波動率。 視頻
















圖5.1。幕的切跡。第一,左腦半球被切除。腦幕切骨位於腦幕邊緣之間,是腦幕上和腦幕下空間後麵唯一的交流部位。幕頂位於蓋倫靜脈和直竇的交界處。帳篷的邊緣從頂部向下傾斜。遊離邊沿腦幹一側向前進入硬腦膜覆蓋岩尖和前、後床突。門骨,相對於中腦,分為前、中、後三個空間。前切口空間在視交叉上方延伸至終板,在視交叉和第三室底下方延伸至踝間窩。中切膜位於中腦和腦幕邊緣之間,向上延伸至周圍池和腳池,向下延伸至小腦後腦裂的前部。 The posterior incisural space, located between the posterior midbrain and the tentorial apex, encompasses the quadrigeminal cistern, which extends into the cerebellomesencephalic fissure and along the outer surface of the upper part of the fourth ventricular roof. The anterior incisural space, located below the frontal horn, contains the basilar bifurcation. The PCA and SCA arise in the anterior and pass around the brainstem to reach the middle and posterior incisural spaces. The branches of the PCA and SCA pass through the lateral part of the posterior incisural space, and the large venous structures converging on the vein of Galen course in the medial part of the posterior incisural space. B, part of the left central hemisphere and all of the left thalamus have been removed, while preserving the fornix and choroid plexus. The frontal horn and anterior part of the third ventricle is located above the anterior incisural space. The middle incisural space is located medial to the temporal horn, between the temporal lobe and midbrain. The posterior incisural space is located between the tentorial apex and posterior midbrain surface. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Front., frontal; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Mid., middle; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; V., vein; Vent., ventricle. 


圖5.1。幕的切跡。第一,左腦半球被切除。腦幕切骨位於腦幕邊緣之間,是腦幕上和腦幕下空間後麵唯一的交流部位。幕頂位於蓋倫靜脈和直竇的交界處。帳篷的邊緣從頂部向下傾斜。遊離邊沿腦幹一側向前進入硬腦膜覆蓋岩尖和前、後床突。門骨,相對於中腦,分為前、中、後三個空間。前切口空間在視交叉上方延伸至終板,在視交叉和第三室底下方延伸至踝間窩。中切膜位於中腦和腦幕邊緣之間,向上延伸至周圍池和腳池,向下延伸至小腦後腦裂的前部。 The posterior incisural space, located between the posterior midbrain and the tentorial apex, encompasses the quadrigeminal cistern, which extends into the cerebellomesencephalic fissure and along the outer surface of the upper part of the fourth ventricular roof. The anterior incisural space, located below the frontal horn, contains the basilar bifurcation. The PCA and SCA arise in the anterior and pass around the brainstem to reach the middle and posterior incisural spaces. The branches of the PCA and SCA pass through the lateral part of the posterior incisural space, and the large venous structures converging on the vein of Galen course in the medial part of the posterior incisural space. B, part of the left central hemisphere and all of the left thalamus have been removed, while preserving the fornix and choroid plexus. The frontal horn and anterior part of the third ventricle is located above the anterior incisural space. The middle incisural space is located medial to the temporal horn, between the temporal lobe and midbrain. The posterior incisural space is located between the tentorial apex and posterior midbrain surface. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid; CN, cranial nerve; Front., frontal; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Mid., middle; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; V., vein; Vent., ventricle.


切骨大致呈三角形,其前緣或基部位於鞍背,其頂端位於中腦背側,剛好位於鬆果體後方(圖5.2)。切除腦半球後從上看,切骨被中腦、橋腦和小腦填充,遊離邊緣繞過腦梗,或與之接觸或以可變距離與之分離(圖5.2)。在中腦和遊離邊緣之間可見的小腦皮層的數量不等,當遊離邊緣擁抱頂蓋時為零,當門骨向後延伸很遠時為大量。切除小腦後從下看,門骨被中腦、鉤狀帶和海馬旁回填充(圖5.4)。從下方可見的海馬旁回的數量不等,從遊離邊緣擁抱頂蓋時的無,到切骨非常寬時的大量。切骨的寬度為26 - 35毫米(平均29.6毫米),前後徑為46 - 75毫米(平均52.0毫米)(17)。


圖5.2。前庭切口,視野優越。A,左大腦,在腦梗上方,被切除以暴露前,中,後切口空間。丘腦是側腦室體的底部,位於腦幕切骨中央的正上方。右側腦室和側裂下壁被保留。除去幕幕邊緣的左半部分,露出幕幕小腦表麵。額角位於前切口上方。位於額角以下的前切口空間的結構包括視神經和交叉、頸內動脈和基底動脈的上部及其分支。中切骨間隙位於中腦和腦幕邊緣之間,向上延伸至腳和周圍池,向下延伸至小腦後腦裂的前部。後切骨間隙位於中腦和腦幕尖之間,包括四頭腦池區域,並向小腦後腦裂的中央部分開放。 The atrium of the lateral ventricle is situated lateral to the posterior incisural space. B, view of the tentorial incisura after removing the cerebrum. The tentorial edges sweep along the lateral margin of the cerebral peduncle. The oculomotor nerve passes medial to the anterior edge of the tentorium and enters the cavernous sinus by passing through a triangular patch of dura called the oculomotor trigone. C, superior view of the tentorial incisura before removing the left temporal lobe. The crural cistern is located between the cerebral peduncle and uncus. The ambient cistern opens upward between the midbrain and the medial surface of the temporal lobe formed by the parahippocampal and dentate gyri. The thalamus and the genu of the internal capsule are located above the central part of the tentorial incisura. D, enlarged view after removing the temporal lobe. The internal capsule and the lentiform nucleus are located above the middle incisural space. The genu of the internal capsule abuts on the lateral ventricular wall at the level of the foramen of Monro. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Lent., lentiform; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Tent., tentorial; Trig., trigone. 


