricle.


圖5.20。側腦室的靜脈關係。側視圖(上),前視圖(中),上視圖(下)。心室靜脈分為內側靜脈組和外側靜脈組。心室靜脈流入內腦靜脈、基底靜脈和大靜脈。外側組包括額角的尾狀前靜脈;身體內的丘腦紋靜脈,尾狀後靜脈和丘腦尾狀靜脈;心房和枕角的側心房靜脈;還有顳角的心室下靜脈和杏仁靜脈。內側組由額角的前隔靜脈構成; the posterior septal veins in the body; the medial atrial veins in the atrium; and the transverse hippocampal veins in the temporal horn. The transverse hippocampal veins drain into the anterior and posterior longitudinal hippocampal veins. The superior choroidal veins drain into the thalamostriate and internal cerebral veins, and the inferior choroidal vein drains into the inferior ventricular vein. The great vein drains into the straight sinus. Amygd., amygdalar; Ant., anterior; Atr., atrial; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroidal; Front., frontal; Hippo., hippocampal; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Long., longitudinal; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; Post., posterior; Sept., septal; Str., straight; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Thal.Caud., thalamocaudate; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Vent., ventricular, ventricle.












圖5.22。頭部正中矢狀麵顯示手術進入第三腦室。沿著中線或靠近中線的入路用實線表示,遠離中線的入路用虛線表示。進入第三腦室前下方的中線或近中線入路是經蝶竇和額下入路。額下手術路徑分為四種不同入路:(a)經終板入路;(b)經頸動脈三角的頸動脈入路;(c)視神經間視交叉下方的視交叉下入路;(d)經蝶平麵和蝶竇的額-蝶入路。離中線的第三腦室底和前下部分的入路是顳下和額顳。進入第三腦室前上段Monro孔區域的入路有前胼胝體入路和前皮質入路。 The supratentorial approaches to the posterior part of the third ventricle are the posterior transcallosal, posterior transcortical, and occipital transtentorial. The infratentorial supracerebellar approach is directed below the tentorium cerebelli to the posterior part of the third ventricle.


圖5.22。頭部正中矢狀麵顯示手術進入第三腦室。沿著中線或靠近中線的入路用實線表示,遠離中線的入路用虛線表示。進入第三腦室前下方的中線或近中線入路是經蝶竇和額下入路。額下手術路徑分為四種不同入路:(a)經終板入路;(b)經頸動脈三角的頸動脈入路;(c)視神經間視交叉下方的視交叉下入路;(d)經蝶平麵和蝶竇的額-蝶入路。離中線的第三腦室底和前下部分的入路是顳下和額顳。進入第三腦室前上段Monro孔區域的入路有前胼胝體入路和前皮質入路。 The supratentorial approaches to the posterior part of the third ventricle are the posterior transcallosal, posterior transcortical, and occipital transtentorial. The infratentorial supracerebellar approach is directed below the tentorium cerebelli to the posterior part of the third ventricle.


開顱皮瓣的放置應盡量減少腦後縮的需要。用於到達側腦室壁和第三腦室壁的收縮部位包括額葉的眶麵,以到達交叉區;額葉和頂葉旁矢狀皮質經胼胝體入路;額葉下表麵和內側表麵用於額葉前入路;額葉的下表麵和顳葉的前部和下部用於額顳入路;顳葉下表麵用於顳下入路;枕骨葉的下表麵和內側用於枕骨入路;小腦上表麵用於幕下入路。為了盡量減少大腦回縮的需要,外科醫生應按以下方式進行開顱手術。對於矢狀旁入路,皮瓣應延伸至或越過中線。 For the occipital approach, the flap should reach the margins of the sagittal and transverse sinuses and the torcular herophili. For the anterior frontal approach, the flap should have its medial margin on the midline and, if needed, its anterior margin on the floor of the anterior fossa. For the subfrontal, subtemporal, and frontotemporal approaches, the flap should have its lower border on the floor of the anterior and / or middle fossa. For the posterior frontotemporal approach, the flap should be based on the floor of the frontal and temporal fossae and the lateral half of the sphenoid ridge should be removed. For the infratentorial approaches the opening should reach the margin of the transverse sinus and torcular herophili.



不打開某些神經結構是不可能到達側腦室和第三腦室的。側腦室和第三腦室的外科入路可能需要在額葉、頂葉或顳葉和胼胝體前後切開皮質切口,移位或切開穹窿,打開末梢板、脈膜裂、透明隔、第三腦室底,並將腫瘤從四頭肌板、視神經、交叉和束、垂體及其柄中分離出來,還有腦梗。大腦可能會被縮回以暴露第三腦室或側腦室的外壁,如胼胝體或終板,但隨後必須切開該壁才能到達腦室。到達側腦室後,需要打開脈絡膜裂或通過穹窿等部位的另一個神經切口,以暴露延伸到第三腦室或基底池的病變。通過腦室體的脈膜裂隙打開會暴露出膜間質和第三腦室的頂部,通過心房裂隙打開會暴露出四頭池和鬆果體區,在顳角打開它會暴露周圍的腦池。在打開脈絡膜裂隙時,通過絨毛膜肌腱層打開比通過絨毛膜肌腱層打開更好,因為通過絨毛膜肌腱層的動脈和靜脈較少(圖5.3、5.6 - 5.9和5.23)。



