波動率。 視頻


















本研究對8例用福爾馬林固定的成人屍體頭部的後切口間隙進行了檢查。在8個灌注福爾馬林的成年屍體頭部中,有6個的動脈和靜脈被注射了紅色和藍色的矽膠。所有屍體頭部均使用手術顯微鏡和直鏡提供的3 - 40倍放大鏡進行檢查。用高速鑽頭進行骨解剖。解剖遵循外科手術的步驟。



12例使用64片東芝Aquilion 64係統(東芝醫療係統)進行CTA研究,其餘8例使用320片東芝Aquilion One係統進行CTA研究。所有影像學檢查均在九州大學醫院進行。無一例患者因顱內病變而發生腫塊效應。



圖。1。通過中線、中線、外側和遠外側小腦小幕下路徑測量鬆果體的深度和小腦小幕麵角度。A:橫竇和乙狀竇拐角水平的軸向CT圖像(A平麵,穿過橫竇和乙狀竇交界處的軸向平麵)。在檢查不同的小腦上幕下入路時,小齒輪和乙狀竇之間的距離被分成三份。中線路線沿中線(藍色箭頭),旁正中路線沿中間三分之二交界處(黃色箭頭),外側路線沿中間和外側三分之二交界處(綠色箭頭),遠外側路線沿小腦上方毗鄰橫竇和乙狀竇交界處(紅色箭頭)。B:小腦上幕下鬆果體手術入路右後外側視圖。圖示中線(藍色箭頭)、中線(黃色箭頭)、側線(綠色箭頭)和遠側線(紅色箭頭)。版權所有Satoshi Matsuo。已獲授權發布。C:重建的CT矢狀麵圖像,垂直於A麵板所示平麵(平麵A),與鬆果體(紅圈)和中線路線接近點(藍圈)相交。 The approach point was defined as the point just below the sigmoid sinus on the inner surface of the occipital bone. The distance between the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) was defined as the depth of the pineal gland. The angle of the tentorial surface of the cerebellum was defined as the angle between the orbitomeatal plane and the line through the approach point (blue circle) and the highest point of the tentorial surface of the cerebellum (yellow circle). D: Reconstructed sagittal CT image perpendicular to Plane A and intersecting the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) of the paramedian route. E: Reconstructed sagittal CT image perpendicular to Plane A and intersecting the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) of the lateral route. F: Reconstructed sagittal CT image perpendicular to Plane A and intersecting the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) of the far-lateral route. Gl. = gland; Infratent. = infratentorial; Lat. = lateral; Mid. = midline; Paramed. = paramedian. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖。1。通過中線、中線、外側和遠外側小腦小幕下路徑測量鬆果體的深度和小腦小幕麵角度。A:橫竇和乙狀竇拐角水平的軸向CT圖像(A平麵,穿過橫竇和乙狀竇交界處的軸向平麵)。在檢查不同的小腦上幕下入路時,小齒輪和乙狀竇之間的距離被分成三份。中線路線沿中線(藍色箭頭),旁正中路線沿中間三分之二交界處(黃色箭頭),外側路線沿中間和外側三分之二交界處(綠色箭頭),遠外側路線沿小腦上方毗鄰橫竇和乙狀竇交界處(紅色箭頭)。B:小腦上幕下鬆果體手術入路右後外側視圖。圖示中線(藍色箭頭)、中線(黃色箭頭)、側線(綠色箭頭)和遠側線(紅色箭頭)。版權所有Satoshi Matsuo。已獲授權發布。C:重建的CT矢狀麵圖像,垂直於A麵板所示平麵(平麵A),與鬆果體(紅圈)和中線路線接近點(藍圈)相交。 The approach point was defined as the point just below the sigmoid sinus on the inner surface of the occipital bone. The distance between the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) was defined as the depth of the pineal gland. The angle of the tentorial surface of the cerebellum was defined as the angle between the orbitomeatal plane and the line through the approach point (blue circle) and the highest point of the tentorial surface of the cerebellum (yellow circle). D: Reconstructed sagittal CT image perpendicular to Plane A and intersecting the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) of the paramedian route. E: Reconstructed sagittal CT image perpendicular to Plane A and intersecting the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) of the lateral route. F: Reconstructed sagittal CT image perpendicular to Plane A and intersecting the pineal gland (red circle) and the approach point (blue circle) of the far-lateral route. Gl. = gland; Infratent. = infratentorial; Lat. = lateral; Mid. = midline; Paramed. = paramedian. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)