圖5.2。前庭切口,視野優越。A,左大腦,在腦梗上方,被切除以暴露前,中,後切口空間。丘腦是側腦室體的底部,位於腦幕切骨中央的正上方。右側腦室和側裂下壁被保留。除去幕幕邊緣的左半部分,露出幕幕小腦表麵。額角位於前切口上方。位於額角以下的前切口空間的結構包括視神經和交叉、頸內動脈和基底動脈的上部及其分支。中切骨間隙位於中腦和腦幕邊緣之間,向上延伸至腳和周圍池,向下延伸至小腦後腦裂的前部。後切骨間隙位於中腦和腦幕尖之間,包括四頭腦池區域,並向小腦後腦裂的中央部分開放。 The atrium of the lateral ventricle is situated lateral to the posterior incisural space. B, view of the tentorial incisura after removing the cerebrum. The tentorial edges sweep along the lateral margin of the cerebral peduncle. The oculomotor nerve passes medial to the anterior edge of the tentorium and enters the cavernous sinus by passing through a triangular patch of dura called the oculomotor trigone. C, superior view of the tentorial incisura before removing the left temporal lobe. The crural cistern is located between the cerebral peduncle and uncus. The ambient cistern opens upward between the midbrain and the medial surface of the temporal lobe formed by the parahippocampal and dentate gyri. The thalamus and the genu of the internal capsule are located above the central part of the tentorial incisura. D, enlarged view after removing the temporal lobe. The internal capsule and the lentiform nucleus are located above the middle incisural space. The genu of the internal capsule abuts on the lateral ventricular wall at the level of the foramen of Monro. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Caud., caudate; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; For., foramen; Front., frontal; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Lent., lentiform; Mid., middle; Nucl., nucleus; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Tent., tentorial; Trig., trigone.

圖5.3。逐步剝離腦幕切骨上方的神經結構。A,右半球的冠狀部分垂直穿過丘腦和外側膝狀體橫切麵穿過腦梗。打開右側顳角,露出海馬體和杏仁核。第三腦室的底部在中線露出來。左半球的冠狀部分穿過丘腦前方,靠近門羅孔和內囊膝。前切骨間隙從蹠間窩,圍繞交叉,延伸到視交叉上區。第二,切除了右側丘腦,但保留了穹窿,穹窿包裹著丘腦形成了位於丘腦和穹窿之間的脈膜裂隙的外緣。中切口空間向上延伸到周圍池和腳池。腳池位於鉤椎和腦踝之間。 The ambient cistern in located between the parahippocampal and dentate gyri and the fimbria of the fornix laterally and the midbrain medially. The posterior part of the tentorial edge is exposed. The quadrigeminal cistern is located in the posterior incisural space between the tentorial apex and the pineal. The atrium is located lateral to the quadrigeminal cistern and posterior incisural space. C, enlarged view. The coronal section through the left hemisphere has been extended backward to the level of the thalamus and posterior limb of the internal capsule. The left temporal horn is exposed below the basal ganglia. The optic nerves, chiasm, and tracts, and the oculomotor nerves cross the anterior incisural space. The middle incisural space extends into the ambient and crural cisterns, and the posterior incisural space, located in front of the tentorial apex, contains the quadrigeminal cistern. D, the upper parts of the anterior and middle incisural spaces have been exposed by removing the thalami on both sides. The tentorial edges extend forward from the apex, located at the posterior margin of the pineal region, along the side of the midbrain to attach to the petrous ridge and clinoid processes. E, the temporal lobe has been sectioned in a coronal plane and the third ventricular floor has been removed. The lateral wall of the ambient cistern is formed by the parahippocampal and dentate gyri and the fimbria of the fornix. F, enlarged view. The rounded medial edge of the parahippocampal gyrus, the site of the subiculum, which blends into the hippocampus, joins the dentate gyri and fimbria to form the lateral wall of the ambient cistern. The fimbria arises on the hippocampal surface. A., artery; Amyg., amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Dent., dentate; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Nucl., nucleus; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sulc., sulcus; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Vent., ventricle. 


圖5.3。逐步剝離腦幕切骨上方的神經結構。A,右半球的冠狀部分垂直穿過丘腦和外側膝狀體橫切麵穿過腦梗。打開右側顳角,露出海馬體和杏仁核。第三腦室的底部在中線露出來。左半球的冠狀部分穿過丘腦前方,靠近門羅孔和內囊膝。前切骨間隙從蹠間窩,圍繞交叉,延伸到視交叉上區。第二,切除了右側丘腦,但保留了穹窿,穹窿包裹著丘腦形成了位於丘腦和穹窿之間的脈膜裂隙的外緣。中切口空間向上延伸到周圍池和腳池。腳池位於鉤椎和腦踝之間。 The ambient cistern in located between the parahippocampal and dentate gyri and the fimbria of the fornix laterally and the midbrain medially. The posterior part of the tentorial edge is exposed. The quadrigeminal cistern is located in the posterior incisural space between the tentorial apex and the pineal. The atrium is located lateral to the quadrigeminal cistern and posterior incisural space. C, enlarged view. The coronal section through the left hemisphere has been extended backward to the level of the thalamus and posterior limb of the internal capsule. The left temporal horn is exposed below the basal ganglia. The optic nerves, chiasm, and tracts, and the oculomotor nerves cross the anterior incisural space. The middle incisural space extends into the ambient and crural cisterns, and the posterior incisural space, located in front of the tentorial apex, contains the quadrigeminal cistern. D, the upper parts of the anterior and middle incisural spaces have been exposed by removing the thalami on both sides. The tentorial edges extend forward from the apex, located at the posterior margin of the pineal region, along the side of the midbrain to attach to the petrous ridge and clinoid processes. E, the temporal lobe has been sectioned in a coronal plane and the third ventricular floor has been removed. The lateral wall of the ambient cistern is formed by the parahippocampal and dentate gyri and the fimbria of the fornix. F, enlarged view. The rounded medial edge of the parahippocampal gyrus, the site of the subiculum, which blends into the hippocampus, joins the dentate gyri and fimbria to form the lateral wall of the ambient cistern. The fimbria arises on the hippocampal surface. A., artery; Amyg., amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Cap., capsule; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Dent., dentate; Front., frontal; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Lent., lentiform; Nucl., nucleus; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sulc., sulcus; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Vent., ventricle.