圖5.23。模擬。經脈絡膜入路,沿脈絡膜裂隙的穹窿側進入第三腦室。A,額角和側腦室體的上方視圖。穹窿體形成了第三腦室頂的上部。左側丘腦紋靜脈穿過Monro孔後緣右側丘腦紋靜脈穿過脈絡膜裂在孔後幾毫米處。前間隔靜脈和前尾狀靜脈穿過額角壁。後間隔靜脈和後尾狀靜脈穿過側腦室體壁。丘腦位於身體的底部。脈絡膜裂位於丘腦和穹窿之間,通過將將脈絡膜叢連接到穹窿外側邊緣的穹窿肌腱分隔開,使脈絡膜叢與丘腦的連接不受幹擾。 B, enlarged view. The columns of the fornix form the anterior and superior wall of the foramen of Monro. The massa intermedia is seen through the foramen. Anterior and posterior septal veins cross the septum pellucidum and fornix. C, the tenia fornix, which attaches the choroid plexus to the fornix, has been divided and the body of the fornix retracted medially to expose the internal cerebral vein and medial posterior choroidal arteries. The lower layer of tela, which attaches to the striae medullaris thalami and forms the floor of the velum interpositum, is intact. D, the separation of the fornix and choroid plexus has been extended posteriorly to the junction of the atrium and body of the ventricle. The lower layer of tela remains intact.


圖5.23。模擬。經脈絡膜入路,沿脈絡膜裂隙的穹窿側進入第三腦室。A,額角和側腦室體的上方視圖。穹窿體形成了第三腦室頂的上部。左側丘腦紋靜脈穿過Monro孔後緣右側丘腦紋靜脈穿過脈絡膜裂在孔後幾毫米處。前間隔靜脈和前尾狀靜脈穿過額角壁。後間隔靜脈和後尾狀靜脈穿過側腦室體壁。丘腦位於身體的底部。脈絡膜裂位於丘腦和穹窿之間,通過將將脈絡膜叢連接到穹窿外側邊緣的穹窿肌腱分隔開,使脈絡膜叢與丘腦的連接不受幹擾。 B, enlarged view. The columns of the fornix form the anterior and superior wall of the foramen of Monro. The massa intermedia is seen through the foramen. Anterior and posterior septal veins cross the septum pellucidum and fornix. C, the tenia fornix, which attaches the choroid plexus to the fornix, has been divided and the body of the fornix retracted medially to expose the internal cerebral vein and medial posterior choroidal arteries. The lower layer of tela, which attaches to the striae medullaris thalami and forms the floor of the velum interpositum, is intact. D, the separation of the fornix and choroid plexus has been extended posteriorly to the junction of the atrium and body of the ventricle. The lower layer of tela remains intact.

圖5.23。情況。E,打開心室下層,露出中間塊、後連合和第三腦室底。覆蓋前間隔靜脈的室管膜已被打開,以便一小段靜脈可以活動。通過讓脈絡膜叢保持附著在丘腦和靜脈上表麵,減少了損傷丘腦紋靜脈的可能性。F-H, interforniceal方法。F,穹窿間入路通過在中線縱向切開穹窿完成。穹窿體的每半部分已向外側縮回,露出大腦內靜脈、內側後脈絡膜動脈和與丘腦髓紋相連的脈絡膜層。G,打開心室暴露第三腦室底和中間塊。H,視野已經指向後麵的導水管以及後和韁骨相通處。 The pineal recess extends into the base of the pineal between the habenular and posterior commissures. The pineal gland extends backward from the pineal recess. Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid; Col., column; Comm., commissure; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Int., intermedia, internal; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Sept., septal; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.


圖5.23。情況。E,打開心室下層,露出中間塊、後連合和第三腦室底。覆蓋前間隔靜脈的室管膜已被打開,以便一小段靜脈可以活動。通過讓脈絡膜叢保持附著在丘腦和靜脈上表麵,減少了損傷丘腦紋靜脈的可能性。F-H, interforniceal方法。F,穹窿間入路通過在中線縱向切開穹窿完成。穹窿體的每半部分已向外側縮回,露出大腦內靜脈、內側後脈絡膜動脈和與丘腦髓紋相連的脈絡膜層。G,打開心室暴露第三腦室底和中間塊。H,視野已經指向後麵的導水管以及後和韁骨相通處。 The pineal recess extends into the base of the pineal between the habenular and posterior commissures. The pineal gland extends backward from the pineal recess. Ant., anterior; Caud., caudate; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid; Col., column; Comm., commissure; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Hab., habenular; Int., intermedia, internal; M.P.Ch.A., medial posterior choroidal artery; Nucl., nucleus; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Rec., recess; Sept., septal; Thal.Str., thalamostriate; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.