圖。2。後切口間隙的神經血管關係。A:左幕切骨側位圖。左大腦半球被切除了。小幕切骨位於小幕邊緣之間。小腦門板相對於腦幹分為前、中、後間隙。後切膜間隙,鬆果體的位置,位於中腦後和幕尖之間。腦後動脈和小腦上動脈起於前壁間隙,並繞腦幹到達後壁間隙。腦內靜脈穿過腦間膜,基底靜脈起源於前切口間隙,環繞中腦,在後切口間隙彙合,最後流入Galen靜脈。鬆果體位於第三腦室後方,Galen靜脈前方,脾前部下方,丘板上方。 B: Superior view of the left tentorial incisura after removal of all of the left cerebral hemisphere except the temporal lobe. The roof of the temporal horn and part of the parahippocampal gyrus have been removed. The basal vein, which originates in the anterior incisural space at the union of the anterior cerebral and deep middle cerebral veins, and internal cerebral vein join in the posterior incisural space and empty into the vein of Galen. C: Superior view of the tentorial incisura and cerebellum. The cerebral hemispheres and tentorium have been removed to expose the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The distal part of the posterior cerebral artery has been removed to expose the course of the superior cerebellar artery. The superior cerebellar artery, which usually arises below the oculomotor nerve as a single trunk from the basilar artery, arises on the right side as a duplicated trunk. The superior cerebellar artery courses below the trochlear nerve and above the trigeminal nerve, to reach the cerebellomesencephalic fissure, which extends downward between the midbrain and the cerebellum. The superficial part of the posterior lip of the fissure is formed by the culmen in the midline and the quadrangular lobule laterally. After leaving the fissure, the superior cerebellar artery gives rise to the branches to the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. D: Posterolateral view of the left posterior incisural space and tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The right occipital, parietal, and temporal lobes have been removed at the level of the body of the lateral ventricle. The right tentorium has been removed to expose the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The superior and inferior hemispheric veins drain the tentorial surface of the cerebellum and join before emptying into the tentorial sinuses. The posterior pericallosal vein, which drains the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus, empties around the splenium into the vein of Galen in the quadrigeminal cistern. E: Enlarged view. The internal cerebral, posterior pericallosal, basal, and superior vermian veins empty into the vein of Galen. The superior and inferior colliculi are located posterior and inferior to the pineal gland. The medial posterior choroidal artery courses beside the pineal gland and enters the velum interpositum in the roof of the third ventricle. The lateral posterior choroidal artery, which arises from the posterior cerebral artery, enters into the lateral ventricle through the choroidal fissure. A. = artery; A.C.A. = anterior cerebral artery; Ant. = anterior; Bas. = basilar; Calc. = calcarine; Car. = carotid; Cent. = central; Cer. = cerebral, cerebellar; Cer. Mes. = cerebellomesencephalic; Chor. = choroidal; Cing. = cingulate; Cist. = cistern; CN = cranial nerve; Coll. = colliculus; dup. = duplicate; Fiss. = fissure; For. = foramen (of); Gyr. = gyrus; Hem. = hemispheric; Incis. = incisural; Inf. = inferior; Int. = internal; Interpos. = interpositum; M.C.A. = middle cerebral artery; Med. = medial, medullary; Mid. = middle; Occip. = occipital; P.C.A. = posterior cerebral artery; P. Comm. = posterior communicating; Par. = parietal; Parahippo. = parahippocampal; Ped. = peduncle; Pericall. = pericallosal; Post. = posterior; Quad. = quadrigeminal, quadrangular; S.C.A. = superior cerebellar artery; Sag.= sagittal; Str. = straight; Sulc. = sulcus; Sup. = superior; Sylv. = sylvian; Temp. = temporal; Tent. = tentorium, tentorial; V. = vein (of); Vel. = velum; Vent. = ventricle; Verm. = vermian. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖。2。後切口間隙的神經血管關係。A:左幕切骨側位圖。左大腦半球被切除了。小幕切骨位於小幕邊緣之間。小腦門板相對於腦幹分為前、中、後間隙。後切膜間隙,鬆果體的位置,位於中腦後和幕尖之間。腦後動脈和小腦上動脈起於前壁間隙,並繞腦幹到達後壁間隙。腦內靜脈穿過腦間膜,基底靜脈起源於前切口間隙,環繞中腦,在後切口間隙彙合,最後流入Galen靜脈。鬆果體位於第三腦室後方,Galen靜脈前方,脾前部下方,丘板上方。 B: Superior view of the left tentorial incisura after removal of all of the left cerebral hemisphere except the temporal lobe. The roof of the temporal horn and part of the parahippocampal gyrus have been removed. The basal vein, which originates in the anterior incisural space at the union of the anterior cerebral and deep middle cerebral veins, and internal cerebral vein join in the posterior incisural space and empty into the vein of Galen. C: Superior view of the tentorial incisura and cerebellum. The cerebral hemispheres and tentorium have been removed to expose the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The distal part of the posterior cerebral artery has been removed to expose the course of the superior cerebellar artery. The superior cerebellar artery, which usually arises below the oculomotor nerve as a single trunk from the basilar artery, arises on the right side as a duplicated trunk. The superior cerebellar artery courses below the trochlear nerve and above the trigeminal nerve, to reach the cerebellomesencephalic fissure, which extends downward between the midbrain and the cerebellum. The superficial part of the posterior lip of the fissure is formed by the culmen in the midline and the quadrangular lobule laterally. After leaving the fissure, the superior cerebellar artery gives rise to the branches to the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. D: Posterolateral view of the left posterior incisural space and tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The right occipital, parietal, and temporal lobes have been removed at the level of the body of the lateral ventricle. The right tentorium has been removed to expose the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The superior and inferior hemispheric veins drain the tentorial surface of the cerebellum and join before emptying into the tentorial sinuses. The posterior pericallosal vein, which drains the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus, empties around the splenium into the vein of Galen in the quadrigeminal cistern. E: Enlarged view. The internal cerebral, posterior pericallosal, basal, and superior vermian veins empty into the vein of Galen. The superior and inferior colliculi are located posterior and inferior to the pineal gland. The medial posterior choroidal artery courses beside the pineal gland and enters the velum interpositum in the roof of the third ventricle. The lateral posterior choroidal artery, which arises from the posterior cerebral artery, enters into the lateral ventricle through the choroidal fissure. A. = artery; A.C.A. = anterior cerebral artery; Ant. = anterior; Bas. = basilar; Calc. = calcarine; Car. = carotid; Cent. = central; Cer. = cerebral, cerebellar; Cer. Mes. = cerebellomesencephalic; Chor. = choroidal; Cing. = cingulate; Cist. = cistern; CN = cranial nerve; Coll. = colliculus; dup. = duplicate; Fiss. = fissure; For. = foramen (of); Gyr. = gyrus; Hem. = hemispheric; Incis. = incisural; Inf. = inferior; Int. = internal; Interpos. = interpositum; M.C.A. = middle cerebral artery; Med. = medial, medullary; Mid. = middle; Occip. = occipital; P.C.A. = posterior cerebral artery; P. Comm. = posterior communicating; Par. = parietal; Parahippo. = parahippocampal; Ped. = peduncle; Pericall. = pericallosal; Post. = posterior; Quad. = quadrigeminal, quadrangular; S.C.A. = superior cerebellar artery; Sag.= sagittal; Str. = straight; Sulc. = sulcus; Sup. = superior; Sylv. = sylvian; Temp. = temporal; Tent. = tentorium, tentorial; V. = vein (of); Vel. = velum; Vent. = ventricle; Verm. = vermian. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖。3。後切口間隙的神經關係。A:切除左腦半球、小腦和腦幹後切牙間隙的矢狀麵。後切間隙的前壁由鬆果體、上、下丘和蚓舌組成。後切口空間的屋頂由脾下表麵和穹窿體後部組成。後切間隙的底部由蚓部的頂部和中央小葉組成。後切間隙向下延伸至小腦腦裂。B:右半腦幹在上丘水平切除後的右後上視圖。韁肌和後連肌形成了腺體與第三腦室後部的連接。枕骨、穹窿小腿和海馬旁回構成後切口空間的側壁。 C: Inferior view of the medial temporal lobe and lateral wall of the posterior incisural space. The brainstem and cerebellum have been removed. The pulvinar, located just lateral to the pineal body, and the crus of the fornix, located posterior to the pulvinar, form the lateral wall of the posterior incisura space. Cer. Mes. = cerebellomesencephalic; Coll. = colliculus; Comm. = commissure; Hab. = habenular; Hippo. = hippocampal; Mam. = mammillary; Tr. = tract. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖。3。後切口間隙的神經關係。A:切除左腦半球、小腦和腦幹後切牙間隙的矢狀麵。後切間隙的前壁由鬆果體、上、下丘和蚓舌組成。後切口空間的屋頂由脾下表麵和穹窿體後部組成。後切間隙的底部由蚓部的頂部和中央小葉組成。後切間隙向下延伸至小腦腦裂。B:右半腦幹在上丘水平切除後的右後上視圖。韁肌和後連肌形成了腺體與第三腦室後部的連接。枕骨、穹窿小腿和海馬旁回構成後切口空間的側壁。 C: Inferior view of the medial temporal lobe and lateral wall of the posterior incisural space. The brainstem and cerebellum have been removed. The pulvinar, located just lateral to the pineal body, and the crus of the fornix, located posterior to the pulvinar, form the lateral wall of the posterior incisura space. Cer. Mes. = cerebellomesencephalic; Coll. = colliculus; Comm. = commissure; Hab. = habenular; Hippo. = hippocampal; Mam. = mammillary; Tr. = tract. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)