足間池位於腦梗和鞍背之間的前切膜後部,與位於前穿孔物質下方的Sylvian池和位於視交叉下方的交叉池在前方相通。花梗間池和交叉池被Liliequist 's膜隔開,這是一種從鞍背延伸到乳腺體前緣的蛛網膜片(14,35,36)。交叉池與視交叉周圍的端板池相通,端板池位於視交叉的前方。








前切口空間的動脈關係很複雜,因為它包含威利斯圓的所有組成部分(4,5,7,18,19,27,37)。頸內動脈沿前臥突的內側表麵進入前切膜間隙,並在前穿孔物質下方分岔(圖5.5和5.6)。後交通動脈起於頸動脈的後內側,向超內側延伸至動眼神經,在前切口空間與PCA相連。脈絡膜前動脈起源於頸動脈後表麵,距後交通動脈起點遠端0.1 ~ 3.0 mm,在視道下方穿過鉤椎和腦梗之間,進入中切膜間隙(3,24)。


基底動脈上升,在後穿孔物質和斜坡之間的前切骨間隙的後部形成PCA和SCA(圖5.7)。基底端和分支的位置從遠至尾側至橋腦腦溝以下1.3 mm,遠至吻側至乳腺體(17)。PCA沿腦梗外側,位於動眼神經上方。它從前側出,通過鉤椎和腦梗之間進入中切口空間。SCA起源於PCA下方的前切骨間隙,向外側延伸至動眼神經下方(圖5.7)。原點通常隻是遊離邊緣水平的吻側。它在幕下延伸到小腦的上表麵在前和中切口空間的交界處。前切口腔壁的結構接受來自上述所有動脈的穿孔分支。


裂連接。 D, all but the upper part of the left temporal lobe and fimbria has been removed. The optic tract extends posteriorly through the crural cistern to the anterior part of the ambient cistern where it terminates in the lateral geniculate body. The posterior incisural space between the midbrain and the tentorial apex borders the atrium laterally. Amyg., amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Interped., interpeduncular; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Quad., quadrigeminal; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Tr., trunk. 



裂連接。 D, all but the upper part of the left temporal lobe and fimbria has been removed. The optic tract extends posteriorly through the crural cistern to the anterior part of the ambient cistern where it terminates in the lateral geniculate body. The posterior incisural space between the midbrain and the tentorial apex borders the atrium laterally. Amyg., amygdaloid; Ant., anterior; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Dent., dentate; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Interped., interpeduncular; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Nucl., nucleus; Olf., olfactory; Parahippo., parahippocampal; Ped., peduncle; Perf., perforated; Pit., pituitary; Plex., plexus; Quad., quadrigeminal; Subst., substance; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Tr., trunk.

圖5.5。幕的切跡。A,從下麵看與幕切鄰近的池。中切口空間向上打開進入位於鉤椎和足梗之間的底腦池和位於海馬旁回和腦幹外側表麵之間的周圍腦池。pca通過腳和周圍池到達後切骨間隙,即四頭池的位置。基底靜脈在腳和周圍池的上部伴著PCA,並流入四叉池的Galen靜脈。內側後脈絡膜動脈繞腦幹走行,位於pca的內側,有長長的回旋的穿支。B,右顳葉的內側部分被切除露出顳角。穹窿的絲膜,出現在海馬體的上表麵,形成脈絡膜裂隙的下緣,被保存了下來。丘腦、膝狀體和視道位於腳和周圍池的頂部。 C, the right PCA has been removed. The basal vein passes backward above the PCA and empties into the vein of Galen with the internal cerebral and internal occipital veins. The lower surface of the thalamus, the geniculate bodies, and the optic tract form the roof of the crural and ambient cisterns. The anterior choroidal artery passes posteriorly above the uncus and through the choroidal fissure to supply the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. D, both PCAs have been removed to expose the roof of the middle incisural space on both sides and the basal veins, which drain the neural structures in the region. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Mid., middle; Occip., occipital; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Temp., temporal; V., vein. 


圖5.5。幕的切跡。A,從下麵看與幕切鄰近的池。中切口空間向上打開進入位於鉤椎和足梗之間的底腦池和位於海馬旁回和腦幹外側表麵之間的周圍腦池。pca通過腳和周圍池到達後切骨間隙,即四頭池的位置。基底靜脈在腳和周圍池的上部伴著PCA,並流入四叉池的Galen靜脈。內側後脈絡膜動脈繞腦幹走行,位於pca的內側,有長長的回旋的穿支。B,右顳葉的內側部分被切除露出顳角。穹窿的絲膜,出現在海馬體的上表麵,形成脈絡膜裂隙的下緣,被保存了下來。丘腦、膝狀體和視道位於腳和周圍池的頂部。 C, the right PCA has been removed. The basal vein passes backward above the PCA and empties into the vein of Galen with the internal cerebral and internal occipital veins. The lower surface of the thalamus, the geniculate bodies, and the optic tract form the roof of the crural and ambient cisterns. The anterior choroidal artery passes posteriorly above the uncus and through the choroidal fissure to supply the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. D, both PCAs have been removed to expose the roof of the middle incisural space on both sides and the basal veins, which drain the neural structures in the region. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Mid., middle; Occip., occipital; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Temp., temporal; V., vein.