腦室內腫瘤和動靜脈畸形通常由脈絡膜動脈供血(圖5.19;表5.1 - -5.3)。脈絡膜動脈彙聚並穿過脈絡膜裂的事實有助於識別這個位於丘腦外圍的裂隙,通過它手術程序可以定向到第三腦室、鬆果體區、周圍池和四頭池。通過裂隙打開將暴露心室病變近端的動脈;從腦室體的裂隙打開,暴露出腹膜間質和第三腦室頂的內側後脈絡膜動脈;通過心房的裂隙打開會暴露四頭池和鬆果體區的內外側脈絡膜後動脈;在顳角的開口會暴露周圍池的前,內側和後外側脈絡膜動脈。

在切除側腦室和第三腦室腫瘤時也可能暴露的其他動脈是位於第三腦室前壁區域的前腦動脈和前交通動脈以及側腦室的額角和體;威利斯圓的後部,基底動脈的頂端,大腦後動脈的近端在第三心室底以下和顳角內側;腦後動脈的遠端,位於第三腦室後區和心房內側;大腦後動脈、胼胝體周動脈、小腦上動脈和毗鄰第三腦室後壁和心房內側的脈絡膜動脈;還有大腦前動脈和後動脈它們的分支進入側腦室的頂部。此外,頸內動脈、大腦前、中、後動脈以及前、後交通動脈形成了連通側腦室壁和第三腦室壁的穿支。隻有很少的情況下才應該犧牲其中的任何一個。阻斷這些動脈在威利斯環前段的穿支容易導致記憶和人格障礙,阻斷威利斯環後段的穿支更容易導致意識水平障礙,並常合並眼外運動障礙。在後交通動脈在顳下入路的穿支犧牲導致基底神經節梗死(32)。顳角內側池內丘腦操作動脈閉塞可引起昏迷和死亡。 Injuries to the superior cerebellar artery in approaches to the posterior part of the third ventricle may cause a cerebellar deficit.








在將包膜腦室腫瘤的包膜與鄰近組織分離之前,應先將包膜內的組織取出。如果腫瘤可能是囊性的,第一步是用針穿刺。如果腫瘤被包膜,則打開包膜,對腫瘤進行活檢,並完成囊內切除。在囊的內容物被取出後,囊從神經和血管結構中分離出來。腫瘤緊密粘附的最常見原因不是包膜和周圍結構之間的粘連;確切地說,它是囊內的殘餘腫瘤將腫瘤楔入原位。當囊內內容物被移除時,腫瘤就會塌陷,因此可以通過小範圍的暴露移除更多的腫瘤。腫瘤通常不會如此緊密地附著,以至於在囊內內容物被移除後,它們不容易被移除。如果在囊內內容物被移除後,腫瘤還不能輕易與神經組織分離,短暫的等待通常會讓大腦的搏動將腫瘤移到暴露的地方,然後就可以經常從囊內移除更多的腫瘤。在放大鏡下,可以用微型儀器將重要結構和腫瘤之間的個別粘連分開。 This technique has been especially helpful in removing適應證.通常可以切除顱咽管瘤和累及第三腦室的表皮樣腫瘤的包膜,但不能切除厭色腺瘤的包膜。憎色腺瘤的包膜是顱底硬腦膜,它向上延伸到腫瘤之上。在厭色腺瘤穹窿上拉伸的硬腦膜可被切除,但試圖將硬腦膜假包膜從附著於顱底的位置拉出可能導致嚴重的血管和神經損傷。如果腫瘤囊緊緊地附著在諸如視神經或視交叉、丘、丘腦或下丘腦等重要結構上,可能會留下腫瘤囊的殘餘。顱咽管瘤、恐色腺瘤、鬆果體瘤和一些膠質瘤對放射治療的反應足夠好,可以依賴放射治療來處理殘餘腫瘤。如果腫瘤是惡性或浸潤性的,切除通常僅限於活檢或內部減壓。








患者仰臥位,矢狀麵縫合在垂直平麵上,頭部抬高20 ~ 30度。另一種體位是右側朝下的側臥位,這樣重力會幫助右腦半球的內側表麵遠離鐮的右側。采用右額部馬蹄形、雙冠狀或s形皮膚切口。右額骨瓣延伸至矢狀竇外側緣或穿過矢狀竇,位於冠狀縫線前三分之二,後三分之一。硬腦膜與矢狀竇基部一起打開。冠狀縫線前的區域通常相對缺乏進入上矢狀竇的橋靜脈;有些(通常不多於一個)可能需要被分割,以允許右額葉內側表麵從鐮處回縮(圖5.3)。在鐮遊離邊緣處的蛛網膜被打開,露出胼胝體和大腦前動脈。來自胼胝體和額葉鄰近部分的流向下矢狀竇前端的小靜脈可能必須被切除。打開鐮下方的蛛網膜,可暴露大腦前動脈的分支,它們可穿過胼胝體上方的中線。 The right and left cingulate gyri, which face each other, are separated to expose the corpus callosum and the pericallosal arteries. The approach is best directed between the pericallosal arteries, although some of their branches may cross the midline above the corpus callosum. If both pericallosal arteries are retracted to one side, it may be necessary to divide some of the branches that run laterally from the pericallosal arteries to the corpus callosum and the cingulate gyrus to reach the corpus callosum.