腦內靜脈、基底靜脈和Galen靜脈及其支流穿過後切膜間隙(圖2A、B、D、E)。腦內靜脈起於Monro孔後方,穿過腦間膜進入後切膜間隙,在此靜脈與對側夥伴彙合形成Galen靜脈(圖2A、B、D、基底靜脈起源於大腦前靜脈和Sylvian深靜脈的結合(圖2B)。基底靜脈在後側中腦和顳葉之間,到達後切膜間隙,流入腦內靜脈或Galen靜脈(圖2A, B, D, E)。22前鈣質靜脈,又稱枕內靜脈,引流楔形和舌前部,並流入蓋倫靜脈。22後胼胝體周圍靜脈,引流扣帶回後部,經脾部流入四叉神經池的Galen靜脈或腦內靜脈(圖2D和E)。22腦窩靜脈引流腦窩板,並向後排入小腦腦裂靜脈、Galen靜脈或蚓上靜脈(圖4C、4D和5)鬆果體靜脈起源於鉤狀三角區附近,向後向鬆果體上或下外側延伸,流入腦內靜脈或Galen靜脈(圖4C、4D和5)。2Galen靜脈經過脾下,排空至幕尖的直竇(圖2A、2B、2D和2E)。Galen靜脈與直竇的交界處,如果幕尖位於脾下,則接近平坦,如果幕尖位於脾上,則形成一個銳角,因此Galen靜脈必須急劇向上轉,才能到達幕尖的直竇。22