圖5.6。前,中,後切口空間的優越視圖。A和B來自一個標本,C來自另一個標本。首先,通過切除丘腦和除枕葉和顳葉以外的所有左腦半球,我們可以看到腦幕切骨區域的基底池。顳角的頂部被移除了。與前切膜間隙相關的結構,位於鞍結節前方、中腦後方和幕前邊緣外側之間,包括視神經和交叉、頸內動脈、基底動脈、小腦上動脈和多腦動脈。前切口向後打開進入中切口,中切口延伸到腳和周圍池。底腦池位於腦足和鉤椎之間,周圍腦池位於外側中腦和顳葉內側表麵之間。周圍池向後打開,進入後切口空間,其中包含四叉池。基底靜脈、PCA和SCA在中切口間隙繞過中腦,到達後切口間隙和四叉腦池。 B, enlarged view. The preserved tentorial edge is exposed between the basal vein and trochlear nerve. C, superior view of the middle and posterior incisural space in another specimen. The basal vein courses through the crural and ambient cisterns. The upper lip of the calcarine sulcus has been removed but the lower lip of the sulcus has been preserved. The calcarine branch of the PCA loops laterally into the calcarine sulcus, which extends so deeply into the medial part of the hemisphere that it forms a prominence, the calcar avis, in the lower part of the medial wall of the atrium. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Calc., calcarine; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Interped., interpeduncular; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Mid., middle; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sulc., sulcus; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; V., vein. 


圖5.6。前,中,後切口空間的優越視圖。A和B來自一個標本,C來自另一個標本。首先,通過切除丘腦和除枕葉和顳葉以外的所有左腦半球,我們可以看到腦幕切骨區域的基底池。顳角的頂部被移除了。與前切膜間隙相關的結構,位於鞍結節前方、中腦後方和幕前邊緣外側之間,包括視神經和交叉、頸內動脈、基底動脈、小腦上動脈和多腦動脈。前切口向後打開進入中切口,中切口延伸到腳和周圍池。底腦池位於腦足和鉤椎之間,周圍腦池位於外側中腦和顳葉內側表麵之間。周圍池向後打開,進入後切口空間,其中包含四叉池。基底靜脈、PCA和SCA在中切口間隙繞過中腦,到達後切口間隙和四叉腦池。 B, enlarged view. The preserved tentorial edge is exposed between the basal vein and trochlear nerve. C, superior view of the middle and posterior incisural space in another specimen. The basal vein courses through the crural and ambient cisterns. The upper lip of the calcarine sulcus has been removed but the lower lip of the sulcus has been preserved. The calcarine branch of the PCA loops laterally into the calcarine sulcus, which extends so deeply into the medial part of the hemisphere that it forms a prominence, the calcar avis, in the lower part of the medial wall of the atrium. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Car., carotid; Calc., calcarine; Cer., cerebral; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Gyr., gyrus; Incis., incisural; Int., internal; Interped., interpeduncular; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Mid., middle; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sulc., sulcus; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; V., vein.

圖5.7。模擬。前正中切口間隙。第一,右顳葉被抬高了。中切口空間位於中腦外側表麵和腦幕邊緣之間,向上打開進入周圍池,在那裏PCA和基底靜脈經過。頸內動脈暴露在中腦前麵的前切口空間。B,前切口和中切口交界處的放大視圖。頸內動脈、視神經和顱底分支位於前切口間隙。動眼神經在PCA和SCA之間向前移動。C,顳下回和梭狀回已經被切除暴露出海馬旁回的外側邊緣在正中切口上方。 The opening into the temporal horn exposes the choroid plexus attached along the choroidal fissure. The veins draining the roof of the temporal horn empty into the basal vein. D, the choroidal fissure has been opened by detaching the choroid plexus from the fimbria of the fornix. Opening the fissure exposes the upper part of the ambient cistern and the branches of the PCA and basal vein. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Coll., colliculus; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Mes., mesencephalic; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; V., vein; Vent., ventricular. 


圖5.7。模擬。前正中切口間隙。第一,右顳葉被抬高了。中切口空間位於中腦外側表麵和腦幕邊緣之間,向上打開進入周圍池,在那裏PCA和基底靜脈經過。頸內動脈暴露在中腦前麵的前切口空間。B,前切口和中切口交界處的放大視圖。頸內動脈、視神經和顱底分支位於前切口間隙。動眼神經在PCA和SCA之間向前移動。C,顳下回和梭狀回已經被切除暴露出海馬旁回的外側邊緣在正中切口上方。 The opening into the temporal horn exposes the choroid plexus attached along the choroidal fissure. The veins draining the roof of the temporal horn empty into the basal vein. D, the choroidal fissure has been opened by detaching the choroid plexus from the fimbria of the fornix. Opening the fissure exposes the upper part of the ambient cistern and the branches of the PCA and basal vein. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Chor., choroid, choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Coll., colliculus; Fiss., fissure; Gen., geniculate; Gyr., gyrus; Inf., inferior; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Mes., mesencephalic; Parahippo., parahippocampal; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; V., vein; Vent., ventricular.

圖5.7。情況。E,前正中切口間隙,放大視圖。通過脈絡膜裂的開口暴露了基底靜脈和周圍池上部的PCA分支。PCA向脈絡膜叢發出許多分支,包括一個大的脈絡膜後外側動脈。F,海馬體和顳葉的內側部分,包括海馬旁回,已經被移除,露出中切口空間的上部。PCA和基底靜脈穿過海馬旁回內側的中間切口空間,已經被切除了。脈絡膜叢沿著位於脈絡膜和丘腦下表麵之間的脈絡膜裂隙相連。下心室靜脈從顳角頂部流出並流入基底靜脈。G,切除PCA的分支以暴露基底靜脈,基底靜脈起源於前穿孔物質的下方,向後方通過中切口空間,進入後切口空間和四叉神經池。 The pulvinar and lower surface of the thalamus, including the geniculate bodies, are in the upper margin of the exposure. H, the basal vein has been removed. This exposes the lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle and the tegmental part of the midbrain, which are separated by the lateral mesencephalic sulcus. The medial and lateral geniculate bodies protrude downward from the lower surface of the thalamus. 