圖5.24。得了。經胼胝體入路至側腦室和第三腦室。A-C,正常心室解剖。A,通過胼胝體前部的切口暴露出右側腦室體和額角。左上角的插圖顯示了頭部位置、頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)。骨瓣穿過上矢狀竇。另一種方法是使用Souttar切口,讓骨瓣隻延伸到上矢狀竇的外側邊緣。B,用於到達第三腦室病變的切口位置:(1)Monro孔可通過在Monro孔的前上緣切開穹窿同側柱來擴大;(2)經穹窿入路通過在穹窿體中線處的切口完成; and (No. 3) the transchoroidal approach is completed by opening the choroidal fissure by incising along the tenia fornicis. C, the transchoroidal approach is completed by incision along the tenia fornicis rather than the tenia choroidea, also referred to as the tenia thalami, because more veins and arteries pass through the tenia choroidea than the tenia fornicis. The internal cerebral veins course in the roof of the third ventricle.


圖5.24。得了。經胼胝體入路至側腦室和第三腦室。A-C,正常心室解剖。A,通過胼胝體前部的切口暴露出右側腦室體和額角。左上角的插圖顯示了頭部位置、頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)。骨瓣穿過上矢狀竇。另一種方法是使用Souttar切口,讓骨瓣隻延伸到上矢狀竇的外側邊緣。B,用於到達第三腦室病變的切口位置:(1)Monro孔可通過在Monro孔的前上緣切開穹窿同側柱來擴大;(2)經穹窿入路通過在穹窿體中線處的切口完成; and (No. 3) the transchoroidal approach is completed by opening the choroidal fissure by incising along the tenia fornicis. C, the transchoroidal approach is completed by incision along the tenia fornicis rather than the tenia choroidea, also referred to as the tenia thalami, because more veins and arteries pass through the tenia choroidea than the tenia fornicis. The internal cerebral veins course in the roof of the third ventricle.










圖5.25。經皮質入路至側腦室和第三腦室。A,頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)位於額中回的中心。B和C,正常心室解剖。B,皮質開口暴露右側腦室。右下插圖顯示皮質切口的位置。進入右側腦室的開口暴露尾狀核、穹窿、門羅孔、丘腦和丘腦靜脈。C,第三腦室通過沿著脈絡膜叢與穹窿的連接處打開脈絡膜裂暴露出來。可見第三腦室頂的大腦內靜脈和內側後脈絡膜動脈。D,經皮質入路暴露脈絡膜叢乳頭狀瘤。 The inset on the upper right shows the site of the tumor and the position of the head for the operation. The tumor is being removed using a small cup forceps and suction. E, the last remnant of tumor is being removed from its attachment to the choroid plexus. The tumor has compressed the structures in the floor at frontal horn.

圖5.25。經皮質入路至側腦室和第三腦室。A,頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)位於額中回的中心。B和C,正常心室解剖。B,皮質開口暴露右側腦室。右下插圖顯示皮質切口的位置。進入右側腦室的開口暴露尾狀核、穹窿、門羅孔、丘腦和丘腦靜脈。C,第三腦室通過沿著脈絡膜叢與穹窿的連接處打開脈絡膜裂暴露出來。可見第三腦室頂的大腦內靜脈和內側後脈絡膜動脈。D,經皮質入路暴露脈絡膜叢乳頭狀瘤。 The inset on the upper right shows the site of the tumor and the position of the head for the operation. The tumor is being removed using a small cup forceps and suction. E, the last remnant of tumor is being removed from its attachment to the choroid plexus. The tumor has compressed the structures in the floor at frontal horn.