圖。4。中線(A和B)和右中線(C和D)小幕下小腦上顯微手術和內鏡入路到鬆果體。A:鬆果體顯微中線入路。打開四叉神經池,可以看到蚓上靜脈、枕內靜脈、基底靜脈、腦內靜脈和Galen靜脈。在中線入路中,可能需要收縮或犧牲蠕蟲上靜脈以暴露鬆果體區。B:內窺鏡中線入路。C:鬆果體右側旁位顯微外科入路。在蚓上靜脈和腦內靜脈之間可暴露鬆果體和上、下丘,而不犧牲靜脈。腺體的離中線視圖打開了腺體周圍大靜脈之間的視角。D:內鏡輔助入路。 The pineal gland can be exposed between the galenic tributaries. Retracting the cerebellum can provide access to the superior and inferior colliculi. Coll. = collicular, colliculus; Med. = medial; Tent. = tentorial, tentorium. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖。4。中線(A和B)和右中線(C和D)小幕下小腦上顯微手術和內鏡入路到鬆果體。A:鬆果體顯微中線入路。打開四叉神經池,可以看到蚓上靜脈、枕內靜脈、基底靜脈、腦內靜脈和Galen靜脈。在中線入路中,可能需要收縮或犧牲蠕蟲上靜脈以暴露鬆果體區。B:內窺鏡中線入路。C:鬆果體右側旁位顯微外科入路。在蚓上靜脈和腦內靜脈之間可暴露鬆果體和上、下丘,而不犧牲靜脈。腺體的離中線視圖打開了腺體周圍大靜脈之間的視角。D:內鏡輔助入路。 The pineal gland can be exposed between the galenic tributaries. Retracting the cerebellum can provide access to the superior and inferior colliculi. Coll. = collicular, colliculus; Med. = medial; Tent. = tentorial, tentorium. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖。5。右側(A和B)和遠側(C和D)小幕下小腦上顯微外科和內窺鏡入路到鬆果體。A:鬆果體右側顯微外科入路。注意,中線外入路允許暴露在半球靜脈之間,在淺層流入幕竇,在Galen靜脈水平前於蚓上靜脈。B:內窺鏡側入路。C:鬆果體右側遠側顯微手術入路。進路向外側移動得越遠,蚓上靜脈與腦內靜脈之間的進路就越寬。D:內鏡遠側入路。Cer。=腦; Cer. Mes. = cerebellomesencephalic; Coll. = collicular, colliculus; Tent. = tentorial, tentorium. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)