圖5.7。情況。E,前正中切口間隙,放大視圖。通過脈絡膜裂的開口暴露了基底靜脈和周圍池上部的PCA分支。PCA向脈絡膜叢發出許多分支,包括一個大的脈絡膜後外側動脈。F,海馬體和顳葉的內側部分,包括海馬旁回,已經被移除,露出中切口空間的上部。PCA和基底靜脈穿過海馬旁回內側的中間切口空間,已經被切除了。脈絡膜叢沿著位於脈絡膜和丘腦下表麵之間的脈絡膜裂隙相連。下心室靜脈從顳角頂部流出並流入基底靜脈。G,切除PCA的分支以暴露基底靜脈,基底靜脈起源於前穿孔物質的下方,向後方通過中切口空間,進入後切口空間和四叉神經池。 The pulvinar and lower surface of the thalamus, including the geniculate bodies, are in the upper margin of the exposure. H, the basal vein has been removed. This exposes the lateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle and the tegmental part of the midbrain, which are separated by the lateral mesencephalic sulcus. The medial and lateral geniculate bodies protrude downward from the lower surface of the thalamus.















圖5.8。前和中顳下暴露的前和相鄰部分的中切口空間。A,開顱瓣和硬腦膜開口暴露了顳葉和中顱窩底。插入片顯示頭皮切口的位置。B,顳葉被抬高暴露出前和中切口空間的PCA和SCA。PCA在動眼神經上方,SCA在動眼神經下方。SCA分支與滑車神經一起沿腦幹側行。C, PCA被壓下暴露基底動脈。脈絡膜前動脈起於切口前間隙,穿過腦梗和鉤椎之間,在切口中部進入腳池。D,幕被劃分在岩脊後麵暴露出SCA以及三叉神經和滑車神經在中切口區域。 The SCA sends branches above the trigeminal nerve and into the anterior part of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure. The medial posterior choroidal artery also passes around the lateral side of the brainstem. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal, CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Fiss., fissure; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial. 


圖5.8。前和中顳下暴露的前和相鄰部分的中切口空間。A,開顱瓣和硬腦膜開口暴露了顳葉和中顱窩底。插入片顯示頭皮切口的位置。B,顳葉被抬高暴露出前和中切口空間的PCA和SCA。PCA在動眼神經上方,SCA在動眼神經下方。SCA分支與滑車神經一起沿腦幹側行。C, PCA被壓下暴露基底動脈。脈絡膜前動脈起於切口前間隙,穿過腦梗和鉤椎之間,在切口中部進入腳池。D,幕被劃分在岩脊後麵暴露出SCA以及三叉神經和滑車神經在中切口區域。 The SCA sends branches above the trigeminal nerve and into the anterior part of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure. The medial posterior choroidal artery also passes around the lateral side of the brainstem. A., artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Br., branch; Car., carotid; Chor., choroidal, CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Fiss., fissure; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; Med., medial; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial.

































下行疝分為前疝、後疝和完全性疝。前型中,鉤椎疝入踝間池和腳池。這種移動將腦幹帶到另一側,從而增加了遊離邊緣和腦幹之間的空間,並促進組織通過孔的進一步移動。最終,從脾到鉤椎的海馬旁回可能被迫通過開口,門骨被突出的顳葉、變形的下丘腦和壓縮的中腦堵塞。在突出的腫塊中,扁桃核與鉤扣受累。中腦網狀激活通路的扭曲和壓縮導致意識水平下降。壓迫同側腦梗會引起對側錐體征,如果腦幹側位移位嚴重,對側腦梗可能會被擠壓到遊離邊緣,從而在腦梗上產生稱為Kernohan 's notch的凹槽,並出現同側錐體征(30)。在晚期,中腦的變形導致去腦剛性。下丘腦後部的扭曲和壓迫可能引起心血管、呼吸和體溫調節紊亂。垂體柄可能被鞍背拉伸和壓迫,引起尿崩症。 The oculomotor nerve courses between the medial border of the uncus and the posterior petroclinoidal fold, and may be kinked or compressed here or between the PCA and SCA, or it may be stretched as the hernia displaces the midbrain posteriorly. Initially, the pupilloconstrictor fibers, which are concentrated on the superior surface of the nerve, are compressed. Later, somatic fibers to the extraocular muscles are disturbed. In the early stages, irritation of the pupilloconstrictor fibers may cause pupillary constriction, but this usually gives way to a paralytic effect with pupillary dilation as the hernia enlarges. The optic tract is displaced medially and downward, but the resulting visual loss is often masked by deepening coma. Compression of the uncus, amygdaloid nucleus, parahippocampal gyrus, and hippocampal formation against the free edge may cause memory, behavior, and personality changes. Residual scarring of the hippocampal formation may cause seizures. The trochlear nerve usually escapes involvement in such herniations, but caudal displacement of the brainstem may result in a palsy of the abducens nerve by stretching it in the subarachnoid space or by strangling it in its course around the AICA.





圖5.9。f。額顳開顱術暴露前切口空間。A,插入物顯示了開顱手術的位置。額葉和顳葉被縮回以暴露視神經和動眼神經以及前、中大腦和後交通動脈。B,視神經三角,位於視神經、頸動脈和大腦前動脈之間,已被輕輕打開,露出基底尖和同側動眼神經向前穿過PCA和SCA之間。C,暴露被定向到視神經交叉上方以暴露前交通動脈區域。D,額葉被抬高暴露了對側頸動脈和大腦前動脈和中動脈。E,頸動脈被抬高通過頸動脈和動眼神經之間的間隔暴露基底動脈頂端。後床突阻斷了基底動脈的通路。 F, the anterior clinoid process and the roof of the cavernous sinus have been removed to provide access to the posterior clinoid process. The upper dural ring is located at the level of the upper margin of the anterior clinoid process. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Contra., contralateral; Ipsi., ipsilateral; Lam., lamina; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Term., terminalis; V1., first ophthalmic branch, trigeminal nerve. 