患者仰臥位,麵部直視上方。使用Souttar頭皮切口。病變一側的單側骨瓣向上延伸至上矢狀竇邊緣。根據病變的位置,骨瓣位於眶上脊和冠狀線之間的間隙。如果病變位於額脊和端板的鄰近部分,則皮瓣的下緣將與眶上脊相鄰,但如果病變位於胼胝體膝的下部,則皮瓣的下緣將位於前額上方。硬腦膜與上矢狀竇的基底一起打開。抬高額葉眶麵可使視神經交叉前的蛛網膜和沿腦裂內側的蛛網膜打開,暴露出頸內動脈的脊上段、大腦前動脈和大腦中動脈的起始段以及前交通動脈和循環動脈。一條嗅覺神經可能需要在篩狀板上方分開,以暴露視交叉上方的區域。進一步的回縮將暴露視交叉上方的終板,可能還會暴露磨床的下部。額葉的內側表麵從鐮的前部縮回,露出胼胝體的喙部和膝區域的半球間裂的前部。 One or two small cortical veins entering the lateral margin of the superior sagittal sinus may need to be sacrificed to retract the frontal pole away from the falx. Small veins entering the anterior end of the inferior sagittal sinus may need to be obliterated and divided before the arachnoid in the depths of the interhemispheric fissure is opened. Opening the arachnoid will expose the A2 segments of the anterior cerebral arteries and their bifurcation into the pericallosal and callosomarginal arteries. The surgeon may need to push the anterior cerebral arteries toward their respective hemispheres or to one side to reach the rostrum part of the corpus callosum. Care should be taken to avoid occluding the perforating branches of the anterior communicating artery, which extend into the walls of the third ventricle to supply columns of the fornix. A vertical incision beginning in the lamina terminalis and extending upward into the rostrum of the corpus callosum will expose a lesion in the floor of the frontal horn formed by the anteroinferior part of the corpus callosum and straddling the lateral and third ventricular sides of the foramen of Monro.










進入心房後,位於心房內側的四頭池、鬆果體區和第三腦室後部可通過以下三種路徑之一到達:打開脈膜裂、沿著穹窿腳開口、或打開形成心房內側壁的枕葉。脈絡膜裂是通過將脈絡膜叢的球球向外側縮回並沿著穹窿肌腱開口而打開的。通過小腿或脈絡膜裂的開口會暴露出腹膜間質中的腦內靜脈的後端或四頭池中的基底,腦內和大靜脈。向內側和後方收小腿暴露四頭池和周圍池的尾部。應小心地應用回縮,因為它可能會損害距距和潛在的視覺皮層。為了防止主導腦半球的語言和言語障礙,應盡量減少枕狀核的收縮,因為枕狀核是丘腦纖維的主要來源,這些纖維連接著聯係皮層,以及與語言和視覺有關的頂葉、顳葉和枕葉的連接處。另一種方法是沿著小腿纖維的方向使用弧形切口,穿過由小腿穹窿形成的心房薄薄的內側壁。這個切口進入四叉腦池並提供一條通往第三腦室頂部的通路。這個切口應該保留對側穹窿的一半。然而,在心房中避開穹窿對側的一半比在心室體中更容易,因為腳在心房水平上分離得更廣。 If the pulvinar bulges too far posteriorly a supplemental horizontal incision in the medial wall of the atrium behind the crus may be needed to avoid retraction of the pulvinar. However, extending this incision posteriorly into the calcar avis will cause a visual field deficit, which increases in severity as the incision is increased further posteriorly. The internal cerebral and great veins and the medial posterior choroidal arteries commonly block the exposure. These vascular structures should be gently displaced after dividing only those branches required to expose and remove the tumor, rather than sacrificing their main trunks.



圖5.27。右側腦室中庭腫瘤經皮質入路。A,右心房的腫瘤部位。B、公園長凳(四分之三俯臥)的姿勢。頭皮切口位置(實線)和骨瓣位置(虛線)。C,頂葉上皮層切口部位。D,硬腦膜隨著椎弓根向上矢狀竇切開,皮質切口沿上頂葉切開。皮質靜脈在這裏向前延伸到達上矢狀竇。E,發生在心房的腦膜瘤正在用吸盤和杯狀鉗去腫。F,最後殘餘的腫瘤已經被切除,它與脈絡膜叢的連接正在凝固。 G, the choroidal fissure has been opened by incising along the attachment of the choroid plexus to the crus of the fornix. The choroid plexus has been retracted forward to expose the structures in the quadrigeminal cistern, which include the pineal body, posterior cerebral and choroidal arteries, and the internal cerebral and basal veins.

圖5.27。右側腦室中庭腫瘤經皮質入路。A,右心房的腫瘤部位。B、公園長凳(四分之三俯臥)的姿勢。頭皮切口位置(實線)和骨瓣位置(虛線)。C,頂葉上皮層切口部位。D,硬腦膜隨著椎弓根向上矢狀竇切開,皮質切口沿上頂葉切開。皮質靜脈在這裏向前延伸到達上矢狀竇。E,發生在心房的腦膜瘤正在用吸盤和杯狀鉗去腫。F,最後殘餘的腫瘤已經被切除,它與脈絡膜叢的連接正在凝固。 G, the choroidal fissure has been opened by incising along the attachment of the choroid plexus to the crus of the fornix. The choroid plexus has been retracted forward to expose the structures in the quadrigeminal cistern, which include the pineal body, posterior cerebral and choroidal arteries, and the internal cerebral and basal veins.