圖。5。右側(A和B)和遠側(C和D)小幕下小腦上顯微外科和內窺鏡入路到鬆果體。A:鬆果體右側顯微外科入路。注意,中線外入路允許暴露在半球靜脈之間,在淺層流入幕竇,在Galen靜脈水平前於蚓上靜脈。B:內窺鏡側入路。C:鬆果體右側遠側顯微手術入路。進路向外側移動得越遠,蚓上靜脈與腦內靜脈之間的進路就越寬。D:內鏡遠側入路。Cer。=腦; Cer. Mes. = cerebellomesencephalic; Coll. = collicular, colliculus; Tent. = tentorial, tentorium. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)



4條路徑中,錐體中線以下鬆果體深度最短(平均[±SD] 5.9±0.4 cm,範圍4.7 ~ 6.5 cm;3條中線外路徑深度基本相同,均比中線進路深度大於5mm(表1)。中線進路幕麵坡度平均值為35.2°±6.9°(範圍21.0°-46.8°),是4條進路中坡度最陡的一條。隨著入路側向移動,入路夾角逐漸減小(表2)。中線入路的入路夾角均值為20.3°±5.8°(7.6°-30.1°),與中間入路和外側入路的入路夾角均值基本相同,而遠側入路的入路夾角均值最大(24.0°±3.3°,17.1°-29.6°;表3)。





圖。6。小腦上幕下鬆果體顯微手術入路。A:小腦枕下表麵。扁桃體後靜脈上行與蚓下靜脈彙合,蚓下靜脈沿蚓半球裂隙上行並流入橫竇靠近眼眶和中線。下半球靜脈上升進入幕內靜脈竇。右下半球靜脈與扁桃體後靜脈吻合。B:帳篷下方的後視圖。蚓下靜脈引流扁桃體、蚓下和半球的鄰近部分,並流入中線附近的橫竇。上、下半球靜脈引流枕下麵和小腦幕麵,並流入幕下竇,其可流入直竇(C)或橫竇(D)。兩組半球橋靜脈之間的離中線幕下入路通常可進入鬆果體,而不損害任何橋靜脈。而中線入路通常需要明顯的回縮或閉塞這些橋靜脈。 C: Posterior view beneath the right half of the tentorium. The superior and inferior hemispheric veins drain the suboccipital and tentorial cerebellar surfaces and empty into a tentorial sinus, which empties into the straight sinus in the posterior fossa. D: Posterior view beneath the left half of the tentorium. The superior and inferior hemispheric veins drain the suboccipital and tentorial cerebellar surfaces and empty into a tentorial sinus that empties into the transverse sinus. E: Superior view of the tentorium. The cerebral hemispheres have been removed while preserving the tentorium. Each half of the tentorium has 2 tentorial sinuses. The medial tentorial sinuses (yellow arrows) course medially to empty into the straight sinus near the junction of the straight and transverse sinuses. The lateral tentorial sinuses (red arrows), formed by the union of veins from the basal and lateral surfaces of the temporal and occipital lobes, including the vein of Labbé and temporobasal and occipital veins, course laterally to empty into the terminal portion of the transverse sinus. F: Superior view of the tentorial cerebellar surface. The tentorium has been removed while preserving the tentorial edges and the tentorial, superior petrosal, straight, and transverse sinuses. The medial tentorial sinuses formed by the union of the superior and inferior hemispheric veins course medially to empty into the torcula or straight sinus. P.I.C.A. = posterior inferior cerebellar artery; Pet. = petrosal; Retrotons. = retrotonsilar; Tent. = tentorial, tentorium; Trans. = transverse.