圖5.9。f。額顳開顱術暴露前切口空間。A,插入物顯示了開顱手術的位置。額葉和顳葉被縮回以暴露視神經和動眼神經以及前、中大腦和後交通動脈。B,視神經三角,位於視神經、頸動脈和大腦前動脈之間,已被輕輕打開,露出基底尖和同側動眼神經向前穿過PCA和SCA之間。C,暴露被定向到視神經交叉上方以暴露前交通動脈區域。D,額葉被抬高暴露了對側頸動脈和大腦前動脈和中動脈。E,頸動脈被抬高通過頸動脈和動眼神經之間的間隔暴露基底動脈頂端。後床突阻斷了基底動脈的通路。 F, the anterior clinoid process and the roof of the cavernous sinus have been removed to provide access to the posterior clinoid process. The upper dural ring is located at the level of the upper margin of the anterior clinoid process. A., artery; A.C.A., anterior cerebral artery; Ant., anterior; Bas., basilar; Car., carotid; Cav., cavernous; Clin., clinoid; CN, cranial nerve; Comm., communicating; Contra., contralateral; Ipsi., ipsilateral; Lam., lamina; M.C.A., middle cerebral artery; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Term., terminalis; V1., first ophthalmic branch, trigeminal nerve.

圖5.9。G-J。額顳開顱術暴露前切口空間。G,後床突被切除以增加基底動脈上部的通路。H幕邊緣的前部已經被切除,暴露出三叉神經後根在Meckel 's洞穴的上邊緣,並增加進入後窩前上部的通道。在開幕邊緣前部保留滑車神經。I,另一種剝離術,切除前床突和海綿竇頂,暴露前頸動脈和後動眼器之間的後床突。J,切除後床突以增加基底動脈上部的通路。


圖5.9。G-J。額顳開顱術暴露前切口空間。G,後床突被切除以增加基底動脈上部的通路。H幕邊緣的前部已經被切除,暴露出三叉神經後根在Meckel 's洞穴的上邊緣,並增加進入後窩前上部的通道。在開幕邊緣前部保留滑車神經。I,另一種剝離術,切除前床突和海綿竇頂,暴露前頸動脈和後動眼器之間的後床突。J,切除後床突以增加基底動脈上部的通路。







起源於或延伸至前切口間隙的腫瘤包括垂體腺瘤,適應證斜坡脊索瘤,起源於鞍結節、斜坡和蝶脊內側的腦膜瘤,視神經膠質瘤和下丘腦,部分皮樣囊腫而且畸胎瘤和動眼神經瘤。在前切口空間的腫瘤可通過雙額、額下、額-半球間、額顳、顳下和經蝶竇途徑接近。位於視交叉和鞍底之間的Liliequist膜前方的腫瘤通常經蝶竇或額下路手術。如果腫瘤從增大的蝶鞍向上延伸並位於充氣蝶竇上方,則首選經蝶竇入路。額下顱內入路用於交叉池內的腫瘤,這些腫瘤完全位於鞍膈之上,或向上延伸出正常或小鞍,或位於非充氣(甲)型蝶竇之上,經蝶竇入路無法到達。額下入路允許通過四種途徑暴露前切口空間內的腫瘤:1)視神經和視交叉以下的交叉下入路;2)視神經與頸動脈之間的頸動脈光路;3)端板入路通過變薄的端板指向視交叉上方;4)經額側開顱術進入蝶竇和蝶鞍獲得的經額-蝶入路(22,25,26)。如果交叉下開口因腫瘤而增大,則采用交叉下入路。 The opticocarotid route is selected if parasellar extension of the tumor widens the space between the carotid artery and the optic nerve and the tumor cannot be reached by the subchiasmatic approach. The lamina terminalis approach is selected if the tumor has pushed the chiasm into a prefixed position and extends into the third ventricle to stretch the lamina terminalis so that the tumor is visible through it. The transfrontal-transsphenoidal approach is selected if the tumor grows upward out of the sella, the sphenoid sinus is pneumatized and the tumor does not stretch the lamina terminalis or widen the opticocarotid space, and a prefixed chiasm blocks the subchiasmatic exposure. A bifrontal craniotomy may be used if the tumor extends forward in both anterior cranial fossae and cannot be reached by a unilateral subfrontal exposure. A frontal interhemispheric approach directed along the anterior part of the falx is used for lesions restricted to the part of the anterior interhemispheric space located just below the rostrum, especially if the tumor arises in the genu or rostrum of and grows into the anterior incisural space.



中切口間隙的病變包括源自Meckel 's cave的腦膜瘤、遊離邊緣的前部和岩尖、顳葉和丘腦的膠質瘤、內側顳葉的前靜脈畸形、滑車神經瘤和三叉神經瘤。起源於中間切口間隙的罕見動脈瘤通常位於主動脈瘤的第一個主要皮層分支的起源處,或位於主動脈瘤的吻側主幹和尾側主幹的分叉處。采用靜脈和動脈移植的旁路手術已應用於大腦後支和小腦上支的主幹和分支,在切口附近的中切口空間。由於杏仁核和海馬都向遊離邊緣內側延伸,在癲癇患者行杏仁核海馬切除術和顳葉切除術時暴露了中間切口空間。三叉神經在三叉神經痛手術過程中也經常暴露於正中切口。


三叉神經後根經常通過在中切口間隙幕下部分的側側枕下開顱術進行根切開術或微血管減壓手術暴露。曝光的方向是沿著由幕插入到岩脊形成的角度。通過顳下顱骨切除術聯合幕狀突切口,Meckel’s cave近端的後根也被暴露出來(11)。後根也可通過顳下硬膜外入路暴露在Meckel 's洞內進行根切開術。

圖5.10。f。四頭池和第三後腦室中線、中位經小腦上幕下、枕部幕後入路的比較。A-D,第三腦室和四腦池的視圖。A,從上麵看第三心室。穹窿體將側腦室體與第三腦室頂分開。穹窿體向後與穹窿小腿混合,穹窿小腿位於第三腦室後部上方。脈絡膜裂是脈絡膜叢的附著部位,位於穹窿和丘腦之間。B,穹窿在柱的水平處被分割,就在Monro孔的後麵,向後反射,暴露出後連合、鬆果體和四頭池的相鄰部分。C,四腦池位於鬆果體和丘的後麵,在枕核之間。 It extends into the cerebellomesencephalic fissure. The trochlear nerves arise below the inferior colliculi. D, view similar to C, except that the vessels have been preserved. The internal cerebral and basal veins join the vein of Galen behind the pineal. The PCA and SCA exit the ambient cistern to enter the lateral part of the quadrigeminal cistern. Both the infratentorial supracerebellar and occipital transtentorial approaches are directed to this area. E and F, midline infratentorial supracerebellar approach. E, the venous complex emptying into the vein of Galen blocks access to the pineal region. This complex includes the internal occipital, basal and internal cerebral veins, and the vein of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure. A tentorial branch of the SCA crosses the exposure. F, the vein of Galen has been retracted to expose the splenium. The vein of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure has been retracted to expose the pineal. A., artery; Bridg., bridging; Cer., cerebral; Cer. Mes., cerebellomesencephalic; Chor., choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Comm., communicating; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sag., sagittal; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Str., straight; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Ve., vermian; Vent., ventricle. 