盡管該手術通常采用俯臥位,頂骨區在最上方進行,但對於某些病變,更好的選擇是將入路一側向下放置,使半球內側表麵遠離鐮,從而減少回縮的需要。頂枕頭皮瓣和開顱術延伸到或穿過上矢狀竇,其前緣位於中央後回和靜脈後麵。硬腦膜向矢狀竇反射。通常,不超過一條進入中央後回後方上矢狀竇的靜脈被分開,以便腦半球的內側表麵可以從鐮縮回。打開鐮下方的蛛網膜,可以看到大腦前動脈的遠端分支,偶爾也可以看到胼胝體表麵的大腦後動脈的脾分支。胼胝體的後部從中線切開。胼胝體切口可分裂海馬連合,打開側腦室;然而,應該記住的是,心室在這一點上已經開始橫向偏移。為了使這種入路成功,病灶的位置應使其在脾髒暴露和打開時進入視野。大腦內靜脈與大靜脈的連接處位於脾髒下方,鬆果體上方。 These veins may separate easily from the dorsal surface of a tumor lying within the third ventricle, but they also may be frequently so embedded within the upper surface of a tumor that their sacrifice is inescapable. Dandy (5), in some cases, resected the great and internal cerebral veins and the straight sinus in this region without neurological dysfunction; however, every effort should be made to spare these venous structures, because their obliteration may cause major deficits. The medial posterior choroidal and other branches of the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries, the trochlear nerves, the quadrigeminal plate, and the basal veins come into view in the depths of this exposure. The roof of the third ventricle will be encountered anterior to the pineal body. Opening the layers of tela choroidea in the roof of the third ventricle will expose the cavity of the third ventricle and the choroid plexus in the roof. The most dangerous dissection is in the area of the quadrigeminal plate, because some tumors are adherent to or embedded in this area. The tentorium may be divided longitudinally beside the straight sinus, and the falx may be split vertically to facilitate the exposure posteriorly and to the opposite side.


圖5.28。經胼胝體後路進入右側腦室的心房。A、四分之三俯臥姿勢。腫瘤的一側向下放置,以便沿著半球間裂暴露。頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(斷線)延伸至或穿過中線。B,硬腦膜打開,椎弓根朝向上矢狀竇。右頂葉的內側表麵已經從鐮上縮回。皮質切口穿過扣帶回的後部。胼胝體向中線右側打開,露出右心房。C,正常心室解剖。 The opening through the cingulate gyrus encounters the lateral part of the splenium. Opening through the splenium in the midline would expose the roof of the third ventricle. The opening through the lateral part of the splenium into the atrium exposes the crus of the fornix, bulb of the corpus callosum, pulvinar, and choroid plexus. D, the glial tumor is situated in the forceps major and the bulb of the corpus callosum. E, the tumor is being removed with an ultrasonic aspirator. The choroid plexus and pulvinar are pushed forward by the tumor. F, the tumor has been removed. Removing the bulb of the corpus callosum exposes the internal cerebral veins in the roof of the third ventricle and the quadrigeminal cistern. Residual tumor is present in the corpus callosum.

圖5.28。經胼胝體後路進入右側腦室的心房。A、四分之三俯臥姿勢。腫瘤的一側向下放置,以便沿著半球間裂暴露。頭皮切口(實線)和骨瓣(斷線)延伸至或穿過中線。B,硬腦膜打開,椎弓根朝向上矢狀竇。右頂葉的內側表麵已經從鐮上縮回。皮質切口穿過扣帶回的後部。胼胝體向中線右側打開,露出右心房。C,正常心室解剖。 The opening through the cingulate gyrus encounters the lateral part of the splenium. Opening through the splenium in the midline would expose the roof of the third ventricle. The opening through the lateral part of the splenium into the atrium exposes the crus of the fornix, bulb of the corpus callosum, pulvinar, and choroid plexus. D, the glial tumor is situated in the forceps major and the bulb of the corpus callosum. E, the tumor is being removed with an ultrasonic aspirator. The choroid plexus and pulvinar are pushed forward by the tumor. F, the tumor has been removed. Removing the bulb of the corpus callosum exposes the internal cerebral veins in the roof of the third ventricle and the quadrigeminal cistern. Residual tumor is present in the corpus callosum.






圖5.29。枕骨經舌入路治療右心房動靜脈畸形。不好的一麵是隱藏著病變的一麵。A,右側枕部頭皮(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)被抬高。骨瓣向上延伸或穿過橫竇和矢狀竇的邊緣。B,硬腦膜打開,在橫竇和矢狀竇上有蒂。C,右枕葉被收回並向下遠離鐮暴露扣帶回峽部。為了到達這個區域,通常要犧牲一條枕內靜脈。D,放大圖。虛線顯示的是皮質切口穿過扣帶回峽部的位置。 The internal cerebral, basal, and great veins are exposed in the quadrigeminal cistern. E, the malformation is situated in the choroid plexus. The arteries entering and the veins exiting the malformation pass through the choroidal fissure to reach the quadrigeminal cistern. F, the choroidal arteries that feed the malformation have been coagulated and divided and the last draining vein from the malformation is being obliterated with bipolar coagulation.