圖。6。小腦上幕下鬆果體顯微手術入路。A:小腦枕下表麵。扁桃體後靜脈上行與蚓下靜脈彙合,蚓下靜脈沿蚓半球裂隙上行並流入橫竇靠近眼眶和中線。下半球靜脈上升進入幕內靜脈竇。右下半球靜脈與扁桃體後靜脈吻合。B:帳篷下方的後視圖。蚓下靜脈引流扁桃體、蚓下和半球的鄰近部分,並流入中線附近的橫竇。上、下半球靜脈引流枕下麵和小腦幕麵,並流入幕下竇,其可流入直竇(C)或橫竇(D)。兩組半球橋靜脈之間的離中線幕下入路通常可進入鬆果體,而不損害任何橋靜脈。而中線入路通常需要明顯的回縮或閉塞這些橋靜脈。 C: Posterior view beneath the right half of the tentorium. The superior and inferior hemispheric veins drain the suboccipital and tentorial cerebellar surfaces and empty into a tentorial sinus, which empties into the straight sinus in the posterior fossa. D: Posterior view beneath the left half of the tentorium. The superior and inferior hemispheric veins drain the suboccipital and tentorial cerebellar surfaces and empty into a tentorial sinus that empties into the transverse sinus. E: Superior view of the tentorium. The cerebral hemispheres have been removed while preserving the tentorium. Each half of the tentorium has 2 tentorial sinuses. The medial tentorial sinuses (yellow arrows) course medially to empty into the straight sinus near the junction of the straight and transverse sinuses. The lateral tentorial sinuses (red arrows), formed by the union of veins from the basal and lateral surfaces of the temporal and occipital lobes, including the vein of Labbé and temporobasal and occipital veins, course laterally to empty into the terminal portion of the transverse sinus. F: Superior view of the tentorial cerebellar surface. The tentorium has been removed while preserving the tentorial edges and the tentorial, superior petrosal, straight, and transverse sinuses. The medial tentorial sinuses formed by the union of the superior and inferior hemispheric veins course medially to empty into the torcula or straight sinus. P.I.C.A. = posterior inferior cerebellar artery; Pet. = petrosal; Retrotons. = retrotonsilar; Tent. = tentorial, tentorium; Trans. = transverse.


解剖環繞四神經池的蛛網膜,可見由Galen靜脈支流形成的第二層靜脈,它阻斷了通往鬆果體區的通道。Galen靜脈的這些支流,包括上vermian和小腦裂靜脈,從中線的下方向接近Galen靜脈,其他如腦內靜脈和基底靜脈,從靠近中線的上方到達Galen靜脈(圖2A, 2B, 2D, 2E, 4, 5)。蚓上靜脈和小腦上靜脈在鬆果體下方一條高於另一條,如果入路嚴格沿著中線,可能需要收縮或犧牲(圖4和5)。將入路稍微側向偏離中線可避免犧牲這些靜脈。離中線入路的一個優點是,當它們向外側移動得更遠時,它們打開了位於下方的腦小腦裂與上方的腦內靜脈之間的夾角,並提供了通往腺體的通道,通常沒有靜脈犧牲,除了可能的小支流,如鬆果體靜脈,直接從鬆果體和鄰近的神經結構流出(圖4和圖5)。












內窺鏡幕下小腦上入路已應用於鬆果體囊腫、表皮樣和星形細胞瘤等病變,3、27它被認為是顯微鏡下鬆果體的另一種方法。33最近,Hasan等人。33通過測量手術自由度定量研究了內窺鏡和顯微外科小腦上幕下入路。他們報告說,他們的側路,我們在本研究中稱為遠側路,提供了最大的手術暴露和最大的垂直攻擊角度,而中線路在通過內窺鏡小腦上幕下入路接近鬆果體時提供了最大的水平角度。33內窺鏡下小腦上幕下入路需要更少的小腦收縮,並可能在不犧牲橋靜脈的情況下幫助接近鬆果體病變(圖4B, 4D, 5B和5D)。



貢獻者:Satoshi Matsuo, MD, Serhat Baydin, MD, Abuzer Güngör, MD, Koichi Miki, MD, Noritaka Komune, MD, PhD, Ryota Kurogi, MD, Koji Iihara, MD, PhD和Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD

內容來自Matsuo S, Baydin S, Güngör A, Miki K, Komune N, Kurogi R, Iihara K, Rhoton AL, Jr.鬆果體中線和中線外幕下小腦上入路。J Neurosurg2017; 126:1984 - 1994。doi.org/10.3171/2016.7.JNS16277

神經外科188bet手机app圖集很榮幸能夠保持Albert L. Rhoton, Jr, MD的遺產。


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