圖5.10。f。四頭池和第三後腦室中線、中位經小腦上幕下、枕部幕後入路的比較。A-D,第三腦室和四腦池的視圖。A,從上麵看第三心室。穹窿體將側腦室體與第三腦室頂分開。穹窿體向後與穹窿小腿混合,穹窿小腿位於第三腦室後部上方。脈絡膜裂是脈絡膜叢的附著部位,位於穹窿和丘腦之間。B,穹窿在柱的水平處被分割,就在Monro孔的後麵,向後反射,暴露出後連合、鬆果體和四頭池的相鄰部分。C,四腦池位於鬆果體和丘的後麵,在枕核之間。 It extends into the cerebellomesencephalic fissure. The trochlear nerves arise below the inferior colliculi. D, view similar to C, except that the vessels have been preserved. The internal cerebral and basal veins join the vein of Galen behind the pineal. The PCA and SCA exit the ambient cistern to enter the lateral part of the quadrigeminal cistern. Both the infratentorial supracerebellar and occipital transtentorial approaches are directed to this area. E and F, midline infratentorial supracerebellar approach. E, the venous complex emptying into the vein of Galen blocks access to the pineal region. This complex includes the internal occipital, basal and internal cerebral veins, and the vein of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure. A tentorial branch of the SCA crosses the exposure. F, the vein of Galen has been retracted to expose the splenium. The vein of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure has been retracted to expose the pineal. A., artery; Bridg., bridging; Cer., cerebral; Cer. Mes., cerebellomesencephalic; Chor., choroidal; Cist., cistern; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Comm., communicating; Fiss., fissure; For., foramen; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Lat., lateral; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Plex., plexus; Post., posterior; Quad., quadrigeminal; Sag., sagittal; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Str., straight; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; Tent., tentorial; Trans., transverse; V., vein; Ve., vermian; Vent., ventricle.





圖5.10。G-L。G和H,中線幕下小腦上入路。G,左側腦基底靜脈和內靜脈被抬高,小腦後腦裂靜脈被蚓上靜脈連接,已向右縮回,露出上丘、鬆果體和脾。H,附著在鬆果體上表麵的脈留膜末梢被打開,露出第三腦室的後部。I-L,幕下小腦上入路的中位變體。在這種變體中,腦幕表麵的收縮從蚓部和腦幕尖移至半球的中端。該入路的中位變體可進入四頭池的外側部分和周圍池的後部,此外,與蚓尖上方中線入路相比,該入路能更好地觀察小腦後裂的中央和同側半部分。第一,中側入路的後收已移至蚓部左側。J,左腦內和枕內靜脈被縮回,露出脾後部,鬆果體和上、下丘,以及從周圍池出的PCA和SCA分支。 K, enlarged view. The exposure has been shifted to where the PCA exits the ambient cistern. L, the paramedian approach provides easier access to the superior and inferior colliculi and requires less retraction than is needed to expose these structures in the approach directed in the midline above the apex of the tentorial cerebellar surface. 


圖5.10。G-L。G和H,中線幕下小腦上入路。G,左側腦基底靜脈和內靜脈被抬高,小腦後腦裂靜脈被蚓上靜脈連接,已向右縮回,露出上丘、鬆果體和脾。H,附著在鬆果體上表麵的脈留膜末梢被打開,露出第三腦室的後部。I-L,幕下小腦上入路的中位變體。在這種變體中,腦幕表麵的收縮從蚓部和腦幕尖移至半球的中端。該入路的中位變體可進入四頭池的外側部分和周圍池的後部,此外,與蚓尖上方中線入路相比,該入路能更好地觀察小腦後裂的中央和同側半部分。第一,中側入路的後收已移至蚓部左側。J,左腦內和枕內靜脈被縮回,露出脾後部,鬆果體和上、下丘,以及從周圍池出的PCA和SCA分支。 K, enlarged view. The exposure has been shifted to where the PCA exits the ambient cistern. L, the paramedian approach provides easier access to the superior and inferior colliculi and requires less retraction than is needed to expose these structures in the approach directed in the midline above the apex of the tentorial cerebellar surface.

圖5.10。先生。枕transtentorial方法。M,枕骨幕後區沿著枕骨葉的內側表麵在羔羊骨縫線下麵。在羔羊骨縫合下方的枕葉通常沒有通往上矢狀竇的橋靜脈,因此它是枕骨幕前入路的合理路徑。N,枕葉後6cm與上矢狀竇之間沒有大的橋靜脈。第一個靜脈是枕內靜脈它從枕內葉的前部到蓋倫靜脈。噢,蓋倫靜脈已被收回從上麵露出脾和鬆果體。P,在直竇的外側打開幕,蓋倫靜脈移至左側暴露鬆果體和上、下丘。Q,抬高Galen靜脈的分支可以很好地觀察到四叉腦池,與小腦幕下小腦上入路相比,可以更好地觀察到小腦間裂。 R, the exposure has been directed laterally along the side of the brainstem to the ambient cistern where the lateral margin of the cerebral peduncle is exposed. 