圖5.29。枕骨經舌入路治療右心房動靜脈畸形。不好的一麵是隱藏著病變的一麵。A,右側枕部頭皮(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)被抬高。骨瓣向上延伸或穿過橫竇和矢狀竇的邊緣。B,硬腦膜打開,在橫竇和矢狀竇上有蒂。C,右枕葉被收回並向下遠離鐮暴露扣帶回峽部。為了到達這個區域,通常要犧牲一條枕內靜脈。D,放大圖。虛線顯示的是皮質切口穿過扣帶回峽部的位置。 The internal cerebral, basal, and great veins are exposed in the quadrigeminal cistern. E, the malformation is situated in the choroid plexus. The arteries entering and the veins exiting the malformation pass through the choroidal fissure to reach the quadrigeminal cistern. F, the choroidal arteries that feed the malformation have been coagulated and divided and the last draining vein from the malformation is being obliterated with bipolar coagulation.

Infratentorial Supracerebellar方法


手術時患者應采用四分之三俯臥位,也可采用半坐位或全俯臥位。頸部彎曲,以優化帳篷下的視野。采用垂直中線切口。枕下顱骨切除術延伸到雙側橫竇和斜疝下緣以上。y形硬腦膜切口,其上限延伸至橫竇下緣靠近中線處,允許硬腦膜中線向上反射而無障礙。直的鼻竇和幕可以用牽開器抬高,蚓部可以輕輕地向下收回。小腦上表麵的橋靜脈可以被橫斷,風險最小。通過幕下入路切開幕下邊緣,可使暴露擴大到幕下切口以外。在四叉神經池上切開蛛網膜,使深靜脈係統和腫瘤進入視野。蓋倫靜脈和腦內靜脈位於鬆果體上方; the superior vermian vein is posterior; the thalamus, the medial posterior choroidal and posterior cerebral arteries, and the basal veins are lateral; and the quadrigeminal plate, trochlear nerves, superior cerebellar arteries, and superior vermis are below.






對於額顳入路,患者被置於仰臥位,頭部稍微向後傾斜,並與手術側相對轉30度。小的頭皮和骨瓣被抬高用於額顳(翼點)入路。額顳後入路時,皮瓣進一步向耳後上方延伸。頭皮,顳肌和筋膜,和周包膜可能被反映為單層,但更常見的是筋膜間入路,其中頭皮,盔瓣,顳淺筋膜下部與淺脂肪墊和到額肌的神經被反映為一層,顳肌被反映為第二層。用咬骨鉗或鑽去除蝶骨脊的外側。硬腦膜打開,主瓣沿翼點區域向前下拉。額葉和顳葉被抬高以暴露蝶骨脊的區域。隻有在必要時才凝固和分割從椎間裂和顳尖而來的橋靜脈。如果額顳入路完全位於蝶骨脊上方或顳下入路完全位於蝶骨脊下方,則有可能保留這些橋靜脈。打開蛛網膜,露出頸動脈、視神經和後交通動脈和前脈絡膜動脈的起源。 The tumor is exposed through the triangle between the optic nerve and the internal carotid and anterior cerebral arteries in the frontotemporal approach or below the floor of the third ventricle through the interval between the carotid artery and the oculomotor nerve. The third ventricle may be entered through the floor if the nuclear masses are pushed laterally by the tumor and the floor consists of only a glial membrane.

額顳後入路用於可通過前顳葉切除術或顳葉前部皮質小切口暴露的顳角前部病變或顳葉下方外側延伸到第三腦室的病變。患者取仰臥位,在手術側肩下放置沙袋。頭部稍微向後傾斜,並與手術的一側旋轉45度。頭皮切口從額部開始,以問號的形式延伸到耳上方,然後向下延伸到耳前的顴骨。頭皮、顳肌、筋膜和骨膜被反映為單層。將暴露顳葉外側表麵前半部分的遊離額顳骨瓣抬高,並用刺鉗或鑽去除蝶骨脊外側。打開硬腦膜,沿著翼點區域將主瓣向前下拉。顳葉尖端可以抬高以露出小腦幕的邊緣。顳葉可在顳下入路被抬高,以暴露後側至中腦的前側和外側以及基底動脈的上部。腫瘤一旦暴露,就根據前麵概述的原則切除。 A decision is made as to whether to enter the temporal horn through a cortical incision or through a temporal lobectomy. The cortical incision would be selected if the lesion is strictly localized to the region of the tip of the temporal lobe. The temporal lobectomy would be considered if the lesion not only involved the temporal pole but also extended into the temporal horn. For the transcortical approach, the lower part of the middle temporal gyrus or the upper part of the inferior temporal gyrus is opened in the long axis of the gyrus and the incision is directed backward through the temporal lobe to the anterior part of the temporal horn.