圖5.10。先生。枕transtentorial方法。M,枕骨幕後區沿著枕骨葉的內側表麵在羔羊骨縫線下麵。在羔羊骨縫合下方的枕葉通常沒有通往上矢狀竇的橋靜脈,因此它是枕骨幕前入路的合理路徑。N,枕葉後6cm與上矢狀竇之間沒有大的橋靜脈。第一個靜脈是枕內靜脈它從枕內葉的前部到蓋倫靜脈。噢,蓋倫靜脈已被收回從上麵露出脾和鬆果體。P,在直竇的外側打開幕,蓋倫靜脈移至左側暴露鬆果體和上、下丘。Q,抬高Galen靜脈的分支可以很好地觀察到四叉腦池,與小腦幕下小腦上入路相比,可以更好地觀察到小腦間裂。 R, the exposure has been directed laterally along the side of the brainstem to the ambient cistern where the lateral margin of the cerebral peduncle is exposed.

圖5.11。幕下小腦上、枕部幕下及幕下聯合入路的比較。幕下小腦上入路。入路在幕下表麵和幕小腦表麵之間。進入Galen靜脈的大靜脈複合體位於暴露的中央,PCA和SCA橫向暴露。小腦後裂的一條大靜脈阻斷了鬆果體的通路,限製了小腦後裂的通路。這種入路適用於位於Galen靜脈下方中線且不深入橋小腦裂的病變。環繞小腦後腦裂唇的SCA分支可能向上延伸並限製進入鬆果體區。B,小腦後腦裂的靜脈必須分開以露出鬆果體。內側後脈絡膜動脈與該區域的靜脈交織在一起。 C, the occipital transtentorial approach has been directed along the medial side of the right occipital lobe. The tentorium behind the quadrigeminal cistern has been divided. The approach provides access to the splenium and the upper part of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure and has been extended forward to the lateral surface of the cerebral peduncles. Both the superior and inferior colliculi can be exposed and the arteries can be followed forward into the ipsilateral ambient cistern. In addition, the veins joining the vein of Galen can be elevated to expose the pineal. The trochlear nerve is exposed just distal to its brainstem exit below the inferior colliculus. D, combined supra and infratentorial exposure with the division of the transverse sinus and tentorium. Division of the transverse sinus, if it is small and well collateralized, provides an exposure that combines both the supra- and infratentorial approaches. A., artery; Cer., cerebral; Cer. Mes., cerebellomesencephalic; Chor., choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; V., vein. 


圖5.11。幕下小腦上、枕部幕下及幕下聯合入路的比較。幕下小腦上入路。入路在幕下表麵和幕小腦表麵之間。進入Galen靜脈的大靜脈複合體位於暴露的中央,PCA和SCA橫向暴露。小腦後裂的一條大靜脈阻斷了鬆果體的通路,限製了小腦後裂的通路。這種入路適用於位於Galen靜脈下方中線且不深入橋小腦裂的病變。環繞小腦後腦裂唇的SCA分支可能向上延伸並限製進入鬆果體區。B,小腦後腦裂的靜脈必須分開以露出鬆果體。內側後脈絡膜動脈與該區域的靜脈交織在一起。 C, the occipital transtentorial approach has been directed along the medial side of the right occipital lobe. The tentorium behind the quadrigeminal cistern has been divided. The approach provides access to the splenium and the upper part of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure and has been extended forward to the lateral surface of the cerebral peduncles. Both the superior and inferior colliculi can be exposed and the arteries can be followed forward into the ipsilateral ambient cistern. In addition, the veins joining the vein of Galen can be elevated to expose the pineal. The trochlear nerve is exposed just distal to its brainstem exit below the inferior colliculus. D, combined supra and infratentorial exposure with the division of the transverse sinus and tentorium. Division of the transverse sinus, if it is small and well collateralized, provides an exposure that combines both the supra- and infratentorial approaches. A., artery; Cer., cerebral; Cer. Mes., cerebellomesencephalic; Chor., choroidal; CN, cranial nerve; Coll., colliculus; Fiss., fissure; Inf., inferior; Int., internal; Med., medial; Occip., occipital; P.C.A., posterior cerebral artery; Ped., peduncle; Post., posterior; S.C.A., superior cerebellar artery; Sup., superior; Temp., temporal; V., vein.


在檢查後切口間隙時,我們比較了幕下小腦上入路和枕端幕後入路的中線和中位變體(圖5.10和5.11)。幕下小腦上中線入路陡峭向上延伸至蚓部頂端,在那裏大量靜脈注入Galen靜脈,特別是小腦後腦裂靜脈,阻斷了鬆果體區通路。靜脈複合體可以輕輕移位以暴露脾下部、鬆果體和上丘,但突出的蚓尖形成小腦後裂的後唇,限製了上丘水平以下的暴露。在幕下小腦上入路的中位變體中,回縮提前至蚓部外側半球以上。這個入路不像蚓尖上的入路那樣向上陡峭,可以進入鬆果體區(脾下部),也更容易進入同側的小腦後腦裂。此外,該入路可沿小腦表麵外側推進,暴露周圍腦池的後部。在枕葉幕前入路中,枕葉被收回,幕沿直竇邊緣分開。這為Galen靜脈上方的脾提供了通路,並且隨著切口後部靜脈複叢的輕微收縮,可以看到鬆果體和小腦後裂的上部。與幕下小腦上中線入路相比,該入路可更廣泛地進入小腦後腦裂中線和同側半部分。此外,它為到達周圍池的後部,甚至腳池內腦梗的外側表麵提供了一條極好的路徑。 The exposure of the lateral part of the contralateral half of the quadrigeminal cistern was more limited than could be achieved with the midline infratentorial supracerebellar approach. The supra and infratentorial approaches can be converted into a combined approach by dividing the transverse sinus in addition to the tentorium, if the sinus is small and is well collateralized through the opposite side (Fig. 5.11).

貢獻者:Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD

內容來自Rhoton AL, Jr.後顱窩:顯微外科解剖和外科入路。神經外科2000; 47:1196。doi.org/10.1097/00006123 - 200105000 - 00065.經牛津大學出版社代表神經外科醫師協會批準。©神經外科醫生協會。

神經外科188bet手机app圖譜很榮幸能夠繼承Albert L. Rhoton, Jr . MD的遺產。


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