使用顳葉切除術時,穿過顳葉的垂直切口應位於距顳尖不超過4cm處,以避免視神經輻射;平行於側裂的水平切口向內側穿過顳上回下部或顳中回上部。在內側,穿過顳上回的切口與腦裂下唇內側的腦膜蛛網膜相遇,腦裂下唇覆蓋著大腦中動脈的下支,當它們穿過腦島時。平行於側裂的切口向前和向內側延伸進入顳極就在側裂和蝶骨脊下方。皮質切口的深度將會碰到鉤狀帶和海馬旁回,這兩個部分將會被剝離,以避免損傷供應內囊的大腦中動脈的分支。在顳尖周圍延伸的皮質切口通常可以在不犧牲側靜脈的情況下完成,側靜脈通常進入蝶頂竇,蝶頂靜脈位於蝶骨脊的邊緣下方。這些入路將暴露顳角的前部,一直到脈絡膜前動脈穿過脈絡膜下點附近的脈絡膜裂的位置。在顳角的底部可以看到海馬體和側支隆起的突出,在頂部可以看到室下靜脈。杏仁核位於顳角尖的正前方略高於顳角尖,並直接位於鉤椎池表麵的外側。這種暴露在足夠的前方,不允許超過脈絡膜裂的最小開口暴露周圍池。 It will expose the anterior choroidal artery passing through the inferior choroidal point behind the head of the hippocampus. It is satisfactory for removing a lesion in the region of the anterior wall of the temporal horn and the amygdala. Opening through the amygdala and uncus exposes the structures in the crural and ambient cisterns.




對於顳角中部或後三分之一處的病變,或延伸至周圍池和腳池的第三腦室部分病變,可采用顳側開顱術和經顳側或顳下皮質切口。在以耳朵上方為中心的顳側開顱術中,患者取仰臥位,抬高病變一側的肩膀,頭部與手術一側傾斜60 - 80度。頭皮切口從耳前顴骨上方延伸到耳上區域然後向後向下延伸到耳後的星形骨區域。頭皮、顳肌、筋膜和骨膜被反映為單層。將骨瓣切得較低,或在骨瓣下方進行小的顱骨切除術,直至顱底。這會打開乳突氣細胞。注意不要打開中耳的閣樓。中耳積液引起的短暫性耳聾可能采用這種方法。非顯性半球的顳角可以通過在視神經輻射前的顳回中或下回的皮質切口暴露出來。另一種可選擇的、通常更可取的路徑是顳下路徑,它能最大限度地減少對主導半球的光學輻射和語言中心的損傷,在顳下回或枕顳回或顳葉下表麵的側支溝處做切口。 The risk of hemorrhage, venous infarction, and edema after retraction of the temporal lobe is reduced by avoiding occlusion of the bridging veins, especially the vein of Labbé.


圖5.31。顳下入路到顳角和基底池。A,右側顳頭皮(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)被抬高。在暴露的下緣做一個小的顱骨切除術(交叉孵化區),可以進入中窩底。B,硬腦膜已打開,椎弓根在下方。顳角通過枕顳溝內位於顳下回和枕顳回之間的皮質切口(折線)進入。C和D,顳角和周圍池的正常解剖。C,打開顳角,暴露側支隆起,海馬體,絨毛膜,脈絡叢和尾狀核的尾部。D,通過切開脈絡膜叢到毛膜的連接處打開脈絡膜裂,暴露周圍池中的大腦後動脈和基底靜脈。E,顳角的表皮樣腫瘤已被打開,用吸盤和杯形鉗將囊內內容物取出。 F, a remnant of tumor capsule attached to the choroid plexus and adjacent part of the fimbria is being excised. Inf., inferior.

圖5.31。顳下入路到顳角和基底池。A,右側顳頭皮(實線)和骨瓣(虛線)被抬高。在暴露的下緣做一個小的顱骨切除術(交叉孵化區),可以進入中窩底。B,硬腦膜已打開,椎弓根在下方。顳角通過枕顳溝內位於顳下回和枕顳回之間的皮質切口(折線)進入。C和D,顳角和周圍池的正常解剖。C,打開顳角,暴露側支隆起,海馬體,絨毛膜,脈絡叢和尾狀核的尾部。D,通過切開脈絡膜叢到毛膜的連接處打開脈絡膜裂,暴露周圍池中的大腦後動脈和基底靜脈。E,顳角的表皮樣腫瘤已被打開,用吸盤和杯形鉗將囊內內容物取出。 F, a remnant of tumor capsule attached to the choroid plexus and adjacent part of the fimbria is being excised. Inf., inferior.









貢獻者:Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD

內容來自Rhoton AL, Jr.幕上顱空間:顯微外科解剖和外科入路。神經外科2002年,51:S1-iii-S1-vi。10.1097 / 00006123-200210001-00001.經牛津大學出版社代表神經外科醫師協會批準。©神經外科醫生協會。

神經外科188bet手机app圖譜很榮幸能夠繼承Albert L. Rhoton, Jr . MD的遺產。


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